PGDYST Syllabus

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Post Graduate Diploma in Yogic Science &

Therapy (PGDYST)
The PGDYST program in Yogic Science & Therapy has been designed with the
following objectives-
1. To teach the basic principles of Yogic Science and Philosophy.
2. To acquaint the students with the practical knowledge of Yogasanas, Kriyas,
Bandhas, Mudras and Pranayamas.
3. To bring integral approach of yoga therapy to common ailments and make them
skill to apply yoga for total personality development.
4. To provide a proper perspective and insight into various aspects of yoga therapy
and enable to enable them to serve general public.
5. To bring peace and harmony in the society at large by introducing the yogic way
of life.

Course I: Foundation of Yoga
SUBJECT CODE: PGDYST (T)-101 Credits: 04

Unit 1: The concept of yoga: Credit:1

Meaning and definitions of yoga, Misconceptions about yoga, History of yoga (ancient,
medieval and modern period), Aims and Objectives of yoga, Scope of yoga, Limbs of
Unit 2: Types of yoga: Credit:1
Hatha yoga, Raja yoga, Jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga , Tantra yoga, Karma yoga, Laya yoga
Unit 3: Introduction to Philosophy: Credit:1
Meaning of Indian Philosophy, Definition of philosophy, Classification of the Schools
of Indian Philosophy, Origin of Philosophy, Philosophy of Yoga.
Unit 4: Brief introduction of yoga in different texts. Credit:1
Yoga in Bhagavad Gita, Yoga in Upanishads, Yoga in Ayurveda, Yoga in Vasistha.

1. Swami Niranjananda: Yoga Darshan, Yoga Publication Trust, Bihar School of
Yoga, Munger, Bihar.
2. Hatha Yoga Pradipika of Swatmarama, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavala.
3. S.N. Das Gupta, “History of Indian Philosophy”.
4. Chandradhar Sharma, “A Critical Study of Indian Philosophy”.

Course II: Basic of Human Biology for Yogic Practices

SUBJECT CODE: PGDYST (T)-102 Credits: 04

Unit 1: Concept of Human Body & Musculoskeletal System Credit:1

Meaning of Anatomy and Physiology, Structure and function of cells, Different types of
Musculoskeletal System- Types of Muscles, Name and location of the bones in the
body; Types of bones, Types of joints.

Unit 2: Digestive System, Excretory System and Respiratory System Credit:1

Digestive System- Anatomy and Physiology of digestive system; Functions of Liver

and Pancreas.
Excretory System- Structure and functions of kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra.
Respiratory System-Structure of respiratory tract: Nose Pharynx, Larynx,Bronchi
Bronchioles, Alveoli-lungs, Mechanism of breathing.

Unit-3: Cardio-vascular System, Endocrine System and Nervous system Credit:1

Cardio-vascular System- Structure and functions of heart; Blood vessels.

Endocrine System –Structure and functions of pituitary, pineal, thyroid, para-thyroid,
thymus, pancreas, adrenal, ovary and testes.
Nervous system- Central (Brain and Spinal cord), Peripheral and Autonomic Nervous

Unit4:Reproductive System- Credit:1

Male and Female reproductive organs, Menstrual cycle

The special senses: The Eye, the Ear, the Tongue, the Nose and the Skin.


1. Ross and Wilson. “Anatomy and Physiology”.

2. Pearce, Evlyn C.“Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses” (Jaypee Brothers).
3. Gupta, A.K. “Sharir Rachana v Kriya Vighan”.
4. Gore, M.M. “Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic Practices”.
5. Phukan, B.N. “Yog Vigyan Parichay”.
SUBJECT CODE: PGDYST (T)1 03 Credits: 04

Unit1: The concept of Hatha yoga- Credit:1

Meaning and Definition of Hatha yoga, Aims and Objectives of Hatha yoga,
Misconceptions about Hatha yoga, Relation between Hatha yoga and Raja yoga.

Unit 2: Preparation for the practice of Hatha Yoga- Credit:1

Concept of Ghata and Ghata Shuddhi, Concept of Matha (Proper place)

Over-eating, over-exertion, Talking too much, Severe austerity, Public Contact,
Fickleness of mind, Symptoms of Hatha-siddhi.

Unit3: Yogic practices- Meaning, Process and Result - Credit:1

Shatkarmas, Asanas, Pranayama, Mudra-Bandha.

