ECC Install
ECC Install
ECC Install
Release 17.02
2 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
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Abend-AID, Abend-AID for CICS, Xpediter for TSO and for IMS, Xpediter for CICS, File-AID for MVS, File-
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December 21, 2020
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
System Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Documentation Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Online Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Customer Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Information for Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ECC Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Integration of ECC with Other Compuware Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Product Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
License Management System (LMS) Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Host Communications Interface (HCI) Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Compuware Shared Services (CSS) Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Base Services Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Compuware Simple Deploy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Milestones and Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Checklist of Milestones and Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
System Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Central Licenses Facility discontinued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Configure CMSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Post-upgrade Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Milestone 9: Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Deployment Possibilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Migration Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Migration Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
EXEC Parameter Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
DDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Introduction 0
This manual provides information about how to install, customize, and maintain Enterprise
Common Components.
Intended Audience
Enterprise Common Components installers, z/OS system programmers and administrators.
System Environment
See the Enterprise Common Components Release Notes for the most current system environment
Related Publications
An RFN order email also includes a copy of the Compuware Installer Mainframe Products SMP/E Installation
Guide, which should be used to perform the installation of Enterprise Common Components.
Preparation for installation and post-installation configuration should be done according to this
The documents in the following list are available on Compuware Support Center.
Documentation Availability
Online Documentation
The Enterprise Common Components product installation package does not include the product
documentation. Access the Enterprise Common Components documentation from the Compuware
Support Center website at in the following electronic formats:
• View PDF files with the free Adobe Reader, available at
• View HTML files with any standard web browser.
8 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
The icons found in this guide include:
If a particular milestone or task does not apply to your site—or your site is not licensed for a particular
option—you can skip ahead to the next milestone or task by clicking the icon.
Indicates which skill set is most likely needed to perform the following task(s).
Customer Support
Visit the Compuware Support Center,, to find product
documentation, knowledge articles, and other technical resources. You can open a case with the
Customer Solutions team, order products, and much more.
ECC Overview 0
Enterprise Common Components (ECC) is a product delivered as a single install image for the
following Compuware facilities:
• Base Services
All components of ECC are installed together using the single install image. ECC consists of a single
FMID (MLCXnnn) for all components, operating from one authorized load library (SLCXAUTH) and
one non-authorized load library (SLCXLOAD). CMSC, LMS, HCI, CSS, and Base Services are all on the
same release level.
Compuware recommends that you activate and configure all the ECC components at the same time
to avoid compatibility issues between different release levels. Which components of ECC you need to
activate and configure depends on which Compuware products are licensed by your organization.
ECC is installed using SMP/E, facilitated by the Compuware Installer. Each ECC component can be
configured individually, depending on your site’s requirements.
License Management System (LMS) is required for any Compuware mainframe product, in order to
verify that the corresponding License Certificate exists, enabling use of the product.
Compuware Shared Services (CSS) is required for sharing compiled program information for
Compuware products (for example, Xpediter).
Product Architecture
As the service provider for the new Compuware’s Common Parameter Library feature (Compuware
PARMLIB), the CMSC reads the user’s parameter libraries, stores parameters for Compuware products
in memory, and initializes the parameter retrieval service used by Compuware products. Operator
commands are provided to refresh the parameters in memory in the event of a change to one or more
of the parameter library members.
ECC enables Compuware mainframe products to use PARMLIBs for storing configuration data.
Instructions are provided to guide you through any necessary migration to using PARMLIBs.
Compuware’s mainframe products, with a release of 17.02 or greater, use a common PARMLIB for
specifying configuration and customization parameter values, serviced through the CMSC address
space. Parameter values are stored in a PDS or concatenation of PDS libraries. The PARMLIB members
are human readable and editable, allowing administrators to view or change values using an operator
command. z/OS System Symbolics are supported by Compuware PARMLIB members, which can be
helpful in simplifying, for example, multiple LPAR deployments.
Compuware PARMLIB to all Compuware mainframe products release 17.02 and higher, similar
product information can be expressed to more than one Compuware product. For example, Strobe
information can be defined for both Strobe and another product, like HCI.
Users can also specify different PARMLIB members for different invocations of individual products.
For example: HCInn, where nn identifies the PARMLIB member to be used.
For further information regarding the Common Parameter Library, review Enterprise Common
Components Advanced Configuration Guide.
ECC Overview 13
• A runtime environment
LMS License Certificates are English-like text files that are sent to you electronically. You will receive
a License Certificate for each new product release under LMS. LMS now executes in the CMSC address
The HCI now uses a single simplified parameter member that supports all functionality in the HCI for
any Compuware product including Topaz Workbench, DevEnterprise, and Strobe. In addition, HCI
operator commands are available to stop and restart the SSAS (Shared Services Address Space) without
needing to completely restart the HCI, thus maintaining its established communication connections.
CSS provides storage, retrieval, and maintenance for Abend-AID reports, source listings, and
transaction dump information in datasets called DDIO files. Shared directories and their attached
databases are also types of DDIO files being used, which provide improved efficiency in maintaining
information and activity within these files. CSS also provides language processing support for
COBOL, PL/I, Assembler, and C.
Planning 0
Steps Involved
1. Order ECC and its companion products, including the latest maintenance, via Compuware’s
Product Ordering web page or by calling Compuware’s License Management at 800-538-7822. Before
ordering, you should understand the system requirements and prerequisites. See Prerequisites.
2. Install ECC per the instructions provided in the order confirmation email. See Milestone 1: Install
3. Follow the instructions in this guide to configure and deploy ECC. See Milestone 2: Configuration
Preparation before beginning an configuration steps. Also, for configuration information for an
upgrade see Milestone 3: Configuration for an Upgrade.
Compuware Simple Deploy uses an API to resolve dataset names while still giving you complete
flexibility of what they are called. In short, it is no longer necessary to manually edit Compuware
install-dataset names in REXX and CLIST when upgrading and deploying certain Compuware
mainframe products 1.
Each CLIST has been redesigned to allocate datasets using the dataset names from the DDSNnnnn
member. If you have fully configured the DDSNnnnn member with all of the Compuware product
DDNAME / DATASET NAMEs, you need make no changes to the CLIST in order for it to launch the
product. If you do not have all of the Compuware mainframe product DDNAME / DATASET NAMES,
then invoking the CLIST will flag the products that are missing. You can then modify the CLIST to
resolve the offending product.
See “DDSN Configuration Parameters for Simple Deploy” section in the Enterprise Common
Components Advanced Configuration Guide for more information on the DDSNnnnn member
For product-specific instructions on how configure the DDSNnnnn member, refer to the
comments contained in the CLISTs themselves.
Member DDSN00 is shipped in the SLCXCNTL dataset andcontains DD_INFO entries for all
Compuware product libraries. See Examples of DDSNnnnn Member Syntax for the DDSNnnnn
member parameters and specific DD_INFO syntax examples.
