Malassezia (Pityrosporum) Folliculitis Masquerading As Recalcitrant Acne

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Open Access Case

Report DOI: 10.7759/cureus.13534

Malassezia (Pityrosporum) Folliculitis

Masquerading As Recalcitrant Acne
Vikas Malgotra 1 , Harjap Singh 2

1. Dermatology, Government Medical College, Jammu, IND 2. Internal Medicine, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital,
Katra, IND

Corresponding author: Vikas Malgotra, [email protected]

Malassezia (Pityrosporum) folliculitis is a relatively common skin infection that affects the hair follicles. The
condition is characterized by monomorphic perifollicular skin lesions and itching without comedones.
Malassezia folliculitis significantly resembles acne vulgaris and steroid acne but is subtly distinct and
managed differently. Oral antifungals are preferred for the treatment and result in a dramatic improvement
in the disease condition. Early recognition of the disease is important for satisfactory clinical outcomes.
This case reports about a female in the reproductive age group, who took multiple treatments for
erythematous papular lesions on her face with a provisional diagnosis of acne vulgaris. After observing no
improvement over the last three months, she visited the Dermatology clinic at a tertiary care hospital. A
diagnosis of Malassezia folliculitis was considered and confirmed on microscopic examination and oral and
topical antifungals were prescribed. She reported significant improvement in her skin lesions after two
weeks of treatment.

Categories: Dermatology, Medical Education, Infectious Disease

Keywords: steroid acne, malassezia folliculitis, pityrosporum folliculitis, recalcitrant acne, fungal acne, itchy red
pimples on face, malassezia furfur, pityrosporum ovale

Malassezia furfur is a commensal yeast that resides on the skin in normal individuals. It was first identified
more than 150 years ago, as a constituent of the commensal flora of the skin. The fungus is a lipophilic,
dimorphic basidiomycete. In the presence of certain risk factors, such as immunosuppression or antibiotic
intake, the organism can overgrow and give rise to infections. These well-recognized infections include -
Pityriasis versicolor and Malassezia folliculitis. In addition, the fungus can interact with the immune system
and cause exacerbations of seborrheic dermatitis, atopic eczema, and psoriasis. It is also associated with
confluent reticulated papillomatosis, onychomycosis and transient acantholytic dermatosis [1].

Malassezia folliculitis presents as monomorphic papulopustular skin lesions commonly on the trunk, upper
arms, and face. Itching is associated with the lesions in around 80% of cases [2]. The condition clinically
Review began 02/08/2021 resembles, commonly misdiagnosed, and can co-exist with acne vulgaris. Antifungal medications result in
Review ended 02/21/2021 dramatic clinical improvement of the disease. Regular follow-ups to monitor clinical improvement and
Published 02/24/2021
patient compliance with treatment are essential.
© Copyright 2021
Malgotra et al. This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of the Case Presentation
Creative Commons Attribution License
A 24-year-old married female presented in the Dermatology Department at a tertiary care hospital with
CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any complaints of pimples on her face, which would not go away even after taking multiple treatments for the
medium, provided the original author and last three months including topical clindamycin and nicotinamide, oral antibiotics, and isotretinoin for a
source are credited. provisional diagnosis of acne vulgaris. On evaluation, she was found to have multiple erythematous papules
with few pustules limited to the face involving both cheeks and sparing the skin around the nose, mouth,
and over the forehead (Figure 1). She did not report any itching or burning sensation over the lesions and the
rest of her body, including the trunk, was not involved.

How to cite this article

Malgotra V, Singh H (February 24, 2021) Malassezia (Pityrosporum) Folliculitis Masquerading As Recalcitrant Acne. Cureus 13(2): e13534. DOI
FIGURE 1: Erythematous papules on the left cheek with no complaints
of itching, burning or pain on presentation
Small red papules can be noticed on the face with virtually no comedones. Some residual hyperpigmentation
can also be noticed in the vicinity, possibly as sequelae of previously resolved acne.

On further questioning, she reported having excessive facial hair, recent weight gain, irregular menstrual
cycles, and also failure to conceive a child despite trying for a couple of months. She was investigated for
polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) and thyroid dysfunction and was started on oral antibiotics, a salicyclic
acid facewash, and a formulation containing topical clindamycin and tretinoin. Two days later, the patient
reported back to the hospital complaining of excessive burning sensation and erythema around the papules,
which she correlated to the application of topical formulation (Figure 2(a)). She was counseled about the
possibility of this adverse drug reaction arising due to applying the formulation containing tretinoin. She
then asked if it could be discontinued and a combination of clindamycin with nicotinamide was prescribed

2021 Malgotra et al. Cureus 13(2): e13534. DOI 10.7759/cureus.13534 2 of 5

FIGURE 2: Exacerbation of signs and symptoms after starting
medications for acne, and nearly complete resolution after starting
antifungals. (a) Increased erythema with burning sensation
over underlying lesions on the face reported after topical application of
clindamycin-tretinoin and intake of oral antibiotics for a provisional
diagnosis of acne vulgaris. (b) Lesions showed significant resolution
after a course of topical and oral antifungals.