Unit 4: Brief Introduction of hatha yogic texts – Credit:1

Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhit, Shiva Samhita.

Unit 5: Basics of Sanskrit- Credit:1

Introduction to Devanagari Varnamala, Classification of Varnas, Purnaksara,
Samyuktaksara and Mriduvyanjanas, Writing of Varnamala using Roman transiliteration.

1. Hatha Yoga Pradipika,Kaivalyadhama,Lonavla
2. Gheranda Samhita, Yoga Publication Trust, Munger, Bihar.
3. Shiva Samhita, Kaivalydhama, Lonavala.
4. Anant Bharti, Shiddha Shiddhanta Padhati.
Course IV: Yoga Practical
SUBJECT CODE: PGDYST (T)-104 Credits: 04

Prayers: Guru Vandana, Gayatri Mantra

Sukshma Vyayama- Simple (Loosening Exercises)
Shiti positions for Asanas- Standing, Sitting ,Lying( Supine &Prone)
Surya Namaskara
Vishranti Asanas(Resting Postures)- Makarasana ,Savasana-Yoga Nidra.
Swathyasana(Cultural Postures)-
Tadasana, katichakrasana, Padahastasana,Dandyaman ArdhaChakrasana, Trikonasana,
ParivrittaTrikonasana, Vrikshasana, Garudasana,Virabhadrasana, parsvakonasana,
Jastikasana, Marjarasana, Paawanamuktasana, Setubandhasana, Uttanapadasana,
Ardhachakrasana, Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, Naukasana
Dhanurasana,Mandukasana,Ustrasana, Janusirasana,Supta –Vajrasana, Matsyasana,
Sasangasana, Vakrasana, Simhasana.

Jalandhar bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Mulabandha, Vipareetkarni Mudra,Pancha tattva

Jala neti, Rubber-neti, Kapalbhati-Vatkram, Agnisara.

Pranayama:Sectional Breathing: Abdominal , Thorasic & Clavicular.

Anulom-Vilom, Bhastrika Pranayama ,Bhramari Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama,
Meditation: Om Meditation.
1. Swami Shivananda Saraswati, “Yoga Bale Rog Arogya”, Umachal Yogashram,
2. Swami Satyananda Saraswati, “Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha” Yoga
Publication Trust, Munger.
3. Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavala.
4. Gheranda Samhita, Yoga Publication Trust, Munger, Bihar.
Second Semester
Course I: Yoga Therapy, Health & Wellness
Subject Code: PGDYST (T) -201 Credit: 04

Unit 1: Introduction to Yoga therapy, Ayurveda &Naturopathy: Credit:1

Principles of yoga therapy, Panchaprana ,Panchakosha,Sevenchakra,Concept of

Tridosha, Concept of Health,Concept of Disease, Concept of Adhi &

Unit 2: Holistic approach of Health,Wellness & Hygiene. Credit: 0.5

Sadvritta (Ethical regimen):Mental Sadvritta, Moral Sadvritta ,Social

Sadvritta, Religious Sadvritta, Yogic Sadvritta, Yogic attitude(Maitraee,Karuna &

Hygiene -Personal Hygiene, Social Hygiene & Mental Hygiene.

Unit 3: Introduction to Diet and Nutrition Credit: 0.5

Human nutritional requirements, Balance diet and diet during Yogic Practices.
Components of diet-Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, Drinking of
Water, Concept of Mitahara,Pathya, and Apathya.

Unit 4: Definition, Etiological (causes), Clinical Features ( Sign & Symptoms)and

Yogic Treatment for disorders of – Credit:1
Digestive System: Hyperacidity, Indigestion, Constipation, Irritable bowel Syndrome,
Colitis, Peptic Ulcer,
Cardiovascular System: Hypertension and Coronary artery diseases.
Stress disorders: Anxiety: Depressive Neurosis, and Stress & Insomnia disorders.

Respiratory System: Nasal Allergy, Bronchial Asthma& Bronchitis.

Endocrine System: Diabetes, Obesity, Thyrodism (Hyper and Hypo)

Unit 5: Definition, Etiological (causes), Clinical Features (Sign & Symptoms)and

Yogic Treatment for disorders of – Credit:1
Muscular Skeletal System: Arthritis, Back Pain, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Lumber and
Cervical Spondylitis, Sciatica.

