SEU - Prism - 5 2
SEU - Prism - 5 2
SEU - Prism - 5 2
Physics Lab
Section No :
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Experiment No:
Date of Experiment:
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Experiment No: 05
Name of the Experiment:
To determine the angle of a prism.
Theory :
When light of certain color undergoes by refraction through a prism, then the refractive index of the
material of the prism for light of certain color (wave length) is given by the relation
Sin m
Sin i 2
Sin r A
Where, A = prism angle
δm = minimum deviation.
the expression for μ can be deduced in the following manner.
STX i e ( r r )
In quadrilateral AQFR,
Q R 90 0 ( MF and NF are
A F 180 0 Figure – 1: Refraction of light through prism.
Again, in triangle QFR,
F r r 180 0
A r r
i e A
But in the position of minimum deviation (δm), the ray passes symmetrically through the prism
so that i = e and r = r ' .Therefore we can write from (5) and (6),
m A A
m 2i A and A 2r i and r
2 2
m A
Sin i 2
Now refractive index of the material of the prism is ……………..( 7 )
Sin r A
Apparatus: (1)Spectrometer, (2)Sodium lamp, (3)Prism, (4)Spirit level, (5)Reading lens, etc
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Turn the telescope towards the
white wall or screen and
looking through eye-piece,
adjust its position till the cross
wires are clearly seen.
Turn the telescope towards
window, focus the telescope to
a long distant object.
Place the telescope parallel to
Place the collimator directed
towards sodium vapor lamb.
Switch on the lamp.
Focus collimator slit using
collimator focusing
Adjust the collimator slit Figure : 2 : Determination of prism angle
Place prism table, note that the
surface of the table is just
below the level of telescope
and collimator.
Place spirit level on prism
table. Adjust the base leveling
screw till the bubble come at
the centre of spirit level.
Clamp the prism holder.
Clamp the prism in which the
sharp edge is facing towards
the collimator, and base of the
prism is at the clamp
Prism table is rotated in which the sharp edge of the prism is facing towards the collimator.
Rotate the telescope in one direction up to which the reflected ray is shown through the
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Note corresponding main scale and vernier scale reading in both vernier (vernier I and vernier II).
Rotate the telescope in opposite direction to view the reflected image of the collimator from the
second face of prism.
Note corresponding main scale and vernier scale reading in both vernier(vernier I and vernier II).
Find the difference between two readings, i.e.θ
Angle of prism, A=θ/2
No . of Observation
Θ=T2 ~ T1
Vernier Vernier the
Main Total Main Total Θ
Scale Scale prism
Scale Reading Scale Reading A=
Reading Reading T2=M+V degree
Reading T1=M+V Reading Θ/2
V = Div. V = Div.
(M) degree (M) degree degree
V.C. V.C.
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Angle of the prism = ……………………….
(i) The source must be in front of the collimator slit so that image appears bright.
(ii) The vertical cross-wire or the centre of the cross-wires should be made coincident with
the same edge of the slit image. Care should be taken so that there is no parallax between the
cross-wires and the slit image.
(iii)For the final setting, the telescope must be rotated carefully with the tangent screw always
in the same direction so as to avoid back-lash error.
(iv) While measuring the angle of the prism, the vertex of the prism should be placed at the
center of the table.
(vi) While handling a prism, never tough the refracting faces. Always hold it between the
thumb at the bottom and the other fingers at the top. The faces of the prism should be cleaned
with a clean piece of fine linen, if necessary.
(viii) In taking reading care should be taken to ascertain whether the zero of the main circular
scale has been crossed in going from one position to other.
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