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Variable-length Arguments

In Python, sometimes, there is a situation where we need to pass multiple

numbers of arguments to the function. Such types of arguments are
called variable-length arguments. We can declare a variable-length argument
with the * (asterisk) symbol.

def fun(*var):
function body

We can pass any number of arguments to this function. Internally all these values
are represented in the form of a tuple.


def addition(*numbers):
total = 0
for no in numbers:
total = total + no
print("Sum is:", total)

# 0 arguments

# 5 arguments
addition(10, 5, 2, 5, 4)

# 3 arguments
addition(78, 7, 2.5)


Sum is: 0

Sum is: 26

Sum is: 87.5

Creating a function with parameters and return value

Functions can return a value. The return value is the output of the function. Use
the return keyword to return value from a function.

# function
def calculator(a, b):
add = a + b
# return the addition
return add

# call function
# take return value in variable
res = calculator(20, 5)

print("Addition :", res)

# Output Addition : 25

# function
def even_odd(n):
# check numne ris even or odd
if n % 2 == 0:
print('Even number')
print('Odd Number')

# calling function by its name

# Output Odd Number

Home » Python » Python Functions

Python Functions
In Python, the function is a block of code defined with a name. We use functions whenever we
need to perform the same task multiple times without writing the same code again. It can take
arguments and returns the value.

Consider a scenario where we need to do some action/task many times. We can define that action
only once using a function and call that function whenever required to do the same activity.

Function improves efficiency and reduces errors because of the reusability of a code. Once we
create a function, we can call it anywhere and anytime. The benefit of using a function is
reusability and modularity.
Types of Functions
Python support two types of functions

1. Built-in function
2. User-defined function

Built-in function

The functions which are come along with Python itself are called a built-in
function or predefined function. Some of them are listed below.
range(), id(), type(), input(), eval() etc.

Example: Python range() function generates the immutable sequence of numbers starting from
the given start integer to the stop integer.

for i in range(1, 10):

print(i, end=' ')
# Output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


User-defined function

Functions which are created by programmer explicitly according to the requirement are called a
user-defined function.

Creating a Function
Use the following steps to to define a function in Python.

 Use the def keyword with the function name to define a function.
 Next, pass the number of parameters as per your requirement. (Optional).
 Next, define the function body with a block of code. This block of code is nothing but the action
you wanted to perform.
In Python, no need to specify curly braces for the function body. The only indentation is
essential to separate code blocks. Otherwise, you will get an error.
Syntax of creating a function

def function_name(parameter1, parameter2):

# function body
# write some action
return value


 function_name: Function name is the name of the function. We can give any name to function.
 parameter: Parameter is the value passed to the function. We can pass any number of
parameters. Function body uses the parameter’s value to perform an action
 function_body: The function body is a block of code that performs some task. This block of code
is nothing but the action you wanted to accomplish.
 return value: Return value is the output of the function.
Note: While defining a function, we use two keywords, def (mandatory) and return (optional).

Creating a function without any parameters

Now, Let’s the example of creating a simple function that prints a welcome message.

# function
def message():
print("Welcome to PYnative")

# call function using its name




Welcome to PYnative

Creating a function with parameters

Let’s create a function that takes two parameters and displays their values.

In this example, we are creating function with two parameters ‘ name’ and ‘age’.

# function
def course_func(name, course_name):
print("Hello", name, "Welcome to PYnative")
print("Your course name is", course_name)

# call function
course_func('John', 'Python')



Hello John Welcome to PYnative

Your course name is Python

Creating a function with parameters and return value

Functions can return a value. The return value is the output of the function. Use the return
keyword to return value from a function.

# function
def calculator(a, b):
add = a + b
# return the addition
return add

# call function
# take return value in variable
res = calculator(20, 5)

print("Addition :", res)

# Output Addition : 25


Calling a function
Once we defined a function or finalized structure, we can call that function by using its name.
We can also call that function from another function or program by importing it.

To call a function, use the name of the function with the parenthesis, and if the function accepts
parameters, then pass those parameters in the parenthesis.


# function
def even_odd(n):
# check numne ris even or odd
if n % 2 == 0:
print('Even number')
print('Odd Number')

# calling function by its name

# Output Odd Number


Calling a function of a module

You can take advantage of the built-in module and use the functions defined in it. For example,
Python has a random module that is used for generating random numbers and data. It has various
functions to create different types of random data.

Let’s see how to use functions defined in any module.

 First, we need to use the import statement to import a specific function from a module.
 Next, we can call that function by its name.
# import randint function
from random import randint

# call randint function to get random number

print(randint(10, 20))
# Output 14


In Python, the documentation string is also called a docstring. It is a descriptive text (like a
comment) written by a programmer to let others know what block of code does.

We write docstring in source code and define it immediately after module, class, function, or
method definition.

It is being declared using triple single quotes (''' ''') or triple-double quote(""" """).

