EEG Electrode Placement Fixed vs. Variable Bit

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EEG Electrode
Placement: Fixed vs.
12 Min. Technical

By The Bitbrain Team

April 30, 2020

The market for neurotechnology

devices is growing, with many new
tools available. Finding the right EEG
headset can be a challenge. There are
many features that will inCuence this
decision, but a very important one is
whether the EEG has a Dxed or
variable sensor layout. Variable
layouts will give you Cexibility at the
cost of usability, and Dxed layouts the
opposite. We explain here the pros
and cons of each version.

Brain areas and function

The outer layer of the brain is called

the cerebral cortex, where many of
the key functions of the nervous
system are executed. The cerebral
cortex of the human brain is divided
into four parts of the brain named
lobes: the frontal lobe, parietal lobe,
temporal lobe, and occipital lobe.
Each region has been subdivided and
is associated with speciDc cerebral

Somaticmotorassociationarea Primarymotorcortex

Prefrontalcortex Primarysensorycortex


Auditorycortex Visualcortex

Auditoryassociationarea Visualassociationarea


Regions of the cerebral cortex

associated with brain functions.
[online] Available at:

These physiological areas are related

to some main functions or behaviors:

Brain functions related to brain


These are the different areas of the

brain (lobes of the brain), and their
main functions:

1. Frontal: Reasoning, speech and

movement control, emotions, and
2. Central: Sensoriomotor.
3. Parietal: Attention, perception and
processing of stimuli related to
the senses (temperature, touch,
pressure, pain…).
4. Occipital: Vision.
5. Temporal: Memory, meaning, and
auditory stimuli interpretation and

The 10-5, 10-10 and 10

20 EEG systems

Biochemical exchanges between

cells produce small electrical activity
when the neurons communicate with
each other. A single electric signal
from neuron to neuron is not
recordable, but when millions of
neurons synchronize, the electric Deld
generated can be measured from the
scalp. This electrical activity of the
brain (or electroencephalographic
signals, EEG) is transmitted through
tissue, bone, and hair before it is
recorded, and by then its amplitude is
very attenuated (Sörnmo & Laguna,
2005; Nunez & Srinivasan, 2006).

In EEG, the location of the sensors is

critical if we want our experiments to
be reproducible, or want to compare
our recordings with data recorded by
different people. This is the reason
why, in 1947, a committee was
designated to create a standard that
uniDed all the procedures for
electroencephalogram EEG
measurement. This committee
devised the 10 20 system EEG as a
way to position and label the EEG
channels, and proposed a minimum
of 21 electrodes to examine the adult
brain (Jasper, 1958; Silverman,

The international system for EEG

placement takes four universal
cranial landmarks (nasion, onion, and
both pre-auricular points), and
proportionally distributes the EEG
electrodes over the head surface.

A-C: Placement of the standard

electrodes of the 10–20-system.
ModiDed from: Seeck, M., Koessler, L.,
Bast, T., Leijten, F., Michel, C.,
Baumgartner, C., ... & Beniczky, S.
(2017). The standardized EEG
electrode array of the IFCN. Clinical
Neurophysiology, 128(10), 2070-

The EEG electrode placement follows

the International system that labels
them according to the areas of the
cerebral cortex beneath. The labels
refer to the lobe or area of the brain
that is being recorded by each

The main areas are fronto-polar

(Fp), frontal (F), central (C),
temporal (T), parietal (P),
and occipital (O).
Regarding their lateralized
location, odd numbers (1,3,5,7)
refer to electrodes placed on the
left hemisphere, even numbers
(2,4,6,8) refer to those on the right
Electrodes over the midline (zero
line) are labeled with the letter “z”.

Depending on the percentage of the

distance between sensors, we have
the 10-20 layout with a total of 21
sensors if we start from a distribution
of 10% and 20% distances of the
sagittal and coronal central reference
curves. If these midlines are divided
into 10%, then we have the 10-10
layout with 81 sensors, and, Dnally, if
we add resolution with distances of
the 5%, then, we have the 10-5 EEG
system with 320 electrodes (Jurcak,
Tsuzuki, & Dan, 2007).

With this standard of EEG scalp

electrode locations, one can easily
associate the EEG of a given sensor
with different brain functions,
depending on their location on the
sensor layout. The illustration below
represents the functions of the brain
per area and its equivalent with the
10-20 electrode system.

Relation between brain functions and

standardized EEG electrode array of
the IFCN.