1. Consult your respective Compuware mainframe product’s installation and configuration guide to see if Simple Deploy is
16 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
• API Automation
You no longer have to edit Compuware install-dataset names for each LPAR every time you
change the dataset name, whether for upgrading or deploying products. We’re helping to
automate the selection of Compuware datasets by using an API call into a PARMLIB member.
• Centralization
Having Compuware file product names and DD Names in a CMSC member gives you the
advantage of having a single point of knowledge and a single point of control, allowing changes
to propagate everywhere. In a way, this helps break down silos of information and helps your
organization drive DevOps.
• Flexibility
Compuware’s simple deploy will give you as much flexibility as possible by allowing the use of
system symbols to provide an easily customizable and configurable deployment of Compuware
products, especially across LPARs or product upgrades.
• Cross-product Configuration
Currently, cross-product configuration can be difficult because different products are often
installed by different people, and products are not always at the same version levels. With
Compuware’s simple deploy, current versions are automatically picked up and used, regardless of
which person or team installed the individual products.
General Syntax
If a Compuware mainframe product has only one version of that product installed, then there is no need
to have an FMID on any DDs, thus no need for the FMID parameter.
New z/OS Security
Milestone Upgrade Systems
Install Administrator
Milestone 1: Install ECC x x x
Milestone 2: Configuration
x x x x
Milestone 3: Configuration for an
x x
Milestone 4: Configure LMS for a
x x
New Install
Milestone 5: Configure HCI for a
x x
New Install
Milestone 6: Configure CMSC for
x x
a New Install
Milestone 7: Configure CSS for a
x x
New Install
Milestone 8: Configure Topaz
x x
Workbench Integration
Milestone 9: Deployment x x
Milestone 10: Configure Global
x x x
The following are considerations to take notice of, and to remember, when doing the customization
of ECC or one of its components.
ECC Considerations
OMVS Segments
• The CMSC and HCI started tasks require that an OMVS segment be defined for the user ID
associated with each of these started tasks to perform various TCP/IP services.
TCP/IP Security
• The CMSC and HCI started tasks require access to the TCP/IP stack through which they
communicate. This requires that these started tasks have read authority to the EZB.STACKACCESS
resource class.
ECC Security
The CMSC and HCI started tasks require specific security rights. The following tables list the
requirements needed for each component:
CMSC started task owner ID requires access to the following files and libraries:
HCI started task owner ID requires access to the following files and libraries:
Note: HCI spawns one and possibly two started subtasks that create HCI TSO address spaces
instead of using the user’s TSO address space for specific tasks
CXSSAS started task runs unauthorized — Primarily used for DDIO processing and Xpediter/Code
Coverage analysis
CXSS0000 started task runs authorized — Primarily used by File-AID, Strobe and Topaz TSO
Command processing under Topaz Workbench.
These started tasks are initiated as needed by HCI and run under a given user IDs authority (no
additional access rights are required). The rights of the started task are inherited from the user ID
running it.
HCI Considerations
To avoid any unpredictable connection issues, make sure all current IBM maintenance is applied to
Planning 19
Before you install the HCI on a z/OS LPAR, you must be able to run TCP/IP traffic from the
workstation to that LPAR or host.
• The name of the CMSC task running on your system when updating the CMSC PARMLIB values
using the z/OS MODIFY (F) command.
• The file name of the Compuware Mainframe Services Controller (CMSC) PARMLIB dataset. You
will need this name for configuring the other Compuware mainframe products.
• The name of CMSC PARMLIB member(s) DDSNnnnn (default is DDSN00, or the specified default
in your site’s CMSC start-up) with the DDNAMEs and DATASET NAMEs of all Compuware
products, such as File-AID, Xpediter/TSO, Abend-AID, etc. A sample is located in
hlq.SLCXCNTL(DDSN00). DDSNnnnn provides the names of Compuware run-time libraries
installed at your site. You will need the DDSNnnnn name(s) for configuring your Compuware
mainframe products.
20 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
Prerequisites 0
System Requirements
Hardware Platforms for Mainframe Systems
• z15
• z13, z13s
• zEC12, zBC12
• z196, z114
• z10-EC/BC
• z9-EC/BC
• z900, z990
• z800, z890
Operating Systems
• IBM z/OS V2.3, 2.4
• IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS V5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3
• IBM High Level Assembler for z/OS, z/VM, and z/VSE V1.6
• DevEnterprise 18.03
• File-AID 17.02
• Xpediter/CICS 17.02
• Xpediter/TSO 17.02
1. All 17.02 Compuware mainframe products require a minimum of ECC 17.02, including all
2. Pre-16.05 releases of the ECC components (which includes LMS 4.0, HCI 3.0, and CSS 9.0) will
not be supported by any Compuware mainframe products release 17.02 or greater.
3. Supported releases of Abend-AID, Compuware Program Analyzer and DevEnterprise require ECC
4. Topaz for Total Test 17.02 or higher requires ECC 17.02.
5. If you wish to use the REST API and Zero Administration functions implemented in the CMSC,
you must be using z/OS V2.2 or higher.
– If your operating system is z/OS V2.1 (unsupported), you can apply IBM PTF UA79089 (APAR
OA46622) and PTF UA76726 (APAR OA46575). These PTFs enable the IBM Web Enablement
Toolkit HTTP support and JSON parsing.
This milestone provides information and instructions for transferring the Compuware product to
your mainframe and completing the SMP/E process to install the product into Global, target, and
distribution zones, in preparation for configuring the product for your site’s use.
Caution: ECC 16.05 or higher cannot be in the same Target and Distribution
zones as ECC 3.3 and prior releases, Abend-AID 12.4 and prior releases,
Compuware Program Analyzer 5.3, or DevEnterprise 5.3 and prior releases.
However, they can co-exist in the same Global zone.
To keep your ECC software current, download and apply the quarterly
cumulative maintenance file delivered through Compuware Support Center.
Follow the instructions in the Compuware Installer Mainframe Products
SMP/E Installation Guide to apply maintenance.
24 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
Certain ECC components require some modules to be in an APF-authorized library. Compuware has
provided a load library, SLCXAUTH, that contains those modules. APF-authorize only the SLCXAUTH
load library.
At least one Compuware PARMLIB dataset must exist in order to contain Compuware product
PARMLIB members, which are accessed by CMSC. If you have already allocated the Compuware
PARMLIB dataset, skip this task. Otherwise, define a library.
Modify the sample JCL member CMSCALCP, located in library SLCXCNTL, to allocate the PARMLIB
any processing the TP requires until the TP issues one of the set security calls. Until that time, the
new user ID is in effect.
Example: Ensure that the default user ID has either ACCESS(READ) or ACCESS(EXECUTE) to the
//STEPLIB DD used in the TP JCL and that it has appropriate access to any other datasets that it
processes under the default user ID.
Once the TP has issued a security call, the default user ID is no longer used for access because the TP
starts running under the user ID passed in the security call.
