Final Research
Final Research
Final Research
The thesis is original and has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma to any
university or institutions.
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER TWO...................................................................................................................................14
Introduction...............................................................................................................................................14 Acquired-Needs....................................................................................................................16
2.4.1. Money......................................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................24
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................................24
3.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................24
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................29
DISCUSSIONAND RESULT...................................................................................................................29
4. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................29
4.4.4 Homoscedasticity....................................................................................................................38
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................42
5.1 Summary.............................................................................................................................................42
5.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................43
5.3. Recommendations..............................................................................................................................44
5.4 Limitation
The main objective of the study is Employee’s motivation on employee performance is crucial for
any business to survive and prosper in today’s competitive business world. Realizing this, the
main aim of this research was to analyze the effect of motivation on employee performance in the
case of commercial bank of Ethiopia Nakamte branches with the motivational dimensions of
enhanced salary, car loan, fringe benefits, promotion, and working environment. The study used
primary and secondary data sources. Simple random sampling technique and purposive
samplings were employed. Questionnaire was designed to collect relevant data from the selected
165 respondents 152 questionnaires were completed and analyzed. Both descriptive and
inferential analytical techniques were used. Statistical Programmed of Social Science (SPSS)
version 26 tools were used to generate data that was presented in tables as was necessary. The
multiple regressions result indicated that all the independent variables had positive relation and
significant effect on employee performance. Correlation analysis also used in this study based on
this, all variables had positive relationship with employee performance. The regression result
showed that the independent variables used in the study explain 67.3% variability on employee
performance. The study concluded that all the independent variables such as enhanced salary,
car loan, fringe benefits, promotion, and working environment had positive relation and
significant effect on employee performance. Finally, recommendation forwarded as all the
independent variables have positive relation and significant effect on employee performance the
bank needs to work on these motivational variables continuously and consistently with a due
attention to attract, motivate, satisfy and retain its staffs as this works directly proportional to
the employee performance which is the base for the bank to prosper and to be a leading
competitive bank in the industry.
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia is using several approaches in order to motivate and maintain
employees by providing mortgage loan, car loan and various fringe benefits in addition to basic
salary. Unfortunately, the bank still faces the challenges of employee retention, high cost of
recruitment, training, increased competition, and high rate of technological growth especially the
mobile phones that now offer banking services for example M-birr, Hello cash & others. The
probability of potential and experienced staff moving from this bank to other banks is a source of
worry because they need to be replaced at a higher cost to fill the gap. The data from the bank
corporate human resource office showed that the total number of staffs leaved CBE in the last
five years are 120 and the number of staffs leave the bank increase from year to year as the
figures revealed in year 2013 the number of staffs leaved CBE are 245 by the year 2015
increased to 616, the number of staffs leaved the bank increased in a shocking manner to 420.
The bank incurred a lot of millions for these staffs starting from recruitment up to their
resignation the cost of recruitment, cost for training and education, medical cost and others (CBE
Nakamte district)
The bank should also need to give attention to the loss of competitive advantage strategies
specially related with the loss of vice presidents and directors because as the data from the bank
corporate human resource office showed that the number of directors and managers resigned
their job in the last five years are five including the bank managers. As evidenced by
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia labor union press release in the presence of known TV stations
held in Addis Ababa exhibition center in 23 July, 2018 Commercial Bank of Ethiopia employees
are faced by problems of feeling de-motivated and overworked specially in the recent period
related with the new structure launched by the bank. As the loss of staffs lead to a loss of
knowledge and experiences that have a big economical influence to the firm and affecting the
customers need thus in the light of these that the research intends to look into the effects of
motivation on the performance of employees at CBE Nakamte branches this is the essence of the
This chapter reviews related theoretical and empirical literature on the subject matter. The
relevant literature would be reviewed under the following outline: motivation and corporate
performance in the banking sector, theories of motivation, effects of motivation on employee
performance, the motivational packages, level of employee motivation, performance appraisal
methods, employee performance measurement, research gap and conceptual framework. 2.
