BS Iec 61226-2009
BS Iec 61226-2009
BS Iec 61226-2009
National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of IEC 61226:2009. It
supersedes BS IEC 61226:2005 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee
NCE/8, Reactor instrumentation.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
© BSI 2009
ISBN 978 0 580 63322 5
ICS 27.120.20
This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards
Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 September 2009
IEC 61226
Edition 3.0 2009-07
ICS 27.120.20 ISBN 2-8318-1052-1
1 Scope ...............................................................................................................................8
2 Normative references .......................................................................................................8
3 Terms and definitions .......................................................................................................9
4 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. 13
5 Classification scheme ..................................................................................................... 13
5.1 General ................................................................................................................. 13
5.2 Background ........................................................................................................... 14
5.3 Description of categories ....................................................................................... 14
5.3.1 General ..................................................................................................... 14
5.3.2 Category A ................................................................................................ 15
5.3.3 Category B ................................................................................................ 15
5.3.4 Category C ................................................................................................ 15
5.4 Assignment criteria................................................................................................ 16
5.4.1 General ..................................................................................................... 16
5.4.2 Category A ................................................................................................ 16
5.4.3 Category B ................................................................................................ 16
5.4.4 Category C ................................................................................................ 17
6 Classification procedure ................................................................................................. 17
6.1 General ................................................................................................................. 17
6.2 Identification of design basis ................................................................................. 18
6.3 Identification and classification of functions ........................................................... 18
7 Assignment of technical requirements to categories ....................................................... 21
7.1 General requirements ............................................................................................ 21
7.2 Requirements related to functions ......................................................................... 21
7.2.1 Basic requirements .................................................................................... 21
7.2.2 Specific requirements ................................................................................ 22
7.3 Requirements related to I&C systems .................................................................... 22
7.3.1 Basic requirements .................................................................................... 22
7.3.2 Specific requirements ................................................................................ 23
7.4 Requirements related to equipment ....................................................................... 25
7.4.1 Basic requirements .................................................................................... 25
7.4.2 Specific requirements ................................................................................ 25
7.5 Requirements related to quality aspects ................................................................ 26
7.5.1 Basic requirements .................................................................................... 26
7.5.2 Specific requirements ................................................................................ 26
Annex A (informative) Examples of categories ..................................................................... 30
Bibliography.......................................................................................................................... 32
Table 1 – Tabular correlation between categories and other IEC standards .......................... 29
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1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is
indispensable for the correct application of this publication.
9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of
patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard IEC 61226 has been prepared by subcommittee 45A: Instrumentation
and control of nuclear facilities, of IEC technical committee 45: Nuclear instrumentation.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2005 and constitutes a
technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are listed below:
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
the maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under "" in
the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
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– classify the I&C functions important to safety into categories, depending on their
contribution to the prevention and mitigation of postulated initiating events (PIE), and to
develop requirements that are consistent with the importance to safety of each of the
– assign specification and design requirements to I&C systems and equipment concerned
which perform the classified functions.
According to IAEA recommendation, 2 the methods of classification are primarily based on the
deterministic safety analysis, and should be complemented where appropriate by probabilistic
methods. Several possible approaches for use of probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) for
classification are described in IEC/TR 61838, “Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation and
control important to safety – Use of probabilistic safety assessment for the classification of
This revision of the standard enables quantitative assessment to be partly taken into account.
b) Situation of the current standard in the structure of the SC 45A standard series
IEC 61226 is directly referenced by IEC 61513 and is the second level SC 45A document
tackling the issue of categorization of functions and classification of systems.
For more details on the structure of the SC 45A standard series see item d) of this
Correct classification of functions directs the appropriate degree of attention by the plant's
designers, operators and regulatory authorities to the specification, design, qualification,
quality assurance (QA), manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and testing of the systems
that ensure the safety functions.
1 IAEA NS-R-1 requirement 5.1.
2 The NS-R-1, section 5.2 requires that the method for classifying the safety significance of a structure, system
or component shall be primarily based on deterministic methods complemented where appropriate by
probabilistic methods and sound engineering judgment taking into account factors such as
a) the safety function(s) to be performed;
b) the consequences of failure to perform the function;
c) the probability that it (the I&C system) will be required to perform a safety function;
d) the time following a PIE at which, or the period throughout which it (the I&C system) will be called upon to
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This standard establishes the criteria and methods to be used to assign the I&C functions of a
NPP to three categories A, B and C, which depend on the importance of the function for
safety, and an unclassified category for functions with no direct safety role. It outlines generic
requirements for each category, and specifies basic technical requirements for matters such
as QA, reliability, testing and maintenance.
The category to which a function is assigned determines generic and specific technical
requirements. Generic requirements for each function are based on providing the appropriate
level of assurance that it will be executed on demand with the required performance and
reliability level. This applies to the aspects of functionality, reliability, performance,
environmental durability and QA. The level of assurance to be shown for each of these
aspects must be consistent with the importance of the function to safety.
