HARIG, 612 & 618 Handfeed
HARIG, 612 & 618 Handfeed
HARIG, 612 & 618 Handfeed
April 2002
Like most manufacturers, we go to • Not knowing how to properly operate the machine;
great lengths to make our products • Not following proper operating and safety procedures;
as safe as possible- but operators • Carelessness or inattention;
can still get hurt. • Trying to "take a short cut;"
In virtually every case, injury is the • Poor maintenance.
result of:
For your personal safety, and to get • Not knowing how to properly operate the machine;
the maximum efficiency out of this • Not following proper operating and safety procedures;
precision machine; read and follow • Carelessness or inattention;
operation instructions carefully. • Trying to "take a short cut;"
• Poor maintenance.
Standard Safety Precautions for • NEVER operate machine without safety glasses.
operating the HANDFEED Surface • NEVER operate machine without wheel guard in place.
• DO NOT wear tie, scarf, ID bracelet, neck chain or other object that could become entangled
in the machine or work piece.
• ALWAYS wait for wheel to stop before bringing your hands to table or work piece.
• MAKE CERTAIN work piece is SECURELY held in place.
• NEVER attempt to hand hold or hand feed a work piece.
• NEVER exceed machine's capacity.
• Use proper grade grinding wheels and keep them dressed.
• Stop the machine and correct any malfunction immediately (see Maintenance manual or
contact your supervisor).
• Inspect and maintain machine by schedule-not by chance.
• Keep hands and clothing away from table when operating.
• If you're not a qualified electrician, do NOT tamper with electrical connections or wiring.
Report any suspected electrical malfunction immediately.
• Lock table when not grinding.
Although reasonable care has been exercised in the preparation of this HANDFEED Operator's Manual to make them complete and
accurate, they do not purport to cover all conceivable problems or applications pertaining to this machine.
The following VIOLATIONS will VOID your WARRANTY
USING anything other than Harig® Way Lube Oil™ (P/N 16211245)
1 Place the chuck, top down, on a surface plate. The object of this is to determine if the center of the chuck is high. With an
indicator press at different areas to determine if the chuck rocks in the center you have determined the chuck is high III the
center you will need to shim one end, so the chuck will be stable and not rock while grinding. A chuck with a warped bottom
when installed and tightened, will permanently warp the table, this will affect the performance of the machine for life.
2 Block each end of the chuck to prevent from moving while being ground.
3 Using a general-purpose medium hardness 46 grit type-grinding wheel. WET GRIND using any ion-nitrate or inhibited-nitrate
4 Depth of cut can vary depending what grit wheel and how much cross feed.
5 Table speed 20 to 40 surface feet.
6 When total surface is flat you are ready to turn over and grind the top surface
Refer to the owner’s manual for instructions (Grinding in Chucks). (See Fig. 16 for Chuck Torque)
If you have any questions regarding these procedures please contact your dealer.
Harig Grinder Preventative Maintenance Check List
Every 1000 hrs: Clean oil pump filter, clean reservoir and change oil.
Check lube lines for leaks.
Every 1000 hrs: Check hydraulic pump pressure, fluid level and filter. Clean filter if needed.
To add hydraulic oil use a good grade of (150 SUS) hydraulic oil.
Every 5000 hrs: replace hydraulic oil with a good grade. (150 SUS)
Every 6 months: check level of machine.
Check coolant pump. Clean tank, change coolant, when dirty.
Every 1000 hrs: check axis belts. (Autostep, CNC, Ez Surf)
Every 1000 hrs: Check axis motors for noise or excessive heat. (Automatics, Autosteps, CNC
and Ez Surf)
Make maintenance recommendations for any potential problems found.
Harig Products
1875 Big Timber Rd.
Elgin, IL 60123-0538
Step 1. Do Not Remove Skid. 2.5 Screw 4 leveling legs Step 6. Assembly
Do not remove skid until the machine (located in “standard accessory box”) Use three round head screws
has been moved adjacent to its into the holes in the base cabinet to (furnished) to fasten Elevating screw
installation site project 5/8” below the bottom. Guard to Column Cap. (Figure 5)
Step 2. Lift Grinder from Skid and Step 3. Position Machine Step 7. Wet Coolant.