Motivation and Corporate Performance in the Banking Sector Acquired-Needs
Theory of David McClelland’s It is also named as Learned Need Theory or the Three-Need
Theory. Kinicki et al. (2014), as the name indicate the three-need theory emphasis on three needs
namely achievement, power, and affiliation. • Achievement need: The force to succeed, to attain
the plan. • Power need: The need to influence others in order to behave in attaining
organizational goal. • Affiliation need: The need for good friendly interpersonal relationship.
2.2.2. Process Theories Process theories: trying to identify the relationship between the dynamic
variables which increase motivation. These theories are interested more with how behavior is
begin, directed and maintained. Process theories focus on the real process of motivation. The
theories under process theories are Expectancy theory, Equity theory, Goal theory and
Attribution theory.
2.4.1. Money
Money is a major motivating variable for most of peoples in different form either in salary and
fringe benefits or in other form that satisfies various needs. Money is a crucial factor for human
beings to meet basic physiological needs and safety need. In addition as money gives ability to
purchase something that indicate the status of that person money also satisfies esteem needs
(Ofelia Robescu, 2016).CBE considers enhanced salary is a major motivating variable for most
of its employees and works on it in a continues manner (CBE Informer, 2016).Money in the form
of salary and fringe benefits, house loan scheme, car loan scheme or in any other form given to
employees for their performance, money is crucial. According to Koontz & Weihrich (1990);
Edwin (1993), as cited in Omollo (2015), in order to ensure money as a successful reward tool
for achievements employees done the compensation must be depends on their performance. 2.4.2.
Recognition is a reward for well performed staffs. Companies recognize their staffs in various
ways either orally or in written form and officially or inversely but the important thing is that as
money is not the only factor under any condition to motivate employees, today companies use
recognition as a motivational variable to increase their staffs motivation without incurring much
expense(Ofelia Robescu, 2016). Various authors state that recognition has significant impact on
the performance of employees as the same as other factors. CBE considers recognition as one of
the most important intrinsic motivational factor to motivate its employees (CBE Informer, 2017)
2.4.3. Working Environment
In today’s modern and intensive competitive business world companies have a legal and social
responsibility to create a supportive working environment that is free from unnecessary hazards
and companies must be recognize that the need to create conducive work environment for their
staffs and spend a lot to bring this pleasant work environment to their staffs in order to survive
and prosper their business for a long period of time (Decenzo & Robbins, 2010). Employees
need that their working environment to be safe for their physical as well as mental health with
the necessary and adequate tools and equipment that support their comfort and achieving the
organizational goal by performing their best.
Belly Onanda (2015), also researched on the effects of motivation on employees job
performance. The research analysis the impact of employee motivation on performance of 7
selected Kenya commercial bank region of coast. The study revealed that even though KCB is
making various efforts in order to motivate their employees but still the challenge exists. The
motivated staffs always enhance their performance by performing their best to achieve the
organizational goal. The researcher advises that bank managements need to update themselves to
issues related to employee motivation to satisfy and retain their employees as well as survive and
prosper their business.
Mohamedi (2013), conducted a research on effects of motivation on employee performance. The
main purpose of the research was to evaluate the effect of employee motivation on performance
in Tanzania banks. The research find out that enhanced salary, promotion and recognition are
weighty motivational factors for staffs of Tanzania Postal Bank. The research observed that TPB
does not provide any mortgage loan to its staffs and customers. The researcher advises that TPB
should offer mortgage loan to their staffs as one motivational variable and the management as
much as possible need to avoid the room of bias in measuring performance. The researcher also
advises that the bank should invest seriously on employees training and development because the
customer satisfaction mainly depends on them. NurunNabi, Islam M, Dip TM, Hossain AA
(2017), conducted a study on Impact of Motivation on Employee Performances. The main
purpose of the research was how motivational packages affect the performance of employee for
excellence in Karmasangs than Bank Limited, Bangladesh. The research revealed that if staffs
are positively motivated their efficiency and effectiveness enhances extremely for attaining
organizational goals
Motivational Package
Enhanced salaries to employee
Employee car loan scheme
Fringe benefits
Working Environment
3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the methodology to be used for the study. The main issues here are the
research approach, research design, research population, sample and sampling technique, source
of data and type, data collection procedures, ethical consideration, reliability and validity test and
method of data analysis. .