Nervous System: Epilepsy, Migraine, Reproductive System: Infertility& Menstrual

disorders, Others Disorders: Rheumatism , Low Back pain , Tonsillitis
Special yogic kriyas: Yoga for Eyes and yoga for pregnancy.
Issues and problems in yoga therapy : Surgery, Fractures, Pregnancy delivery,
Chronic diseases.

1. S-VYASA Publication “Basics and Application of Yoga”
2. M.K Gandhi “My Nature Cure”
3. B.J Singh “ History and Philosophy of Nature Cure”.
4 .M.M Ghore “ Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic Practices”
5.Swami Shivananda Saraswati “Yoga Therapy” Umachal
6.Swami Karmananda “Yogic management of Common Diseases” Yoga Publication
Trust, Munger,Bihar.
Course II: Introduction of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra
Subject Code: PGDYST (T) -202 Credit: 04

Unit 1: Introduction of Yogasutra- Credit:1

Introduction of Yogasutra, Meaning and Definition of Yoga,

Brief history of the yoga system of Patanjali.

Unit 2: Chitta, Chitta Bhumi, Chitta Vrittis, Pancha-Kleshas- Credit:1

Meaning of Chitta; Chitta Bhumi(Mudha, kshipta,Vikshipta,Ekagrata

and Niruddha);
Chitta Vrittis( Pramana, Viparayay, Vikalpa, Nidra, Smriti);
Pancha-Kleshas(Avidya, Asmita, Raga,Dwesha, Abhinivesha)

Unit 3: Antarayas- Credit:1

Obstacles of Yoga(Antarayas); Means of Chitta-Prasadana; Abhyas and Vairagya;

Ishwara and Ishwara Pranidhana.

Unit 4: Ashtanga Yoga, Vibhuti, Kaivalya, Karma Yoga Credit:1

Eight limbs of yoga-Ashtanga yoga (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama,

Pratyahara, Dharana,Dhyana and Samadhi),Yoga Vibhutis ,Kaivalya, Types of Karma.

1. S.N. Das Gupta, “Indian Philosophy”.
2. Saraswati, S. “Four Chapters of Freedom” Bihar School of Yoga, Munger.
3. Karambalekar, P.V. (2017) “Patanjala Yoga Sutra” Kaivalyadhama, Lonavala.
4. Hariharananda Arayana, “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” University of Calcutta press

Course III: Yoga Practical & Yoga Teaching Methods

Subject Code: PGDYST (T) -203 Credit: 04

Unit1: Practical Yoga Teaching Methods: Credit:1

Classroom Management, Demonstration, Preparation of Audio Visual Aids, Lesson

plan, Methods of teaching.

Unit 2: Asanas: Credit:1

Parivratta Trikonasana, Parivratta Parsvakonasn,Padmasana,Natrajasana, Bakasana,
Ardha Matshendrasana, Paschimottanasana, Kukutasana, Dhanurasana, Simhasana,
Sharvangasana, Halasana, Chakrasana,Sayana, pachimottanasana,Shirshasana,
Gomukhasana,Chandra-Namaskar, Surjya Namaskar

Unit 3: Shatkarmas- Credit:1

Vaman Dhouti, Varisara Dhouti, Kapalbhati-Vyutkram. Sheetkram.

Unit 4: Pranayama, Mudra Bandha & Meditation :

Nadi-Shodhana,Surya-Bhedana, Bhastrika, Sheetali,Sitkari , Moola- bandha, Jalandhar-
Bandha, Uddiyan-Bandh, Maha mudra, Shambhavi mudra. Meditation-Soham Japa,
Pranava Japa.

1.Saraswati,S.S(2002) Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha, Yoga Publications Trust,
2.Phukan, B.N. (2019).yoga Vijnan Parichay.Jogada Phukan,N.Lakhimpur.
Course IV: Project and Viva
Subject Code: PGDYST (T) -204 Credit: 04
Project Work:
1. Each student has to collect initial and final data of at least two patients treated by the
student under the guidance of the faculty or instructor.
2. Write a dissertation on a topic related to the syllabus.

As the course is designed for promoting health and wellbeing through yogic
practices, the students will be able to have holistic perspective on basis of
“yogic science and therapy” and use it for overall wellbeing of the individual.
Successful students may have opportunity for further study in the subject and
also become Yoga Trainer and therapist in institutions.

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