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Isi Video Youtube

product design success depends on

sa3sfying customers needs the be8er

the product sa3sfies the needs the more

likely it will perform well in the


in today's video I will discuss a

framework that can help product

designers iden3fy the true needs of

their customers this framework is called

jobs to be done

to understand where the jobs to be done

thinking comes from I want to quote the

other Levi8

he used to tell his students people

don't want to buy quarter inch drill

they want a quarter inch hole this quote

perfectly summarize how people think

when they choose products

people hire products to do a job

customers are not buyers they are job


a job is not a task it's a progress

towards the goal that the person is

trying to achieve

when a customer evaluates your product

they compare it with other Solu3ons

your compe3tors might not be the same

type of product or even the same

category of product

jobs to be done as a framework that

helps product designers understand why

the user do what they do it helps us

understand the true needs that users


the intercom team uses this illustra3on

to show what is and is not important to


some3mes people hire a product for

something you didn't even envision

here are a few integral proper3es that

each job has

jobs are func3onal they describe the

problem your customer is looking to


jobs are stable over 3me because they

are based on the user needs

while products come and go the customers

needs stay constant that's why jobs are

solu3on agnos3c

Alan Clement coined the concept of a job

story this tool can help us frame a

story in a format of the sentence when I

want to so I can

when describe a par3cular situa3on in

context of interac3on

I want to describe a person's mo3va3on

so I can describe expected outcome

here is an example of a job story for a

video recording soGware when I record a

new video I want to see speakers notes

so I can remember everything I want to

talk about

job stories can serve as an excellent

reference for the product team before

you design something you can list all

job stories up front and use them as

guiding principles when crea3ng your


for each job you should also have

desired outcome

people use desired outcomes to judge

whether a solu3on they have is mee3ng

their jobs or not

it's possible to express the desired

outcome in a form of a statement a

series of statements

for example here is my desired outcome

for using a video edi3ng tools I want

to maximize my ability to record videos

during the week

the statement has a few variables such

as Direc3on metric and qualifier

the variables can vary depending on the

nature of the job

another essen3al thing about jobs to be

done is that this Frameworks describe

the be8er me

customers are looking to improve their

lives a person hires a product to

achieve more how will your product make

customers like be8er from their

perspec3ve it's a cri3cal ques3on you

should ask during project development

how jobs to be done can be used in a

product design jtbd is a lens that we

can use in many different ways

for example we can use jtbt to find new

opportuni3es for a product we Design

This framework can be very useful during

user and market research

jtbd can help you design valuable


it is par3cularly useful when you

evaluate the features you want to add to

your product

whenever you want to introduce a new

feature you always evaluated from a

perspec3ve of the value it brings to

your users

it will help you avoid the situa3on

when you release a new feature just for

the sake of releasing a new feature

it will help you communicate design

solu3ons to stakeholders you can

present Your solu3on in a way that

makes sense to business people

last but not least it will help you

communicate value to the market

gtbd can help you use marke3ng language

when you adver3se your product here is

how it works

this is a famous Apple iPod ad this ad

doesn't describe the technical

specifica3on of this device instead it

focuses on a user needs

back in the early 2000s users wanted to

have their media collec3on on a

portable device that kind of fits a

pocket of their genes so they can take

it anywhere

now that you know what jobs are and how

you can use them in product design it's

3me to understand how to define jobs

the best way to define jobs is to talk

to people who represent your target


but when conduc3ng interviews it's

be8er to avoid asking customers

directly what do you want

Henry Ford once said

if I had asked people what they wanted

they would have said Faster Horses this

statement perfectly summarizes the

problem of the what do you want ques3on

when customers men3on Faster Horses

they tell you that they want a faster

form of transporta3on

that's why instead of asking customers

directly what do you want ask what do

you try to accomplish or what is the

reason you buy product a

you need to understand what drives

people to buy product and this ques3on

will help you iden3fy job or jobs that

the users try to accomplish

customers typically have mul3ple jobs

they want to accomplish when they buy


for example when a person buying a new

mobile phone they likely plan to use it

for different purposes such as

they want to use it to take photos in

this case they might want a phone with a

good camera

the person also wants to play AAA Mobile

game and needs a phone with a good


the person might want to track their

health so they won't have one that

integrates well with the smart watches

if the customer wants to accomplish all

three jobs they likely choose the phone

with a good camera hardware and good

integra3on with health monitoring


different customers have different jobs

they have different goals and

expecta3ons when they hire your product

for example a customer a hires a product

because they have a job one and job two

they need done

customer B has the product because they

have job 3 and job 4.