Position. Position machine where desire. No If wet coolant attachment has been
Before moving the elevating hand special pad, floor reinforcement or purchased with a 618, loosen the three-
wheel to remove the wood brace drip pans are required. ¼ turn coolant compartment screws
between the table and spindle housing, (fig. 6) and assemble as per instruction
remove the plastic temporary dust Step 4. Clean Machine. packed with the system. A wet coolant
cover from the top of the column and Remove grease from table hand system purchase with 612 is placed
slowly pour 2 ounces (1/4 cup) of way wheels and exterior surfaces with along side the machine.
oil (the gallon container in the clean rag. It is not necessary to
“standard accessory box” found on the disassemble anything, as all interior Step 8. Lubrication.
left rear corner of the machine skid) surfaces are factory prepared. Do not 8.1 Fill lube oil reservoir (cup
over the bevel gear. use solvents or abrasive that may at rear of machine). If needed, add
damage machine’s finish. way oil from the gallon furnished to
2.1 Place ¾” steel bar through bring level up to nearly full (Figure 7)
holes near bottom of grinder base (Fig. Step 5. Level Machine
3) 5.1 Crank table all the way to 8.2 Ways and feed screws are
the right and all the way toward the automatically lubricated.
2.2 Attach 1800 lb. Lifting column
strap to ends of bar and join near top 8.3 Spindle and motor
of column. Strap to top of column. Pad 5.2 Raise left front leveling bearings are permanently lubricated
machine adequately to prevent damage leg ¼” off the floor.
to finish (Figure 4) 8.4 If machine has a rack and
5.3 Place level on table platen pinion type longitudinal table travel,
2.3 Remove the four ½-13 and adjust the three remaining legs to this assembly was greased at the
head bolts holding the base cabinet to level the table in both direction. factory. Add a small amount of grease
the skid. Caution: do not lift by to the rack each month.
motor, spindle, table or saddle. 5.4 Lower left front leg to
floor and give it an additional 1/8 turn.
2.4 Lift slightly from skid.
Loosen locking thumbscrew. (A, Fig.
9, page 4) balance machine by turning
feed hand wheel. For safety, support
the machine on two 4ft. pieces of 4 X
4 while installing leveling legs.
Power On
Table Feed
Figure 7
Figure 8 Figure 9
Grinding Wheel Mounting. Grinding Magnetic Chucks. The 9A-46-H8-V52 wheel furnished
with the machine works well if used
The grinding wheel furnished with A magnetic chuck with an untrue with a mist or wet coolant and can be
your machine was chosen to satisfy bottom can distort a surface grinder used dry if care is used to prevent heat
average shop work requirements. Use table to which it is clamped. For this buildup. If difficulty is experienced,
only balanced wheels to ensure getting reason, the bottom should be wiped use a still softer and more open wheel
the maximum quality this precision dry, placed on a surface plate and such as a 32A46-G12VEP.
machine is capable of producing. checked for bow. If the chuck rocks or
When specific problems regarding pivots rather than having an even drag, 2. Dress wheel rather coarsely with a
wheels selection are encountered, place it face down on the platen and sharp diamond. Cross feed the
contact a grinding wheel manufacturer grind the bottom flat. (Block in, do not diamond at a fairly rapid rate and do
or its local representative for clamp down) If a surface plate is not not pass under wheel unless down feed
recommendations. available, use the grinder’s platen. at least .0005 inches. Tighten screws
holding chuck to table with minimum
The spanner wrenches (furnished) fit Caution: Never grind the platen, as this force needed to keep chuck in place.
the wheel-nut, which holds the can impair accuracy. Over tightening may cause warping.
grinding wheel on the adaptor, and the (See Fig 16)
two holes in the back of the adaptor. Grinding the chuck surface requires
Unless a right-hand thread has been special technique and great care. The 3. Chuck must be in “on” position
specifically ordered, the wheel nut has “lead” filling between the magnetic while being ground
a left-hand thread (letters LH stamped poles tends to load the wheel and will
on face of nut) so that the wheel will cause the unsupported areas of the 4. Set depth of each cut to .0002”
tend to tighten under starting torque. chuck over the magnet to move with
When changing wheel, be sure adaptor any temperature difference created by 5. Take a cross feed cut of at least .060
is retightened. If left loose, wheel may grinding. Follow these instructions inch for each pass.
shift and cause chatter marks. carefully:
6. Dress wheel after each cut across
The socket on one spanner wrench fits 1. Use a relatively coarse grit wheel of chuck to remove any “lead”
the nut holding the adaptor on the medium grade and open structure with
spindle. To remove adaptor, unscrew a vitrified bond. 7. A loaded wheel, whether caused by
nut completely (left-hand thread) and heavy cuts, improper dressing or the
screw in the “puller” (furnished) until wrong type of wheel, can create heat
the center screw hits the spindle end. building sufficient to warp center of
Tighten center screw until adaptor is chuck up into the wheel and seriously
free. (Fig. 12) affect grinder accuracy.
