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Question 1
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7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 2
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Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest paths from vertex C to others in the following graph:
a. inifinity
b. 35
c. 40
d. 0 2/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 3
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In .................................. algorithm, each vertex v is visited and then each unvisited vertex adjacent to v is visited. If a vertex v has no
adjacent vertices or all of its adjacent vertices have been visited, we backtrack to the predecessor of v. The traversal is finished if this
visiting and backtracking process leads to the first vertex where the traversal started. If there are still some unvisited vertices in the graph,
the traversal continues restarting for one of the unvisited vertices.
Clear my choice 3/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 4
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Select incorrect statement about restrictions need to be imposed on the prospective codes:
a. There should not be any unused short codewords either as stand-alone encodings or as prefixes for longer codewords.
b. The length of the codeword for a given symbol A should not exceed the length of the codeword of a less probable symbol B.
c. Each codeword may be corresponds to one or many symbols.
d. Decoding should not require any look ahead.
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Question 5
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Which of the following is a reason why hash tables are a good choice for storing and retrieving data?
a. They are very space efficient compared to binary search trees and linked lists
b. They store data in sorted order so it is easy to find the minimum and maximum element
c. They are very fast in practice for finding items in a set
Clear my choice 4/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 6
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Which of the following is the appropriate description of the “selection sort” algorithm?
a. The element with the smallest value is determined and swapped for the first element, and then the smallest value of the unsorted
elements is determined and swapped for the second-to-the-first element. This operation is repeated in the same way.
b. Two adjacent elements are repeatedly compared and swapped if the first element is larger than the second. This operation is
repeated until all elements are arranged in an orderly fashion.
c. An intermediate reference value is determined, and then the elements are divided into two groups of “larger” values and
“smaller”values. This operation is recursively repeated.
d. Each set of the elements extracted at regularintervals is sorted, and then the interval is further decreased. The operation is
repeatedly performed until the interval becomes 1.
Clear my choice 5/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 7
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What is output if using LZW algorithm with the table initialized with the letters x, y, z encode the string “xyxyzxxy”?
a. 1 2 4 3 5 2
b. 4 4 3 1 1 2
c. 124314
d. 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2
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Question 8
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Suppose you are doing a breadth-first search of a graph with n vertices, using a queue implemented with a static array. What is the
minimum number of elements of this array?
a. 2n
b. n + 1
c. n
d. n - 1 6/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 9
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The best technique when the amount of data is not well known is ……
a. quadratic probing.
b. separate chaining.
c. linear probing.
d. double hashing. 7/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 10
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Which of the following graphs looks most like the graph you (should have) produced in part 2 of the programming assignment? We are
looking for you to compare the shapes of the functions only--these graphs are much smoother than what you would have seen. Also,
ignore the specific numbers, and concentrate on the shapes and the relationship between the two lines. Note that the correct answer
assumes that you have correctly implemented your two Document classes and your DocumentBenchmarking class.
b. 8/45
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d. 9/45
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a. b
b. d
c. c
d. a 10/45
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Question 11
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a. Ο(n^2)
b. O(logn)
c. O(1)
d. O( n )
Question 12
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What is the tightest Big-O running time to calculate the Flesch readability score in the EfficientDocument class, where n is the length of the
document, assuming you DO NOT include the time it takes to initialize the numSyllables, numWords, and numSentences variables (i.e. do not
include the time taken by processText)?
a. O(n^2)
b. O( n )
c. O(1) 11/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 13
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A chained hash table has an array size of 512. What is the maximum number of entries that can be placed in the table?
a. 511
b. 256
c. 1024
d. 512
e. None of the others 12/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 14
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Using the coalesced hashing to put the following values in a table with 10 elements:
A5, A2, A3, B5, A9, B2, B9, C2
Using the extraction method to extract the number as the key.
What is the chain to begin with A5?
a. A5-A2-A3
b. A5-B5-A9-B9
c. A5-B2-C2
d. A5-B5 13/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 15
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What is the tightest Big-O running time to calculate the Flesch readability score the first time in the EfficientDocument class, where n is the
length of the document, assuming you include the time it takes to initialize the numSyllables, numWords, and numSentences variables?
