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Journal of Current Research in Business and Economics

Vol xx No xx, Month 20xx, Page xx-xx

ISSN xxxx-xxxx

The Title Should Be Concise, Informative And Clear,

Allowed To Include A Subtitle
(Center, Bold, Book Antiqua 13, Capitalize Each Word, No more than 20 words)

Author Name1; Author Name2; Author Name3

Department of x, Affiliation, Country

Department of x, Affiliation, Country


Corresponding Email: [email protected], Phone Number : 0823 xxxx xxxx

Article History: Abstract: All information about the formatting requirements is

Received: xxxx xx, 20xx contained in this document. Please review it carefully. You
Accepted: xxxx xx, 20xx may use the document as a template and copy/paste your
Online First: xxxx xx, 20xx paper content here – this is probably the easiest option. Several
styles have been included in this template to facilitate
Kata Kunci: formatting – you may find it easier to use them instead of
Maksimal 5 kata kunci, formatting each segment differently. Note that it is important
pisahkan dengan koma dan to adhere to the requirements exactly, as this will form the
urutan abjad camera-ready version that will be used to produce the
Proceedings. The limitations on the length of the document are
This is an open access article under the as follows. The abstract should 150 – 250 words and written in
CC-BY-NC-ND license English or Indonesia.

How to cite:

A. Introduction (Pendahuluan)
The manuscript is organized into seven main sections: Introduction, Methods,
Result and Discussion, and Conclusion. Then followed by Acknowledgments (if any) and
References. Article content may be written in Indonesia with sections Pendahuluan,
Metode, Hasil dan Pembahasan, Kesimpulan followed by Ucapan Terimakasih (Jika Ada)
and Daftar Pustaka.
Introduction section mainly contains research problems, facts / theories, gap
analysis, solutions to problems, linkages / relevance to problems, recent research, research
novelty, studies of main theories, and research objectives. This section sometimes contains
expectations for the results (research hypotheses) and benefits of the research. The
introduction is typed with one space.
This document is a template provided for JCRBE authors and can be downloaded
from the website. For further information please contact JCRBE secretariat at the email
address [email protected]. This template allows article writers to prepare articles
according to the rules relatively quickly and accurately, especially for the needs of
electronic articles uploaded to JCRBE.
The body of text uses the following fonts: Book Antique 11, space 1, spacing before
0 pt, after 0 pt. The minimum length of the manuscript is 5 pages and a maximum of 22
pages, including pictures and tables without attachments. If the manuscript pages exceed

Disarankan untuk menggunakan fitur text box pada MS
Word untuk menampung gambar atau grafik, karena
hasilnya cenderung stabil terhadap perubahan format
dan pergeseran halaman dibanding insert gambar
22 pages, a fee will be charged for each
additional page. The manuscript is typed using the Microsoft Office Word Processor
(.doc / .docx). Manuscripts are written on A4 paper format.

B. Method (Metode)
This section contains methods only, it can contain charts or flowcharts. This section
describes how the research was conducted. The main material of this section is the types of
research methods used, the data collection instruments / techniques that are fully
disclosed and their methods, the form of instruments, and the research subjects that are
described in full. For research using tools and materials, it is necessary to write down the
specifications of the tools and materials. Tool specifications describe the sophistication of
the tools used while material specifications describe the types of materials used.
For qualitative research such as classroom action research, ethnography,
phenomenology, case studies, and others, it is necessary to add the presence of
researchers, research subjects, informants who help along with ways to explore research
data, location and length of research and a description of the checking the validity of the
research results.

C. Result and Discussion (Hasil dan Pembahasan)

The result and discussion section contains the results of data analysis and
discussion by linking research results with other research. This section is the main section
of research article and is usually the longest section of the article. The research results
presented in this section are “clean” results. The author does not need to present data
analysis processes such as statistical calculations and hypothesis testing processes. Only
the results of analysis and the results of hypothesis testing need to be reported. Tables and
graphs can be used to clarify the presentation of research results verbally. Tables and
charts should be commented on or discussed

For qualitative research, the results section contains detailed sections in the form of
sub-topics that are directly related to the research focus and categories. The discussion in
the article aims to: (1) answer the problem formulation and research questions; (2) shows
how the findings were obtained; (3) interpret findings; (4) linking research findings with
existing knowledge structures; and (5) generating new theories or modifying existing
In answering the research questions and problems, the research results must be
concluded explicitly. The interpretation of the findings is carried out using existing logic
and theories. Findings in the form of reality in the field are integrated / linked with
previous research results or with existing theories. For this purpose there must be a
reference. In generating new theories, old theories can be confirmed or rejected, some may
need to modify the old theories.
In an article, sometimes it is inevitable to organize the writing of research results
into "sub-headings". The following is how to write the organizational format, in which it
shows how to write specific things that cannot be separated from an article.
Supporting instruments can be in the form of pictures (photos / graphs / charts) or
tables. The figure / table must be given a serial number and a brief description with the
format; centered, Book Antique 11, space 1. The contents of the table should be written in
Book Antique 11 format, space 1. Information on pictures / tables are not allowed to be
similar to one another.

