Img20220511 - 15321735 Brightways C-25
Img20220511 - 15321735 Brightways C-25
Img20220511 - 15321735 Brightways C-25
Fully vouched contingent Bill No. Bill No.I C-25 I Dt.- 09.05.2022
E |10101| |i3| I
Number of Description of charge and number and date of authorit y of all charges requiring Amount in Rs.
sub-vouchers special sanction.
permanent advance are attached and relevant stamped receipts wiu be forwarded as soon as the amounts are paid on
receipt of the amount drawn on this bill. I have, as far as possible obtained vouchers for sums less than Rs.500 which
are listed in GAR 28 and I am respons.Ible that they have been so defaced or mutilated that they cannot be used again.
All work bills are annexed.
I also cert.Ify that the amounts on account of pay and allowances of Group D Government servants drawn 1
month/2months/3months previous to this date w.ith the exception of those detailed below of which the total amounts
have been refunded by deduction from thls bill have been disbursed in the govt. servants concerned and their receipts
2-Cert.ified that all the articles detailed in the vouchers attached .in the bill and those retained in my office have been
accounted for in the Stock Register.
3-Certified that the purchase bin for have received in good order, that their quantities are correct and their quality good
and according specification that the rates paid are not for excess of the accepted and the market rates and that suitable
notes of payment have been recorded against that indents and invoices concerned to prevent double payments.
4(a)-Certified that the expenditure on conveyance hire included in this bin was actually incurred was unavoidable and it
within the scheduled scale of charges for the conveyance used.
(B)-The Government servant concerned is not entitled do draw it traveling allowance under the ordinary rules for the
journey and is not granted any compensatory leave and does not and will not otherwise receive any remuneration of
the performance of the duty which necessitated the journey.
5-Certificate that the quantitative limits prescr.ibed by the government in respect of items (Contingencies included) in
the bill have not been exceeded.
#this certificated is required when proper store accounts of materials and stores purchases are required to be
Received Payment
Passed for Rupees (.in words)- Sixty six thousand forty nine only
LOA No.(if any) G,ant No Function Head Object Head Category Amount
S.NO. O.oject HeadDescription
2042000010101 13 5 66049
Page No: 1 / 4
E-Payment Details
N() : Beneficiary Bank and lFSC Account No. Gross Dedu ns Net NPB
Name/ Branch Code Amount Amount
: AgencyName Name (Rs.)
Page Not 2 I 4
1. I Certify that the expenditure included in this bill could not, with due
regard to the interest of the public
service be avoided. I Certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the payments entered in this bill
except items noted below, have been duly made to the parties entitled to receive them and relevant
vouchers for sum above Rs. 500/-are attached to this bill; credit bills (above Rs.500/-) relating to the said
exceptions whicn exceed the balance of the permanent advance are attached and relevant stamped receipts
wiH be forwaided as soc`n as the amounts tire Jaid on receipt of the amount drawn on this bill. I have, as far
_ _ __I L_ .__.I __-:,. ^11,.,^-I, A:Il. -ra -nnavar`
thLit they riave been so clef:ced or mutilated that they can not be used again. All work bills are annexed.
2. Certified that all the artlcles detailed in the vouchers attached to the bill and in those retained in my office
have been accounted for in the Stock Register.
3. Certlfied that the purchases billed for have been received in good order, that their quantities are correct
and thelr quality good and according to specificatlon, that the rates paid are not ln excess of the accepted
and the market rates and that suitable notes of payment have been recorded against the indents and
invoices concerned to prevent double payments.
4. Certified that-
(a) The expenditure on conveyance hire irduded in this bill was actually, incurred was unaviodable and is
;wrhln the scheduled scale of charges for the conveyance used, and
(b) The Goverment servarit concerned is not entitled to draw travelling allowance under the ordinary
rules for the Journey, and is not granted any compensatory leave and does not and will not recive any special
remuneration for the performance of the duty which necessitated the journey.
