VED16 Introduction To Guidance Counseling
VED16 Introduction To Guidance Counseling
VED16 Introduction To Guidance Counseling
College: Program:
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Values Education
Prepared by: Reviewed/Noted by: Approved by:
A. Curriculum Development
B. Community Extension Services
C. Research
D. Community Linkages
E. Students Services
F. Physical Facilities
G. Fiscal Management
H. Human Resources Management (for faculty and staff)
I. Job Placement
1. To produce graduates who will become effective synthesizer of organized knowledge to allow critical and analytical thinking;
2. To provide avenues for education students to upgrade their classroom learning by encouraging attendance in symposia, seminars, fora, lecture series to
better equip them as future educators;
3. Demonstrate understanding and mastery of the fundamental knowledge and skills required for effective professional practice in the field of
No. 75, s. 2017:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the Values Education Framework of K to 12
2. Show passion and commitment in becoming advocates of universal values of openness, peace, tolerance social justice and respect of human rights
3. Become an exemplar of Filipino values 6.3.6.g. show understanding of the theories, principles and application of strategies for effective intra and interpersonal relations
4. Manifest commitment to community service as a means to promote social values
5. Show reflective skills in applying strong moral and ethical principles in their decisions and actions as a values education teacher
Time Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Content Suggested Teaching Learning Suggested Assessment
Allotment Activities
Week 1 Acquaint every student on the course GGCAST VMGO Reading of the course Recitation
(Day 1) outline syllabus Presentation of output of
Group dynamics the group
Explain the GGCAST VMG & College
At the end of the lesson/s, the student should Students in small groups Execution of the
be able to: draft their plan in homeroom guidance
Implementation of a implementing a Homeroom lesson to demonstrate
Implement a Homeroom guidance Homeroom Guidance guidance lesson through the students’ knowledge and
lesson based on a developed program supervision of the teacher. skill in implementing a
that suits learner’s gender, needs, Execute homeroom guidance homeroom guidance
strength, interests and experiences with the supervision of the program
Collaborate with students, parents, teacher. Rubric focused on one’s
Week 7 and colleagues to develop preventive
Peer evaluation mastery of the lesson,
measures, including anti-bullying teaching strategy, and
initiatives, stress management management of learning
techniques, and positive behavior in the execution of
reinforcement. homeroom guidance
Communicate effectively with parents lessons
and guardians, keeping them
informed about their child’s progress
and involving them in the homeroom
guidance process when appropriate.
Week 8-9 At the end of the lesson/s, the student should The nature, meaning, The teacher will discuss the Word Cloudto demonstrate
College of Teachers Education 8 of 15 | P a g e
Course Syllabus in Introduction to Guidance and Counseling
be able to: importance and scope of nature, meaning, students’ knowledge of
counseling in schools importance, and scope of the nature, meaning,
Describe the nature, meaning, counseling in schools. importance, scope of
importance, scope of counseling in Classifications of Counseling Brainstorming by citing counseling in schools
schools situations in schools where Criteria focus: clarity on
Compare and contrast the “counseling” comes in. how the strategy was
classifications of Counseling The teacher will portrayed
Identify which classification of discuss the Role Play presentation to
counselling suits the learner’s classifications of show the differences of
gender, needs, strength, interest and counseling; the classifications of
experiences Students work in counseling, how it suits
Classify counseling approaches based groups to plan and the learner’s gender,
on theoretical foundations, such as present the needs, strength, interest
cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, difference of the and experiences
humanistic, and solution-focused classifications of
Rubric focused on
counseling. counseling
creativity and acting on
Recognize the importance of cultural how the classifications of
competence in counseling, counseling is applied in
understanding how counselors should different issues and
adapt their approaches to respect and situations
incorporate clients' cultural
backgrounds and beliefs.
Week 10 At the end of the lesson/s, the student should Lecture/Discussion Pecha Kucha to demonstrate
be able to: G. Factors that Influence the Journal article readings students understanding of
Counseling Process related to doing how various factors
Analyze how various factors influence counseling and factors influence the counseling
the counseling process using H. The Basic Process of influencing the process using research-
research-based knowledge on issues Counseling counseling process. based knowledge on issues
in dealing with students with special Students work in small concerning counseling in
needs, those in difficult groups to analyze from schools
21 Century Name of the Activity/Task Description Rubrics for Assessment
Journal writing in the context of Introduction to guidance and
Creative and counseling is a reflective practice that encourages students to document The journal writing is assessed
Critical Thinker Journal Writing their thoughts, feelings, and insights related to the field of guidance and by the ff. criteria: Content (30%),
counseling. Through regular journal entries, students explore their Clarity (20%), Consistency
personal reactions to course materials, class discussions and their own (20%), Engagement (20%) and
experiences. grammar spelling (10%).
The students will be evaluated by the following The following scales are used for conversions from numerical grade to unit grade:
100-1.0 96-1.4 92-1.8 88-2.2 84-2.6 80-3.0 76-3.4
College of Teachers Education 13 of 15 | P a g e
Course Syllabus in Introduction to Guidance and Counseling
Written Works – 30% 99-1.1 95-1.5 91-1.9 87-2.3 83-2.7 79-3.1 75-3.5
Performance/ 98-1.2 94-1.6 90-2.0 86-2.4 82-2.8 78-3.2 5.0-Failed
Product Test – 30% 97-1.3 93-1.7 89-2.1 85-2.5 81-2.9 77-3.3 7.0-Incomplete
Periodic Exam 9.0-Dropped
1st-Final exams – 40% (10%each)
Total – 100%
1. As a general policy, no special or make-up tests for missed exams other than the final examination will be given. However, a faculty member may give special exams for
a. approved absences (where the student concerned officially represented the Institution at some function or activity).
b. absences due to serious illness which require hospitalization, death in the family and other reasons which the faculty member deems meritorious
2. If the student has no valid reason for missing an exam (for example, the student was not prepared to take the exam) then the student receives 0% for the missed exam.
3. Course outputs are required and not optional to pass the course. Failure to comply the output or requirement, the student will get an incomplete grade of7.0.
4. Mobile phones and other forms of communication devices should be on silent mode or turned off during class. Except for occasion such that the faculty utilized mobile
phones as a support for learning process.
5. Students are expected to be attentive and exhibit the behavior of a mature and responsible individual during class. They are also expected to come to class on time and
6. Sleeping, bringing in food and drinks, and wearing a cap and sunglasses in class are not allowed.
7. Students who wish to go to the comfort room must politely ask permission and, if given such, they should be back in class within 5 minutes. Only one student at a time
may be allowed to leave the classroom for this purpose.
8. Students who are absent from the class for more than 5 meetings will get a final grade of 9.0 in the course.
9. Only students who are officially enrolled in the course are allowed to attend the class meetings.