Note that this is not necessarily the running time that you saw when you plotted the graph of your EfficientDocument running time when you
did your benchmarking. That time included the time to initialize the numSyllables, numWords and numSentences variables.
a. O(n^2)
b. O(1)
c. O( n ) 14/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 16
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The keys 12, 18, 13, 2, 3, 23, 5 and 15 are inserted into an initially empty hash table of length 10 using open addressing with hash function
h(k) = k mod 10 and linear probing. What is the resultant hash table?
a. A
b. D
c. C
d. B 15/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 17
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Consider a hash table of size seven, with starting index zero, and a hash function h(x)= (3x + 4) mod 7. Assuming the hash table is initially
empty, which of the following is the contents of the table when the sequence 1, 3, 8, 10 is inserted into the table using linear probing?
Note that ‘_’ denotes an empty location in the table.
a. 1, 8, 10, _, _, _, 3
b. 8, _, _, _, _, _, 10
c. 1, 10, 8, _, _, _, 3
d. 1, _, _, _, _, _,3
Question 18
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In the algorithm for spelling suggestions in this week's assignment, there was a hash set to mark Strings as visited. What is the BEST ANSWER for
why we used the visited set?
a. To avoid exploring all the possible String mutations for an individual String more than once.
b. So that our exploration was of a tree of words, and if we had a word repeated, it wouldn't be a tree anymore.
c. To avoid testing to see if a mutated String was a real word (and hence a spelling suggestion) more than once. 16/45
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Question 19
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In a min-heap: 17/45
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Question 20
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Question 21
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Suppose that you place 180 elements in a hash table with an array size of 200. What is the load factor?
a. 0.75
b. 0.9
c. 1.45
d. 0.5
Question 22
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7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 23
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You want to place 1000 elements in a hash table using linear probing, and you would like an average numbers of trials for successful
search two elements. How big does the array of hash table need to be?
a. 1500
b. 1250
c. 1000
d. 500
Question 24
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Given a raw message 'BBBUUUUBBBUUBBBBBUU' (without single quote). Run the run-length encoding algorithm for that message, what
is the output?
a. 3B4U3B2U5B
b. 3B4U3B2U5B2U
c. 3B4U4B3U2B5UU2
d. 3B4U3B2U5B2UU 20/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 25
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When the bubble sort algorithm is used for sorting the dataset (23, 43, 56, 12, 87, 14, 87, 15, 90, 23, 10) in descending order, how many
data exchanges occur during the first iteration of outer loop?
a. 10
b. 8
c. 7
d. 9
Question 26
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What is the tightest Big-O running time to calculate the Flesch readability score for the BasicDocument class, where n is the length of the
a. O(1)
b. O(n^2)
c. O(n^3)
d. O( n ) 21/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 27
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a. Buble sort
b. All of the others.
c. Insertion sort
d. Selection sort
Question 28
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a. Union-Find
b. Depth First Traversal
c. Graph coloring
d. Minimum Spanning Tree 22/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 29
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a. 3, 4, 6, 5, 8, 10, 7, 9
b. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7, 9, 10
c. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 7, 9
d. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 9
Question 30
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Which of the following statements about the shortest path finding algorithm of Dijkstra is true?
a. It is label-setting algorithm.
b. It can be applied to graphs have negative weights.
c. It's complexity is O(|V|), where |V| is number of vertices of the graph.
d. All of the others. 23/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 31
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Question 32
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In your benchmarking of the DictionaryBST structure, you probably found that the time to find words did not significantly increase as the
Dictionary got larger. Which of the following is the most likely reason for this behavior?
a. We were measuring the best case performance of the dictionary, which does not change as the dictionary size grows.
b. log( n ) is sufficiently small and grows sufficiently slowly that other factors (e.g. memory use) had a bigger effect on the running time
than the size to find the word in the dictionary.
c. The running time to find an element in a balanced BST is O(1) so we would not expect the running time to get larger as the dictionary
got bigger. 24/45
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Question 33
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a. 26 13 23 7 8 44 57 98
b. 57 26 44 7 13 8 23 98
c. 44 26 23 7 13 8 57 98
d. 7 8 13 23 26 44 57 98
Question 34
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Which of the following is true of searching for an element in a Hash Table that is implemented using linear probing (you may assume a Hash
Table that is ~70% full)? 25/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 35
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What data structure can be used to check if a syntax has balanced paranthesis ?
a. list
b. queue
c. tree
d. stack
Question 36
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7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 37
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Find the average length LHuf for the letters X, Y, and Z and their probabilities .05, .05 and .9 respectively.