* 5. Certified that the monetary or quantitative limits prescribed by the goverment in respect of items of
Page No: 3 / 4
cissed tor Bavment of F{s./i n fiEures`/-lRui]ees in wordsl : 64929/- (Sixty-FoNineRupee(s)Onker Thousan d Nine Hundred Twenty-
assec! for oavment of Rs.Iin fif!ures`/-lRUDees in wordsl : 64929/- (Sixty-FoNineRupee(s)0 Thousarnd Nine Hundred Twenty-
) Pay
iJ jFc\ed to RS
Page No: 4 / 4
Payment Details:
Yours faithfully,
Copy to:
Details of Taxpayer
Of India
Chandigarh UTGST(0007)
Total Amount
Total Amount (in words) Rupees One Thousand One hundred Twenty Only
Mode of Payment
Amount 1120
Particulars of depositor
Taxpayer Name
Payment Date
Bank Ack No.
(For Cheque / DD deposited at Bank's counter)
Mandate Form for making GST Payment through NEFT/ RTGS Mode
(See Rule -)
(Valid Till Date : 24/05/2022)
I hereby authorize RESERVE BANK 0F INDIA, PAD to remit an Amount of Rs 1120 (F( pees in words )Rupees One Thousand One
hundred Twenty Only through [ I NEFT I ] FITGS as per details given below :
[ ] Cheque I I Debit my/our Account
Account Number
Cheque Number
Cheque Date
Address XXXXXXXXX Chandigarh,160017
Amount 1120
Transaction Amount
1. No change is allowed in the NEFT/RTGS details by the customer or the originatin bank. The transaction i§ liable to be rejected inallanperiod.Incaseofanydelay,theNEFT/
case of any change in the NEFT/RTGS details
2. This NEFT/RTGS transaction should reach the destination bank before expiry of c
FITGS transaction wc)uld be returned to the origjnating account. t would be the re onsibility of the customer and the originating
bank to ensure that the NEFT /RTGS remittance reaches the beneficiary account ell before the expiry period and neither the GST
Authorlties nor F{eserve Bank of India would be responsible for any delay,
Booth No. S5,1 st Floor, Hanuman Market
Sector S3
Mohali 160055
+-:th-andigarh (-b2r~~~~~~- --
# : I NV2953 i Place of Supp\y
Invoice Date
Terms : Due on Receipt
DIJe Date
__ . I- -.``_~FhT;_FJ -_*
Bill To
SCO 147-148
Sector 17 -C
1 Qty
:+Lt:_nmp::€:s3crr:::i:nna,To~us_e_£=e_p;n+H33:;afFA:„`] i`.6'6T-~5~5T3T7ir06~l
( Bill for month of April 2022
Basicra[e 160S3x3. 48159 f=±EAi8# JT) 'erm
o afa ha Try a I
Agencyadmn 0.72% 400 Entry has been made tn the
``a,-F Sub Total 55.974.00
Total ln Words iarict!c)ned Rs lGST18 (18%) 10,075.32
Rupees sixty-Six Thousand Forty-Nine only ;:S
Rounding -0 32
Tota I se6.o49.oo
Thanks For your biisiness. BaLa nce D ue =66,049.00
File.No. I/(22)/OTH/168/2022-ADMN-O/o COMMR(AR)-CESTAT-CHANDIGARH (Computer No. 347920)
2523650/2022/Admn-O/o Commr -CESTAT-Chandi
Contract No: GEMC-511687713841529
Office zone Office of The commissioner(ar). Cestat, Chandigarh O/o Commissroner (AR), CESTAT Chandigarh. 4th flocir,
Address SCO 147-148. Sector 17 C Char\digarh ,
CtlANDIGARH, CHANDIGARl+16ool7, lndla
Consignee Details
Contact -
Email lD. harmeet bansal87@gov in
Address: 0/o Commissioner (AR). CESTAT Chandigarh, 4tn floor, SC0147-148, Sector 17 C Chandigarh ,
Contact No 09815201217
Service Details
(unit P,Ice)
Number of
Other Charges lr`clL.ding AIIowances over and .bove
Minimum Wage (% Per Month) inclusive of CST
District :
Zil,code :
Area Inclusions :
Type ol Area :
