Isla ES Conplan Earthquake23-24
Isla ES Conplan Earthquake23-24
Isla ES Conplan Earthquake23-24
Department of Education
Prepare the School Activate CP for Earthquake Do the head count to the
Magnitude 5.5 – 6.0 Pressing the school alarm and
Slight damage to teachers, staff and learners
Contingency Plan for banging of bells Learners are to be dismissed
buildings and other structures Earthquake and conduct Perform SOP for immediately once all is clear.
Earthquake Duck, Teachers shall ensure the school
orientation to school
Cover, and Hold is safe before going home.
community. As shaking stops, evacuate to the Incident commander should
School DRRM conducts/ school designated evacuation call the different teams and
area proceed with their assigned
identifies hazard prone areas in In the absence of a tasks
the campus PHILVOCS advisory If somebody is missing, inform
Magnitude 6.1 - 6.9 Prepare the School Activate CP for Earthquake Do the head count to the
May cause a lot of damage in Pressing the school alarm and teachers, staff and learners
populated areas Contingency Plan for banging of bells Learners are to be dismissed
Earthquake and conduct Perform SOP for immediately once all is clear.
Earthquake Duck, Teachers shall ensure the school
orientation to school
Cover, and Hold is safe before going home.
community. As shaking stops, evacuate to the Incident commander should
School DRRM conducts/ school designated evacuation call the different teams and
area proceed with their assigned
identifies hazard prone areas in In the absence of a tasks
the campus PHILVOCS advisory If somebody is missing, inform
automatic suspension of the SDRRM Coordinator or
Capacitate faculty, staff and classes applies for 1 day or School head.
learners through drills and until there is no more Apply first aid to those who are
aftershocks or as per wounded; debriefing to all the
trainings students, faculty and staff
advise by authority
Designate evacuation and Instruct the different teams and Classes shall be hold in
its focal persons to be prepared temporarily learning shelter
unification site and installation until shakes ends.
as soon as they are needed.
of warning signs in the campus Temporary closure of school Temporary closure of the
campus until the situation is affected room/building; Repair
Secure important school under control. of damaged facilities in the
documents and records community such us school,
water pipes, etc.
Have the Emergency kit / bag
The school shall schedule
ready as well as the temporary
make-up classes to cover the
from authorities.
Send RADAR Report and
Coordination with the Division
DRRM Focal person
Prepared by:
School DRRM Coordinator