Throughout this standard, the auxiliary "shall" indicates requirements that are mandatory for
compliance with the standard, the auxiliary "should" indicates requirements that are not
mandatory for compliance with the standard but are strongly recommended and the auxiliary
"may" indicates requirements that are optional.
d) Description of the structure of the SC 45A standard series and relationships with
other IEC documents and other bodies documents (IAEA, ISO)
The top-level document of the IEC SC 45A standard series is IEC 61513. It provides general
requirements for I&C systems and equipment that are used to perform functions important to
safety in NPPs. IEC 61513 structures the IEC SC 45A standard series.
IEC 61513 refers directly to other IEC SC 45A standards for general topics related to
categorization of functions and classification of systems, qualification, separation of systems,
defence against common cause failure, software aspects of computer-based systems,
hardware aspects of computer-based systems, and control room design. The standards
referenced directly at this second level should be considered together with IEC 61513 as a
consistent document set.
At a third level, IEC SC 45A standards not directly referenced by IEC 61513 are standards
related to specific equipment, technical methods, or specific activities. Usually these
documents, which make reference to second-level documents for general topics, can be used
on their own.
A fourth level extending the IEC SC 45A standard series, corresponds to the technical reports
which are not normative.
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IEC 61513 has adopted a presentation format similar to the basic safety publications of
IEC 61508 series with an overall safety life-cycle framework and a system life-cycle
framework and provides an interpretation of the general requirements of IEC 61508-1,
IEC 61508-2 and IEC 61508-4, for the nuclear application sector. Compliance with IEC 61513
will facilitate consistency with the requirements of IEC 61508 as they have been interpreted
for the nuclear industry. In this framework, IEC 60880 and IEC 62138 correspond to
IEC 61508-3 for the nuclear application sector.
IEC 61513 refers to ISO, as well as to IAEA 50-C-QA (now replaced by IAEA GS-R-3) for
topics related to quality assurance (QA).
The IEC SC 45A standards series consistently implements and details the principles and
basic safety aspects provided in the IAEA code on the safety of NPPs and in the IAEA safety
series, in particular the requirements NS-R-1, establishing safety requirements related to the
design of nuclear power plants, and the safety guide NS-G-1.3 dealing with instrumentation
and control systems important to safety in nuclear power plants. The terms and definitions
used by SC 45A standards are consistent with those used by the IAEA.
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1 Scope
The design criteria are the measures of quality by which the adequacy of each function in
relation to its importance to plant safety is ensured. In this standard, the criteria are those of
functionality, reliability, performance, environmental durability (including seismic) and quality
assurance (QA).
This standard is applicable to all the information and command functions and the instrument-
ation and control (I&C) systems and equipment that provide those functions. The functions,
systems and equipment under consideration provide automated protection, closed or open
loop control and information to the operating staff. They keep the NPP conditions inside the
safe operating envelope and provide automatic actions, or enable manual actions, that
prevent or mitigate accidents, or that prevent or minimize radioactive releases to the site or
wider environment. The I&C functions that fulfil these roles safeguard the health and safety of
the NPP operators and the public.
This standard follows the general principles given in IAEA safety code NS-R-1 and safety
guide NS-G-1.3, and it defines a structured method of applying the guidance contained in
those codes and standards to the I&C systems that perform functions important to safety in a
NPP. This standard should be read in association with the IAEA guides and IEC 61513 in
implementing the requirements of IEC 61508 series.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition
of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60671:2007, Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation and control systems important to
safety – Surveillance testing
IEC 60709, Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation and control systems important to safety –
IEC 60780, Nuclear power plants – Electrical equipment of the safety system – Qualification
IEC 60812, Analysis techniques for system reliability – Procedure for failure mode and effects
analysis (FMEA)
IEC 60880:2006, Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation and control systems important to
safety – Software aspects for computer-based systems performing category A functions
IEC 60965, Supplementary control points for reactor shutdown without access to the main
control room
IEC 60980, Recommended practices for seismic qualification of electrical equipment of the
safety system for nuclear generating stations
IEC 60987, Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation and control important to safety –
Hardware design requirements for computer-based systems
IEC 61000-4 (all parts), Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4: Testing and
measurement techniques
IEC 61513:2001, Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation and control for systems important to
safety – General requirements for systems
IEC 61771, Nuclear power plants – Main control room – Verification and validation of design
IEC 61772, Nuclear power plants – Main control room – Application of visual display units
IEC 61839, Nuclear power plants – Design of control rooms – Functional analysis and
IEC 62138, Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation and control important for safety –
Software aspects for computer-based systems performing category B or C functions
IAEA GS-R-3:2006, The management system for facilities and activities (available in English
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
anticipated operational occurrence
operational process deviating from normal operation which is expected to occur at least once
during the operating lifetime of a facility but which, in view of appropriate design provisions,
does not cause any significant damage to items important to safety nor lead to accident
common cause failure
failure of two or more structures, systems or components due to a single specific event or
design basis accident
accident conditions against which a facility is designed according to established design
criteria, and for which the damage to the fuel and the release of radioactive material are kept
within authorized limits
design basis event
group of design basis accidents and anticipated operational occurrences
presence of two or more redundant systems or components to perform an identified function,
where the different systems or components have different attributes so as to reduce the
possibility of common cause failure, including common mode failure
NOTE The following definition was given in 3.5 of IEC 60880 for the term “diversity”: Existence of two or more different
ways or means of achieving a specified objective. Diversity is specifically provided as a defence against common
cause failure. It may be achieved by providing systems that are physically different from each other or by functional
diversity, where similar systems achieve the specified objective in different ways. It is totally consistent with the
IAEA definition given here.
