Pattern Language For Game Design Kopia
Pattern Language For Game Design Kopia
Pattern Language For Game Design Kopia
An Introduction to
Patterns in Game Design
54 ◾ Pattern Language for Game Design
Name: This should be an easy to remember and evocative name.
Confidence: This number rates the level of certainty you have that a pattern
is viable for use in developing games: how sure you are that it will have the
indicated effects, and any side effects it might have. See the later section
for details on rating your confidence in a pattern.
Image:* An iconic image to represent each pattern. This image can help to
convey the essence of the pattern and to serve as a mnemonic anchor for
remembering it.
Author: This is the name of the pattern creator or creators.
* There is a strong argument for the inclusion of an iconic image to represent each pattern. However,
the effort of finding or creating such an image is high, especially for designers who are not art-
ists. If you do not have the means to generate high-quality illustrations, at least describe what you
would have illustrated or use images from existing games that demonstrate the pattern. If you do
this, make sure to cite your sources and respect copyrighted material.
An Introduction to Patterns in Game Design ◾ 55
Seed: This is the idea that was the starting point for the pattern. For
the exercises presented in this book, it will follow the format: Exercise
XX: Exercise Name—Game Element. This is important to record, as
you will use it in the process of connecting your patterns into a lan-
guage, as discussed in Section VI of this book. It will also allow your
colleagues or instructor to understand what kind of pattern you were
trying to create.
* What is a design problem? The design problem that is addressed by a pattern should describe a
situation you face as a designer. A design problem is not simply the effect of a mechanic stated as a
question. It must capture the purpose and intent of the designer not just mechanically but in terms
of its effect on the player. In this way, a well-constructed pattern will ensure that you are designing
games that intentionally create an experience for the player. If this seems abstract, look over some
of the design problems in the example patterns provided for each exercise.
† In the pattern exercises you will in most cases be asked to analyze at least ten games. You do not
need to list all of those games here. I recommend citing at least three games that show diverse
implementations of your pattern. Having more games is fine if each shows a different use of your
56 ◾ Pattern Language for Game Design
Related patterns:
Parent patterns: A pattern or several patterns that are required by this pat-
tern for it to function well.
Child patterns:* Patterns that are suggested by this pattern or require it to
function well.
Keywords: Keywords that relate to this pattern. Use keywords to link this
pattern to others in a non-hierarchical way. The process of choosing key-
words is discussed further in steps 2 and 3 of the “Connecting Patterns into
a Language” section of Chapter 15 which discuss keywords and pattern
This section of the Pattern Template exists to connect this pattern to
the others that you will create as part of your Pattern Language. The
section of the book that will help you create that language comes
much later, after all of the pattern-generation exercises. If you want
to wait to complete this part of the Pattern Template until you get to
that part of the book, that’s okay. If you want to try to fill it in as you
go, that’s okay too. Either way, you will probably be revisiting all of
the patterns you create to fill in or adjust this section.
The Related Patterns section of each example will also suggest other
pattern exercises that you can complete to find additional parent
or child patterns for the example. These are not part of the Pattern
Template, but you may find them useful if you’re having a hard time
thinking of a starting point when completing the suggested exercise.
You may also want to include these kinds of suggestions when writ-
ing your patterns to help other developers, or your future self, extend
your Pattern Language.
It’s essential to acknowledge that all patterns aren’t equally valid. Different
exercises create more or less reliable patterns, and you should carefully
consider your confidence in any generated pattern before you use it in your
designs. I recommend using this rubric for assessing your confidence in a
new pattern, and for updating that confidence as you use the pattern over
time. All patterns start with a confidence rating of 0, then add 1 for each of
the following items that apply.
* As you develop more patterns, other sections like Related Patterns or Alternate Patterns might
make sense.
An Introduction to Patterns in Game Design ◾ 57
Some of the items are related and “stack.” For example, a Common
Pattern (+1) would also have to meet the requirements for being a Limited
Pattern (+1) and a Singular Pattern (+1) for a total of 3. You should apply
all the applicable labels. So if you had used this hypothetical pattern and
another developer had independently described the same pattern, you
would also apply Demonstrated Pattern” (+1) and Independent Sources (+1)
for a total confidence score of 5.
(+0) Theoretical Pattern: The Theoretical Patterns exercise (Exercise 24)
generates this type of pattern. You might also create a theoretical pattern
by adapting a pattern from an existing repository that doesn’t cite example
games. This pattern may be valid, but you don’t generate it from observa-
tion. Instead, you create it by imagining how a theory about game design
would fit the pattern format.
(+1) Single Example Pattern: This level of confidence comes from a
pattern that was generated based on one example. It’s entirely possible to
look at a single game and derive a valid pattern from it. However, it can
be challenging to determine whether what you see is an actual pattern or
just the results of a design technique or element that would yield a different
pattern if you looked at its use across many games.
(+1) Limited Pattern: If you’ve observed the pattern in fewer than ten
games, it’s a limited pattern. If you have a hard time providing the ten
examples in an exercise, this level of confidence may result.
(+1) Common Pattern: The pattern is visible in at least ten games,
probably many more. You have found a “common pattern” when you
stop recording examples at ten but could go on, and it’s a good sign
that you’ve done an excellent job formulating a pattern based on your
(+1) Demonstrated Pattern: A pattern is a demonstrated pattern if you,
or another developer, have used it in development, and the effect was as
(+1) Validated Pattern: This confidence level describes a pattern that’s
in common use among a variety of game developers and has been proven
effective through widespread use. At the time of the printing of this book,
it’s probably not possible to find a pattern validated through use. As you
work with patterns throughout your career, it may become more common.
A pattern might also be a validated pattern if you conducted empirical user
research to show that the pattern was effective.
(+1) Independent Sources: If more than one developer derives a pat-
tern, it has independent sources. In teaching, it’s common to discover this
kind of pattern as more than one group of students arrives at the same pat-
tern from different starting points. As the community of developers using
the exercises in this book increases and shares patterns, this will become
more common.
58 ◾ Pattern Language for Game Design
Confidence: 3
Author: Chris Barney
Design problem: Designers need to motivate their players to explore the
worlds they create.
Description: To motivate players to explore the worlds they create, a
designer may present the player with compelling but incomplete pieces
of information, and then give the player gameplay avenues that will allow
them to seek out more information and solve the mysteries of the game
An Introduction to Patterns in Game Design ◾ 59
Use Exercise 6: Emotional Patterns to generate a pattern based on
Child patterns:
Use Exercise 12: Embedded and Environmental Narrative Patterns
to generate a pattern based on a level that presents a mystery through
embedded or environmental narrative.
The seed of this pattern is “a tall structure visible from many points in
the game world,” which is a technique known as an “architectural weenie.”
In case you aren’t an architecture student or a theme park designer, an
architectural weenie is a tall structure placed in a theme park or even in
a city. This technique lets people use it to navigate from a great distance
and also draws them to it when they’re exploring. The Imagineers coined
the term at Disneyland, and the Matterhorn is the archetypical example.
However, buildings like the Eiffel Tower or the Dom in Cologne are also
great examples that predate Disney by decades or centuries. It would be
easy just to use that as a pattern (Kreimeier 2002, p. 9). It certainly sounds
like a pattern, a technique that exists to solve a problem. However, it is
* Pattern exercises are given in the next two sections of the book. For each exercise I show my work
for the exercise and give the pattern that my work produced as an example. The exercise I used to
produce this pattern, the Higher-Order Patterns exercise, is a little difficult. When I present that
exercise, I give another example.
† Example pattern from Exercise 16: Patterns from Core Mechanics.
An Introduction to Patterns in Game Design ◾ 61