All EEG systems follow this standard,

not only because the results can be
compared with others in the research
literature, but also because it is
straightforward to describe, in a
uniDed way, the brain area/function
that we can access with each sensor
(or headset).

Layouts with variable or

Kx EEG electrodes

There are two types of systems:

1. Those that have a variable layout

of sensors (sensors can be
placed into different electrode
2. Those with Kxed layouts (the EEG
electrode placement can not be

EEG headset with variable layout

These systems allow for moving their

interchangeable positions to
accommodate different experiments.
This usually happens in lab
environments, where during
exploratory research phases, where
high head sensor coverage and
Cexibility are prioritized over other
aspects like confort or ergonomics.

Versatile EEG 32ch from Bitbrain.

These EEG systems are usually

composed of a fabric EEG cap that
covers the whole head with a chin
strap, a sensor array, and an
ampliDer. The cap preserves the 10-
10 or 10-20 system EEG with labeled
housings along with its pattern where
electrodes can be inserted. There are
usually several sizes to better Dt

EEG headset with Kxed layout

The sensor locations on these

systems are predeDned. Electrodes
are Dxed and cannot be moved from
one position to another. These
systems are designed to measure
speciKc mental processes and they
just cover the required brain areas for
the application.

DeDning an optimized electrode

layout allows for a lighter and less
invasive headset design. The ease of
use, comfort, and fast EEG placement
or setup are the characteristics that
make a Dxed layout valuable for an
experiment. These systems have a
simpliDed design that allows for self-

Pros and Cons of variable

and Kxed electrode

We summarize in this table below the

pros and cons of the different
approaches. We assume that the
sensors that use Variable layouts rely
on wet-EEG sensors and can have a
large number of electrodes, and
those that use Dxed layouts are
composed of a lower number of dry

Variablelayouts Fixedlayouts

Electrodelayoutcoverage Electrodescanbeplacedatanypositionofthe Anoptimizedsensorlayoutwithpredefined

internationalsystem.Positionscanbechanged sensorpositions

Time: Usuallytheyarewet-EEGsystemsandthus Thesystemisreadytouseanddoesnotuse

Systempre-setup requirepreparationofthematerials,>5minsif disposables.Noneedforpreparation.

Time: Setuptimeonthesubjectsisover2minsfora Usuallycanbeplacedinlessthan2minutes.

Preparationwiththesubject systemof16ch.

Pre-setup: Yes.Knowledgeofmentalprocessesandbrain Layoutsarealreadychosenforaspecific

Needoftechnicalknowledge areastodeterminethebestsensorpositionsor purpose,sothereisnoneedfortechnical
toplacethesensorlayout. knowledgetoselectthem.

Setup: Yes.Inmostcasesatechnicianplacesthe TheEEGsystemsthathavefixedpositions

Needoftechnicalknowledge equipmentontheparticipant. usuallysimplifythesetuptobeusedby

User. Theuserfeelswetnessorgel,andthehigher Verycomfortabletowearandlighter.Withdry

Comfort numberofsensorsmakestheproductheavier. sensors,cleaningupuser'shairisnot

User. Basedontheperimeterdimensionsandhave AdvanceddesigntoadapttheEEG

Ergonomics severalcapsizestofitthepopulation. requirementstothepopulation.Anthropometric

User. Fabriccapscoverthewholeheadandhave Lightnessandunobtrusivetechnologyforthe

invasiveness chinstrapsothesystemismoreintrusivefor userinreal-worldapplications.

User. Functionaldesignsformainlyresearchand Theseproductshaveafinestdesignduetothe

Visualaspect clinicalenvironments. fixedlayoutthathideswires,andislighterwith

User. No,theyareusuallytoocomplexfortheusers Thesesystemsareintuitiveandeasytouse.

Setuponyourself tosetupthemselves. Self-placementispossible,allowingpersonal

Figure7.Prosandconsofvariableandfixtechnologies. §Bitbrain

Pros and cons of variable and Dx


How to select an EEG with

variable or Kxed electrode

Although EEG headsets with Dxed

layouts can be used to record EEG in
almost any setup, the main purpose
of these technologies is to address
real-world environments or
professional products or services. An
easy way to Dt both EEG with variable
or Dxed sensors in a general research
pipeline is:

Phase 1 - Exploratory research

phase: use in-lab research-grade
technologies (EEG headsets with
variable sensor layouts and higher
sampling rates) to understand
human behavior in controlled
situations. At this step, the
priorities are to obtain EEG data
with a large number of sensors,
with high coverture of the brain,
and with very high resolution and
Phase 2 - Optimization of the
application: use EEG signal
processing techniques to
understand where and how the
neural correlates underlying the
behavior can be measured.
Phase 3 - Application-oriented
phase: use out-of-lab research
and application technologies
(EEG headsets with Dxed sensor
layouts) to understand human
behavior in natural scenarios. In
this case, the priority is to have an
easy-to-use and comfortable EEG
recording technologies, with
sensors only over the relevant
brain areas (measuring only the
brain activities we need to
measure), with mobility and
resistance to artifacts (to handle
free movement).