one or more parts of a system. An item of equipment is a single definable (and usually
removable) element or part of a system
specific purpose or objective to be accomplished, that can be specified or described without
reference to the physical means of achieving it
attribute of a function which defines the operations which transform input information into
output information
human factor engineering programme
programme that describes at least the human factors organisation, role and mission of human
factors specialists and team, human factors activities and their integration in the design and
validation process, list of deliverables to be provided at each step of the program
item important to safety
item that is part of a safety group and/or whose malfunction or failure could lead to radiation
exposure of the site personnel or members of the public.
a) those structures, systems and components whose malfunction or failure could lead to
undue radiation exposure of the site personnel or members of the public;
b) those structures, systems and components that prevent anticipated operational
occurrences from leading to accident conditions;
c) those features which are provided to mitigate the consequences of malfunction or failure
of structures, systems or components.
[IAEA Safety Glossary: 2007]
NOTE Items important to safety considered in this standard are mainly I&C systems important to safety.
non-hazardous stable state
state of the plant, where stabilisation of any transient has been achieved, the reactor is
subcritical, adequate heat removal is ensured and radioactive releases are limited
NOTE A transient is considered to be stabilised when, for all safety significant parameters, the margins (e.g.
between the heat removal capacity and heat generation) are either stable or increasing, or sufficient margin
remains to cover all expected physical processes.
effectiveness with which an intended function is carried out (e.g. time response, accuracy,
sensitivity to parameter changes)
plant states
NOTE This definition is consistent with the one of the IAEA safety glossary. It just indicates the position of the
concept of “design basis event” compared to the other concepts.
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postulated initiating event
event identified during design as capable of leading to anticipated operational occurrences or
accident conditions
provision of alternative (identical or diverse) structures, systems or components, so that any
one can perform the required function regardless of the state of operation or failure of any
safety group
assembly of equipment designated to perform all actions required for a particular postulated
initiating event to ensure that the limits specified in the design basis for anticipated
operational occurrences and design basis accidents are not exceeded
safety related system
a system important to safety that is not part of a safety system
safety system
a system important to safety, provided to ensure the safe shutdown of the reactor and the
residual heat removal from the core, or to limit the consequences of anticipated operational
occurrences and design basis accident
single failure
a failure which results in the loss of capability of a system or component to perform its
intended safety function(s), and any consequential failure(s) which result from it
set of components which interact according to a design, where an element of a system can be
another system, called a subsystem
type test
conformity test made on one or more items representative of the production
[IEV 394-40-02]
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unacceptable consequence
consequence of an operational state or of a PIE, that exceeds specified limits for the
corresponding plant states, in terms of releases at the site or to the wider environment
NOTE Additional limits, such as unacceptable fuel damage, or damage to other main components may also be
specified on a national basis. This might be either a massive, uncontrolled release caused by events with a
frequency that is beyond the NPP's design basis, or events with a frequency that is in the design basis but leading
to a magnitude exceeding specified limits. Additional limits, such as unacceptable fuel damage may also be
specified. This might be damage to the fuel cladding that leads to an unacceptable increase in the activity of the
primary coolant, or structural damage to the fuel that impairs the ability to cool it. Damage to the other barriers may
also be considered as unacceptable consequence.
4 Abbreviations
ALARA As low as reasonably achievable
DBA Design basis accident
DBE Design basis event
FAT Factory acceptance test
FMEA Failure modes and effects analysis
HMI Human machine interface
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
I&C Instrumentation and control
NPP Nuclear power plant
PIE Postulated initiating event
PRA Probabilistic risk assessment
QA Quality assurance
SAT Site acceptance test
5 Classification scheme
5.1 General
Subclause 5.3 describes the three categories that are used to classify functions. The
categories are based upon those defined originally in the first edition of IEC 61226 published
in 1993.
Clause 7 provides the technical requirements for each of the three categories. Most of the
requirements apply to the systems and equipment that perform the functions, but some
requirements apply only to the functions.
Annex A contains typical examples of the classification of NPP I&C functions. It is only for
information because it may depend on the reactor type.
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5.2 Background
The principle of defence in depth is firmly established in the safety design basis of nuclear
power plants. The fundamental idea is that there should be several layers or echelons of
defence in the prevention of unsafe conditions, and that the prevention of unsafe conditions,
before mitigation is required, is always to be preferred. Because of the large number of
functions that are required to operate and keep safe a NPP, a number that increases with the
principle of defence in depth, it is important that the significance to safety of each function is
IAEA safety standard series NS-R-1 establishes the idea of classification of NPP systems
according to their importance to safety, and gives examples of the classification of the major
systems of several types of NPP. All structures, systems and components, including software
for instrumentation and control (I&C), that are items important to safety, shall be first
identified and then classified on the basis of their function and significance with regard to
safety. They shall be designed, constructed and maintained such that their quality and
reliability is commensurate with this classification.