Figure 17
E. Grinding wheel shifted on I. Long spark out time. the operator normally wishes if table is
adaptor. If the grinder does not “ spark out” cross feeding and coolant is not being
If the wheel is not tight enough on the after a reasonable number of passes, used. If coolant is used when cross
adaptor, it can shift when grinder is make sure that Harig way oil is being feeding, or if plunge grinding is being
turned on and off, or when a heavy cut used. The pressure oiling system done, it is easy to take a cut that will
is taken. This could cause grinder to floods the ways with so much oil that a require more than 1.5 HP. Under these
cut an additional few thousandths, as higher viscosity lubricant can lift the conditions, check the current
well as giving a chatter appearance on table a few tenths when light cuts are consumption of the spindle motor to
the surface. taken. make certain it is not drawing more
than the full load motor current.
F. Down feed inaccurate. 4. MOTORS DO NOT RUN.
See section “uneven Down Feeding C. Motor burnt out.
Response” on Page 9 A. Fuse blown out. All motor used on your grinder have a
If spindle motor will not run, or is design life of many years. A burnt out
G. Side grinding not square. running at a slow speed, one or more motor will usually draw an excess of
If cartridge spindle has been replaced fuse may be blown. Check lines current and trip the motor overloads,
in the machine, it may be necessary to leading to the machine to make sure blow fuses, or overheat in one spot. It
realign the spindle in its housing by plant circuit fuses are not blown. may, however, overheat an internal
adjusting tension on the five set screws Caution: Qualified personnel should connection and cause a wire to break
that hold it in place. (The 5/16” make all checks of the electrical loose. Checking motor circuit with an
diameter by 5/16” long set screws system. ohmmeter should locate any internal
shown in (Fig. 20) To check breaks. An ammeter check on motor
squareness of the spindle to the On rare occasion a fuse will blow current on each of the three legs of a
longitudinal travel, an angle plate can under normal machine usage. If a fuse three phases motor will show a shorted
be indicated parallel to the table travel bows repeatedly, however, the cause out section of winding by drawing
as shown in (Fig. 5) of our Final must be found and corrected. more that the rated full load current.
Inspection Report, and an indicator Note: A stalled motor can blow a fuse. (Fig. 18)
fastened to the nose of the table can be Wiring to the motor should be
swung as shown. If indicator has a inspected to make sure there are no Caution:
higher reading for the right hand loose connections. Check particularly Electrical testing or services may
position shown in (Fig. 5), slightly in the connection box to the motor that preclude personal injury or
tighten the right front and left rear insulation has not been worn through extensive machine damage. An
setscrews on top of the spindle causing grounding out to the machine authorized Harig distributor must
housing to shift the spindle slightly. frame. perform all electrical service
The angle plate can also be used to B. Overload relay tripped. Violation will void the Warranty
check the spindle axis parallelism to The spindle may stop because its
work the table as shown in (Fig. 3) of overload relay is tripped. To restart the The maximum temperature at which a
the Final Inspection Report. Varying spindle, allow sufficient time for the motor can be safely operated depends
the tension applied by the bottom set overload to cool, then press the start on the class of insulation of its
screw, against the tension of the top button. If a special electric option has windings. A motor stamped class A
set screws, can change this indicator been chosen, either a spindle overload can reach a temperature of 203°F and
reading slightly. or a lube pump overload may cause the still be within the manufacturer’s
spindle to stop. To reset, press the specifications.
