Intro To Corporate Governance
Intro To Corporate Governance
Intro To Corporate Governance
In most companies organizational effectiveness is a result of good corporate governance. Today, most organizations
are using accountability, transparency and ethical behaviour as benchmarks for good corporate governance. The
concept of corporate governance mostly covers the system of principles and policies used to overcome the conflicts
of interest between different groups of stakeholders of a corporate firm. Good corporate governance is the key to
improving economic efficiency, enhancing the attraction of our market and investors’ confidence, as well as
maintaining the stability of the financial system.
This section will review the meaning of corporate governance, and its purpose in society; and address some of the
critical issues and challenges faced by corporate boards and top managers.
“Corporate Governance refers to that blend of law, regulation and appropriate voluntary private sector
practices which enable the corporation to attract financial and human capital, perform efficiently, and thereby
perpetuate itself by generating long-term economic value for its shareholders; and, directors capable of
independently approving the corporation’s strategy and major business plans and decisions, and of
independently hiring management, monitoring management’s performance and integrity, and replacing
management when necessary.”
For example, there are limitations on joint stock companies whose business is maintaining shareholder’s registers of
other companies. These enterprises may not hold more than a 10% stake in the Charter capital of a joint stock
company which maintains their registers.
2 A fuller definition of “Corporate Governance” taken from the Revised Text, 2004, of the OECD Principles of
Corporate Governance1 is as follows:
“Corporate Governance involves a set of relationships between a company’s management, its board, its
Revised edition: Paris, OECD, 2004 p11
shareholders and other stakeholders. Corporate governance also provides the structure through which the
objectives of the company are set, and the means of attaining those objectives and monitoring performance are
determined. Good corporate governance should provide proper incentives for the board and management to
pursue objectives that are in the interest of the company and its shareholders and should facilitate effective
4. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) Bank Licensing, Supervision and Surveillance, Guideline No 01-
2004/BSD defines Corporate Governance as:
“Processes and structures used to direct and manage the business and affairs of an institution with the objective
of ensuring its safety and soundness and enhancing shareholder value. The process and structure define the
division of power and establish mechanisms for achieving accountability between board of directors,
management and shareholders, while protecting the interests of depositors and taking into account the effects on
other stakeholders, such as creditors, employees, customers and the community.”
In addition to the roles and duties in Table 4.2, Drucker also believes that it is the duty of the board to demand top
performance from management and to remove those executives who are non-performers. He goes on to say that an
effective board should insist on being informed of what is happening in the organization before the problem gets out
of hand. Additionally, an effective board should not accept recommendations from top management without
questioning them. In short, an effective board should insist on being effective.
An effective board will often have several committees such as the Audit and Human Resources Committees.
Acting as the last court of appeal or Developing and maintaining good public
decision-making body. relations with all shareholders.
Supervising the CEO and assisting in the Providing the board with any information
selection and induction of new board required.
B) In terms of the King Report on Corporate Governance, (1997), the main functions of the board are as follows:
Establish and direct the company, both as to strategy and structure
Ascertain key business determinants within the context of a company’s constituent businesses and monitor
executive management’s implementation of the organization’s strategies.
Review the company’s operational performance and that of its management.
Ascertain that the company has adequate systems of internal control, both operational and financial.
Participate in the selection of the chief executive officer and other senior officers of a company, providing
guidance on appointments and succession planning.
Endeavour to ensure that the company operates in an ethical manner with all its stakeholders.
Address the adequacy of employee benefits relative to industry norms and practice.
The code requires the board to retain full and effective control in monitoring executive management and ensuring
that material decisions remain within its jurisdiction. It remains for the board to define its own levels of materiality,
which should be clearly communicated to all affected levels of management in an organization and possibly
supported by some form of procedures or policy manual.
C) According to the RBZ, an important aspect of the functions of the Board is the identification of key risk areas
and key performance indicators. The board must have a Charter, which as a minimum should clearly set out:
The adoption of strategic plans.
Monitoring of operational performance and management
Determination of policy and processes to ensure effective risk management and internal control, and
Communication policy and director selection, orientation and evaluation.
In addition the duties and responsibilities of the board of directors of a banking institution are as follows:
To ensure that there are adequate policies in place that are aimed at improving the banking institutions profit
The Business Roundtable, the role and Composition of the Board of Directors of the Large Publicly Owned Corporation, New York: Business
Roundtable, 1978 pp 11-12. Cited in Linda Kozar Du Plessis (Ed.), Environments of Business, BA 243; The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,
1997, p700
performance and ensuring fulfillment of the banking institution’s strategic plans.