If you are installing ECC for the first time, continue with Milestone 4: Configure LMS for a New
This milestone will assist you in upgrading from an existing release of ECC at your site to the current
Older releases of ECC—which comprised of a suite of products—must migrate some artifacts in order
to be compatible with ECC 17.02. Use the following table to determine which tasks need to be
completed based on the release of ECC from which you are upgrading.
Older releases of ECC—which comprised a suite of products—must migrate some artifacts in order to
be compatible with ECC 17.02. Use the following table to determine which tasks need to be
completed based on the release of ECC from which you are upgrading
Any products that were checked out or running when the earlier LMS’s subsystem was deleted should
be shutdown and restarted. Also, any products that are started between the time the earlier LMS’s
subsystem was deleted and LMS is started in the CMSC will fail with a license error.
28 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
5. Add the LICENSE_DSNAME parameter to the newly created LMCL00 PARMLIB member. Set the
value for the parameter to the name of the current license file. This parameter setting will avoid
an enqueue reserve on the license file when attempting to update a license.
• On the HCIXML DD statement, specify the HCI 3.0 member that contains the HCI XML
parameters to be converted.
• On the TPCONFIG DD statement, specify the CSS 9.0 library that contains the TP
configuration members.
• On the HCIPARM DD statement, specify the pre-allocated PARMLIB dataset and the
member to which we will write the converted data.
• On the SYSTSIN DD statement, specify the library member HCIRMGRT in the EXEC
statement that contains the REXX EXEC that performs the migration.
If you are upgrading from an HCI release 2.1 and prior, you will have to manually update the PARMLIB
member with your site’s values.
• Add the ECC 17.02 SLCXAUTH library as the first library on the STEPLIB DD statement.
• Add the ECC 17.02 SLCXLOAD library as the first library on the FDBDRPL DD statement.
If you have steps to execute program FDBASUBS to start or stop an Abend-AID subsystem, update the
STEPLIB DD statement to remove the Abend-AID Common library SKAZAUTH and replace it with the
ECC 17.02 SLCXAUTH library.
• Add the ECC 17.02 SLCXAUTH library as the first library on the STEPLIB DD statement.
• Remove the HCI library SLHCAUTH library from the STEPLIB DD statement.
• Add the ECC 17.02 SLCXLOAD library as the first library on the FDBDRPL DD statement.
If you have steps to execute program FDBASUBS to start or stop an Abend-AID subsystem, update the
STEPLIB DD statement to remove the Abend-AID Common library SKAZAUTH and replace it with the ECC
17.02 SLCXAUTH library.
• Add the ECC 17.02 SLCXAUTH library as the first library on the STEPLIB DD statement.
• Remove the HCI library SLHCAUTH library from the STEPLIB DD statement.
• Add the ECC 17.02 SLCXLOAD library as the first library on the FDBDRPL DD statement.
2. If you have steps to execute program FDBASUBS to start or stop an Abend-AID subsystem, update
the STEPLIB DD statement to remove the Abend-AID Common library SKAZAUTH and replace it
with the ECC 17.02 SLCXAUTH library.
• CXSS0000
3. Because your ECC pre-16.05 release did not include the CMSC component, you need to also
complete Milestone 6: Configure CMSC for a New Install to finish the upgrade.
30 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
• CXSS0000
8. If your HCI is controlled by the CMSC, then shutdown the HCIPROC and restart the CMSC. This
will execute LMS to load your Compuware licenses into storage and will start the HCIPROC.
Otherwise, stop and restart your HCI started task or batch job.
9. Copy your existing CSS Compile Information Table (member AAUTCTBL) from the 16.05
SLCXTABL library to the 17.02 SLCXTABL library.
Base Services requires no customization for an upgrade other than the refresh to the current releases
1. Copy the DDSN00 sample from hlq.SLCXCNTL(DDSN00) into the CPWR common PARMLIB
2. Uncomment the DD_INFO blocks for products that are installed or will be installed.
3. Update the DSNAME parm in the DD_INFO block to match the actual dataset names on your
LPAR. Reminder that you can use System Symbols and the CMSC will resolve the names.
• On the IMPORT step’s STEPLIB DD statement, update the SLCXAUTH library to your
installation’s fully qualified dataset name.
• Submit the job and review the output to verify successful completion. Also, verify that all
your Compuware License Certificates are listed.
2. Verification of HCI
a. Modify the sample JCL member HCITEST, located in library SLCXCNTL, to execute the
verification job. The job will attempt to ping the HCI to validate the connection.
1. Add a job card.
2. On the IVP step’s STEPLIB DD statement, update the SLCXLOAD library to your
installation’s fully qualified dataset name.
3. On the IVP step’s SYSIN DD for both the HOSTIP and PORT:
4. HOSTIP – Must contain the value of the host address in which the HCI is executing. It
can be the host DNS name or the host IP address.
5. PORT – Must represent the port on which the HCI is listening.
6. Submit the job and review the output.
7. If a connection gets established, the output should resemble:
directly to Milestone 8: Configure Topaz Workbench Integration. Otherwise, you should proceed
directly to Milestone 9: Deployment.
If you plan to integrate with Topaz Workbench, you should proceed directly to
Milestone 8: Configure Topaz Workbench Integration.
If you DO NOT plan to integrate with Topaz Workbench, you should proceed directly to
Milestone 9: Deployment.
The tasks describe only the most basic elements required to establish a Compuware LMS
1. Locate the License Certificate for the Compuware products being installed. A License Certificate
file can contain licensing for more than one Compuware product.
2. Allocate a target dataset on the host system for the License Certificate. Use the DCB parameters
RECFM=FB, LRECL=80, and whatever BLKSIZE you prefer.
3. Transfer the License Certificate to the host using File Transfer Protocol (FTP), IND$FILE, cut and
paste, or any other method desired.
Note: If you open the License Certificate dataset in an IPSF editor or transfer it using cut and paste, make
sure NUMBERS is set to OFF.
4. If you have more than one License Certificate file, repeat the process as many times as required.
If you prefer to use the License Administration Utility (LAU) to manage your License File, directions to do
so can be found in the Enterprise Common Components Advanced Configuration Guide .
Modify the sample JCL LMDELDEF, located in library SLCXCNTL, to allocate and initialize the VSAM
License File.
34 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
This job performs an IDCAMS DELETE on the specified LICENSE FILE. Use with caution.
Modify the sample JCL member LMIMPORT, located in library SLCXCNTL, to import Compuware
software license certificates (transferred in Task 4.1 Transfer License Certificate to Host System) to the
License File (created in Task 4.2 Create a License File).
If you have more than one License Certificate file, repeat until all License Certificate files have been
imported to the LMS License File.
Modify the sample JCL member LMLFCRPT, located in library SLCXCNTL, to list the contents of the
LMS License File.
b. On the LMAREPT step’s STEPLIB DD statement, update the SLCXAUTH library to your
installation’s fully qualified dataset name.
c. Modify ‘CPWR.LICENSE.FILE’ to the name specified in Task 4.2 Create a License File. Refer to
2. Submit the job and review the output to verify successful completion. Also, verify that all your
Compuware License Certificates are listed.
