A7-R5.1 English

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• Carefully read the instructions given on Question Paper, OMR Sheet and Answer Sheet.

• Question Paper is in English language. Candidate has to answer in English language only.

• There are TWO PARTS in this Module/Paper. PART ONE contains FOUR questions and
PART TWO contains FIVE questions.

• PART ONE is Objective type and carries 40 Marks. PART TWO is Subjective type and carries
60 Marks.

• PART ONE is to be answered in the OMR ANSWER SHEET only, supplied with the question paper,
as per the instructions contained therein. PART ONE is NOT to be answered in the answer book for

• Maximum time allotted for PART ONE is ONE HOUR. Answer book for PART TWO will be supplied
at the table when the Answer Sheet for PART ONE is returned. However, Candidates who complete
PART ONE earlier than one hour, can collect the answer book for PART TWO immediately after
handing over the Answer Sheet for PART ONE to the Invigilator.

• Candidate cannot leave the examination hall/room without signing on the attendance sheet
and handing over his/her Answer Sheet to the invigilator. Failing in doing so, will amount to
disqualification of Candidate in this Module/Paper.

• After receiving the instruction to open the booklet and before answering the questions, the candidate
should ensure that the Question Booklet is complete in all respects.

PART ONE 1.4 What is the primary disadvantage of a three-
tier architecture when compared to a two-
tier architecture ?
(Answer all the questions; each question
carries ONE mark) (A) Lack of scalability

(B) Increased complexity

1. Each question below gives a multiple
choice of answers. Choose the most (C) Slower data access
appropriate one and enter in the "OMR"
answer sheet supplied with the question
(D) Reduced security
paper, following instructions therein.

1.1 In a relational database, what is a table ?

1.5 What are Codd's Rules ?
(A) A graph of data points
(A) A set of guidelines for writing efficient
(B) A collection of related records SQL queries.
(C) A calculation formula
(B) A set of principles defining the
(D) A diagram of database structure properties of a relational database
management system (RDBMS).

(C) A set of rules for normalizing a

1.2 What is the primary key in a relational
database schema.
database ?

(A) A key used to open the database (D) A set of rules for designing user
interfaces for databases.
(B) A key used for encryption

(C) A unique identifier for each record in a

table 1.6 What is the primary goal of database
normalization ?
(D) A foreign key in a different table
(A) To eliminate redundancy and avoid
data duplication.
1.3 In a three-tier architecture, what does the
presentation tier primarily handle ? (B) To make the database as large as
(A) Data storage
(C) To speed up database query
(B) User interface and user interaction
(C) Database management
(D) To store data in its original, unaltered
(D) Server communication form.

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1.7 What does a diamond shape in an ER
2. Each statement below is either TRUE or
diagram represent ?
FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one
(A) An entity and enter your choice in the “OMR” answer
(B) A relationship sheet supplied with the question paper,
following instructions therein.
(C) An attribute (1x10)
2.1 A database management system (DBMS) is
(D) A primary key
software that enables the creation,
maintenance, and use of databases.

1.8 In the context of mapping an ER diagram 2.2 In a three-tier architecture, the separation of
to database tables, what is an entity type ? concerns between layers helps improve
scalability and maintainability.
(A) A unique identifier for each table.
2.3 A foreign key in an RDBMS is a field that
(B) A relationship between tables.
establishes a link between two tables, typically
(C) A set of tables that store data. linking a primary key in one table to a
corresponding field in another table.
(D) A representation of a category of
objects or concepts. 2.4 It's possible for a table to be in Third Normal
Form (3NF) and still contain partial
1.9 Which SQL command is used to create a
new database in MariaDB ? 2.5 MariaDB is not compatible with applications
and tools designed for MySQL.
2.6 MariaDB provides the "INSERT INTO"
(B) CREATE DATABASE statement to update existing data in a table.

(C) CREATE SCHEMA 2.7 MariaDB allows you to use the "ROLLBACK"
statement to undo changes made during a

2.8 An ER diagram is a graphical representation

1.10 Which MariaDB command is used to of a database schema, showing entities,
change the values in a column ? attributes, and relationships.

(A) ALTER 2.9 A primary key can contain NULL values to

represent missing or unknown data.

(C) UPDATE 2.10 The relational model is the only data model
used in modern database management
(D) CHANGE systems.

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3. Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning / words(s) /phrase(s)
in column Y. Enter your selection in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question
paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)


3.1 DBMS A To delete a table

3.2 Conceptual View B Non-relational type of databases

3.3 Foreign Key C an interactive JavaScript interface

3.4 Sql Commands D Use to store, manage and retrieve data

Describes the structure of the whole

3.5 Order By E

3.6 Mongo Shell F To retrieve zero or more rows

Refers to the PRIMARY KEY in another

3.7 1NF G

3.8 NoSql H Sort the result set

3.9 Select I To communicate with the database

3.10 drop J Consists of atomic values

3.11 K used to identify unique record

3.12 L Delete specific row from table

3.13 M Highest level of data abstraction

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4. Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below.
Choose the most appropriate option, enter your choice in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied
with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)

A Primary Key B C CURRENT_DATE D Normalization
braces { }
SQL (Structured Data
E F G Indexing H Having
Query Language) integrity
Data Manipulation
I Mysql J Concat K Link list L

M Grouping

4.1 DBMS improves __________ by reducing data redundancy and providing data consistency.

4.2 The process of reorganizing data in a database to eliminate data redundancy is known as
4.3 __________ is a widely used relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its
open-source nature and is often used in web applications.

4.4 __________ is a data structure technique used to locate and quickly access data in databases.

4.5 In the Second Normal Form (2NF), all non-key attributes must be functionally dependent on the
4.6 In JSON, data is represented as key-value pairs enclosed in__________.

4.7 The primary language used to interact with MariaDB for tasks such as querying and data
manipulation is __________.

4.8 You can use the __________ function to apply a filter to the groups generated by GROUP BY.

4.9 The SQL __________ function is used to concatenate two or more strings together.

4.10 The SQL __________ function is used to retrieve the current date.

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PART TWO 9. (a) What are the basic structures in JSON,
and how are they represented ?
(Answer any FOUR Questions) (b) How do you use ORDER BY with a
5. (a) What are the main characteristics of single column in a SQL query ?
Database Management System ? (c) What are the common types of
(b) What are Derived Attributes. Give constraints in a relational database ?
example. (d) How do you choose the right database
for a project ?
(c) Explain Super Key with example.
(d) What are the basic SQL DML
commands? Give proper syntax of
(3+3+4+5) -o0o-

6. (a) Give the syntax for creating stored

(b) Explain architecture of a database
(c) Explain various characteristics of
relational database.
(d) What is foreign key.

7. (a) Explain alter command.

(b) What is natural join ? When it is used.
(c) Write differences between relational
and NoSQL database.
(d) What steps are involved in converting
a database from 2NF to 3NF? Give

8. (a) Explain architecture of MongoDB.

(b) How can you filter results using the
WHERE clause in a SQL query ?
(c) When might you choose a document-
oriented database like MongoDB over
a relational database ?
(d) How does a Primary Key Constraint
differ from a Unique Constraint ?

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