General Principles of Specimen Collection and Transport: Diagnostic Microbiology Updates
General Principles of Specimen Collection and Transport: Diagnostic Microbiology Updates
General Principles of Specimen Collection and Transport: Diagnostic Microbiology Updates
In this issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases, we present the first article in a series entitled .'Diagnostic
Microbiology Updates. " Although clinical microbiology is included in the curricula ofvirtually all infectious
diseasefellowships, the degree ofemphasis on this subject varies considerably. Infectious disease physicians-
Specimens submitted for microbiological testing require proper handling from the time of collec-
tion through all stages of transport, storage, and processing. Issues common to all clinical specimens
submitted for microbiological testing include not only proper identification but also collection tech-
niques that maximize recovery of microbial pathogens and minimize contamination. For specimens
such as sputum and urine, the relative proportions of microorganisms present in vivo must be
preserved, or culture results may be misleading. If specimens are handled properly, culture results
are easier to interpret, patient care is improved, and costs are potentially decreased. Although most
guidelines for specimen handling remain unchanged, a recent emphasis has been placed on modifying
traditional practices to decrease or eliminate unnecessary work, increase laboratory efficiency, and
make microbiological testing more cost effective.
Proper handling of specimens is crucial for obtaining micro- important factors-along with appropriate use of tests-in
biological test results that are both timely and clinically rele- maximizing the cost-effectiveness and clinical relevance of
vant. Proper handling of specimens is also one of the most microbiological testing. The purpose of this article is to review
recent changes in specimen handling, particularly specimen
collection, that can be used to modify traditional practices in
clinical microbiology [l].
Received 27 December 1995. General information on the collection, transport, and storage
Reprints or correspondence: Dr. Michael L. Wilson, Medical Laboratories of specimens from different body sites for microbiological test-
#0224, Denver General Hospital, 777 Bannock Street, Denver, Colorado 80204.
ing is presented in table 1. More-specific information is pre-
Clinical Infectious Diseases 1996;22:766-77
© 1996 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
sented in the references from which this table was derived
1058-4838/9612205 -00 18$02.00 [2-6].
ern 1996;22 (May) Microbiological Specimen Collection and Transport 767
Table 1. Guidelines for collection, transport, and storage of specimens for microbiological testing.
No. of (temperature, Storage
Specimen or site Container or method Volume (mL) specimens time) (temperature) Comments
Type of test
Routine Blood culture vials 20-30 for adults, 2-3 25'C 25'C or 35°C Avoid delays in processing lysis-
(aerobic and anaerobic) 1-5 for centrifugation tubes
or lysis-centrifugation children
Fungal Aerobic blood culture 20-30 for adults 2-3 25°C 25'C or 35°C
vials, BACTEC HBV-
FM* vials, or lysis-
centrifugation tube
Table 1. (Continued)
No. of (temperature, Storage
Specimen or site Container or method Volume (mL) specimens time) (temperature) Comments
Genitourinary tract
(diseases other
than STDs)
Specimen or site of
Amniotic fluid Anaerobic vial 1-10 NA 25'C 4'C
Cervix Swab NA NA NA NA Specimen is unacceptable for
anaerobic culture
1~5 25'C 4"C
Table 1. (Continued)
No. of (temperature, Storage
Specimen or site Container or method Volume (mL) specimens time) (temperature) Comments
NOTE. Data are from [2-6]. NA = not applicable; STDs = sexually transmitted diseases .