To ensure that the banking institution has adequate systems to identify, measure, monitor and manage key risks
facing the banking institution.
Select and appoint senior executive officers who are qualified and competent to administer the affairs of the
banking institution effectively and soundly.
Establish and ensure the effective functioning of Board and Management Committees in key areas.
Set up an effective internal audit department, staffed with qualified personnel to perform internal audit
functions, covering the traditional function of financial audit as well as the function of management audit.
Set up an independent Compliance Function and approve the bank’s compliance policy, including a charter or
other formal document.
Ensure that the banking institution has a beneficial influence on the economic well-being of its community.
Supervise the affairs of the banking institution, and be regularly informed of the banking institution’s condition
and policies in ensuring that the banking institution is soundly managed.
Adopt and follow sound policies and objectives which have been fully deliberated.
Observe banking laws, rulings and regulations.
The duty of care requires a board member, at a minimum, to participate effectively in board an committee
meetings, to communicate and work effectively with the chairman of the board and the chief executive officer.
The duty of loyalty forbids directors and officers from participating in a competing enterprise unless a majority
of disinterested board members approve.
Corporate boards place place considerable reliance on the work of the audit committee and the continuing work of
the company's internal auditor. The following important points should be borne in mind:
every board should aim to have a properly functioning audit committee,
the audit committee should be chaired by a non-executive director (as a minimum) and ideally, should be
entirely composed of non-executive directors,
the audit committee should meet regularly,
the audit committee should have direct access to the external and internal auditors (and vice versa),
the audit committee should give initial approval to both the external and internal audit plans – both of
which should be submitted to the full board for approval, the audit committee should ensure that the
internal auditor is given sufficient delegated authority to discharge the full range of duties and functions set
out in the relevant international standard(s),
the audit committee and internal auditor should oversee the operations of all subsidiaries and joint ventures
(where the level of risk or control warrants this),
the internal auditor should be known to all directors and should report to the full board from time to time.
The above requirements are the minimum requirements that one would expect to find in any organisation that is
serious about achieving best practice.
Generally, compliance standards are key in providing a framework for an effective compliance programe, the
performance of which can be monitored and assessed. A compliance program is an important element in the
corporate governance and due diligence of an organisation, and should:
Aim to prevent, and where necessary, identify and respond to, breaches of laws, regulations, codes or
organisational standards occurring in the organisation;
Promote a culture of compliance within the organisation; and
Assist the organisation in remaining or becoming a good corporate citizen.
Compliance standards may also include two important principles. The first includes a reference to general
'organisational standards'. This means that the risk management policies need to be implemented and monitored
once they have been defined by the board. In addition to this, there is the fascinating reference to 'good corporate
citizenship' – a concept that, having been linked to compliance, must become closely embedded in the thinking of
boards and management.
The internal auditors’ should not be confined to an examination of systems and procedures limited to financial
issues. Good governance is a creative act. It is therefore fraught with risk and difficulty. Internal auditors help to
manage that risk – not by applying strict controls alone. Rather, they should be available to offer wise counsel and
assistance to their colleagues.
A) In terms of the King Report on Corporate Governance, the role and function of internal auditors are:
Independent appraisal function
To examine and evaluate company’s activities.
To assist executive management in the discharge of their responsibilities.
To do this internal audit provides:
- Analysis
- Appraisals
- Recommendations
- Counsel
- Information.
Internal audit provides assistance to board and management in carrying out their duties by providing
information on adequacy and effectiveness of internal control.
B) According to the RBZ Bank Licensing, Supervision and Surveillance Guideline No. 01-2004/BSD, the core
function of an internal audit department is to perform an independent appraisal of the financial institution’s
activities as a service to management. The internal audit function plays an important role in helping management to
establish and maintain the best possible internal control environment within the financial institution.
(b) The above sentiments are echoed by Peter Drucker (1974:628), who believes that “there is one thing all boards
have in common, regardless of their legal position they do not function”. Thus, when there is trouble within an
organization, it is the board which hears of the problem last.
(c) Other criticisms have substantially increased in recent years. For example, some stakeholders, such as
employees, customers, suppliers, communities, and society in general, believe that boards do not give them enough
attention when board members are making decisions. The issue here is not the performance of boards, but how
stakeholders should be treated by boards.