280 280
n= =
1+ 280∗ 0.05
1+ 280 ∗0.0025
1+ 0.7
¿ =¿164.705 165
By using the sample size obtained from the above formula, the proportion or the strata sample
size is determined for each branch. The strata sample size is determined based the following
equation: ( ) Where; - is the sample size for stratum h - is the population size for stratum h N -is
the total population size n -is the total sample size
4. Introduction
The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of motivational packages on employee
performance at CBE: A study conducted in Nakamte branches of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.
Data Analysis of the findings generated from the results of survey which were conducted through
the questionnaires. This chapter presented a discussion of the final results and the process
through which the results obtained. In addition to this, background information of respondents
also presented. Finally, the statistical methods of analysis were discussed, which included a
descriptive analysis, a correlation analysis, and a regression analysis through SPSS version 26.
Table 4.2 presents the background information of the respondents of the study. The survey
showed that from 120 samples of respondents Male respondents represent 65.8 Percent, and the
rest 34.2 percent were females. It clearly indicates that majority of the respondents were male.
Table 4.2 Age the respondent
As the table 4.2 also depicts, 59.9 percent of the respondents of selected Bank were found in the
age interval of 26 to 40 years. The remaining 24.3 percent were found in the age interval of 41 to
60 years. This shows that the majority of respondent is age 26 to 40.
Table 4. 3: Position
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Managerial position 22 14.5 14.5 14.5
Valid Non managerial position 130 85.5 85.5 100.0
Total 152 100.0 100.0
Source: own survey 2023,
As the table 4.5 shows the majority of the respondent 130(85.5) were non managers and 22(14.5)
were manager. It shows that majority of the respondent for study was non manager.
One of the factors that motivativate employee performance is salary, As it is illustrated in Table
4.4,1 the standard deviations of respondent response were small, which indicates that the
respondent perceptions were almost close to one another. Furthermore, the mean value for seven
questions ranges from 3.3 to 3.8, which implies that the respondents have agreed that their
salaries effect of people skills, sufficient knowledge to implement the performance, innovative
ideas about the execution of performance, bring up the feedback of the employee on the
The car loan engineering estimation is competitive with 152 3.63 .871
market price
car loan repayment period is rational 152 3.70 .910
If the bank allows used car loan the staffs was be more 152 3.70 .933
Source: own survey SPSS v. 26
As it is illustrated in Table 4.4,1 the standard deviations of respondent response were moderate,
which indicates that the respondent perceptions were almost close to one another. Furthermore,
the mean value for five questions ranges from 3.37 to 3.88, which implies that the respondents
have agreed that Employee car loan scheme performance is one of the factor that affect the
employee performance.
The different allowances and yearly bonuses of the 152 3.80 .935
bank is rational
There is a fair allowance between all staffs of the bank 152 3.80 .761
The various allowances of the bank enhances the staffs 152 3.93 .771
life standard and motivate to stay longer at the bank
The perception of respondents for fringes benefit in the employee Performance is presented in
the Table 4.3 As it indicates, most of the mean values for fringes benefit were between 3.1 and
3.9, which reveals that there is mixed response of moderately agree and agreed with the fringes
benefit. The respondents were agreed that the employee are always was to help, have the
necessary to answer my questions, is responsible for the time to obtain the right information.