The laboratory investigations on this follow-up revealed no alteration in her hormonal profile but
ultrasonography findings were suggestive of PCOD. The patient also had an elevated thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH). She was counseled about the importance of dietary modification and weight loss for the
control of PCOD and thyroid dysfunction. After applying the topical medication for two weeks along with
oral antibiotics, which she was taking previously for a provisional diagnosis of acne vulgaris, the patient
returned for a follow-up visit. The patient was not happy with the treatment and there was no objective
improvement in her clinical condition.

A diagnosis of Malassezia (Pityrosporum) folliculitis was now considered in view of the predominant papules
and pustules with the lack of comedones over the face. Skin scrapings taken from the papules and examined
under the microscope after the addition of potassium hydroxide (KOH) were positive for fungal hyphae and
spores. The patient was then started on topical antifungal lotion in addition to the therapy for acne vulgaris.
One week later, the patient reported partial improvement. The treatment regimen was revised and two
weeks of Itraconazole were prescribed, topical antifungals were continued, and oral antibiotics
discontinued. After completing the prescribed treatment for two weeks, the patient reported significant
improvement and resolution of nearly 90% of her skin lesions (Figure 2(b)). She was planned to be
maintained on oral Itraconazole after gradual dose reduction, but oral antifungals had to be discontinued
due to their teratogenic potential as she was trying to conceive while being on treatment. Topical

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antifungals were prescribed instead, and the patient was counseled on clinical outcomes with follow-up in
approximately one month.

Malassezia (Pityrosporum) folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicles caused by the commensal lipophilic
yeast, Malassezia furfur. Malassezia is a genus that mostly contains species of lipophilic and non-lipophilic
yeasts. These fungi were identified over 150 years ago when the fungus associated with Pityriasis versicolor
was recognized to have dimorphic characteristics - both yeasts and filamentous forms. The fungus
associated with seborrheic dermatitis was identified as existing in yeast forms around the same period [1].
Over the years, more species were included in the genus. Malassez is credited with the discovery of yeast-like
cells in the stratum corneum of the skin in 1874 and the genus was initially named after him. When the
organism was cultured later, the name given to the fungus was Pityrosporum ovale. For many years,
Pityrosporum and Malassezia were thought to be two distinct genera. A consensus was eventually reached to
prefer the name Malassezia over Pityrosporum after revision of taxonomical characteristics of the organisms
in the two genera [1,3].

Malassezia folliculitis was first described as an acneiform eruption associated with broad-spectrum
antibiotic use by Weary et al. in 1969. The disease is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus present as a part
of the commensal skin flora [4,5]. The fungus assumes a pathogenic role if the flora is disturbed due to
intake of broad-spectrum antibiotics or steroids/immunosuppression. It mostly causes indolent skin
infection but systemic infections are relatively common occurrences in intensive care units.

The skin infection is common in adolescents and adults aged 11-30, with an average age of infection as 26
years. According to a study conducted on 49 patients by Durdu et al., the face and trunk were the most
common sites of involvement in more than 50% of cases, with extremities being the other most commonly
affected sites [2,6]. The predominant distinguishing features are involvement of the trunk, extremities, and
face, as well as the presence of intense itching, and monomorphic papular and pustular skin lesions with a
lack of comedones. The epidemiological studies related to the prevalence and incidence of the disease are
scarce. There is an increased incidence of infection in hot and humid environments.

The condition needs to be clinically differentiated from acne vulgaris, follicular eczema, bacterial folliculitis,
eosinophilic folliculitis, tinea incognito, and steroid acne.

Direct microscopic or histopathological examination of fungal hyphae and spores is helpful in making a
diagnosis. Examination of the skin lesions under Wood’s lamp with yellow-green fluorescence can also be
suggestive of fungal infection [6].

Lack of response to the empirical treatment for acne vulgaris should prompt the dermatologist and general
healthcare practitioners to consider alternate diagnoses, including Malassezia folliculitis for better patient

The goal of the treatment is to mitigate the fungus present on the skin and establish a pre-infection
commensal relationship. Antifungal medications are not prescribed to eradicate the fungus. Oral antifungal
medications are more effective than topical medications for the control of infection. This is perhaps due to
better hair follicle penetration [7,8].

Malassezia folliculitis is an underdiagnosed clinical condition that requires timely and accurate diagnosis
and management. This can significantly reduce the patient discomfort and cost of treatment. The condition
requires a high index of clinical suspicion on initial presentation, especially if there is intense itching and
monomorphic skin lesions are present over the trunk, extremities, and face. Alternate clinical diagnoses
should also be considered if inadequate clinical improvement or worsening of the disease occurs with a
properly planned treatment regimen for acne. Administration of antifungal medications results in a
dramatic improvement of the disease.

Additional Information
Human subjects: Consent was obtained or waived by all participants in this study. Conflicts of interest: In
compliance with the ICMJE uniform disclosure form, all authors declare the following: Payment/services
info: All authors have declared that no financial support was received from any organization for the
submitted work. Financial relationships: All authors have declared that they have no financial
relationships at present or within the previous three years with any organizations that might have an
interest in the submitted work. Other relationships: All authors have declared that there are no other
relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.

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