(d) In South Africa, recent research showed that many boards are found wanting on issues of corporate governance.
The research was based on The Board Barometer, which provides ranking of companies based on factors such as
corporate governance, age spread, experience, BEE codes and economic sector. The research did not cover
performance of boards, but looked at board composition, which includes expertise, diversity and experience. It also
covered visible signs of attitude towards good governance, including BEE and transformation, board sub-
committees and reporting.3
(e) Corporate governance has improved in Zimbabwe over the last five years. Most companies have basics
corporate governance structures in place in the form of board of directors and board committees. Some
organizations have voluntarily adopted best international practices of good corporate governance. However, most
companies have good governance structures on paper, but in practice this is not the case. There is a tendency to
focus on compliance to codes and regulations rather than how best the business can be controlled and directed,
performance of company, adoption of best practice principles and voluntary compliance. 4
In recent years, on one hand, there has been a growth globally in establishing stricter Corporate Governance procedures, as well as release in
London in December 2004, of the new FTSE ISS Corporate Governance Index, which lists those business corporations with sound corporate
governance principles. The FTSE ISS Corporate Governance Index Series (CGI) was established “to raise the profile of companies achieving
high standards of corporate governance”. 5 FTSE is the London based Index company and ISS is the Institutional Shareholder Services, with
headquarters in Maryland, USA.
On the other hand, a number of high profile corporate scandals have occurred manifesting poor corporate governance standards, and other lapses
in “Business Ethics”, including freed; lying; breaches of trust; conflicts of interest; a lack of transparency; insider dealings, and fraud by directors
and others. Indeed, it can be argued that the stricter Corporate Governance procedures have been introduced as remedies to encourage higher
ethical conduct in business corporations and to prevent “white collar” crime.
The Capital Markets group advises governments and other institutions on the frameworks suited to promote the
markets for capital from government bonds to corporate and equity markets. Member units include the World Bank,
Global Corporate Governance Forum and the International Finance Corporation.
The World Bank. The Corporate Governance Policy Practice helps client countries assess their corporate
governance institutional frameworks and practices under the auspices of the joint Bank-Fund initiatives on the
Reports on the Observances of Standards and Codes (ROSC). The assessments serve to:
Increase transparency in international financial markets and assist country-level and global reform initiatives
Underpin policy dialogue, strategic work and programmatic operations, and
Provide input to technical assistance and capacity building efforts, such as the establishment of institutes of
The Corporate Governance Policy Unit synthesizes the knowledge drawn from the assessments in best practice
papers and notes.
Global Corporate Governance Forum – co-founded by the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD), is an advocate, supporter, and disseminator of high standards and practices of
corporate governance in developing and transition economies. The goal of the Forum is to:
Bring together developed and developing countries,
Tap the private sector through its close working relationship with the International Finance Corporation and the
Forum’s Private Sector Advisory Group of international business leaders, investors and professionals,
Focus on practical, targeted corporate governance initiatives at the local, regional, and global level, and
Promote government reform and private sector self-help.
Whether helping developing countries adopt codes of corporate governance, assisting a market in launching a new
and more open means of attracting investment, or strengthening training for company boards of directors, the Forum
finds leverage points for change.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC). The Corporate Governance Department’s Investor and Corporate
Practice developed the IFC Governance Methodology, a set of tools and Practices that IFC staff uses to assess the
quality of the governance of potential investee companies and that serves as a guide for their work with clients to
add value via improved client governance practices. In addition to working directly with clients, the functions of the
Investor and Corporate Practice include:
Leading IFC’s role in the global policy dialogue on corporate governance,
Providing technical assistance to regulators, stock markets, private sector associations and others, drawing form
the practical investment and business experiences of IFC and its investees, and
Supervising and supporting IFC’s directorships and share voting policies and practices
Corporate governance is a priority for the IFC because it presents opportunities to manage investment risks and add
value to clients. In addition to the value-added provided to individual client companies, working to improve the
business climate for corporate governance contributes more broadly to IFC’s mission to promote sustainable private
sector investment and deepen capital markets.
The principles have been adopted as one of the Twelve Key Standards for Financial System Stability Forum.
Accordingly, they form the bases of the Corporate Governance component of the World Bank/IMF Reports on the
Observance of Standards and Codes (ROCS).