We can access docstring using doc attribute (__doc__) for any object like list, tuple, dict, and
user-defined function, etc.

Single-Line Docstring
The single-line docstring is a docstring that fits in one line. We can use the triple single or triple-
double quotes to define it. The Opening and closing quotes need to be the same. By convention,
we should use to use the triple-double quotes to define docstring.

def factorial(x):
"""This function returns the factorial of a given number."""
return x

# access doc string




This function is going to return the factorial of a given number

When you use the help function to get the information of any function, it returns the docstring.

# pass function name to help() function




Help on function factorial in module main:


This function returns the factorial of a given number.


Multi-Line Docstring
A multi-line Docstrings is the same single-line Docstrings, but it is followed by a single blank
line with the descriptive text.

The general format of writing a multi-line Docstring is as follows:


def any_fun(parameter1):
Description of function

parameter1(int):Description of parameter1

int value



Description of function


parameter1(int):Description of parameter1

int value

Return Value From a Function

In Python, to return value from the function, a return statement is used. It returns
the value of the expression following the returns keyword.

Syntax of return statement

def fun():
return [expression]

The return value is nothing but a outcome of function.

 The return statement ends the function execution.

 For a function, it is not mandatory to return a value.
 If a return statement is used without any expression, then the None is
 The return statement should be inside of the function block.

def is_even(list1):
even_num = []
for n in list1:
if n % 2 == 0:
# return a list
return even_num

# Pass list to the function

even_num = is_even([2, 3, 42, 51, 62, 70, 5, 9])
print("Even numbers are:", even_num)
def arithmetic(num1, num2):
add = num1 + num2
sub = num1 - num2
multiply = num1 * num2
division = num1 / num2
# return four values
return add, sub, multiply, division

# read four return values in four variables

a, b, c, d = arithmetic(10, 2)

print("Addition: ", a)
print("Subtraction: ", b)
print("Multiplication: ", c)
print("Division: ", d)

The pass Statement

In Python, the pass is the keyword, which won’t do anything. Sometimes there is a
situation where we need to define a syntactically empty block. We can define that
block using the pass keyword.

When the interpreter finds a pass statement in the program, it returns no



def addition(num1, num2):

# Implementation of addition function in comming release
# Pass statement

addition(10, 2)

Python Functions
In Python, the function is a block of code defined with a name. We use functions whenever we
need to perform the same task multiple times without writing the same code again. It can take
arguments and returns the value.

Python has a DRY principle like other programming languages. DRY stands for Don’t Repeat
Yourself. Consider a scenario where we need to do some action/task many times. We can define
that action only once using a function and call that function whenever required to do the same

Function improves efficiency and reduces errors because of the reusability of a code. Once we
create a function, we can call it anywhere and anytime. The benefit of using a function is
reusability and modularity.

How does Function work in Python?

In Python, functions allow the programmer to create short and clean code to be reused in an
entire program.

The function helps us to organize code. The function accepts parameters as input, processes
them, and in the end, returns values as output.

Let’s assume we defined a function that computes some task. When we call that function from
another function, the program controller goes to that function, does some computation, and
returns some value as output to the caller function.

The following diagram shows how the function works.

Scope and Lifetime of Variables

When we define a function with variables, then those variables’ scope is limited to that function.
In Python, the scope of a variable is an area where a variable is declared. It is called the
variable’s local scope.

We cannot access the local variables from outside of the function. Because the scope is local,
those variables are not visible from the outside of the function.

Note: The inner function does have access to the outer function’s local scope.
When we are executing a function, the life of the variables is up to running time. Once we return
from the function, those variables get destroyed. So function does no need to remember the value
of a variable from its previous call.

The following code shows the scope of a variable inside a function.


global_lang = 'DataScience'

def var_scope_test():
local_lang = 'Python'

# Output 'Python'

# outside of function
# Output 'DataScience'

# NameError: name 'local_lang' is not defined



In the above example, we print the local and global variable values from outside of the function.
The global variable is accessible with its name global_lang.

But when we try to access the local variable with its name local_lang, we got a NameError,
because the local variable is not accessible from outside of the function.

Local Variable in function

A local variable is a variable declared inside the function that is not accessible from outside of
the function. The scope of the local variable is limited to that function only where it is declared.

If we try to access the local variable from the outside of the function, we will get the error as


def function1():
# local variable
loc_var = 888
print("Value is :", loc_var)

def function2():

print("Value is :", loc_var)


Global Variable in function

A Global variable is a variable that declares outside of the function. The scope of
a global variable is broad. It is accessible in all functions of the same module.


global_var = 999

def function1():
print("Value in 1nd function :", global_var)

def function2():
print("Value in 2nd function :", global_var)




Value in 1nd function : 999

Value in 2nd function : 999

Global Keyword in Function

In Python, global is the keyword used to access the actual global variable from
outside the function. we use the global keyword for two purposes:

1. To declare a global variable inside the function.

2. Declaring a variable as global, which makes it available to function to
perform the modification.

Let’s see what happens when we don’t use global keyword to access the global
variable in the function

# Global variable
global_var = 5

def function1():
print("Value in 1st function :", global_var)

def function2():
# Modify global variable
# function will treat it as a local variable
global_var = 555
print("Value in 2nd function :", global_var)

def function3():
print("Value in 3rd function :", global_var)




Value in 1st function : 5

Value in 2nd function : 555

Value in 3rd function : 5

As you can see, function2() treated global_var as a new variable (local variable). To
solve such issues or access/modify global variables inside a function, we use
the global keyword.