The IAEA safety guide NS-G-1.3 gives guidance on the classification of systems according to
the importance to safety of the functions they perform. It introduces time factors such as
– the duration that the I&C system is needed once it has been initiated;
– the time for which alternative actions can be taken;
– the timeliness by which hidden faults can be detected and remedied.
This standard extends the classification strategy presented in IAEA Safety Guide NS-G-1.3,
and establishes the criteria and methods to be used to assign the I&C functions of a NPP to
one of the three categories A, B and C, depending on their importance to safety, or to an
unclassified category for functions with no direct safety role. I&C functions falling within the
boundary of the safety systems will generally be assigned to category A or B. I&C functions
defined as safety related will generally be assigned to categories B or C.
The safety importance of, and the corresponding requirements placed on, parts of the safety
systems and safety related I&C systems will differ, so that it is appropriate to assign them to
different safety classes. Some I&C systems can have a significant effect on safety and
therefore require appropriate attention. Other I&C systems have intermediate, low, or no
significance to safety. They have correspondingly less stringent requirements for ensuring
system performance and safety justification, and therefore have different technical
National application of the principles and criteria of this standard may assign differing
nomenclature to categories A, B and C. The national application shall be according to the
principles, criteria and associated requirements given in this standard. This shall involve
establishing and documenting an appropriate correspondence to the categories defined.
5.3.1 General
I&C systems in NPPs perform functions with different levels of importance to safety. The
importance to safety of each I&C function depends upon its role in achieving and maintaining
safety, the potential consequence of failure of the function to operate when required, and the
probability of these consequences. Therefore, an initial safety analysis of the specific NPP
design is required to be completed prior to the classification of the I&C functions. The severity
of the potential consequences in the case of a postulated failure of an I&C function, defines
the level of assurance that is required for the various attributes of the systems and equipment
which deliver the function, most notably that of functionality, performance and reliability.
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For the design, assessment and licensing procedures, safety categories A, B and C are
defined, with associated sets of technical and quality requirements on the properties of the
I&C systems to be applied for the design and implementation of I&C systems and equipment
important to safety.
5.3.2 Category A
Category A denotes the functions that play a principal role in the achievement or maintenance
of NPP safety to prevent DBE from leading to unacceptable consequences. This role is
essential at the beginning of the transient when no alternative actions can be taken, even if
hidden faults can be detected. These functions play a principal role in the achievement or
maintenance of the non-hazardous stable state 3. If specified manual actions are provided to
reach the non-hazardous stable state, factors such as the availability of redundant, validated,
information sources, sufficient duration of the grace time for operator evaluation of alternative
sources of information, and whether the manual actions are the only possibility for mitigation
of this sequence of events to preserve NPP safety, have to be considered.
Category A also denotes functions whose failure could directly lead to accident conditions
which may cause unacceptable consequences if not mitigated by other category A functions.
Category A functions have high reliability requirements. Consequently, it may be necessary to
limit their functionality and complexity.
5.3.3 Category B
Category B denotes functions that play a complementary role to the category A functions in
the achievement or maintenance of NPP safety, especially the functions required to operate
after the non-hazardous stable state has been achieved, to prevent design basis events
(DBE) from leading to unacceptable consequences, or mitigate the consequences of DBE.
The operation of a category B function may avoid the need to initiate a category A function.
Category B functions may improve or complement the execution of a category A function in
mitigating the consequences of a DBE, so that plant or equipment damage or activity release
may be avoided or minimised.
Category B also denotes functions whose failure could initiate a DBE or worsen the severity of
a DBE. Because of the presence of a category A function to provide the ultimate prevention of
or mitigation of the consequences of a DBE, the safety requirements for the category B
function need not be as high as those for the category A function. This allows, if necessary,
the category B functions to be of higher functionality than category A functions in their method
of detecting a need to act or in their subsequent actions.
5.3.4 Category C
Category C denotes functions that play an auxiliary or indirect role in the achievement or
maintenance of NPP safety. Category C includes functions that have some safety
significance, but are not category A or B. They can be part of the total response to DBA but
not be directly involved in mitigating the physical consequences of the accident, or be
functions necessary for beyond design basis accidents.
3 In order to cope with rapid transients, the plant is controlled during this phase by automatic actions. For slower
transients, stable conditions can be obtained using manual actions, provided such actions are considered after
a grace time. This type of grace time represents a design requirement of the plant corresponding to a delay of
diagnosis and action, and based on human factors considerations. It does not mean that manual actions are not
permitted during that time. In some countries, and for older plants, the limit of category A may be this grace
time, in place of the non-hazardous stable state.
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5.4.1 General
The criteria that shall be applied for assignment of functions to categories A, B and C are
given below.
If a function does not meet any of the criteria given below, then it shall be "non-classified"
In the case of multiple assignment, the final assignment of a function to a category shall be
the highest relevant category.
The final assignment of the function may be modified using probabilistic methods in
consistency with the principles outlined in 6.3.