Table 4.4 Promotions
The bank benefits its staffs in various form in relation to 152 3.80 .761
promotion that improves their life standard
The perception of respondents for Promotion in the employee Performance presented in the
Table 4.4 As it indicates, most of the mean values for Promotion were between 3.1 and
3.9,which reveals that there is mixed response of moderately agree and agreed with the
promotion. The respondents were agreed tha is responsible for the time to obtain the right
I have the necessary tools and equipment adequately to 152 3.67 1.349
perform my tasks efficiently and effectively
The overall working environment of the bank is goo 152 3.37 1.327
Regarding the capacity, a total of three questions were covered. As it is shown in the above table,
most of the mean values for working environment was almost between 3.3 and 3.9, which
revealed on average the respondents were agreed that many times have not to cancel
commitments to performance depending up on the working environment and having to prepare
priority lists to get done all the performance.
Table 4.6 Employee Performance
After discussing the factors for the employee motivation on the employee performance, it is
important to understand the level of effectiveness of the employees related with the above stated
factors. As the respondents gave their perceptions, the mean value is between 3.1 and 3.8. This
indicates that most of the respondents were agreed that they are effective in the employee
4.3 Correlation analysis
In determining the strength of the relationship based on Pabachnic and Fidell, (2007), the value
of the coefficient of correlation between 0 &1 are interpreted as follows; r=.10 to .29 or r= -.10
to -29 week, r=.30 to .49 or r= -.30 to -.49 moderate and r=.50 to 1 or r= -.50 to - 1 strong.
Table 4.7: Correlation
Enhance car loan Fringe Promoti Worki Employ
d salaries scheme benefits ons ng ee
enviro Perfor
nment mance
Enhanced Pearson Correlation 1
salaries Sig. (2-tailed)
Car loan Pearson Correlation .645** 1
scheme Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Fringe Pearson Correlation .791** .741** 1
benefits Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
Promotions Pearson Correlation .745 .786 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
Working Pearson Correlation .699** .750** .743** 1
Environment Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000
The correlation analysis of the table 4.15 below shows that there is strong positive and moderate
positive relationship or correlation between motivational package variables and employees
performance. Enhanced salary and employees performance (r = 0.757, p < 0.05) has strong
positive correlation, car loan and employees performance (r =0.755, P < 0.05) has moderate
positive correlation, Promotions and employees performance (r = 0.726, P < 0.05) has strong
positive correlation, Working Environment and employees performance (r =0.742, p)).
Multicollinearity exists when there is too highly correlation between two or more predictors in a
regression model. Multicollinearity poses a problem only for multiple regressions because it
involves more than two predictors. Perfect Collinearity exists when at least one predictor is a
Perfect linear combination of the others. According to different statistical books, one way of
identifying Multicollinearity is to scan the correlation matrix of all of the predictor variables.
Another method is to produce a Collinearity diagnostics with the use of SPSS, and one of which
is the variance inflating factor (VIF). The VIF indicates whether a predictor has strong linear
relationship with the other predictor(s). Although there are no hard and fast rules about what
value of the VIF should be a cause for concern, (Gujarati, 2004) suggests that value of less than
10 is good value and he suggest that if the average VIF is greater than 1 then there is no
Multicollinearity in the regression model
Table: 4. 8: Collinearity Statistics
Model Collinearity Statistics
Tolerance VIF
Enhanced salaries .346 2.892
Car loan scheme .362 2.766
Fringe benefits .268 2.728
Promotions .340 2.945
Working Environment .362 2.766
Source: Own Computation using SPSS V 26
in this study as indicated in Table 4.16, the Variance inflation factors (VIFs) for the independent
variables included in the regression equation is greater than 1 and less than 10. For tolerance
statistics, values above 0.1 and below 1 are worthy of concern. Considering the regression model
for 46 this study the tolerance statistics values are greater than 0.1 and below 1 for all predictors
as indicated in tables 4.16 as such no Multicollinearity is observed in this model..
4.4.4 Homoscedasticity
There should be homoscedasticity check before running multiple regression analysis, this means
that the residuals (the differences between the values of the observed and predicted dependent
variable) are normally distributed, and that the residuals have constant variance. Figure 4.3 has
demonstrated homoscedasticity of the variables. Homoscedasticity is meant by where the
variances along the line of best fit remain similar as you move along the line.