H. Work piece not parallel. reset button on the appropriate relay,
If machine does not grind parallel unless they are set for automatic reset.
front-to-back, be sure cross feed lock If the spindle motor overload is
screw (A, Fig. 9) is loosened enough tripping regularly, chances are that too
so the pressure pin is not rubbing on heavy a cut is being taken with the
the carriage's locking strap. grinding wheel, or that the wheel is
loading up and putting extra strain on
the motor. A 1.5 HP motor will have
enough power to take as heavy a cut as
Uneven Down Feeding Response
5. OIL DRIPPING. C. Spindle housing assembly of the machine. Take out the six
sticking in column ways. Phillips head screws holding the back
A. Machine not level. The exceptional rigidity of the Harig dust guard retainer in place and
Oil dripping from underside of the grinder is obtained by an extremely remove the dust slides and retainer.
table ways can be caused by machine close fit on the column ways. Since Crank the saddle away from the
improperly leveled. Recheck leveling there is only a few tenths clearance column and remove the six Phillips
and follow installation instructions if between the spindle housing and head screws holding the front dust
machine is not leveled. column, any dirt or grit, or every small slides. Now alternately crank the
warping of the back plate, could cause spindle housing to the top and then to
B. Restricting valve opened too spindle housing to “hang up” in the the bottom of the travel, wipe off the
wide. Check setting of restricting ways. ways with a clean cloth and inspect.
valve (17778007 in Fig, 19). Remove Clean any dirt or grit. Check to see is a
dust guard (Part No. 16211072) by Check for this condition by mounting piece of grit has scored the ways. If so
loosening the two screws and sliding an indicator in the wheel guard or they should be dresses with a fine
guard up so screw heads will pass spindle housing to touch a block on the stone to remove any ridges.
through the key hole slot in the guard. grinder table. Turn down feed hand
Reset valve by closing it down wheel and note response on the If the column way surfaces are clean
completely and then reopening ½ turn. indicator. The 100 lb. combined and smooth and the spindle assembly
If dripping from ways continues, close weight of the motor. Spindle and is still sticking, either the spindle slide
valve back to the point where it is housing, and guard assembly should back plate has warped or the column
opened approximately 1/4 of a turn. keep the bevel gear carrying the uprights have moved closer together
elevating screw firmly seated in the by a few tenths. If the spindle is tight
6. UNEVEN DOWN FEEDING thrust ball bearing in the column cap. in only a small area, scrape the back
RESPONSE. (See Fig. 21) The only slack that ways of the column to remove the high
should being seen as column is raised spot. Applying a thin layer of red lead
A. Wheel too loose. and lowered with the hand wheel to the ways and running the housing
If grinder has been stopped and should be the small amount between assembly up and down can find the
restarted, with the wheel insufficiently the bevel gear and pinion on the hand high areas of the way.
tight, the wheel may have shifted wheel shaft. If the response between
slightly when the motor was restarted, hand wheel readings and the indicator If the assembly is tight over the entire
cutting an additional amount because show a slack of several thousandths column, remove back plate from the
of being off center. Retighten grinding rather than the normal half thousandths spindle housing by taking out the six
wheel. slack between the pinion and the bevel 5/16 screws holding it in place. Crank
gear, the spindle housing assembly is the spindle assembly to the bottom
B. No oil on column ways. probably “hanging up” in the column position and push the housing just far
Check oil level in sight glass at the top ways until the bevel gear is backed up enough away from the column to
of the column shortly after motor is to the pinion and forces the elevating inspect the 45° ways. If there is no
turned on. If oil does not appear, make screw down. evidence of scoring or a piece of grit
sure that oil cup on the back of lodged in the casting, grind .0003” off
machine base is nearly filled. Add oil To inspect column ways, first remove the two surfaces of the back plate that
if necessary. If oil is at the proper the grinding wheel from the spindle. ride on the back column ways.
level, see that is clean. (See Then remove the wheel guard by Accurately check the step between the
Lubrication under Maintenance.) loosening its clamping screw and way surfaces of the back plate and the
Check that oil line are intact and on sliding it off the end of the spindle. center part that is screwed to the
their proper fittings as shown in (Fig. Loosen the five 5/16 set screws spindle housing before grinding the
19). holding the spindle cartridge in the way surface, so the entire back plate
housing approximately 1/8”. The can be reground if found to be warped.
spindle cartridge and motor assembly Reassemble the back plate to the
can now be removed from the back spindle housing. If still too tight,
remove an additional .0003” from the
way surface.