Figure 1. Example.

Table 1.
Standar table format
Head of Table Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Line 1 Text Text Text

Line 2 Text - -
Line 3 Text - -
Line 4 Text - -

Each figure / table must be accompanied by a brief narrative that refers to the
number of the figure / table in question. Image / table files are included in separate
folders with .jpg / .jpeg format (150-300 dpi).

D. Conclusion (Kesimpulan)
Closing is written to direct the reader to important things that are not superficial
and narrow. The conclusion consists of two parts, conclusions and suggestions. The
conclusion provides a summary of the description of the results and discussion in general,
refers to the research objectives, and links the results of research in the field. Based on
these three things, new ideas are developed which are the essence of the research findings.
Suggestions are compiled based on the research findings that have been discussed.
Suggestions can refer to practical action, development of new theories, and / or follow-up

Acknowledgment (Ucapan Terimakasih)

Acknowledgments are written only when needed. If you really need to thank a
certain party, such as a research sponsor, state it clearly and concisely, avoiding flowery

References (Daftar Pustaka)

References Writing Based on Harvard APA Style Format and 80% references for literature
reviews should be the recent (up to date) journals published in the last 10 years

The References style of writing according to the APA (American Psychological

Association) is a style that follows the Harvard format. Some of the criteria for writing a
References with APA style are:
1. The publication date is written after the author's name
2. References in the contents of the text refers to items in the references by writing the
last name (surname) of the author followed by the date of publication which is
written between brackets.
3. References is based on the author's last name. If a reference does not have an
author's name then the reference title is used to sort the references among other
references which are still sorted based on the author's last name.

4. References is not divided into sections based on the type of literature, for example
books, journals, etc.
5. The reference title should be written in italic.
Based on the type of references, the following are guidelines and examples of writing a
references based on APA style:

a. Books:
The basic pattern of writing book-type references is: Author's Last Name, Initials.
(year of publication). Book title (Edition if the edition is more than one). Place of
publication: Publisher. What needs to be paid attention is that the title of the book is
written in italic in each capital letters following the standard of writing sentences. The
maximum number of authors who can be registered in one reference is six. If there are
more than six authors, the seventh author and then written as et al or dkk (if use

Bray, J., & Sturman, C. (2001). Bluetooth: Connect without wires. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.

Forouzan, B.A., & Fegan, S.C. (2007). Data communications and networking (4th ed.). New
York: McGraw-Hill.
Writing books with accompanied editors (Ed.) For one editor and (Eds.) For more
than one editor. Example:

Maher, B. A. (Ed.). (1964–1972). Progress in experimental personality research (6 vols.). New

York: Academic Press.

b. Journal Articles:
The basic pattern of writing a journal article type reference is: Author's Last Name,
Initials. (year of publication). Article title. Journal Title, Volume number - if any (Issue
number), the starting and ending page numbers of the article. What needs to be considered
is the writing of article titles and journal titles. Capital letters in writing the article title are
used to follow the standard of writing sentences. Capital letters in writing journal titles are
written according to the standard of writing the title. Only journal titles are written in

Tseng, Y.C., Kuo, S.P., Lee, H.W., & Huang, C.F. (2004). Location tracking in a wireless
sensor network by mobile agents and its data fusionstrategies. The Computer
Journal, 47(4), 448–460.

c. Articles in Proceedings
The pattern of writing references to paper types is: Author's Last Name, Initials.
(year of publication). Article title. Editor's Initials Editor's Last Name (Ed.), Title
proceedings (pp. Start page – end page). Place of publication: Publisher.


Fang, Q., Zhao, F., & Guibas, L. (2003). Lightweight sensing and communication protocols
for target enumeration and aggregation. In M.

Gerla, A. Ephremides, & M. Srivastava (Eds.), MobiHoc ’03 fourth ACMsymposium on

mobile ad hoc networking and computing (pp. 165–176). New York, NY: ACM Press.

d. Articles from website

The basic pattern of writing a web page type reference is; Author's Last Name,
Initials. (the year the site was produced or the year the document was published).
Document title. Retrieved from source site
Other rules are:
1. If the date does not exist then use n.d.
2. If the author's name does not exist then the name of the organization can be written
as the author.
3. If the author does not exist, start the reference with the document title.
4. If the document is part of a large website, state the name of the organization and
department concerned, followed by the characters: and the address of the site.

Banks, I. (n.d.). The NHS Direct healthcare guide. Retrieved

Alexander, J., & Tate, M. A. (2001). Evaluating web resources. Retrievedfrom Widener
University, Wolfgram Memorial Library

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