The Exit PROC is used by LMS to establish with z/OS a request for it to be notified when any of the
following events occur on the LPAR:
Each of these system events causes LMS to be notified via a standard z/OS Event Manager Exit. This
exit code examines the state of the LPAR and determines whether it should invoke the PROC named
in the EXIT_PROC parameter of the LMS client parameters.
You will notice that the EXIT_PROC is invoked once each day, just after midnight (based upon your
installation’s SMF Interval). It is necessary for LMS to update the checkpoint dataset with values
consistent with the change of date.
1. Copy the sample JCL member LMSEXIT, located in library SLCXCNTL, to a system PROCLIB.
2. Update the JCL: On the EVENT step’s STEPLIB DD statement, update the SLCXAUTH library to
your installation’s fully qualified dataset name.
1. Copy the sample PARMLIB member LMCL00, located in library SLCXCNTL, to your Compuware
PARMLIB dataset (created in Task 2.2 Define the Compuware Common Parameter Library
2. Edit the copied member (LMCL00) to provide values for the following parameters:
Although the operating system allows subsystem names to contain lowercase letters and
special characters, LMS does not because the subsystem name may need to be included
SUBSYSTEM_ID in the DDNAME of a CWIDssss DD DUMMY statement. Therefore, the value chosen
for this parameter must also be valid in a DDNAME.
You must coordinate the use of the subsystem identifier, because duplicate names are not
allowed, either within the set of License Management subsystems, or across all subsystems
defined. Verify that the subsystem value chosen is not already in use.
This parameter specifies whether this SUBSYSTEM_ID will be declared the default subsystem.
Your choices are NO|YES|FORCE.
This parameter specifies the name of a checkpoint dataset. LMS requires a checkpoint dataset
to be available for LMS and to certain operating system exits at all times. This dataset is
created automatically by LMS if it does not already exist, or it is updated if it does exist. You
must specify the 1- to 38-character name of this dataset.
Note: The CMSC user ID (used to run LMS) must have ALTER access to the entity named by
this parameter. The IDCAMS utility is dynamically invoked to define this dataset. Note that
the same user ID is used for LMSEXIT.
This parameter specifies the 1- to 8-character member name in your system PROCLIB, of the
PROC which LMS automatically starts whenever an event occurs which drives the event
notification exit. The events which will cause this PROC to be started are:
Note: Refer to Task 4.5 Create LMS Exit Procedure for additional information.
The SMF_ID must be a three-digit number in the range of 128 through 255.
SMF_ID is required before any SMF recording can occur. If SMF_ID is not specified, then SMF
recording will not take place regardless of the specification on any license file concerning this
SMF identifiers mush be unique numbers. Duplicate numbers cannot be defined to any
program or system writing SMF records. Ensure that the SMF_ID value chosen is not already
in use.
The Record ID specified by the SMF_ID parameter must be recorded by SMF. A zOS systems
programmer must specify the SMF_ID on the SYS option in the SMFPRMxx SYS1.PARMLIB
SMF_ID Example:
The values allowed for LMS, SMF record IDs are 128 through 255, which fall within the range
100:255 on the SYS option shown below; and therefore are eligible to be written by LMS.
If the value for the SMF_ID LMS parameter is not specified on the SYS option in SMFPRMxx,
the following warning message will be issued by LMS during initialization:
Note: Specifying an SMF_ID does not automatically start SMF recording. SMF recording is
performed on a product-by-product basis and is activated via an indicator within the file itself.
This parameter and its value only state which SMF_ID will be used when SMF recording is
For the complete list of LMS parameters, see the Enterprise Common Components Advanced
Configuration Guide.
If you have any Compuware products that use Host Communication Interface (HCI), continue with
the tasks in Milestone 5: Configure HCI for a New Install—otherwise, skip to Milestone 6: Configure
CMSC for a New Install.
38 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
Skip this milestone if you do not have Compuware products that require HCI on this LPAR. Continue
configuration with Milestone 6: Configure CMSC for a New Install.
Modify the sample JCL member HCIJOURN, located in library SLCXCNTL, to define the VSAM
journals. The job will use IDCAMS to define and initialize the journal datasets. Compuware
recommends defining three journals for HCI use and two journals for SSAS use, as specified in the
sample JCL.
• The HCIPROC — is the HCI started task procedure. Optionally, the HCI can be run via a batch
job, typically to verify configuration. Compuware recommends that the HCIPROC run as a
started task that is managed by the CMSC.
• The CXSSAS PROC — is the Shared Services (CSS) Address Space procedure. The CXSSAS PROC is
primarily used for DDIO processing and for Xpediter/Code Coverage analysis. This PROC is
designed to execute unauthorized.
40 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
• The CXSS0000 PROC — is the CSS TP procedure. The CXSS0000 PROC is used to support File-AID
and Strobe processing. This PROC is designed to execute authorized.
Modify the sample JCL member HCIPROCS, located in library SLCXCNTL, to create three PROCS.
Compuware provides a default HCI PARMLIB member (HCI00), located in SLCXCNTL, that includes
the core parameters for getting a viable HCI started. Compuware provides a second HCI PARMLIB
member (HCIALL) that includes all the possible parameters defined for use by HCI, and may include
parameters with default values.
1. Copy the sample HCI PARMLIB member (HCI00), located in library SLCXCNTL, to your
Compuware PARMLIB dataset (created in Define Compuware’s Common Parameter Library
2. Edit the copied member (HCI00) to provide values for the following parameters:
This parameter specifies your subsystem ID. SYSID must be four characters in length and start
with an alpha character or #, $, @. The SYSID is used by the HCI initialization routines to
dynamically create a z/OS subsystem. It must be unique among all subsystems running on this
LPAR and must not be defined in a system PARMLIB.
These parameters (one for each HCI journal defined in Define Journals) specify journal datasets
that allow for logging of HCI activity. The HCI uses the Journaling Facility to write out diagnostic
information that may then be provided to Compuware.
Journal datasets cannot be shared across multiple HCI instances. Each HCI instances requires its own set
of journal datasets.
– PORT=16196
This parameter specifies a port number in which the HCI listens for incoming connection
requests. Check with your network administrator for an available port number.
This parameter denotes the start of a CSS TP port configuration and must come after any required
HCI parameter statements.
All parameters added to the HCIxx PARMLIB member need to come after the cooresponding
PORT_CONFIG for which they pertain.
This parameter enables the job notification feature. This feature provides for end-of-job
notifications that are generated by the NOTIFY=userid JCL parameter to be sent to the user. The
NOTIFY=userid JCL parameter is used on JOB statements.
Normally, end-of-job notifications are sent to the TSO user. This remains in effect, regardless of
whether the NOTIFY feature is enabled or disabled. Enabling the feature allows a copy of the
same end-of-job notification to be sent to the user’s Topaz Workbench instance, if started.