Uneven Down Feeding Response
Improper Longitudinal Feed
Cross Feed Malfunction
If the 45° way of the spindle housing E. Spindle assembly creeps down. B. 612 Cable broken or worn.
is scored, remove housing from the Because of the exceptionally smooth To replace cable, run table to the right
column as follows: action of the down feed mechanism, it and loosen the nut on the back of the
- Mark elevating screw (Fig. 20) at the would be possible for the spindle hook until the cable loop can be
point where it enters the spindle assembly to creep down or “unwind” slipped off. Remove the loop from the
housing so that it can be turned to the itself if a frictional drag were not used. post under the left end of the table.
same point when the grinder is This creep is most likely to occur is a Slip the two coils of cable off the roll
reassembled. vibration caused by an off balance of the hand wheel shaft and pull the
- Loosen the 1/4-20 X 1” screw that wheel is occurring. The wave spring cable out.
holds the elevating screw in place. (see No. 17748702 adds a drag to the To install new cable, pass soft wire
Fig. 20) system by pressing the nylon washer through the cable space from the right
- Unscrew elevating screw from the No. 16213102 against the moving side of the machine. Bend over a loop
housing and run it up to clear by thrust bearing inner race and the or hook to attach the wire to a loop of
holding screw with one hand and second washer No. 16213128 against the new cable and pull it back through
turning elevating hand wheel with the the stationary top column bridge. (See the space. Form two coils in the cable
other. Fig. 20) and slip them over the cable roll. Put
- Spindle housing can then be removed the loop over the post on the left and
from the column and any score marks If extra drag is wanted for an out of the draw the cable loop onto the hook.
stoned off smooth. ordinary problem where the wheel Tighten the nut to put tension on the
balance cannot be corrected, order a cable. Run the table back and forth and
D. Spindle housing too loose. ‘C’ spring No. 16213088 and install by observe the cable on the roll. If it runs
If error in down feed response is less removing the three screws that hold partly off the back end when the table
than .001”, the spindle housing the elevating screw. Guard in place is run to the left, grasp hook with a
assembly may be too loose in the and lifting the guard off. Drop the large adjustable wrench and turn the
column ways. Remove motor spindle open end of the C spring under the hook post to angle hook forward
assembly and dust guards as outlined bevel gear. Push the back end of the C enough to make cable track properly.
in previous paragraph. Determine spring down with a screwdriver until C. 618 Cable broken or worn.
amount of looseness by placing an the spring is horizontal, and move the To replace cable, remove the Table
indicator on grinder table to read spring side ways to snap across the Safety Stop 16813012 (Fig. 22).
against the part of the spindle high point of the gear and fit in the Remove cable long feed eyebolt
projecting to the front of the grinder. angular space between the bearing race 16213053 (Fig. 23). Slip cable off
With the column way wiped clean of and the bevel gear. cable post 16213039. Move table to
oil, alternately twist the spindle extreme right and lift off table. Put
housing from one side to the other. 7. IMPROPER LONGITUDINAL table on a bench with top down.
The difference of the indicator reading FEED Remove old cable. (Note directions of
when the twisting pressure is released wind of the two loops of cable over
should be less than a half a thousandth. A. Improper longitudinal feed (cable cable roll 16213037. If cable is out of
Make this check at both the top and drive machine only). If table does not place, see middle view of Fig. 23 for
bottom positions of the spindle move when hand wheel is turned. proper direction for assembly) Tape
housing, as well as in the middle, and Tighten cable. Loosen cable hook an end of the new cable to the left
use the lowest reading. Remove the locknut (See Fig. 23) and tighten the underside of the carriage, near the
back plate from the spindle housing. adjusting nut to pull the cable tighter. front way. Bring the cable to the top of
Then remove ¾ of the difference Do not over-tighten, as this may cause the cable roll and wind two clockwise
between the at-rest indicator readings cable to break prematurely, or wear a turns onto the roll. Lead the cable on
from the center area of the back plate flat surface into the nylon cable to the right and tape the end to the
that is clamped against the spindle covering. Tighten only enough to pull right underside of the carriage. Clean
housing. For example, if .0012” slack the table without slip. off the entire underside of the table so
is found, remove .0009” from the no grit will fall on the carriage, and
center area of the place. place the table in position on the right
side of the carriage.
Improper Longitudinal Feed
Cross Feed Malfunction
Figure 18
Figure 19
Figure 20
Figure 21
Figure 22
Figure 23
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DEC,1997 TO MARCH,2000 MARCH, 2000 AND ON
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