how to know which job you should focus

on you need to evaluate the customer if

the customer B represents a significant

segment of your target audience you need

to focus on the job three and four

since we men3oned different customer

segments let's talk about the jobs to be

done framework versus personas

user personas are fic3onal characters

represen3ng a group of users that might

want to use your product similarly user

Persona can help you understand who the

target user is behind the sense

the user is more than just a customer

the user is human being with goals

frustra3ons mo3va3ons and real life

challenges and when we outline all this

informa3on in the format of a document

we can use it as a reference during the

product design

well-designed Persona has an opportunity

to become a user archetype that the

product teams uses to assess design


but the problem with Persona is that

it's fic3onal of course we create a

Persona based on user research but we

make a lot of assump3on along the way

on how user will interact with the

product as a result women might be wrong

in our assump3on

when our development is based solely on

the gases and absorp3ons it can easily

lead to a product failure

jobs to be done on the other hand are

rooted in a real needs that people have

does it mean that we should replace

personas with jtbd

No in fact we can use both and should

use both to outline who our Target users


it's possible to visit visualize the

difference between two tools using the

Dual axis chart with empathy and

ac3onability as axis X and Y

personas are great for building empathy

towards your users but they are less


Persona doesn't Focus much on what user

is trying to accomplish using your

jtbd on the other hand cares less about

the psychodymographic of the customer

instead it focuses on what they try to

accomplish using your product

personas used together with the jtbd can

maximize the effect of using qualified

qualita3ve data about users

first you create personas and then you

use gtbd to understand their ac3ons

personas will help you dis3nguish your

users by demographics and goals they

want to achieve

and jdbd will help you think about users

From perspec3ve or their true needs so

you can Define the u3lity your product

should have to help the user to complete

specific tasks

a job to be done framework is the best

defined as perspec3ve lands for this we

can observe you our customers and their


when a company follows this approach

it's much more likely that the company

will create a product that sa3sfies the

needs of the its user

if you like this video please subscribe

and click on the Bell icon so you will

never miss any video thank you

Terjemahan :

Sukses desain produk tergantung pada memuaskan kebutuhan pelanggan. Semakin baik
produk memenuhi kebutuhan, semakin besar kemungkinan produk tersebut akan berhasil di

Dalam video hari ini, saya akan membahas suatu kerangka kerja yang dapat membantu
desainer produk mengiden3fikasi kebutuhan seja3 pelanggan mereka. Kerangka ini disebut
"jobs to be done" (pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan).

Untuk memahami asal-usul pemikiran "jobs to be done," saya ingin mengu3p Theodore
Levi8. Beliau biasa memberi tahu mahasiswanya bahwa orang 3dak ingin membeli bor
seperempat inci, mereka ingin lubang seperempat inci. Ku3pan ini sangat merangkum cara
orang berpikir saat memilih produk.

Orang menyewa produk untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan. Pelanggan bukanlah pembeli,
mereka adalah pelaksana pekerjaan. Suatu pekerjaan bukanlah tugas, melainkan kemajuan
menuju tujuan yang ingin dicapai seseorang.

Ke3ka pelanggan mengevaluasi produk Anda, mereka membandingkannya dengan solusi

lain. Pesaing Anda mungkin bukan produk yang sama atau bahkan kategori produk yang

"Jobs to be done" adalah suatu kerangka kerja yang membantu desainer produk memahami
mengapa pengguna melakukan apa yang mereka lakukan. Ini membantu kita memahami
kebutuhan seja3 yang dimiliki pengguna.

Tim Intercom menggunakan ilustrasi ini untuk menunjukkan apa yang pen3ng dan 3dak
pen3ng bagi pelanggan. Terkadang orang menyewa produk untuk sesuatu yang bahkan 3dak
Anda bayangkan.

Berikut beberapa proper3 integral yang dimiliki se3ap pekerjaan:

1. **Fungsional:** Mereka menjelaskan masalah yang ingin diselesaikan pelanggan.

2. **Stabil sepanjang waktu:** Karena berdasarkan kebutuhan pengguna, pekerjaan tetap
konstan sementara produk muncul dan pergi. Itulah mengapa pekerjaan 3dak tergantung
pada solusi tertentu.

Alan Clement memperkenalkan konsep "job story." Alat ini membantu kita merangkai cerita
dalam format kalimat "Ke3ka saya ingin, sehingga saya bisa." Ini menggambarkan situasi
tertentu dalam konteks interaksi.

