Thorax Anatomy Test Page 36 Exam 5
Thorax Anatomy Test Page 36 Exam 5
Thorax Anatomy Test Page 36 Exam 5
3. Which of the following blood vessels does not pass even partially, in the AV groove?
a. Coronary sinus
b. RCA
c. PDA
d. Great cardiac vein
e. LCX
6. When does the fetal heart start beating for the first time?
a. 21 days after fertilization
b. 28 days after fertilization
c. 6 week after “…”
d. 7 weeks after “…”
7. During a fight, a boy was attacked with a knife that penetrated the front part of the
manubrium. What is most likely to be affected?
a. Left ventricle
b. Left atrium
c. Anulus fibrosus
d. Ascending aorta
e. Right Ventricle
a. Is located in the parasternal in the space between the 3rd pair of ribs
b. In heart failure the point may move to the left
c. You can listen from there the right heart only
d. The best point for auscultation in aortic insufficiency
e. In echocardiography it will be called the parasternal position
10. In a CT examination, what is the correct order of densities from Right to left
a. Air – water- fat- blood -bone
b. Fat – air- water – blood – bone
c. Air – blood – water – fat- bone
d. Air- fat- water – bone – blood
12. Which of the following passes anteriorly to the hilum of the lung?
a. Phrenic nerve
b. Vagus nerve
c. Azygos vein
13. Which part of the rib connects to the transverse process of the vertebra?
14. Medical students were asked about the patient would feel during the procedure of a
thoracocentesis. Which of the following is not true?
a. Only the parietal lobe is sensitive to pain
b. The pain will be caused by the stimulation of the sensory fibers in the
intercostal nerves
c. The “leaves” of the pleura are not sensitive to pain. The pain will be caused if
the needle accidentally hits the lung tissue
d. The pain will be focused, the patient will feel the pain where the needle is
17. In which of the following embryonic organs does hematopoeisis not occur?
a. Bone marrow
b. Heart
c. Liver
d. Spleen
19. What is the closest structure to the sternum in the superior mediastinum ?
a. Right Common carotid
b. Phrenic nerve
c. Left common carotid
d. Left brachiocephalic
e. Arch of aorta
22. A 45 year old man comes to the emergency department after a heart attack with a
complaint of shortness of breath. An urgent echocardiography showed a tear in the
papillary muscle of the left ventricle. Which of the following is true?
a. It is an aortic insufficiency that causes a drop in blood pressure
b. There will be a leakage of blood from the right ventricle to the left ventricle
resulting in a deformity window?
c. There will be a leakage of blood from the left ventricle to the right ventricle
resulting in an increase in pressure in the pulmonary circulation
d. This is mitral insufficiency which causes congestion in the pulmonary veins.
e. This is tricuspid insufficiency causing strain on the right ventricle
25. To which system do the sympathetic fibers belong in terms of functional division of
the nervous system:
a. Sensory autonomic
b. Somatic motor
c. Visceral sensory
d. Motor Autonomy
26. Which of the following structures border the transverse pericardial sinus?
a. Pulmonary veins and IVC
b. The Azygos vein and the desceneding aorta
c. Atrioventricular groove (AV groove)
d. The pulmonary artery and bronchus
e. The ascending aorta, pulmonary artery and SVC
27. The origin of which artery comes directly from the aorta?
a. Right common carotid
b. Right subclavian artery
c. Bronchial arteries
d. First costal artery
e. 2nd costal artery
28. Which of the embryonic layer develops to form most of the cardiovascular system?
a. Ectoderm
b. Mesoderm
c. Epidermis
d. Endoderm
29. Which of the following is not expected in a child born with patent ductus arteriosus.
a. Blueness in the lips
b. Right ventricular workload
c. Increased blood flow in the pulmonary artery
d. Blood flow from the aorta directly to the pulmonary arteries
e. Development of heart failure if the defect is not corrected
32. All the structures listed below are considered part of the root of the lung except for:
a. The section of the vagus nerve involved in innervating the pulmonary airways
b. Pulmonary arteries and veins
c. Bronchial arteries and veins
d. Sections of the phrenic nerve involved in the innervation of the mediastinal
33. Which of the following component plays an important role in the right-left shunt in
the fetus?
a. Ductus arteriosus
b. Endocardial cushing
c. Vitelline veins
d. Vitelline duct
36. A person was hit by a bullet on the right side midclavicular in the intercostal space 4.
Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. The projectile will hit the pectoralis minor and pectoralis major
b. The bullet will hit the right chamber of the heart
c. Can cause pneumothorax or hemothorax
d. A+ C
e. All the answers are correct
37. Stab near the sternum on the right side. Through which layer will it not pass?
a. External intercostal muscle
b. Internal intercostal muscle
c. Innermost intercostal muscle
d. Transversus thoracic muscle
e. All answers are right
42. A foreing body penentrated through the skin deep into the fouth intercostal space
on the right in the area of the mid-clavicular line. What are the tissues that will be
damaged and the linear signs that we will expect to see?
a. Pneumothorax and or hemothorax
b. Injury to the right ventricle
c. Damage to the pectoralis major and minor muscles
d. 1+3
e. All are correct
43. Answers are the ones that say 1. 2. 3. 4 etc.. Which of the following structures shows
a discrepancy between the structure and the artery:
a. Respiratory and conductory airways in lung
b. Branches of pulmonary arteries – branches of musculophrenic artery
c. Mediastinal pleura- branches of bronchial artery
d. Conductive airways in the lung – tributaries of pulmonary and bronchial
1. B and c
2. A and d
3. A and c
4. A and b
44. Sternal angle is not a marker for the following structure ( 2 answers are accepted)
a. Drainage of the thoracic duct into the venous system
b. Draining the azygos vein into the SVC
c. The upper limit of the aortic arch
d. The end of the trachea and and it’s division into the min bronchi
45. Which of the following statement is true about the surface anatomy of the thorax?
a. Horizontal fissure is in the T4 vertebrae
b. Pleural cardiac notch begins at the level of the sevent costal cartilage on the
c. The parietal pleura reaches up to the height of the 12th rib in the area of the
scapular line
d. The peaks of the lung are in the mid clavicual line at the height of the first
intercostal space
e. Optimal listening to the right middle lobe is done in the right posterior chest at
the height of the T4 vertebra
48. What is the closest structure to the sternum in the superior mediastinum?
a. Left brachiocephalic vein
b. Phrenic nerve
c. Aortic arch
d. Right common carotid artery
e. Left common carotid artery
50. A body penetrated the space between the 4 ribs in the midclavicular line, what is the
worse thing it will hit ?