Homoeopathic Approach To Lichen Planus: A Case Study by Dr. Kalika Devakate
Homoeopathic Approach To Lichen Planus: A Case Study by Dr. Kalika Devakate
Homoeopathic Approach To Lichen Planus: A Case Study by Dr. Kalika Devakate
E-ISSN: 2616-4493
P-ISSN: 2616-4485
www.homoeopathicjournal.com Homoeopathic approach to lichen planus: A
IJHS 2024; 8(3): 93-99
Received: 17-05-2024 case report
Accepted: 25-06-2024
Case Report
A 20-year-old female came in OPD with complaints of Itching with uneasiness, dryness and
erythematous, violaceous, papular eruptions over
Corresponding Author: 1. Right leg over medial side of knee since 1 week.
Dr. Kalika Adhikrao Devakate 2. Left axilla since 4 days.
(1) M.D (Hom), Professor and 3. Right & left side of abdomen since 4 days.
Head of Department,
Department of Homoeopathic
History of chief complaints
Materia Medical at K.E.S.
Chandrakant Hari Keluskar Small Papular rash with itching started on right leg one week back, day by day it goes on
Homoeopathic Medical increasing over left axilla and Right & left side of abdomen within 4 days. Now the colour of
College, Alibag, Raigad, eruptions are changing from red to bluish purple colour. Eruptions are with intense itching,
Maharashtra, India burning and dryness. Aggravation during bath, at night, after bath, Amelioration after
(2) Student of PhD,
Homoeopathic Materia Medica
at Dr. G. D. Pol Foundation Patient said,” At first glance I felt it as chicken pox eruption then again thought of Herpes
Y. M. T. Homoeopathic zoaster as my sister was suffered from herpes last month. This intense itching makes me feel
Medical College, Hospital & uneasy. Can’t concentrate on work, can’t sleep due to this intense itching and dryness of
PG Institute, Khargar, Navi skin. I feel better by scratching but again intense desire to scratch which makes me disturbed.
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Itching get worse during bath and after bath. Itching is intense at night. It should get cleared.
(3) Maharashtra University of
Health Science, Nashik, If it would have been coming and going then its ok for me but it is going on increasing day
Maharashtra, India
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International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences https://www.homoeopathicjournal.com
by day which makes me worry. When I was in 7 th to 9th std., of father and I convinced him about my studies. After few
I had experienced a horrible fungal infection, it was so badly days he didn’t asked me about that but on that day he was so
affected. I took treatment from most of all skin specialist angry and he kicked out my Mom from home at midnight
from Panvel but didn’t get relief for 2-3 yrs. consistently, at and she went to Aunt's house that day. Next day I gathered
the last one allopathic doctor gave me five injections since some relatives and convinced my Dad, then they cooled
then felt better. But that experience was so scarring and down and Mom came back to home. But I get scared of
terrible that even after 3-4 yr. If I get some itching I went to quarreling.
that thoughts of terrible suffering, so I always remain alert Father always quarrel with Mom and this is increased since
for fungal infection and I take at most care. Daily after bath his retirement, as he is spending more time at home.”
I sit in front of fan to get dry completely then I wear cloths,
which much fear is there in my mind because of that painful General and Local examination
itching and suffering for 2-3 years of fungal infection.” 1. General examination
Built - Average built Weight - 49.20 kg Height - 5’3
Past history Gait - Normal Tongue - Moist and pink Clubbing - Absent
H/o fungal infection on back when patient was in 7 th to 9th
std. 2. Local examination
1. Eruption over right leg over medial side of knee:
Family history Total involved body surface area (BSA) calculated using
Mother, father, 1 younger sister. Wallace rule of 9 is 1%.
Mother has lichen planus on face. a. Erythematous papules, solid elevated flat topped
Father Diabetic type II. circumscribed reddish glistening lesion, less than 0.5cm
in diameter.
Personal history Total no of lesions counted - 23
Appetite: Good, can tolerate hunger. b. Violaceous plaque, solid violaceous flat topped, palteau
Desire: Cravings for chocolates and salt like lesions that occupies a large surface area in
Perspiration: Profuse comparison with its height above the normal skin level
and has diameter larger than 0.5 cm.
Location - more at covered parts Total no of lesion counted - 07
Stain and smell - offensive smell, no stain.
Circumstances / time - only on exertion. 2. Eruption over left axilla
Sleep: Disturbed due to itching Total involved body surface area (BSA) calculated using
Dreams: Cats, falling from height Wallace rule of 9 is 1.5%.
Thermals: Chilly. Has to take covering during sleep in a. Erythematous papules, solid elevated flat topped
all seasons. circumscribed reddish glistening lesion, less than 0.5cm
in diameter.
Gynaecological and Obstetric history Total no of lesions counted - 60.
LMP - 22 Nov 2023; Menstrual cycle - Regular with b. Violaceous papule, solid, elevated, circumscribed, flat-
interval of 28-36 days, flow for 4-5 days; Colour - topped, violaceous lesion with a glistening surface and
Bright red less than 0.5 cm in diameter. Purple, planar, polygonal,
GPAL - G0 P0 A0 L0 pruritic papules.
Total no of lesion counted - 12.