Contoh job story untuk perangkat lunak perekaman video: "Ke3ka saya merekam video baru,
saya ingin melihat catatan pembicara sehingga saya bisa mengingat segala sesuatu yang
ingin saya bicarakan."

Job story dapat menjadi referensi yang sangat baik untuk 3m produk. Sebelum merancang
sesuatu, Anda dapat mencantumkan semua job story di awal dan menggunakannya sebagai
prinsip panduan saat membuat produk Anda.

Untuk se3ap pekerjaan, Anda juga harus memiliki hasil yang diinginkan. Orang
menggunakan hasil yang diinginkan untuk menilai apakah solusi yang mereka miliki
memenuhi pekerjaan mereka atau 3dak.

Anda dapat menyatakan hasil yang diinginkan dalam bentuk pernyataan atau serangkaian
pernyataan. Misalnya, hasil yang diinginkan saya menggunakan alat pengeditan video adalah
"Saya ingin memaksimalkan kemampuan saya untuk merekam video selama seminggu."

Hal pen3ng lain tentang "jobs to be done" adalah bahwa kerangka kerja ini menjelaskan
"yang lebih baik." Pelanggan mencari cara untuk meningkatkan hidup mereka. Bagaimana
produk Anda akan membuat pelanggan merasa lebih baik dari perspek3f mereka? Ini adalah
pertanyaan kri3s yang harus diajukan selama pengembangan proyek.

Bagaimana "jobs to be done" dapat digunakan dalam desain produk? "Jobs to be done"
adalah lensa yang dapat kita gunakan dengan berbagai cara. Misalnya:

- **Menemukan Peluang Baru:** Framework ini dapat membantu kita menemukan peluang
baru untuk produk yang kita desain. Ini sangat berguna selama peneli3an pengguna dan

- **Merancang Solusi Bernilai:** "Jobs to be done" membantu Anda merancang solusi

bernilai. Ini sangat berguna saat mengevaluasi fitur yang ingin Anda tambahkan ke produk

- **Berbicara Bahasa Pemasaran:** Framework ini dapat membantu Anda menggunakan

bahasa pemasaran saat mengiklankan produk Anda. Ini membantu Anda fokus pada nilai
yang dibawa produk Anda ke pelanggan.

Cara terbaik untuk mendefinisikan "jobs" adalah berbicara dengan orang yang mewakili
audiens target Anda. Hindari bertanya kepada pelanggan secara langsung apa yang mereka
inginkan, karena seper3 yang dikatakan Henry Ford, "Jika saya bertanya kepada orang-orang
apa yang mereka inginkan, mereka akan mengatakan kuda yang lebih cepat."

Sebagai gan3nya, tanyakan apa yang mencoba mereka capai atau alasan mereka membeli
produk. Ini akan membantu Anda mengiden3fikasi pekerjaan atau pekerjaan yang ingin
dilakukan pengguna.

Pelanggan umumnya memiliki beberapa pekerjaan yang ingin mereka lakukan saat membeli
produk. Misalnya, seseorang yang membeli ponsel baru kemungkinan ingin
menggunakannya untuk berbagai tujuan, seper3 mengambil foto, memainkan game berat,
dan memantau kesehatan mereka. Ini adalah 3ga pekerjaan yang ingin mereka lakukan, dan
produk yang mereka pilih kemungkinan akan memenuhi kebutuhan ini.

Cara terbaik untuk menentukan pekerjaan mana yang harus difokuskan adalah dengan
mengevaluasi pelanggan. Jika pelanggan B mewakili segmen besar dari audiens target Anda,
Anda perlu fokus pada pekerjaan 3ga dan empat.

Akhirnya, "jobs to be done" dapat digunakan bersama dengan persona pengguna. Persona
membantu Anda memahami siapa pengguna target di balik data demografis. "Jobs to be
done," di sisi lain, membantu Anda memikirkan pengguna dari perspek3f kebutuhan seja3
mereka. Keduanya dapat digunakan bersama untuk mengop3malkan penggunaan data
kualita3f tentang pengguna.

Dengan mengiku3 pendekatan ini, perusahaan lebih mungkin menciptakan produk yang
memuaskan kebutuhan pengguna. Jika Anda menyukai video ini, harap berlangganan dan
klik ikon lonceng sehingga Anda 3dak akan melewatkan video lainnya. Terima kasih.

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