Notice that there is a clear analogy of

this research pipeline with the use of
wet-EEG (wet electrodes that use
saline or conductive gel) or dry-EEG
headsets (no use of saline or
conductive gels), see how to select a
wet vs dry EEG). The main application
focus of wet-based EEG (with
variable layouts) is usually
complementary to dry-EEG (with Dxed
layouts), as they are used in different
stages of this research pipeline.

Figure 8: This Dgure displays several

examples of the implementation of
these research phases.

Examples of projects with

the two types of EEG

The examples below detail two real

examples and how the selection of a
variable or Dxed layout EEG evolved
along with the project stages:

EEG headsets with variable and

Kxed layouts to improve mobility in

The research European project

MoreGrasp H2020 developed a brain-
controlled motor neuroprosthesis to
enable quadriplegics to carry out daily
tasks, such as grasping a glass,
improving their autonomy and quality
of life. The objective is to decode
grasping intention from the EEG
patterns produced by the user’s
motor cortex (mental states or
mental commands), and then to
activate those muscles that involve
the intended movement
by.personalized electrical currents
(effective movement). The project
was composed of two phases where
Bitbrain developed two EEG headsets
with different design requirements.

In the Drst stage, participants with

spinal cord injury completed a 4- to 8-
week training phase to get
familiarized with the technology.
During this phase, the research team
had to locate the least number of
sensors needed to decode intention
and the type of movement/grasping
in a natural manner. Bitbrain
developed the Versatile EEG, a
wireless EEG headset with 32
channels and a Cexible layout with
wide coverage of the head.

Use of a brain-controlled motor

neuroprosthesis during MoreGrasp

In the second stage of the project,

Bitbrain developed Hero, a
customized dry EEG headset that the
participant received to be utilized
daily at home. This time, the caregiver
of the participant sets up the

Using Hero device for grasping


At this point, the challenge was to

turn a wide coverage lab EEG device
into an intuitive, simple, and
comfortable headset for daily use.
The reduced number of sensors and
their Dxed positions gave the
following key features:

The Dxed layout allowed a design

that hides the cables, EEG leads,
inside covers, providing a more
friendly-looking device for real-
world applications, and getting
away from the image of a
laboratory technology. Also, it
resulted in a simpler and intuitive
product that could be set up by a
The sensors were located only
over the motor cortex, which were
the only required electrodes for
this speciDc brain-computer
interface application. With the
face clear, this would make it
easier for the participant to
integrate the technology into daily
life interactions and to accept the
perception of less invasive
The optimized 12 sensors of the
mobile EEG headset make the
product lighter and therefore
more comfortable.

2. EEG headsets with variable and

Kxed layouts for cognitive

Elevvo is a commercial brain-

computer interface neurotechnology
solution for improving working
memory, processing speed, and
sustained attention of the users
(Escolano, 2019a). The rationale
behind this technology is to use
modern neurofeedback stimulation
procedures to produce neuroplastic
changes in brain areas that mediate
in cognitive processes. It is mainly
used for cognitive rehabilitation or
maintenance. More than 100
participants have used it so far,
improving in these cognitive
capacities between 10 and 30%,
depending on the target population
(Escolano, 2019b).

One important aspect of this

technology is that it was developed
with an EEG headset with an
interchangeable sensor layout.
Initially in the research phases, and
later in the experimental studies, the
objective was to understand whether
this modern neurofeedback training
produced the desired effects
[Escolano, 2011; Escolano, 2014a;
Navarro-Gil, 2018; Escolano, 2014b]

Use of a versatile device for Elevvo


As a result of all the studies that were

carried out, people saw clear
improvements in cognitive capacities
(with variability depending on the user
and their brain capabilities). Once this
concept was proven, the next step
was to apply this technology to real-
world applications.