5.4.2 Category A
An I&C function shall be assigned to category A if it meets any of the following criteria:
a) functions required to reach the non-hazardous stable state, to prevent a DBE from leading
to unacceptable consequences, or to mitigate its consequences;
b) functions, the failure or spurious actuation of which would lead to unacceptable
consequences, and for which no other category A function exists that prevents the
unacceptable consequences;
c) functions required to provide information and control capabilities that allow specified
manual actions necessary to reach the non-hazardous stable state.
5.4.3 Category B
An I&C function shall be assigned to category B if it meets any of the following criteria and is
not otherwise assigned to category A:
a) functions required after the non-hazardous stable state of a DBE has been reached, to
prevent it from leading to unacceptable consequences, or to mitigate the consequences;
b) functions required to provide information or control capabilities that allow specified manual
actions necessary after the non-hazardous stable state has been reached to prevent a
DBE from leading to unacceptable consequences, or mitigate the consequences;
c) functions, the failure of which during normal operation, would require the operation of a
category A function to prevent an accident whose study is required;
d) functions to reduce considerably the frequency of a DBE as claimed in the safety analysis;
e) plant process control functions operating so that the main process variables are
maintained within the limits assumed in the safety analysis, if these control functions are
the only means of control of these variables. If different means are provided, clause 5.4.4
a) may apply;
f) functions used to prevent or mitigate a radioactive release or fuel degradation outside of
the limits and conditions of normal operation as defined in the safety analysis;
NOTE 1 This refers to functions that are not already covered by the analysis of DBE leading to category A
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5.4.4 Category C
An I&C function shall be assigned to category C if it meets any of the following criteria and is
not otherwise assigned to category A or category B:
a) plant process control functions operating so that the main process variables are
maintained within the limits assumed in the safety analysis not covered by 5.4.3 e). In
case a combination of category C functions is used, a justification of sufficiency shall be
NOTE 1 According to national practices a possible acceptable application of clause 5.4.4 a) is the combination of
a regulation function and suitable manual actuation based on independent alarms including a justification of the
use of manual action.
6 Classification procedure
6.1 General
4 Subclause 4.2.6 of IEC 60671 provides further guidance on the class of equipment used to implement such
functions and in particular notes that where: “test features could interfere in an inappropriate manner with the
proper operation of the system or equipment performing the function important to safety, it shall be assigned to
the same category”
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A main input to the classification process of functions is the nature of the NPP and the reactor
type (e.g. PWR (pressurized water reactor), BWR (boiling water reactor) or other reactor
type), the associated PIEs, and the major design criteria on redundancy of mechanical and
electrical systems and equipment. Another main input is the identification of the major
mitigation functions, and their supporting functions, for each PIE.
The assessment of the frequency and consequences of PIEs leads to the identification of
DBEs representing the design base of the plant. When considering the design features of the
plant the specified ranges of operational states and accident conditions and the defined
radiological limits have to be reflected. Individual safety principles that together make up an
“integrated overall safety approach” ensure the safety of a NPP. These principles are used in
the design by considering the identified DBEs and successive physical barriers to keep
radioactive exposure within permitted limits. The DBEs and the major design criteria
(redundancy, separation, etc) of the plant, as well as the identification of the prevention and
mitigation functions, and their supporting functions are the main input to the classification
The importance to safety of each I&C function depends upon the role for achieving and
maintaining the NPP safety and the potential consequence of failure of the function to operate
when required. Therefore, an initial safety analysis of the specific NPP design is required to
be completed prior to the classification of the I&C functions.
At an early stage in the design of the NPP, the safety relevant functions shall be identified.
The process of identifying these functions and assigning them to the I&C function or to the
human operators should be carried out according to IEC 60964. Following this initial
identification of a function, a category for each function shall be assigned according to the
criteria of Clause 5.
The method for classifying the safety significance of function shall primarily be based on
deterministic methods, complemented where appropriate by probabilistic methods and
engineering judgment, with account taken of factors such as:
It will not be possible to identify in detail all the functions at an early stage in the design
process, as the characteristics of the NPP will not then have been defined fully. The process
of identification and classification of the functions must therefore continue iteratively
throughout the design phase. Where an initial assignment of a function to a category is
uncertain, then an explanatory note should be added to the categorisation.
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Since individual functions may be involved in the implementation of several aspects of the
requirements specification, such functions may be assigned to several categories. In that
case, the highest category assigned shall be applied.
As the redundancy, diversity and other technical requirements of the functions are determined
more exactly, for example after the safety analysis progresses and the operating procedures
are developed, the classification list shall be refined and revised, to derive a final list. This list
shall be documented and maintained under configuration control since it will be required by
plant/I&C designers during the life of the NPP. Also, this list may be required by the regulatory
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Technical requirements for each of the categories A, B and C are given in this clause.
The requirements shall be applied to the specification, design, validation, qualification,
manufacturing, installation, operation and maintenance phases of the I&C lifecycle as
appropriate. The technical requirements constitute four groups:
– requirements that apply to the functions concerning the specification and validation of
functionality, performance and reliability;
– requirements that apply to the design of I&C systems related to design characteristics
such as redundancy, diversity, testability and separation. These characteristics determine
primarily the reliability of the associated functions. The requirements also include HMI
– requirements concerning the equipment features for the assurance of seismic and
environmental durability and electro-magnetic compatibility;
– requirements that are associated with the quality assurance, verification and maintenance
which apply to functions, systems and equipment.