• BACTEC high-blood-volume fungal medium (Becton Dickinson Diagnostic Instrument Systems, Sparks, MD).
in an atmosphere with sufficient CO2 and humidity and in a harm - to patients when specimens that have been improperly
manner that prevents wide temperature fluctuations. collected or improperly transported are processed and test re-
Written guidelines. Clinical microbiology laboratories sults are reported. Correct labeling is of particular importance
should distribute written guidelines for proper specimen collec- for ensuring that patient misidentification does not occur and
tion, transport, and storage. These guidelines should be com- that appropriate testing is performed. In all instances, the physi-
plete, explicit, and up-to-date. Copies should be available to cian who ordered the test, as well as the person who collected
all personnel who handle specimens. Identical guidelines the specimen, should be notified when a specimen is rejected.
should be included in the laboratory procedure manual, with
copies available for laboratory staff who answer telephone que-
ries. In laboratories with sufficient computer resources, particu-
larly those with a computerized order-entry system, guidelines Accurate and timely detection of bacteremia and fungemia
can appear as a prompt when a test is ordered. In teaching remains one of the most important functions of clinical microbi-
institutions, new house staff should be given written instruc- ology laboratories. For more than any other type of specimen,
tions on handling specimens as part of their orientation. pre-laboratory (pre-analytic) variables affect microbial recov-
Rejection criteria. Accredited laboratories must specify re- ery, contamination rates, and the ability of physicians to inter-
jection criteria for specimens that are collected, transported, or pret test results. Although a subsequent article in this series
stored under improper conditions prior to processing. Examples will be devoted entirely to the subject of blood cultures, it is
of specimens that are unacceptable for processing are listed in important to emphasize that proper collection and transport of
table 3. Clinical laboratories should be nearly inflexible regard- blood for culture are crucial.
ing this issue; there is no benefit-and there is the potential for Collection. The clinical interpretation of blood culture re-
sults, as well as the cost-effectiveness of blood cultures, de-
pends on many variables; of these variables, the most important
is the proportion of blood cultures that are contaminated by
Table 2. Principles of specimen collection for microbiologi- skin flora [7, 8]. Since only 8%-9% of blood cultures yield
cal testing. microorganisms that are ultimately judged to be the cause of
an episode of bacteremia or fungemia, it is imperative that
• To minimize contamination, use strict aseptic technique when
collecting specimens
• Collect specimens from anatomic sites most likely to yield
pathogens and least likely to yield contaminants Table 3. Specimens that are unacceptable for microbiologi-
• Tissue or fluid submitted for culture is always superior to material cal testing.
on swabs
• Submit adequate volumes of specimens • Unlabeled or improperly labeled specimens
• Provide complete information on specimen requisition forms or • Specimens received in leaking, cracked, or broken containers
during entry of electronic orders
• Specimens with obvious (visually apparent) contamination
• Notify microbiology laboratory and surgical pathology laboratory
• Unpreserved specimens received> 12 hours after being collected
when there is a need for both culture and histopathologic
• Specimens not appropriate for a particular test
em 1996; 22 (May) Microbiological Specimen Collection and Transport 771
Table 4. Comparisons of disinfectants used for blood cultures. For patients with suspected infective endocarditis that is likely
to be caused by indigenous bacteria, the performance of three
No. of No. (%) of No. (%) of
or four cultures may be necessary before the physician can be
Reference Disinfectant cultures pathogens contaminants
certain of the clinical importance of any isolates that are recov-
[13] Isopropyl alcohol 1,609 159 (9.9) 18 (1.1) ered [7]. As cultures ofblood drawn from patients with continu-
(applied twice) ous bacteremia almost always yield microorganisms, it is rarely
Tincture iodine! 179 15 (8.4) 2 (1.1) necessary to perform more than three or four cultures. The
isopropyl alcohol
once-common practice of ordering "blood cultures times six"
[15] Isopropyl alcohol! 181 12 (3.3)- 8 (4.4)
povidone iodine in cases of suspected infective endocarditis should be aban-
Isopropyl alcohol 181 6 (3.3) doned, as this practice contributes nothing to patient care, and
[16] Povidone iodine 4,139 626 (7.4)- 259 (6.3) it is costly and wasteful of resources and needlessly contributes
Tincture iodine 4,328 162 (3.7)' to nosocomial anemia. On the other hand, drawing only a single
blood-to-broth ratio of between 1:5 and 1:10 enhances micro- disinfection. The risk of contamination is higher when CSF is
bial recovery [26, 27]. collectedfrom cathetersor shunts.Such contaminationis problem-
Timing of collection. It has long been common practice to atic, since contaminating microorganismsare likely to be the same
separate collection of blood specimens from a given patient by microorganisms (e.g., coagulase-negative staphylococci) that
arbitrary time intervals. It is surprising that until recently no cause many CSF catheter and/or shunt infections.