a. 1.75
b. 2.3
c. None of the others.
d. 1.1
e. 0.8
Question 38
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Encoding the string "aaabbccddddddeee" with Huffman. Please indicate the size of the output string?
a. 36 bits
b. 16 bits
c. 24 bits
d. 128 bits 27/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 39
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Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest paths from vertex A to others in the following graph:
a. D
b. C
c. F
d. E 28/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 40
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a. If there are N items, the bubble sort makes exactly N*N comparisons.
b. The bubble sort always ends up comparing every item with every other item.
c. A copy is three times as fast as a swap.
d. In a particular sorting situation, if swaps take much longer than comparisons, the selection sort is about twice as fast as the
bubble sort. 29/45
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Question 41
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7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 42
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Maximum number of nodes in a binary tree with height k, where root is height 0, is
a. (2^k) -1
b. (2^(k+1)) -1
c. (2^k) +1
d. (2^(k-1)) -1 31/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 43
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A hash table of length 10 uses open addressing with hash function h(k)=k mod 10, and linear probing. After inserting 6 values into an
empty hash table, the table is
as shown below.
Which one of the following choices gives a possible order in which the key values could have been inserted in the table? (Assume that
Linear probing was used to resolved collision) 32/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 44
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Which of the following Sorting algorithms use Divide and Conquer strategy?
a. Radix sort
b. Bubble sort
c. Heap sort
d. Quick sort
Question 45
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Which of the following data structures does not suitable for implementing Huffman algorithm? 33/45
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Question 46
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a. bubble sort.
b. insertion sort.
c. all of them.
d. selection sort. 34/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 47
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Which of the following data structures are the most suites for handling the minimum (maximum) weighted distances?
a. Queue
b. Linked list
c. Stack
d. Priority Queue 35/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 48
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Question 49
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a. 101
b. 001
c. 01
d. 100 37/45
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Question 50
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The “prime number division remainder” method is a well-known hashing algorithm. In this method, a key value is divided by a number N,
and the remainder which is also called a hash value is used directly as an index into the hash table. N is the largest prime number less
than or equal to the size of the table. When the table size is 20, which of the following is the correct hash value calculated from the key
value 136? Here, a prime number is one that cannot be divided evenly by any other number except one (1). 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13 are the
first few prime numbers. 38/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 51
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In order to sort the sequence “98, 12, 4, 56, 34, 23” in ascending order by Bubble Sort algorithm, how many exchange operations are
a. 9
b. 5
c. 7
d. 11
Question 52
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What is output if using LZW algorithm with the table initialized with the letters a, b, c encode the string “ababcaab”?
a. 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2
b. 4 4 3 1 1 2
c. 124352
d. 1 2 4 3 1 4 39/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 53
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Which of the following algorithms in graphs can be implemented by extending Depth First Search algorithm?
Question 54
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7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 55
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a. The sibling property is described as each node has a sibling (except for the root) and the breadth-first right-to-left tree traversal
generates a list of nodes with nonincreasing frequency counters.
b. If the sibling property is violated, Huffman tree has to be restructured to restore this property.
c. If Adaptive Huffman coding is used to compress execute file, output file is much smaller than the original.
d. Adaptive Huffman coding can be applied to any kind of file.
Question 56
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7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 57
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Which the sorting technique always makes recursive calls to sort pieces that are about half the size of the original array?
a. Merge sort.
b. Heap sort.
c. Radix sort.
d. Quick sort. 42/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 58
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Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest paths from vertex A to others in the following graph:
a. infinity
b. 70
c. 95
d. 20 43/45
7/20/24, 1:01 PM Quiz 2
Question 59
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a. The lower the Flesch Index Score, the simpler the text and the easier it is to read.
b. The higher the Flesch Index Score, the simpler the text and the easier it is to read.
Question 60
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When a hash table becomes too full, which of the following is required to resize the table?
a. Create a new table which is larger than the original table. Then individually reinsert each key from the old table into the new table (i.e. if
a key is in location X in the original table, it may or may not be in position X in the new table).
b. Create a new table which is larger than the original table. Then bulk copy keys from one table to the other (i.e. if a key is in location X in
the original table, it remains in position X in the new table).
c. Add extra space at the end of the existing hash table and leave the old keys in place. 44/45
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