To an extent, also applicable to improve governance in non-traded companies.
• The Guidelines establish non-binding principles and standards covering such areas as human rights,
disclosure of information, anti-corruption, taxation, labour relations, environment, competition and
consumer protection.
• The Guidelines also “encourage, where practicable, business partners including suppliers and sub-
contractors, to apply principles of corporate conduct compatible with the Guidelines.
4.7.5 The CACG Guidelines: Principles for Corporate Governance in the Commonwealth
CAGG was established in April 1998 in response to the Edinburgh Declaration of the Commonwealth Heads of
Government meeting in October 1997 to promote excellence in corporate governance in the Commonwealth. The
Principles were based on two principle objectives:
to promote good standards in the corporate governance and business practice throughout the Commonwealth.
to facilitate the development of appropriate institutions which will be able to advance, teach and disseminate
such standards.
Title I – Public Company Accounting Oversight Board: Section 101 establishes an independent board to oversee
public company audits. Section 107 authorizes oversight and enforcement of the board to the SEC.
Title II – Auditor Independence: Section 201 prohibits a CPA firm that audits a public company to engage in
certain non-audit services with the same client. Section 203 requires audit partner rotation in their fifth, sixth, or
seventh year, depending on the partner’s role in the audit.
Title III – Corporate Responsibility: Section 302 requires a company’s chief executive officer (CEO) and chief
financial officer (CFO) to certify quarterly and annual reports. Section 303 makes it unlawful for corporate officers
or directors to fraudulently influence, coerce, manipulate, or mislead any independent auditors who are engaged in
auditing the firm’s financial statements.
Title IV – Enhanced Financial Disclosures: Section 404 requires each annual report filed with the SEC to include
an internal control report. The report shall: state the responsibility of management for establishing and maintaining
an adequate internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting and assess, as of the end of the
company’s fiscal year, the effectiveness of the internal control structure and procedures of the company for financial
reporting. The company’s independent auditors must attest to and report on the assessments made by company
Title V – Analysts Conflicts of Interests: Requires financial analysts to properly disclose in research reports any
conflicts of interest they might hold with the companies they recommend.
Title VI – Commission Resources and Authority: Authorizes the SEC to censure or deny any person the privilege
of appearing or practicing before the SEC if that person is deemed to: be unqualified, have acted in an unethical
manner, or have aided and abetted a violation of federal securities law.
Title VII – Studies and Reports: Authorizes the General Accounting Office (GAO) to study the consolidation of
public accounting firms since 1989 and offer solutions to any recognized problems.
Title VIII – Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability: Section 802 makes it a felony to knowingly destroy,
alter, or create records and/or documents with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence an ongoing or
contemplated federal investigation. Section 806 offers legal protection to whistle-blowers who provide evidence of
Title IX – White-Collar Crime Penalty Enhancements: Section 906 sets forth criminal penalties applicable to
CEOs and CFOs of up to $5 million and up to 20 years in prison if they certify and file false and/or misleading
financial statements with the SEC.
Title X – Corporate Tax Returns: Section 1001 conveys a “sense of the Senate” that the corporate federal income
tax returns are signed by the CEO.
Title XI – Corporate Fraud Accountability: Section 1102 provides for fines and imprisonment of up to 20 years to
individuals who corruptly alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal documents with the intent to impair the document’s
integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding or to otherwise obstruct, influence, or impede any official
proceeding. Section 1105 authorizes the SEC to prohibit anyone from serving as an officer or director if the person
has committed securities fraud.
[Section 404 is regarded as the most costly and complex provision to meet. With the advent of the new International
Financial Reporting Standards, some U.S.-listed companies, including U.S.- listed E.U. companies, are struggling
with the requirement. Section 404 covers internal control against fraud and require companies to document, test and
report on the effectiveness of their internal controls. It also requires auditors to give separate opinions on the state of
the controls.
Another key provision (Section 302) obliges Chief Executives to swear to the accuracy of their company’s accounts.
Accordingly the “ignorance” defense in the event of a scandal is less readily available. The Act was a direct
response in the U.S. to the Enron and WorldCom scandals.]
The latest Combined Code is based on a review of the role and effectives of non-executive directors, and a review of
audit committees. It also includes guidance for directors on internal control. 8
The Combined Code is a set of Good Governance Principles and a Code of Best Practice (hence, “Combined”),
which is tied into the LSE Listing Rules. This U.K. approach of principles of Corporate Governance, rather than
legislation, is intended purposely to be more flexible, applied with “common sense and due regard to companies’
individual circumstances, and with an annual report explaining the application of the principles”.