This parameter provides an automatic mechanism to purge messages that cannot be delivered to
a Workstation user after a set period of days. Messages might be undeliverable because the userID
associated with the message never uses Topaz Workbench, or the userID has not used Topaz
Workbench for a period longer than the purge duration period. Purging undeliverable messages
reduces overhead and keeps the storage required to maintain the undelivered messages to a
reasonable level. The NOTIFY_PURGE duration value is in days.
This parameter specifies the CSS TP Started Task procedure name. The STASK is required for CA-
Endevor, File-AID Data Privacy and/or File-AID/Eclipse plug-in support.
This parameter is the Shared Services Address Space procedure name. The SSAS_PROC parameter
identifies the JCL procedure name used by the Compuware Shared Services Address Space (SSAS).
This parameter is the Shared Services Address Space. The SSAS_NAME identifies the address space
name to be used by the Compuware Shared Services Address Space (SSAS). This address space is
intended to run unauthorized functions on behalf of Topaz Workbench.
– PORT=16196
This parameter identifies the port number of the HCI that owns this configuration
section.The port number example of 16196 is the port number of the TP assigned to service
Topaz Workbench plug-in connections for this HCI image. This should be the same port
number that is specified on the corresponding PORT_CONFIG statement.
42 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
This parameter identifies the host name or the IP address of the HCI that owns this
configuration section. If you use an IP address it must be in IPV4 format.
This parameter can enable the zIIP processor of the HCI that owns this configuration section.
This parameter is set to N by default, but can be changed to Y to enable the CSS TP to execute
selected portions of TP activity on an available zIIP processor.
– PORT=16196
This parameter is the port number of the CSS TP for this HCI image.
You must code only one HCI_PORT statement in order to support Host Explorer connections
to this LPAR, and it is the same HCI as that coded for LOCAL_* statements.
This parameter specifies the host name or IP address of the operating system image where the
HCI executes. If you use an IP address it must be in IPV4 format.
This parameter is the user-specified description for the HCI connection point for a given
You must code only one HCI_SYSNAME statement in order to support Host Explorer
connections to this LPAR, and it is the same HCI as that coded for LOCAL_* statements.
This parameter is the name of the LPAR that this HCI image will be executing.
You must code only one HCI_LPAR statement in order to support Host Explorer connections
to this LPAR, and it is the same HCI as that coded for LOCAL_* statements.
For a complete list of HCI parameters, see the Enterprise Common Components Advanced Configuration
3. If you changed your HCI PARMLIB member name from the default HCI00 (for example:
HCI0005), update your CMSC PARMLIB member to contain the suffix of the new HCI PARMLIB
member, HCI=0005.
Figure 1. Example HCI PARMLIB member configured for two ISPW instances
44 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
If you plan is to have CMSC control the HCIPROC 1, then complete Milestone 6: Configure CMSC
for a New Install now, then return to this task to complete the HCI verification.
1. Modify the sample JCL member HCITEST, located in library SLCXCNTL, to execute the
verification job. The job will attempt to ping the HCI to validate the connection.
a. Add a job card.
b. On the IVP step’s STEPLIB DD statement, update the SLCXLOAD library to your installation’s
fully qualified dataset name.
c. On the IVP step’s SYSIN DD for both the HOSTIP and PORT:
• HOSTIP – Must contain the value of the host address in which the HCI is executing. It
can be the host DNS name or the host IP address.
• If a connection cannot be established, or there are error conditions present, the output resembles:
• Different messages could be in the output depending on the exact return code received during
• If a connection to the HCI is established, messages will be issued and will be visible in the HCI
job log. The messages might resemble:
1. Compuware does NOT recommend that the CMSC control the HCI when an automated procedure such as a JES3 reader file,
or an automated operations product, is being used to shut down both the CMSC and HCI.
It is recommended that once the HCI is implemented, it should be set up to run as a started task and
included in the IPL startup sequence.
46 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
The CMSC address space is a centralized facility providing license management and Common
Parameter Library Services for Compuware mainframe products. The CMSC also has the ability to
automatically start HCI address spaces. HCI address spaces started by the CMSC will automatically
restart in the event of a failure.
1. Copy the DDSN00 sample from hlq.SLCXCNTL(DDSN00) into the CPWR common PARMLIB
2. Uncomment the DD_INFO blocks for products that are installed or will be installed.
3. Update the DSNAME parm in the DD_INFO block to match the actual dataset names on your
LPAR. Reminder that you can use System Symbols and the CMSC will resolve the names.
48 Enterprise Common Components Installation Guide
4. Modules MSCUDDRX and MSCUDDCL must be made available to the TSO user executing the
Compuware CLISTs and REXX execs. This can be accomplished with one of the following options.
Option 1: (Recommended) Put the SLCXLOAD dataset (or modules MSCUDDRX and MSCUDDCL)
in the STEPLIB concatenation in the TSO LOGON procedure for users of Compuware CLISTs and
REXX execs.
1. Copy the sample PARMLIB member CMSC00, located in library SLCXCNTL, to your Compuware
PARMLIB dataset (created in Task 2.2 Define the Compuware Common Parameter Library
2. Edit the copied member (CMSC00) to provide values for the following parameter:
This parameter specifies the name of the CMSC. This parameter must be a 1 to 4-character
string. The string must consist of letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), or national symbols (@, #, $). It
must begin with a letter or national symbol.
CMSC_ID=CMSC must be specified for the primary CMSC.
Note: For other optional CMSC parameters, see the Enterprise Common Components Advanced
Configuration Guide.
If you defined each of the LMCL, HCI, and CSS PARMLIB members with
the default suffix 00 (LMCL00, HCI00, and CSS00), then there is no
need to add these PARMLIB member names to the CMSCxx PARMLIB
member, because CMSC automatically assumes these default member
Member CMSC in the SLCXCNTL library contains sample JCL to run the CMSC. Copy the sample JCL
to your system PROCLIB, follow the instructions in the member and modify the JCL to your site’s
requirements. The JCL can be submitted as a batch job, or can be executed as a started task.
Initialization &
1. Copy the sample JCL member CMSC, located in library SLCXCNTL, to a system PROCLIB.
2. Update the JCL:
a. On the CMSC00 EXEC statement, update the PARM:
PARM=’name ,CMSC,ssss’
– name is the name of the CMSC. This can be any unique name of your choosing, up to eight
characters in length. The only restrictions are that it must begin with a letter or national
character, and contain letters, digits, or national characters.
– CMSC identifies the address space being initialized by this JCL as a CMSC.
