Strategic Thinking - The Fundamental of Strategy 221115
Strategic Thinking - The Fundamental of Strategy 221115
Strategic Thinking - The Fundamental of Strategy 221115
It’s not the job only for Planning but for all departments, especially CS
How many users How much each user consume/spend
Level 2
2. Second or lower player usually benefits from getting share from others in the
same category
3. Only once the user base is enough, then we can focus on increase consumption
• Advertising
• Price strategy
• Sales
• Payment term
• Pricing
• Public relation
• Discount
• Trial
Client is launching a new product Product: The category, its USP & vs.
& asks us to design the PKG Competitors → What to highlight
→ Which information should we get? Price: Its pricing strategy & positioning
→ Should it look premium or for mass
→ Anything to highlight to suit its price &
the target of that segment
This summer, we’re launching a new Product: What’s the most important
UV Cream, targeting Gen Z female factors of consumer while choosing UV?
How our USP attracts them? Vs.
Objective: To convert users from competitors?
brand X by driving trial in summer Price: How’s our price vs. competitors?
period with new USP Do the consumers sensitive to price?
What’s the trend of UV spending?
USP: A technology to have triple
sunblock effect while gentle to skin Place: Where do we distribute? How’s the
shopping behavior at that channel? How
→ Requirements: IMC campaign, focus on do we look on shelf vs. competitors?
digital with BTL trial activation
Promotion: Summer is the period with
heavy promotion. Do we have any? How
trial plays a role in this CJ?
In order to see a clearer picture of why we have to
care about the entire 4P, let’s look at the basic
elements of strategic planning
An “ok definition” of Strategic Planning, aka Strategy
Overarching idea to flush out
the direction
EXECUTION Provide solid solution ACTION
Channels | Media | Activities
Sometimes, clientsIDEA don’t provide enough information and/or don’t even know the issues
of their own brand, which results in a generic brief
Overarching idea to flush out
the direction
EXECUTION ACTION Provide solid solution
→ Have to know how to ask the “strategic questions” & think about the brief critically
Channels | Media | Activities
No issue = No solution
A well-defined issue is
a issue half solved
You are the Marketer in charge of a cup noodle brand.
4P 3C
IMC campaign for an AC brand What’s the USP & new tech of X Maybe consumer’s perception
vs. Y? (product) on price & USP is the most
Raise awareness of a new critical point to focus on
technology to recruit How’s the price of X vs. Y?
intenders who are currently (price)
considering our brand X and
competitor Y What’s criteria of consumers to
choose AC? How much they care
about price? (consumer)
To find the exact issue(s), it’s mandatory to keep asking “WHY” until we
cannot ask anymore.
If client cannot answer, we can analyze based on the given information, but
it’s still important to get the perspectives from client.
The framework of Strategic Planning
Purpose of the brief | Objective
1. Understand the
State of the brand & how it can grow
After understanding the situation –
Penetration Consumption
New vs. Current CAT users Usage volume vs. frequency
identifying the issue
Its marketing mix
Product Price Place Promotion → Set the goal to make change after
the campaign
2. Identify the “ISSUE”
→ Plan the action with appropriate
Where & what exactly is the issue?
Opportunity? direction to solve the issue
Something true & obvious about product
or category
Something that you understand or notice
through observing their behavior
Subconscious mind, true feelings & thoughts the T.A
may not able to speak out
→ Tap in this to change their perception/action
Example: A man and his coffee choice
I like black coffee
Black coffee is stronger. Coffee with milk is
kinda too sweet for me.
Drinking black coffee makes me feel manly
Q. Which one is PROPOSITION?
Proposition 1
I’m a handsome, rich, quality, credible & gentle guy.
Proposition 2
I love you. I’ll make you happy.
Q. Which one is PROPOSITION?
Proposition 1
Just telling his spec. Not a proposition!
I’m a handsome, rich, quality, credible
Proposition 2
This is talking about target’s benefit
The basic checklist for everyday usage
Make clear of the situation: Check “solution” based on “issue” & “goal”:
- Which state the brand is in? - Are we clear about the target portrait & what
- What’s its source of growth? they want?
- Depends on the objective, which angles - Is the insight the right one to solve the “issue”
of marketing mix we should look at? pre- defined?
- Is the proposition able to make change to reach
Define the issue/challenge to solve & goals: the goal?
- Does the proposition talk about the target
- Did the client make clear of the issue they want benefits or just our specs?
to tackle?
- Is the goal to achieve after the campaign Cross check the whole strategy
well- defined?
- If client wants us to find out the issue & set the - Is this the best solution or there’s another way
goal, did they provide enough information? to solve the brief?
- Ask “Why” continuously to find the root - Does it give a framework of what to do to
cause, even if it’s annoying make change?
- Can it make any change?
→ Challenge & lead the clients