In most cases, these requirements are already detailed in appropriate codes and standards.
The codes, guides and standards listed in Clause 2 of this standard are normative references
and therefore provide the explicit requirements related to the I&C safety categories which are
established by this standard. The correlation between the categories and the standards that
shall be applied is summarised in Table 1. The detailed requirements from these standards
are not repeated in this standard. The same table summarises the main types of requirements
for each category. In the text below, some additional details are given.
Although the reliability requirements of functions in different categories may be the same, the
level of assurance that the function will achieve the specified reliability will be different for the
three categories, with category A requiring the highest assurance. Category A
The design shall be according to the requirements of recognized codes, guides and standards
that are appropriate to the high level of assurance of functionality required for category A
functions. The design shall aim to ease verification and validation of the final functionality by
maintaining simplicity. This should result in the avoidance of unrelated lower category
functions being implemented in category A systems (for example, special display calculations
and translation of communication protocols should not be carried out by safety system
The reliability requirements for category A I&C functions shall be specified as indicated in 7.1.
This shall be carried out by establishing the reliability requirements for the functions needed
to achieve an acceptably low risk of unacceptable consequences, and then by determining
from this the reliability requirements for the I&C functions. Category B
The design process shall be carried out following appropriate recognized codes, guides and
standards, or systems and equipment with a documented history of satisfactory operation in a
similar application may be used. Category C
The design should be examined to verify that the systems and equipment have been designed
or tested to provide the specified functions under the full range of specified operating
conditions, including the most adverse anticipated operational conditions or occurrences
under which the function is required.
Requirements for the system design shall ensure that the function will achieve the specified
reliability. The basic requirements for assuring high reliability concern the provision of
appropriate redundancy, diversity and spatial, physical and electrical separation, and effective
HMI. For all systems, means of fault detection and repair shall be considered during design
and subsequent modifications.
The assessments of reliability and availability shall take into account repair periods, testing
and maintenance periods and the potential for both self-revealed and non-self-revealed
failure. The assumptions made in the reliability analysis with respect to maintenance, testing,
and repair periods shall be verified during operation and corrective action shall be taken if
discrepancies are identified.
Specific requirements concerning human factor and HMI shall be included in the design
process. These requirements should be the product of a human factor engineering program,
implemented from the earliest stages of the design phase.
The design of the system shall allow on-line and/or periodic testing during operation to
demonstrate that performance is maintained. Requirements on periodic tests and
maintenance activities to ensure the long-term reliability of I&C systems important to safety
are defined in 7.5.
Sufficient information and control equipment shall be located, preferably at a single location
that is physically and electrically separated from the main control room so that the reactor can
be placed and maintained in a safe shutdown state, with essential plant variables monitored
when there would be a loss of ability to perform these functions in the main control room.
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NOTE 1 In consideration of inappropriate actuations of the I&C, only spurious actuations (single or multiple)
which can be the result of one single failure in I&C subsystems or support systems are generally considered.
In the case that category A functions have to be performed by operators, purpose designed
monitoring and control of systems shall be provided which are separated from other
monitoring and control of systems and which are designed to be suitable and adequate for the
required reaction time.
The reliability of the I&C systems that perform category A functions shall be assessed and
compared to the specification. If discrepancies exist, these shall be resolved. The reliability
assessment shall consider the effects of common cause failures, including hardware failures,
software failures, and human errors during operation, maintenance, as well as modification
and repair activities. The techniques used to assess these effects range from purely
qualitative engineering judgement to detailed quantitative analyses, which may themselves
depend on qualitative estimates. The type of analysis chosen shall be consistent with the
reliability requirement, the higher the reliability requirement, the more rigorous the technique.
Where consideration of the effects of common cause failures shows the required reliability
could not be achieved for redundant systems, diversity implemented in independent systems
shall be applied (e.g. as determined by probabilistic criteria). The function concerned may
then require two or more systems, independent from one another. When a category A function
is performed by two or more independent systems, the systems should be class 1 systems. If
it is desired to use systems of a lower class, at least one of the systems shall meet the
requirements of class 1 systems and a safety justification shall be provided for systems not
meeting class 1 system requirements to enable the acceptability of this to be assessed.
NOTE 2 For an individual system which is specified and designed in accordance with the highest quality criteria, a
figure of the order of 10 –4 failure/demand may be an appropriate overall limit to place on the reliability that may be
claimed, when all of the potential sources of failure due to the specification, design, manufacture, installation,
operating environment, and maintenance practices, are taken into account. This figure includes the risk of common
mode failure in the redundant channels of the system, and applies to the whole of the system, from sensors
through processing to the outputs to the actuated equipment. Claims for better reliabilities than this are not
precluded, but will need special justification, taking into account all of the factors mentioned. Alternatively, the
design of independent I&C systems important to safety with an acceptable level of diversity may be applied.
Testing may require suppression of output signals, or the provision of bypass facilities.
If bypass facilities are incorporated, their integrity shall be justified to show that they cannot
be applied in a way that would prevent the system from achieving its specified safety
functions. For example, their use might be physically restricted to a single train of a redundant
system at any one time.