– ssss specifies the one to four-character suffix for the CMSC PARMLIB member, discussed in
Task 6.1. This parameter will be concatenated with the prefix ‘CMSC’ to construct the name
of the PARMLIB member to be used for the CMSC startup parameters. The suffix must follow
the rules for PDS members.
b. On the CMSC00 step’s STEPLIB DD statement, update the SLCXAUTH library to your
installation’s fully qualified dataset name.
c. On the CMSC00 step’s FDBDRPL DD statement, update the SLCXLOAD library to your
installation’s fully qualified dataset name.
d. On the CMSC00 step’s CWPARM statement, update the CPWR.PARMLIB to your installation’s
fully qualified Compuware PARMLIB dataset name.
3. Start the PROC as a started task or for testing purposes, submit as a batch job.
50 Enterprise Common Components Installation Guide
If you completed this milestone as part of Task 3.3 Configure CMSC please continue your ECC upgrade
with Task 3.4 Verification.
If the CMSC controls your HCIPROC, return to Task 5.4 HCI Verification (HCITEST)to complete the
verification of HCI. Once the HCI verification is complete, continue with Milestone 7: Configure CSS for a
New Install.
Compuware does NOT recommend that the CMSC be used to control the HCI when an automated
procedure such as a JES3 reader file, or an automated operations product, is being used to shut down the
Skip this milestone if you do not have Compuware products that require CSS on this LPAR. Products
•Abend-AID for CICS
•Xpediter/TSO and Xpediter/IMS
•Xpediter/Code Coverage
•Topaz Workbench plug-ins dependent upon the above mainframe products.
Ensure that the CSS load modules can be accessed by Compuware products by placing the ECC load
library in the STEPLIB or ISPLLIB for individual TSO logon PROCs, and in the STEPLIB or JOBLIB for batch
jobs. The ECC load library (SLCXLOAD or a copy of it) should be concatenated in front of any
Compuware product libraries.
If you have previously installed CSS and referenced the load library in batch jobs, compile PROCs,
CLISTs, or logon PROCs, CSS will be loaded from the STEPLIB, ISPLLIB, or JOBLIB where it is specified
rather than from the link list. Compuware recommends that you review these locations and remove
or modify the CSS load library DDs as appropriate. If you have any Compuware product that uses CSS
from a STEPLIB, ISPLLIB, or JOBLIB concatenation, you should include the ECC load library in front of
the Compuware product in that library concatenation.
You can dynamically allocate the ECC load library as part of the ISPLLIB concatenation. Please refer to
Option 1 listed in Create the Compile Information Table for more information.
you through the table creation process. When you have finished creating the table, you will have to
make it available to the CSS Utilities in Activate Compuware ISPF Dialogs.
• Your Compuware product run-time libraries currently being configured are in a different DDSNnnnn
member than the default member, as specified in your site’s CMSC start-up
If you are not required to create a Compile Information Table, skip to the next task: Activate Compuware
ISPF Dialogs
1. Edit member CXUECIN2 in the SLCXCNTL library. To avoid having your modifications overlaid by
future maintenance, you should copy this member to a non-SMP/E controlled library that is in your
SYSPROC concatenation. Follow the instructions that are in the member. You will need the name
of your ECC panel library, SLCXPENU, and your ECC REXX EXEC/CLIST library, SLCXEXEC.
2. If you placed the member CXUECIN2 in a library that is in your SYSPROC concatenation, then
you may invoked the REXX EXEC as follows:
The first field is the name of the compile information table. All the information entered will be saved
in this table. If the file does not exist it will be allocated for you. The second field is used during the
COPY command. See Option C. Copy a Prior Installation’s Information to a New Library.
This option must be specified first, with at least one compiler selected.
Enter Y in the 5.1 DDNames field, if you are using CA Optimizer and the release 5.1 DDNames SYSUT7,
SYSUT8, and CAISTATS are to be allocated.
Libraries entered on these screens depend on the compile processors used at your site. The following
types of libraries can be entered on this screen:
– Compiler libraries
– SYSLIB libraries
Compiler libraries describe the datasets that contain the compile processor load modules. These
libraries are required only if the processor libraries are not already included in the concatenation lists
for LPA or LINKLIST. When these libraries are supplied, they will appear in the STEPLIB DD of the
compile JCL.
The SYSLIB libraries describe the datasets to be used for the primary resolution of external references
by the linkage editor or binder. For example, the L/E library, SCEELKED. When these libraries are
supplied, they will appear in the SYSLIB DD of the linkedit step.
Compiler dependent libraries are for those compilers that have additional library requirements. For
example, the C language SYSMSGS library or the L/E library, SCEERUN.
In the column on the left, type in a DB2 identifier. It can be from one to six characters in length. You
may have up to two identifiers with the same name. In addition, you may have up to eight unique
DB2 identifiers.
In the column on the right in Figure 12 type in the DB2 dataset names that are required to perform
the DB2 pre-compile step.
Figure 12. Compile Information Table - Enter DB2 IDs and Pre-compile Libraries
Compuware CSS Utilities --- DB2 Precompile Libraries --------------------------
Use 'Page UP' and 'Page DOWN' to scroll this screen.
More: +
These libraries are used in the DB2 precompile step. The ID is displayed
on the 'Compile Menu'. When the programmer selects one of the IDs from
the 'Compile Menu', the ID is matched to the corresponding library name(s)
that are listed here. You may have up to two libraries with the same ID
name. The 'Compile Menu' can display up to 8 unique IDs.
ID DB2 Precompile Libraries
(1) ===> ===>
(2) ===> ===>
(3) ===> ===>
(4) ===> ===>
(5) ===> ===>
(6) ===> ===>
(7) ===> ===>
(8) ===> ===>
(9) ===> ===>
(10) ===> ===>
(11) ===> ===>
Press ENTER to process or enter END command to terminate
For example:
There are two D910S1 identifiers. That is the maximum for a single identifier. Also, there are three
unique identifiers: D910S1, DA10S1, and DB10S1. You may have up to eight of these.
In the column on the left, type in a CICS identifier. It can be from one to six characters in length. You
may have up to two identifiers with the same name. In addition, you may have up to eight unique
CICS identifiers.
In the column on the right, type in the CICS dataset names that are required to perform the CICS
translator step.
For example:
There are two CTS530 identifiers. That is the maximum for a single identifier. Also, there are three
unique identifiers: CTS530, CTS520, and CTS510. You may have up to eight of these.
58 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
Foreground Compile: Some sites do not want their staff doing foreground compiles. If you do
not want your users doing foreground compiles, then set this field to N. The foreground literal
will not be displayed as one of the preparation options.
Job Statement Exit: This is an exit point in which the JOB card is passed to the stated entity
before job submission for the Batch option. The invocation of the exit is also done before the JCL
is displayed with the Editjcl option.
The invocation of the exit uses the ISPF SELECT service syntax. The following are examples:
Note: Batch, Editjcl, and Foreground refer to Preparation types on the Compile Menu.
This process may be used to create a back-up of your completed compile information table. Also, it
may be used to carry existing compile information forward to a new release—thus, avoiding having
to retype the compile information.
During the installation, you will need the dataset name of the compile information table.
Note: The option references refer to the option number on the Install Menu screen.