For example, The Sanitas project

implemented Elevvo in retirement
homes for the cognitive rehabilitation
of elderly people. For that purpose,
Bitbrain used Diadem, a wearable dry-
EEG headset with 12 sensors over the
brain areas used by Elevvo
technology. The design of this
product was the result of the
following key determinants:

PredeDned and Dxed layout

allowed a lighter and more
minimalistic headset design that
was non-intrusive and more
comfortable for the user. Sensor
wires are integrated in a carefully
designed case.
The limited number of sensors in
optimized locations made it
possible to design a simple
product with an easier and more
intuitive use, enabling setup by a
non-EEG expert, or even self-
placement, with short setup

Diadem from Bitbrain being used for

the Sanitas project.


If Cexibility is required for your

studies, then an EEG monitoring
system with a variable layout
should be the preferred option.
They are very useful in exploratory
research phases when a high
head coverage and
interchangeability are required
characteristics. Otherwise, if you
need your device for real-world
applications, consider EEG
technologies with Dxed sensor
layouts that are optimized for
speciDc applications.

Other important determinant factors


Set up and placement time:

usually preparation and
placement time for Dxed
electrodes is much lower than for
variable ones, since their
positions are predeDned and the
operator does not need to place
Usability and design: due to an
optimized and Dxed electrode
layout, these systems are lighter
and more comfortable than
variable EEGs. Their design is less
invasive and more innovative, so
they are more suitable in those
situations where image and
perception are important factors
(integration of the user into the
environment, marketing events,
etc.) or when the person who will
set up the system is not an EEG

About the Authors

Alexandra Alda, Product Design

Engineer at Bitbrain - Linkedin

Alexandra Alda obtained her degree in

industrial design and product
development engineering (2006) and
a MSc in industrial management
(2013) by the University of Zaragoza
(Spain). After her 6 year of experience
as a product designer in three design
studios of Madrid and Zaragoza, from
2013 to the present she works as a
product designer and the chief of the
product design department for
Bitbrain. Her main design expertise is
in the Deld of design and
development of biometrics recording
devices mainly centered on wearable
electroencephalogram products. Her
interests are focused on ergonomics
as well as user-centered design.

Natalia Torreblanca, Product

Design Engineer at Bitbrain -

Natalia Torreblanca holds an

Industrial Design and Product
Development Engineer degree (2017)
by the University of Zaragoza (Spain).
Since then to date she works as a
product designer focused in wearable
EEG and biometrics hardware
development with a multidisciplinary
team. These projects usually include
aspects like usability, ergonomics, 3D
print prototyping or product


Silverman, D. (1963). The

Rationale and History of the 10-20
System of the International
Federation. American Journal of
EEG Technology, 3(1), 17–22.
Jasper, H. H. (1958). The ten-
twenty electrode system of the
International Federation.
Electroencephalogr. Clin.
Neurophysiol., 10, 370-375.
Jurcak, V., Tsuzuki, D., & Dan, I.
(2007). 10/20, 10/10, and 10/5
systems revisited: their validity as
relative head-surface-based
positioning systems. Neuroimage,
34(4), 1600-1611.
Escolano, C., Montesano, L. &
Minguez, J. (2019a). On Modern
Neurofeedback Solutions based
on Brain-Computer Interfaces in
Uncontrolled Real-World Settings.
In IEEE International Conference
on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics (SMC). Bari (Italy).
Escolano, C., Montesano, L. &
Minguez, J. (2019b). A Business
Proof-of-Concept of a Brain-
Computer Interface for Cognitive
Enhancement. In IEEE
International Conference on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
(SMC). Bari (Italy).
Escolano, C., Navarro-Gil, M.,
Garcia-Campayo, J., Congedo, M.,
De Ridder, D., & Minguez, J.
(2014a). A controlled study on the
cognitive effect of alpha
neurofeedback training in patients
with major depressive disorder.
Frontiers in Behavioral
Neuroscience, 8(296).
Navarro-Gil, M., Escolano, C.,
Montero-Marín, J., Minguez, J.,
Shonin, E., & Garcia-Campayo, J.
(2018). Etcacy of neurofeedback
on the increase of mindfulness-
related capacities in healthy
individuals: a controlled trial.
Mindfulness, 9, 303-311.
Escolano, C., Aguilar, M., &
Minguez, J. (2011). EEG-based
upper alpha neurofeedback
training improves working
memory performance. In
International Conference of the
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society (EMBC) (p. 2327-
2330). Boston (USA).
Escolano, C., Navarro-Gil, M.,
Garcia-Campayo, J., Congedo, M.,
& Minguez, J. (2014b). The
effects of individual upper alpha
neurofeedback in ADHD: An open-
label pilot study. Applied
Psychophysiology and
Biofeedback, 39(3-4), 193-202.

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