Figure 4. 3: Homoscedasticity test
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Estimate
Table: 4. 8 ANOVA
The ANOVA tells us whether the model, overall, results is a significantly good degree of
prediction of the outcome variable. F-ratio is the test statistic used to decide whether the model
as a whole has statistically significant predictive capability, considering the number of variables
needed to achieve it. Since the significance result on the ANOVA table 4.15 is 0.000 which is p<
0.05 and the regression mean square is greater than residual mean square with F value 75.726,
the regression model fit to a good degree of prediction
4.6 Model coefficients
Table: 4. 9 Coefficients
Model Unstandardized Standardiz T Sig.
Coefficients ed
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.030 .213 4.847 .000
Enhanced salaries .349 .081 .044 4.290 .000
to employee
Employee car loan .055 .056 .078 .991 .323
Fringe benefits .227 .068 .304 3.340 .001
Working .271 .069 .318 3.927 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
Source: Own Survey, 2023
Based on the above table 4.19 sig. Value is used test the impact of each independent variable on
employee’s performance. Based on this if sig. value is less than p-value we can conclude that
motivational package variables have significance effect on employee’s performance or the
independent variable have significant effect on the dependent variable in this study. The result of
table 4.19 showed that the significance value is less than the significance level Value (0.05) for
all five independent variables.
5.1 Summary
The study was intended to investigate the effect of motivation on employee performance; the
case of commercial bank of Ethiopia Nakamte branches based on the questionnaire consisting of
125. The results of background information of respondents indicated that majority of the total
respondents (65.8%) are male, the major designation group were (66.7%) are customer service
officers, and (49.2%) of the respondents were have been worked with the bank for 3- 5 years
which takes the majority. The items included in the rating scale were grouped in to seven
dimensions these are enhanced salary, mortgage loan, car loan, fringe benefits, promotion,
recognition and working environment. The results of the descriptive statistical analysis indicated
that most of the respondents are moderate for the motivational packages or variables and the
motivational packages has a major impact on the performance of employees by linking the
individual or employees need (goal) with organizational goals. Employees exert week
performance for week motivational packages, moderate performance for moderate motivational
packages and their best performance for strong and attractive motivational packages. Therefore,
the bank needs to work on these motivational packages such as enhanced salary, mortgage loan,
car loan, fringe benefits, promotion, recognition, and working environment continuously to make
the motivational packages strong and attractive that satisfies, motivate and retain its staffs which
leads to customer satisfaction and delight which is the bottom line of organizational success and
prosperity. The finding of the correlation analysis showed that there is a positive strong
correlation between employees‟ motivational variables such as enhanced salary, car loan, fringe
benefits, promotion, recognition and working environment and employee performance. Mortgage
loan have a positive but moderate correlation with employee performance. From the R square
value it is shown that 67.3% of variation in employee performance is explained by the
independent variables. In other word The R square value of 0.6, demonstrates that 67.3% of
variation in employee performance can be explained by the independent variables (enhanced
salary, car loan, fringe benefits, promotion, and working environment) that were included in this
study. The multiple regression results showed that all the independent motivational variables
such as enhanced salary, car loan, fringe benefits, promotion, and working environment have
positive relation and significant effect on the dependent variable (employee performance).