If you set the Foreground Compile value to Y in the Miscellaneous Settings screen (Figure 13), then
the Foreground literal appears in the parenthetical list to the right of the Preparation field. If you set
the Foreground Compile value to N, then the literal does not appear.
If you selected all the compilers, the parenthetical list under the Language field is generated. The user
will select the language they want to use for their compile by placing one of the names from the list
in the Language field. The name entered tells the compile facility which libraries to use during the
If you used eight unique DB2 identifiers, the list under the DB2 Precompile field would be similar. If you
supplied less than eight unique identifiers, then any supplied would appear in a left to right, top to
bottom sequence.
If you used eight unique CICS identifiers, the list under the CICS Translator field would be similar. If you
supplied less than eight unique identifiers, then any supplied would appear in a left to right, top to
bottom sequence.
If you do not plan on using the CSS Utilities, continue with Link CSS Utilities Tutorials to Your Main
Tutorial Panel.
Dynamically allocating the libraries is discussed in Option 1. Allocating the libraries at TSO startup is
discussed in Option 2. For more information about CSS Utilities functionality, see the Compuware
Shared Services User/Reference Guide.
CSS provides sample REXX EXECs and CLISTs for invoking CSS Utilities in library SLCXCNTL. You
can allocate this library at TSO logon time, or make the CLIST or REXX EXEC accessible in a user-
defined library allocated at TSO logon.
IMPORTANT: If CSS REXX EXECs or CLISTs are currently used to invoke the CSS Utilities, you
must replace them with the latest versions in order to use the new Abend-AID features and
Abend-AID for CICS utility features.
1. Determine whether to use REXX EXECs or CLISTs. Compuware recommends using REXX EXECs;
you may find them easier to customize and maintain.
2. Determine whether Japanese and English language support is required, or just English language
3. If using REXX EXECs, choose the appropriate REXX EXEC for CSS Utilities using the following table
as a guide. If using CLISTs, select one CLIST for CSS Utilities.
4. Change the library names in the REXX EXECs or CLISTs selected in step 3 to match your site
An optional ISPSLIB can be used with On-the-Fly processing invoked in the Abend-AID Viewer.
See the Enterprise Common Components Advanced Configuration Guide for details about support
for On-the-Fly processing CLISTS. You may use an existing skeleton library allocated at TSO
logon time, or allocate one at viewer startup by updating the REXX EXECs or CLISTs selected
in step 3.
The CSS Utilities require the SLCXSLIB and SLCXTABL datasets to be concatenated to ISPSLIB and
ISPTLIB respectively. The SLCXTABL dataset was created in Create the Compile Information Table
5. Allocate the ECC SLCXCNTL library at TSO logon time, or copy the edited REXX EXECs/CLISTs to a
library allocated at TSO logon:
6. Users can invoke the CSS Utilities by selecting an option from an ISPF panel (recommended), or by
executing a REXX EXEC or CLIST.
Steps to provide access to the load, panel, and message modules at TSO logon time:
Load Library
Execute a CLIST or REXX EXEC at logon time that will concatenate the load library to
the appropriate DD statement before starting ISPF
Note: Abend-AID for CICS users must place a DD statement for the load library in the
concatenation for FDBDRPL in your server startup JCL.
Concatenate the library to ISPMLIB in the TSO logon PROC
Message Library
Concatenate the library to ISPMLIB in a CLIST or REXX EXEC before starting ISPF
Concatenate the library to ISPPLIB in the TSO logon PROC
Panel Library
Concatenate the library to ISPPLIB in a CLIST or REXX EXEC before starting ISPF
Concatenate the library to SYSPROC in the TSO logon PROC
EXEC Library
Concatenate the library to SYSPROC in a CLIST or REXX EXEC before starting ISPF
Due to the Compile Facility’s requirement for this library this DD is required.
Skeleton Library Concatenate the library to ISPSLIB in the TSO logon PROC
Concatenate the library to ISPSLIB in a CLIST or REXX EXEC before starting ISPF
62 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
– When testing a new install of Abend-AID, if the new Abend-AID load and customization
libraries have not yet been placed in the link list, they must be added as explained in the
instructions for the SLCXLOAD library. Doing this will prevent text merge error messages when
viewing an Abend-AID reports.
– When testing a new install of Abend-AID for CICS, if the new Abend-AID for CICS load library
has not yet been placed in the link list, it must be added as explained in the instructions for the
SLCXLOAD library. Doing this will prevent error messages when using the CSS Utilities with
Abend-AID for CICS DDIO files.
2. Add one or more of the following lines to an ISPF panel. Note that ‘o’ represents the option to be
entered at the ISPF menu command prompt:
While there is a default CSS PARMLIB member named CSS00, it does not contain any parameters. All of
Compuware’s default PARMLIB members (the members with a 00 suffix) contain only core parameters—
CSS does not have required core parameters.
The ESS parameter, Embedded Source Support, controls whether the source is embedded in the
program object or not. NO specifies the source listing to not be embedded in the program object.
YES specifies the source listing to be embedded in the program object. The default is NO.
Note: Abend-AID retrieves the source listing at abend view time, not capture time.
Task 7.5 Link CSS Utilities Tutorials to Your Main Tutorial Panel
This task provides two sample tutorial main menu panels for ISPF and ISPF/PDF. The sample panels,
CXTUTOR and CXR00003, are located in the SLCXCNTL library.
To link the CSS utilities tutorial panels to your tutorial main menu panel (TTUTOR or ISR00003), use
the applicable member (either CXTUTOR or CXR00003) as an example.
Additional Configuration
Additional configuration considerations can be found in the Enterprise Common Components Advanced
Configuration Guide.
Because CSS is used by more than one Compuware product, the Security Exit program is executed for
each Compuware product that uses CSS. If you are using multiple Compuware products, you must
update your Security Exit program to accommodate those products.
If, after reviewing the above-mentioned chapter, you want to implement the security exit, please refer
to the Enterprise Common Components Advanced Configuration Guide for configuration instructions.
The default translation tables (mixed-case English for both horizontal and vertical display) are
automatically used and unless you are using Japanese support with Abend-AID, you do not have to
implement customized translation tables.
If you want to implement customized translation tables, please refer to the Enterprise Common
Components Advanced Configuration Guide for configuration instructions.
64 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
1. Modify the HCI PROC (job HCIPROC) to add the fully qualified Hiperstation library (SQQFLOAD)
in the STEPLIB ??? concatenation.
2. Modify the HCIxx PARMLIB member to add the HPERPLIB parameter with a value of the fully
qualified Hiperstation panel library, SQQFPENU.
3. Restart the HCI.
4. Use the Compuware menu to start the Hiperstation/Eclipse perspective.
66 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
5. If the perspective launches and displays audit files, then you have properly activated
Hiperstation/Eclipse support.
1. Modify the SSAS PROC (job CXSSAS) to uncomment the Xpediter/Code Coverage library
(SLXVLOAD) in the STEPLIB concatenation and to update with the fully-qualified name.