one had studied this practice systematically. In 1994, Li et al. The volume ofCSF needed for culture depends on the patho-
[28] showed that drawing blood for cultures either simultane- gens being sought. For routine bacterial cultures, a few milli-
ously or over a 24-hour period resulted in similar microbial liters of CSF is adequate. In contrast, for fungal and mycobacte-
recovery rates. Since there is no benefit in obtaining blood rial cultures, microbial yield is more proportional to the volume
samples at intervals and it is more practical to draw blood for ofCSF cultured. This has led to the concept of "large-volume"
a set of cultures at the same time than it is to return to the cultures for which as much as 10-20 mL ofCSF is processed.
bedside to draw additional specimens, there appears to be little In 1988, Albright et al. [30] described a procedure for storing
Table 5. Criteria for rejecting specimens of expectorated sputum. refrigerated. For fungal and mycobacterial cultures, prompt
processing and refrigeration help prevent overgrowth of normal
flora in the specimens, which complicates the recovery of
Neutrophils per field
(magnification, X10) Grade Stool
<10 o
10-25 +1 The laboratory diagnosis of enteric infections is challenging.
>25 +2 Problems include the number of potential pathogens; the bio-
Presence of mucus +1
logic diversity ofthese organisms; the emergence ofnew patho-
gens; and the fact that accurate, reliable, and practical diagnos-
Squamous epithelial cells per field
(magnification, x 10) tic tests have yet to be developed for many pathogens [5].
laboratory for alternative diagnostic tests for specific patho- viruses survive well at ambient temperature while in common
gens. For example, a significant number of cases of strongyloi- transport media, recovery of viruses from specimens containing
diasis are missed when stool specimens are examined for the low numbers of viruses may be decreased following prolonged
presence of Strongyloides with use of traditional methods (di- holding under these conditions. Therefore, it is advisable to
rect fecal smear, formalin-ether concentration, or culture on a transport specimens on ice or to keep them refrigerated. Speci-
filter-paper strip); this organism can be detected more reliably mens should never be exposed to temperatures higher than
by coproculture with use of agar plates [53]. room temperature. Johnson [55] has reviewed the details re-
More widespread use of newer diagnostic products such as garding collection and transport of specimens for recovery of
enzyme immunoassays for Giardia lamblia may also obviate specific viruses. A subsequent article in this series will include
the need to routinely test more than one stool specimen. In a more detailed review of diagnostic virology.
most settings-and for detection of most common enteric
pathogens-awaiting results for the first specimen before col-
with infectious diseases, but only when the tests are used appro- Transport. Specimens should be transported with use of
priately. standard precautions. Additional measures should be taken to
Collection. Specimens obtained for serological analysis ensure that specimens are not damaged during transportation,
should be collected either in sterile evacuated tubes or in serum which can result in contamination or leakage of the specimen.
separator tubes. Strict aseptic technique should be used during In particular, specimens in glass containers should be trans-
venipuncture. Adequate volumes of blood should be drawn for ported in such a way that the risk of breakage is minimized.
anticipated tests. In many cases it is prudent to draw a small This is especially important when pneumatic tube systems are
additional volume of blood that can be stored for future testing. used for transport, as cleanup of leaked specimens within these
Most clinical laboratories perform limited serological test- systems is difficult and expensive.
ing, forwarding many specimens to commercial reference labo- Microbiological specimens transported via mail or other in-
ratories, state laboratories, the Centers for Disease Control and terstate couriers is subject to federal regulations; McVicar and
Prevention, and other public health laboratories. Because of Suen [58] have recently reviewed these regulations. If labora-
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