For some implementations, additional redundancy may need to be provided to allow routine
testing during plant operation. This is necessary, for example, when testing of an active
channel cannot be performed at power and tests must be conducted during plant operations
to ensure the necessary functional reliability. In such cases, it is not necessary to incorporate
additional redundancy for the whole system.
For category A systems, a formal system failure analysis, for example a failure modes and
effects analysis (FMEA), shall be carried out to identify system vulnerability to component
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failures and to assess the adequacy of design strategies applied to detect such failures or to
mitigate their consequences.
Where a system has built-in self-testing features, and these are claimed as part of the
reliability analysis of the function, the failure analysis shall assess these features to find
the coverage of the self-tests. Where the failure analysis shows that some failures may not be
detected and revealed to the operators by the systems self-testing features, then proof tests
shall be developed to reveal such failures. The intervals for the proof test shall be determined
from the likely frequency of occurrence of the undetected failure and the reliability required of
the function.
Where reliability data is not available, the test interval shall be chosen by comparison with
other similar systems. As experience is accumulated, the test interval for the function shall be
re-evaluated. Category B
The reliability of systems that perform category B I&C functions shall be assessed and
compared to the specification. A function in this category shall be accomplished by redundant
and separated means, unless justification is provided. Such justification may be based upon,
for example, the ability of the system to achieve its reliability targets without it, the
acceptability of the consequences of the function's failure, or the time available to provide
alternative responses if the function fails.
The components employed shall be shown to be of high quality and reliability, and means to
ensure that faults can be quickly detected and repaired shall be incorporated.
The principal objectives for the functional design of systems required to provide information or
control capabilities in the control room that allow specified manual actions necessary to
mitigate the consequences of a DBE are to provide the operator with accurate, complete and
timely information regarding the status of plant equipment and systems for all DBE, and to
minimise movement required from the operator to monitor and control the plant.
On-line and/or periodic testing of performance shall include confirmation of the functional
capacity of subsystems, especially individual testing of redundant trains. Category C
A system in this category does not generally need redundancy or separation This may be
provided if it is necessary to achieve the specified reliability of the function. Tolerance to
internal and external hazards may be required.
The power supply may be backed-up by auxiliary power sources on a case by case basis.
For systems performing category C functions where redundancy is necessary to achieve the
specified reliability, redundancy should be considered as for category B.
Where redundancy is provided, periodic individual testing of the functional capacity of all
redundant systems or subsystems shall be included. On-line tests are a means of meeting
this requirement.
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It is necessary to provide assurance that the equipment will not fail due to the environmental
conditions that it may be subjected to during and following a PIE. This assurance may
be provided by qualification of the equipment. When qualification is required, this may be
achieved using one, or a combination of several different methods: for example, by tests,
by analysis, a combination of these two, or possibly by using available data from operational
experience. The worst anticipated environment, including earthquake, in which the equipment
is required to operate shall be established and stated in the requirements specification.
When functions not originally intended for beyond design basis or severe accidents are
expected to play a role in these accidents, the capabilities of their components should be
evaluated in order to show that they are able to function in the environmental conditions to be
expected. Category A
The measures taken to provide assurance that category A equipment will continue to operate
under all anticipated operating conditions shall include equipment qualification. The results of
the tests shall be recorded and retained in the lifetime records of the NPP. Any failures during
the qualification tests shall be investigated, and the cause and rectification of the failure shall
be documented. Category B Category C
Depending on its function, equipment in category C may require qualification. The design of
the equipment should be systematically reviewed against the specification of the worst
anticipated environment in which the equipment is required to operate.
Where the equipment is novel, or is required to operate in conditions for which commercial
equipment is not normally designed (such as seismic events or extreme environmental
conditions), a set of rules shall be established against which the equipment is designed, or an
existing design evaluated. These rules shall be based on experience gained from the special
design requirements of category A equipment. Equipment provided for the functions classified
in application of criteria 5.4.4 i) and j) should be specifically designed for the extreme process
and environmental conditions that could arise, as determined from analysis. The
appropriateness of adopting equipment produced to commercial standards for the
implementation of these functions shall be specifically reviewed.
For other cases, category C equipment may be accepted to normal commercial design
standards unless the role of the equipment requires special qualification, for example seismic
or fire prevention requirements, or to prevent overvoltages or electrical noise in category C
equipment from affecting category A or B functions. Claims for operation in abnormal
environmental conditions shall be supported by documentary evidence.
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The general requirements are related to quality assurance performed during the design, the
manufacture, the installation, the commissioning and the operation phases, in order to ensure
the correct performance of the relevant systems and equipment.
The objectives of QA are configuration management, change control and traceability. The
design shall be documented in sufficient detail to support the manufacture, installation,
commissioning and operational phases of the NPP, and the verifications performed at each
step. Adequate attention shall be paid to the provision of documentation to permit future
modification of the design.
Testing of components, modules, subsystems, and systems shall be carried out according to
the QA plan to show satisfactory performance during manufacturing, assembly, and site
installation periods, as appropriate to the category of the function.