Life - Space including mental state c. Violaceous plaque, solid Violaceous flat topped,
(When asking about her personal life space, patient asked plateau like lesions that occupies a large surface area in
her friend to sit outside.) comparison with its height above the normal skin level
Patient said, “I’m in relationship since 5/6 yrs and we both and has diameter larger than 0.5 cm.
are running a garment shop. I am looking for all financial Total no of lesion counted - 05.
and bank activities and he is working in shop personally.
There was a big loss in covid period, so I am worried about 3. Right side of abdomen
business and financial things related to business settlement. Total involved body surface area (BSA) calculated using
One more thing is affecting me is quarrels between parents Wallace rule of 9 is 3.37%.
and quarrelsome nature of my father. Since he has been a. Erythematous papules, solid elevated flat topped
detected diabetes, he is losing control over anger and there circumscribed reddish glistening lesion, less than 0.5cm
is always disputes and quarrels in the house. My dad in diameter.
harassing a lot to my mom on each little things. That’s Total no of lesions counted - 50
troubling me a lot. b. Violaceous papule, solid, elevated, circumscribed, flat-
Actually my parents don’t know about my relationship or topped, violaceous lesion with a glistening surface and
else dad will give more trouble to my mom, that’s what less than 0.5 cm in diameter. Purple, planar, polygonal,
worrying me a lot. My Dad should not know about my pruritic papules.
relationship otherwise they will give much more trouble to Total no of lesion counted - 15
my mom, and that’s affecting me a lot, Till I will not c. Violaceous plaque, solid Violaceous flat topped,
complete my education and will not be settled in our life, I plateau like lesions that occupies a large surface area in
don’t want to reveal about my relationship to my parents. comparison with its height above the normal skin level
Two months back my father got to know about my and has diameter larger than 0.5 cm.
relationship from one of my relative but we denied in front Total no of lesion counted - 07.
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Table 5- Final Lichen Planus severity index calculation Calculation of post-treatment lichen planus severity
A = AIF Hp X MF Hp= 0 X 4= 0 index
B = AIF Vpl X MF Vpl = 1 X 3 =3
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Table 4 - Multiplication factor (MF) also attached, which shows marked improvement of
Hyperpigmented hypertrophic papules and plaque (Hp) symptoms after the course of treatment.
-4 Pre & Post treatment analysis was done using Lichen Planus
Violaceous Flat Plaques (Vpl) - 3 severity index score. For determining the casual attribution
Violaceous flat papule (Vp) -2 of clinical outcome after Homoeopathic intervention.
Erythematous papules (Ep) - 1 Pre-treatment score was 24 and Post treatment score was 00,
Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) - 0 it suggesting the possible association between the medicine
& the outcome, & this indicates positive role of
Table 5 - Final lichen planus severity index calculation individualized role of homoeopathic medicine which was
A= AIF Hp X MF Hp = 0 X 4= 0 exact simillimum for the patient.
B= AIF Vpl X MF Vpl = 0X 3 = 0 Patient had complete recovery of symptoms & restoration of
C = AIF Vp X MF Vp = 0 X 2 = 0 her normal skin within period of 4 months.
D = AIF Ep X MF Ep = 0 X 1= 0 So this case report was helpful in analysing the effectiveness
E = AIF PIH X MF PIH = 4 X 0 = 0 of individualized homoeopathic medicine Thuja in treating
annular lichen planus.
Final lichen planus score index Hence, this case report evidently suggest effectiveness of
(LPSI) = (A+B+C+D+E) X BSA Factor individualized homoeopathic medicine in treating cutaneous
= (0+ 0 + 0 + 0+ 0) X 3 = 0X3 = 00 lichen planus & also efficacy of remedy Thuja in this case.
This case also highlights the importance of individualization
Conclusion for selecting similimum & treating the patient & not disease.
Kentian method of evaluation was selected & totality of
symptoms were constructed, as it contains striking, Acknowledgments
prominent mentals & physical generals. Declaration of patient consent
After using Radar software & repertorization & in reference Author certify that she has obtained appropriate consent
with materia medica, Thuja was selected as similimum for from patient. Patient has given the consent for her
this patient. As it covered characteristic mental generals & documents related with the treatment and photographs, to be
physical generals including general modalities. reported in the journal.
In 6th edition of Organon of Medicine, aphorism 154, Dr.
Hahnemann states that, ‘the most suitable medicine contain References
those peculiar, uncommon, singular and distinguishing 1. Kaur H, Nikam BP, Jamale VP, Kale MS. Lichen
(characteristic) symptoms, which are to be met with in the Planus Severity Index: A New, Valid Scoring System to
disease to be cured in the greatest number & in the greatest Assess the Severity of Cutaneous Lichen Planus. Indian
similarity, this medicine is the most appropriate Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology
homoeopathic specific remedy for this morbid state’, which [Internet]; c2019 Dec. [cited 2024 Jun 25]. Available
shows importance of characteristic, peculiar symptoms. from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31898636/
Based on Hahnemanian principles, an individualized 2. Boyd AS, Neldner KH. Lichen planus. Journal of the
homoeopathic medicine, Thuja was selected as simillimum American Academy of Dermatology. 1991;25(4):593-
for this patient. 619. Available from:
Pre & Post treatment analysis was done & photographs are https://www.jidonline.org/article/S0022-
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