2. Restart HCI.
3. Use the Compuware menu to start the Code Coverage/Eclipse perspective. Use the Cheat Sheet
provided to help you get started.
4. If the perspective launches and displays Coverage Analysis results from an Xpediter/Code
Coverage repository, then you have properly activated Code Coverage/Eclipse support.
To connect to multiple ISPW instances from a HCI, the ISPW parameters (ISPW_PORT, ISPW_HOST, and
ISPW_CTNAME) must be specified in the HCIxx PARMLIB member after a PORT_CONFIG statement
corresponding to that instance. Each ISPW instance requires a separate PORT_CONFIG statement in the
HCIxx member (see Figure 1, in Milestone 5: Configure HCI for a New Install).
1. Modify the HCIxx PARMLIB member by adding the following ISPW Configuration parameters:
a. ISPW_HOST=ip_addr
where ip_addr is the IP address, or DNS, of the ISPW server.
b. ISPW_PORT=port_num
where port_num is the ISPW server port and must match the value of WZCMXPRT in the ISPW
start parms.
c. ISPW_CTNAME=ct_server_name
where ct_server_name is the name of the ISPW/CT server that should be used by Topaz
Workbench clients to access ISPW life cycle datasets. This parameter is required when the
CTLOCAL value defined to ISPW does not have access to the life cycle datasets used by the
Topaz Workbench clients that are connecting through this HCI. This parameter is used in
multi-site implementations with a single ISPW server.
2. Refresh the HCIxx PARMLIB within the CMSC address space.
3. Restart the HCI.
1. Modify the HCIxx PARMLIB member to add the ENDEVOR parameter with a value of Y.
2. Add the Endevor APF-authorized library to the STEPLIB DD in the CSS TP started task (job
CXSS0000 in your system PROCLIB).
3. Restart the HCI.
4. In the Host Explorer perspective, select a mainframe LPAR and expand to see the paths.
5. Right-click the Endevor path and select Add Filter.
6. In the New Endevor Filter dialog box, use the Environment menu to view available environments.
The appearance of a list of accessible environments validates that the CA-Endevor interface was
properly activated.
1. Ensure you specify an STASK PARM in your HCI PARMLIB member. This is the name of a JCL
procedure in a system PROCLIB. A sample procedure named CXSS0000 is supplied. Instructions
for setting up the PROCLIB member can be found under Task 5.2 Implement HCI Procedures.
2. In your specified STASK's JCL, un-comment the two lines pointing to the FA CUST LIB and FA
DIST LIB. Make sure the dataset names for both libraries are correct for your site.
3. If you specified FILEAID=NO in your HCI PARMLIB member, change it to YES or remove the line
altogether. If you had to change your PARMLIB member, ensure you refresh the member in your
CMSC address space.
4. Restart the HCI.
5. Verify the FILE-AID integration was successful by using any FILE-AID plug-in found under the
Compuware menu.
68 Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide
Milestone 9: Deployment
This milestone provides information to assist in deploying ECC to other LPARs.
Compuware recommends using one of the following two methods to deploy ECC to another LPAR.
Method 1
As ECC components are critical for most other Compuware mainframe products, you may want to
conduct a full installation to ensure a smooth and correct ECC installation for the LPAR.
Method 2
If you do not require, or want to conduct a complete SMP/E installation on another LPAR, you can
instead copy the existing SMP/E Target libraries from one LPAR to the other LPAR, then follow the
configuration tasks for each of the components.
If there is an existing release of ECC (or existing older releases of the ECC components), you can
follow the “Migration” path. Otherwise, use the “New Installation” path.
70 Enterprise Common Components Installation Guide
zAdviser is a collaborative service that uses machine learning to find correlations between developer
behaviors and key performance indicators (KPIs) based on DevOps toolchain data and Compuware
product-usage data. Optionally, zAdviser records may be streamed directly to Compuware.
The ECC zAdviser services provide the following components to Compuware products:
– A CMSC service for streaming zAdviser records directly from z/OS to zAdviser, a subdomain of
the Compuware API endpoint. All communications are outbound, over a secure HTTPS
connection and are GDPR compliant.
Configuring zAdviser
Disabling zAdviser streaming support
Set the ZADVISER parameter to NO. Records will not be written to zAdviser, but will continue to be
written to SMF.
The LMS parameters SMF_ID and SMF_LOGALL parameters must be specified for zAdviser records to
be written for all products.
72 Enterprise Common Components Installation Guide
For the complete list of LMS parameters, see the “License Management System (LMS) Configuration
and Administration” chapter in the Enterprise Common Components Advanced Configuration Guide.
For the complete list of zAdviser parameters, see the “Compuware Mainframe Services Controller
(CMSC) Configuration and Administration” chapter in the Enterprise Common Components Advanced
Configuration Guide.
Migration Utility A
Compuware PARMLIB has been enhanced to provide a centralized point of validation prior to
product startup, a more consistent and simplified syntax, and the means to migrate to a newer
version at your discretion.
To enable the latest enhancements, you must be running ECC 17.2 with all cumulative maintenance
along with the most current version of the Compuware product(s) with all cumulative maintenance.
Once all ECC instances that share the same Compuware PARMLIB member have been upgraded and
the Compuware product(s) the require those ECC instances have been upgraded, you are now ready
to migrate the Compuware PARMLIB member at your convenience.
Migration Utility
The migration utility converts all prior CMSC-compatible PARMLIB members to their latest format.
The member MIGDRIVR is included in SLCXCNTL and provides sample JCL to execute the migration
driver. This utility appends the second version (“Version 2 “or “PARMLIB V2”) of the parameter
delimiter text $$$ V2 END $$$ to the migrated member, and before the previous member where
applicable. Various options may be specified on the PARM=operand to further refine the migration
The CMSC PARMLIB member must not contain the Version 2 delimiter text.
READONLY= Specifies whether members are to be written to their respective output member or the
FDBDLOG DD. Specifying YES will allow for validating migration output prior to writing the member
our permanently. Options are YES or NO.
VERSION= Specifies the PARMLIB version for which the migration driver will output. Specifying
BOTH will output the new PARMLIB member data, the version two delimiter text, and the version
one member. Specifying 2 will omit the version one member.
//CWPARM This DD is the concatenation of Compuware PARMLIB datasets that will be used as input
to the migration driver. Only valid CMSC PARMLIB members will be processed. If a duplicate member
name is found only migration of the first V1 section and the first V2 section will be written to
//CWPOUT Optional output dataset to which migrated members are written. This DD is optional but
if not specified, and if READONLY=NO is in effect, member updates will be written in place,
74 Enterprise Common Components Installation Guide
Checklist of Milestones and Tasks 75
❏ Task 7.5 Link CSS Utilities Tutorials to Your Main Tutorial Panel
❏ Milestone 9: Deployment
❏ Task 9.1 Deployment Possibilities