Tests shall be carried out on components, modules and subsystems to ensure that, with the
manufacturing QA, the functions are fulfilled according to the requirements specification.
Combined tests of the installed I&C system with the mechanical and fluid systems shall take
place at the NPP before operation of the NPP in a mode requiring the availability of the safety
functions provided by the system.
The intention of the site tests is the same, regardless of category, but the quality control and
documentation requirements vary according to category, as stated hereinafter.
Testing during operation shall be executed to demonstrate that the status of the hardware
components of the I&C important to safety is not degraded by faults. I&C systems shall be
designed to permit adequate testing and to detect failures within the equipment. Deficiencies
identified shall be corrected following a modification control procedure. Suitable records of
those corrections shall be kept. Where redundancy is provided, individual checks of the
functionality of the redundant channels shall be included. The test interval shall be chosen so
that the assessed failure rate or probability of failure to operate on demand meets the
requirements of the reliability analysis.
Where computer equipment is used, a software life cycle quality programme appropriate to
the category of the function shall be implemented. Category A
The QA requirements shall be according to IAEA safety standard GS-R-3. The documentation
shall enable the history of the items of equipment to be established, including design,
manufacturing, and operating aspects. This shall include all equipment down to the module
level within the design. The configuration shall be controlled down to the lowest traceable
element. Traceability of lot numbers, materials, etc. shall extend throughout the system down
to the level of individual modules.
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The QA documentation shall allow an investigator to trace backward from a piece of hardware
or software to the specification that defines the requirements for it, and to work forwards from
any requirement in the specification to the components that implement it.
Type testing shall have been carried out to show that equipment of identical construction to
that to be installed at the NPP will function as required by the design when subjected to the
anticipated operating environment.
Functional testing may be performed at the factory or at the site. Tests performed at the
factory and at the site shall be co-ordinated to ensure that a full coverage by all tests together
is achieved. Where it is not possible to prove that full coverage of all of the specified functions
can be achieved, special justification shall be provided.
Site testing shall test, as far as practicable, that all specified safety functions of the installed
systems and equipment can be achieved with the required performance. This testing shall
take into account variations in operating parameters. This is the site acceptance test (SAT),
and shall be witnessed by the licensee, or his representative.
On-line or periodic tests shall demonstrate that the ability to perform all required safety
functions including all subsystems necessary to perform these functions is not degraded. Test
intervals shall be chosen taking due account of the level of self-monitoring so that the
reliability targets for the I&C important to safety are fulfilled taking into account the expected
or monitored failure rate of the I&C components. Category B
The QA requirements shall be according to IAEA safety standard GS-R-3. The documentation
shall enable the history of the items of equipment to be established, including design,
manufacturing, and operating aspects The level of detail to which QA applies to category B
functions, systems, or equipment may be lower than that applied to category A functions,
systems, or equipment, although the QA programme should be consistent with that for
category A.
Type testing shall have been carried out with equipment of similar construction to that to be
installed at the NPP provided that analysis has been performed to show that differences in the
equipment do not invalidate the test results.
Functional testing shall have been carried out prior to operation to show that each specified
function can be achieved by the system using equipment of similar construction to that to be
installed at the NPP. Some or all of this testing may be done on site.
SAT testing shall show, as far as is practicable, that all specified safety functions of the
installed equipment can be achieved. Tests of control equipment shall show the ability to
respond correctly to transients and changes in demand. Testing of display and alarm
equipment shall include injection tests of relevant input signals to show satisfactory
performance. Category C
The licensee may accept that the manufacturer's tests are adequate to demonstrate that the
specified performance will be achieved. These tests shall be performed on similar equipment.
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Specific type and functional testing should be performed when necessary, but is not generally
SATs should be carried to show that the system achieves the specified safety related
functionality and performance.
reliability case
Back-up power supply
B IEC 60780, Appropriate codes, Single failure criterion, Qualification to IAEA GS-R-3
standards, guides separation both possibly at environment and seismic
IEC 60987 IEC 60980 functional level conditions that the Verification on similar
Separation from lower equipment must equipment
IEC 62138 categories Back-up power supply withstand Limited SAT and periodic
C IEC 62138 Redundancy and Qualification case by Normal industrial practice
separation case by case case
Periodic test if not used
5 When failure analysis is FMEA.
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Annex A
Examples of categories
A.1 General
This annex provides examples of assignment of typical functions and typical I&C systems to
categories A, B and C. It should be noted, however, that these examples may not necessarily
all apply to all reactor types.
A.2 Category A
A.3 Category B
b) part of the decay heat transport to ultimate heat sink not necessary in the short term;
c) instrumentation needed to apply operating procedures for DBE;
d) safety circuits and interlocks of fuel handling systems used when the reactor is shut down.
A.4 Category C
a) alarm system;
b) radwaste stream monitoring and interlocks, area radiation monitoring;
c) access control system;
d) emergency communication systems;
e) control room data processing system;
f) fire suppression system;
g) seismic monitoring system;
h) NPP site meteorological station.
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IEC/TR 61838, Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation and control important to safety – Use
of probabilistic safety assessment for the classification of functions
IAEA Safety Glossary:2007, Terminology used in nuclear safety and radiation protection
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