5.2 Conclusion
The general objective of this study was to analyze effect of motivation on employee
performance; the case of commercial bank of Ethiopia Nakamte branches. The study analyzed
the effect of enhanced salary, mortgage loan, car loan, fringe benefits, promotion, recognition
and working environment to test employee performance. In determining the strength of the
relationship based on Pabachnic and Fidell, (2007), the value of the coefficient of correlation
between 0 &1 are interpreted as follows; r=.10 to .29 or r= -.10 to -29 week, r=.30 to .49 or r=
-.30 to -.49 moderate and r=.50 to 1 or r= -.50 to - 1 strong. The correlation analysis shows that
there is strong positive and moderate positive relationship or correlation between motivational
package variables and employees performance. Enhanced salary and employees performance (r =
0.757, p < 0.05) has strong positive correlation, car loan and employees performance (r =0.755, P
< 0.05) has moderate positive correlation, Promotions and employees performance (r = 0.726, P
< 0.05) has strong positive correlation, Working Environment and employees performance (r
=0.742, p). The study in general showed that all the independent motivational variables included
in this study such as enhanced salary, car loan, fringe benefits, promotion, and working
environment have positive relation and significant effect on employee performance (dependent
5.3. Recommendations
Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher forwards the following
recommendations. As the enhanced salary have positive relation and significant effect on
employee performance the bank needs to give a due attention to the variable enhanced salary and
needs to work on enhanced salary in order to improve employee performance. Mortgage loan
also have positive relation and significant effect on employee performance therefore the bank
expected to give the necessary emphasis for mortgage loan and to have attractive mortgage loan
procedure to enhance employee performance. Similarly car loan have positive relation and
significant effect on employee performance therefore the bank expected to give the necessary
attention for car loan and to have attractive car loan procedure to increase employee
performance. Fringe benefits also have positive relation and significant effect on employee
performance therefore the bank needs to give due emphasis and work on fringe benefits
continuously in order to enhance employee performance. Promotion also have positive relation
and significant effect on employee performance for this the bank expected to concern for
promotion to improve employee performance. The intrinsic motivational variable recognition has
positive relation and significant effect on employee performance therefore the bank needs to give
the necessary attention to recognition in order to enhance employee performance. Finally, the
other intrinsic motivational variable working environment also have positive relation and
significant effect on employee performance therefore the bank expected to give the necessary
emphasis to the working environment and needs to create conducive working environment to
increase employee performance. In general all the independent motivational variables such as
enhanced salary, mortgage loan, car loan, fringe benefits, promotion, recognition and working
environment have positive relation and significant effect on employee performance. Therefore,
the bank needs to work on these motivational variables continuously and consistently with a due
attention to attract, motivate, satisfy and retain its staffs as this works directly proportional to the
employee performance which is the base for the bank to prosper and to be a leading competitive
bank in the industry.
5.4 Limitation and Suggestion for Further Research
The findings of this study are based entirely upon the research conducted in Commercial Bank
on Nekamte branches and hence may not be applicable to other districts and regions. Lack of
similar research done in the country was another limitation of the study. Therefore, the research
paves the way to other research opportunity in CBE or other organization in our country to
investigate the effect of motivation on employee performance. Hence, the finding of this study
may have significant practical value. In an attempt to address the limitations of this research, it is
recommended that further research can be conducted to investigate the effect of motivation on
employee performance.
Therefore, the researcher recommends the following for future researches: A replica of this
research can be carried out with longitudinal data and on a wider scale (nation-wide) so that
cross-regional similarities and differences can be studied.
Comparative study by including more banks with regard to the effect of motivation on
employee performance.
The approach of this paper can be extended by including other motivational variables not
used in this thesis.
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Dear sir/madam this questionnaire is designed to collect information about the Effects of
motivation on employees‟ performance in case of commercial bank at Nakamte Town branches.
The data or information collected in such a way shall be used as primary data in my thesis, which
I am conducting as a partial fulfillment for the requirement of my study in MBA Finally, I
confirm you that the information that you share me was be kept confidential and only used for
the academic purpose. No individual’s responses was be identified as such and the identity of
persons responding was not be published or released to anyone. All information was be used for
academic purposes only. Your honest and thoughtful response is invaluable
The following questions are presented on a five point Likert scale. If that aspect is much better
than you hoped it could be choose 5 (strongly agree), if that aspect is even better than you
expected it to be choose 4 (agree) if that aspect is what you would like it to be choose 3 (fair),
you would like choose 2 if it to be somewhat poor (disagree) and if that aspect is much poorer
that you would like it to be choose 1 (strongly disagree).
S Enhanced salaries to employee 1 2 3 4 5
The salary scale of the bank is rational
If the bank allows used car loan the staffs was be more
Fringe benefits
The various allowances of the bank enhances the staffs life standard
and motivate to stay longer at the bank
There is adequate opportunity to promotion
Employee Performance