The series design incorporates ISS corporate governance ratings into a financial index to aid professional investors
Mark Stock et al, KPMG, the Combined Code: A Practical Guide, London: Gee Publishing Ltd, 1999 p. 1.
Produced by Turnbull Committee in 1999, Internal Control: Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code: published by the Institute of
chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Sept 1999.
and others. As a result, the financial performance of companies can be tracked against “themes in corporate
governance practice”, including compensation systems for executives and non-executive directors; the structure and
independence of the Board; and the independence and integrity of the audit process.
Besides, enhanced access to capital, the rewards for those companies selected to be listed on the Corporate
Governance Indexes include positive reputation for corporate governance ‘best practice”.
4.7.10 RBZ Bank Licensing, Supervision and Surveillance Guideline No. 01-2004/BSD
The guidelines cover two important aspects:
Corporate Governance, which cover a variety of governance related issues, such as composition, role, function,
duties and responsibilities of the board, appointment of directors, board attendance board committees,
organizational integrity/code of ethics, etc.
Minimum Internal Audit Standards in Banking institutions, which cover issues relating to the internal audit
function, duties and responsibilities, scope, reporting, etc.
The King Report on Corporate Governance (1997), Juta & Co. Ltd, reprinted with the permission of the Southern African Institute of Chartered
Secretaries and Administrators.
The guidelines apply to all banking and non-banking institutions licensed and supervised by the RBZ.
1. Define corporate governance and explain its importance. What are the main ethical problems that arise in the area of corporate
2. List and explain the objectives of an effective corporate governance system.
3. Describe the core attributes of an effective corporate governance system, and evaluate whether your company’s corporate
governance has those attributes.
4. Compare and contrast the three major business forms and the conflicts of interest problems in each.
5. Explain the concept of the principal-agent problem.
6. Compare and contrast agency relationships and the potential sources of conflicts between (a) managers and shareholders, and (b)
directors and shareholders.
7. Describe the responsibilities of the board of directors, and list and explain the attributes of the board that an investor or investment
analyst must assess.
8. Illustrate effective corporate governance practices as it relates to attributes of the board of directors, and evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of a company’s corporate governance practice.
9. Describe the elements of a company’s statement of corporate governance policies that investors and analysts should assess.
10. Discuss the RBZ guidelines regarding: (a) Directorship in other corporations, (b) Maximum number of directorship, (c) Board
attendance, and (d) Disqualification of Directors.
11. With respect to the RBZ guidelines, give a brief review of the primary responsibilities of the following committees: (a) Audit
Committee, (b) Board Credit Committee, (c) Loans Review Committee, (d) Asset and Liability Committee, (e) Risk Management
Committee, and (f) Executive Committee.
12. What are the main functions of a board provided by the King Report on Corporate Governance?
13. The King Report provides some useful guidelines for directors in regard to their duties and responsibilities, emphasizing the
principles of duty of good faith and duty of care and skill. Itemize some of these guidelines.
14. Distinguish between private sector and public sector boards in terms of: (a) structure and size (b) roles and duties (c) accountability,
and (d) sources of funding.
15. Distinguish between the roles and duties of governance and those of management.
16. Outline the duties of directors as provided by the Business Roundtable.
17. Provide a summary of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. Further comment on the applicability of the OECD
Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises to the global economic crisis.
18. What are the key provisions of sections 302 and 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002?
19. What governance shortcomings were uncovered by the Enron and WorldCom scandals?
20. Provide brief notes on how the IFC-World Bank Corporate Governance Group assist companies and countries improve standards of
21. Outline the CACG objectives and principles and examine how they are applicable to governance issues in Zimbabwe.
22. Why is the ownership of corporations different from that of other forms of ‘property’? What implications does this have for the
nature of shareholder rights?
23. What is hostile takeover and why do they occur? What are the main ethical issues that arise in hostile takeovers, and how can they
be dealt with?
24. Define insider trading. What are the main ethical arguments against insider trading?
25. Set out the system of corporate governance that operates in your home country. To what extent is the system similar or different to
the Anglo-American or the continental European governance model? How can you explain any differences? Do you think that the
governance system in your country provides a fair basis for corporate activity?