# Global variable
x = 5

# defining 1st function

def function1():
print("Value in 1st function :", x)

# defining 2nd function

def function2():
# Modify global variable using global keyword
global x
x = 555
print("Value in 2nd function :", x)

# defining 3rd function

def function3():
print("Value in 3rd function :", x)




Value in 1st function : 5

Value in 2nd function : 555

Value in 3rd function : 555

Nonlocal Variable in Function

In Python, nonlocal is the keyword used to declare a variable that acts as a global
variable for a nested function (i.e., function within another function).

We can use a nonlocal keyword when we want to declare a variable in the local
scope but act as a global scope.


def outer_func():
x = 777

def inner_func():
# local variable now acts as global variable
nonlocal x
x = 700
print("value of x inside inner function is :", x)

print("value of x inside outer function is :", x)




value of x inside inner function is : 700

value of x inside outer function is : 700

Python Function Arguments

The argument is a value, a variable, or an object that we pass to a function or
method call. In Python, there are four types of arguments allowed.

1. Positional arguments
2. keyword arguments
3. Default arguments
4. Variable-length arguments

Positional Arguments

Positional arguments are arguments that are pass to function in proper

positional order. That is, the 1st positional argument needs to be 1st when the
function is called. The 2nd positional argument needs to be 2nd when the
function is called, etc. See the following example for more understanding.


def add(a, b):

print(a - b)

add(50, 10)
# Output 40
add(10, 50)
# Output -40

If you try to use pass more parameters you will get an error.

def add(a, b):

print(a - b)

add(105, 561, 4)



TypeError: add() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

In the positional argument number and position of arguments must be matched.

If we change the order, then the result may change. Also, If we change the
number of arguments, then we will get an error.

Keyword Arguments

A keyword argument is an argument value, passed to function preceded by the

variable name and an equals sign.


def message(name, surname):

print("Hello", name, surname)

message(name="John", surname="Wilson")
message(surname="Ault", name="Kelly")



Hello John Wilson

Hello Kelly Ault

In keyword arguments order of argument is not matter, but the number of

arguments must match. Otherwise, we will get an error.
While using keyword and positional argument simultaneously, we need to pass
1st arguments as positional arguments and then keyword arguments. Otherwise,
we will get SyntaxError. See the following example.


def message(first_nm, last_nm):

print("Hello..!", first_nm, last_nm)

# correct use
message("John", "Wilson")
message("John", last_nm="Wilson")

# Error
# SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument
message(first_nm="John", "Wilson")


Default Arguments

Default arguments take the default value during the function call if we do not
pass them. We can assign a default value to an argument in function definition
using the = assignment operator.

For example, A function show_employee() that accepts the employee’s name and
salary and displays both. Let’s modify a function definition and assigned a default
value 8000 to a salary. Next, if salary value is missing in the function call, the
function automatically takes default value 9000 as a salary.


# function with default argument

def message(name="Guest"):
print("Hello", name)

# calling function with argument


# calling function without argument



Hello John

Hello Guest

When we call a function with an argument, it will take that value.

Variable-length Arguments

In Python, sometimes, there is a situation where we need to pass multiple

numbers of arguments to the function. Such types of arguments are
called variable-length arguments. We can declare a variable-length argument
with the * (asterisk) symbol.

def fun(*var):
function body

We can pass any number of arguments to this function. Internally all these values
are represented in the form of a tuple.


def addition(*numbers):
total = 0
for no in numbers:
total = total + no
print("Sum is:", total)

# 0 arguments

# 5 arguments
addition(10, 5, 2, 5, 4)

# 3 arguments
addition(78, 7, 2.5)



Sum is: 0

Sum is: 26
Sum is: 87.5

Recursive Function
A recursive function is a function that calls itself, again and again.

Consider, calculating the factorial of a number is a repetitive activity, in that case,

we can call a function again and again, which calculates factorial.






5*4*3*2*1 = 120


def factorial(no):
if no == 0:
return 1
return no * factorial(no - 1)

print("factorial of a number is:", factorial(8))



factorial of a number is: 40320

The advantages of the recursive function are:

1. By using recursive, we can reduce the length of the code.

2. The readability of code improves due to code reduction.
3. Useful for solving a complex problem

The disadvantage of the recursive function:

1. The recursive function takes more memory and time for execution.
2. Debugging is not easy for the recursive function.

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