Category of ResoLlrce :
Generated from eoffice by HARMEET SINGH BANSAL. Insp(HSB+Admn, lNSPECTOR, AB-CESTAT-CHANDIGARH on 06/05/2022 10,46 AM
I No. I/(22)/OTH/168/2022-ADMN-0/o COMMR(AR)-CESTA CHANDIGARH (Computer No. 3479
-'_-__.. `-.`.`. _I-_vll,,||,\, \1 \1 +,-+,1, \1 \+11\^11\,1\,\*1,1
Total Amount (Formula) :
( ((Minimum Wage Per Month Per Resource (Including Esl.PF,ELDl, PF Admin Charge. a nd relieving cha es if applicable) in lNR exclusive of GST) +(MinimuiT` Wage
Per Montrt Per Resource (lncludmg Esl.PF,ELDl, PF Admin Charge, and relieving charge s if applicable) in R exclusive of GST)I(0.18)+(Minimum Wage Per Month Per
aes ource ( Including Esl.PF.ELDl. PF Admin Charge, and relieving charges if applicable) !n lNR exclusiv f GST-Other Charges lncluding Allowances over ar`d above
Minimum Wage (% Per Month) inclusive of GST/100)) .(Contract Periocl 0)'NumberofResources )
Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value lncludlng ^11 Dutles and Taxes ln lNR 3963053.
Services prc)vider. The purpose of this agreement is to facilitate implement tion of Sanitation Measures at the Buyer's
premjses. This Agreement outlines the scope of work, Buyer's Obligations d Special Terms and Conditions of Servicesommitmentsarelnplacetoprovidentothecustomer.
covered a2.ObTheobjecs they are mutually understood by the stakeholders.jectiveAndGoalstiveofthisAgreementistoensurethattheproperelements and
maintaln cleanliness and hygiene of the mentioned area. The buyer will ha optlon to outsource sanitation servlce
depending upon the area or event.
__________ __ 1I
Ira( (
2 I
d from eoffl ce by HARMEET SINGH BANSAL lnsp(HSB)-Admn, INSPECTOR, AR-CESTAT-CHAN GAF{H on 06/05/2022 10:46 AM
File .No. I/(22)/OTH/168/2022-ADMN-O/o COMMR(AR)-CESTAT-CHANDIGARH (Computer No. 347920)
All Areas specification will include -Indoor, Outdoor, High Intensive, Exterior of the Building, Seating
Area or any other are as per Buyer's requirement. The Scope of the Area will be as per the area type/ job
2. Cleaning the entire common area at a convenient time without hindering the occupants movement which
includes Sweeping, Mopping, Scrubbing, buffing etc.
3 Periodical wiping of the entire side walls -Marble / Granite / Tiles/ Wooden Panels
4 Periodical du5ting or vacuuming ancl wiping of all fixtures and furnitiire in all the entrance lobbies
6. Sweeping ar`d smooth brushing of the lift floors -removal of all dirt etc. triroughoiit the day
8 Collectlon of all waste material and Its disposa` as per m5tructions of the Biiyer Department
10 Cleaning of water cooler tanks, Air conditioning grills and space unclemeath water cciolers
11 Dusting and cleaning of fans, electrical fittings, windows, panes with glass cleaning chemicals/agents ancl cleaning of partition5 and otrter furmture,
panelir`g etc
5 Cleanir\g of all the ceilings and walls for dust, cobwebs. etc
3.3 Pantry/Cafeteria
1. C`eaning c>f water cooler tanks and si)ace underneatri water coolers.
Generated from eofflce by HAF"EET SINGH BANSAL. Insp(HSB)-Admn, INSPECTOR, AR-CESTAT-CHANDIGARH on 06/05/202210 46 AM
File No. I/(22)/OTH/168/2022-ADMN-O/o COMMR(AR)-CESTAT CHANDIGARH (Computer No. 347920),
2523 OJ24.2aAflmb-9fefiREB¥(OBrffisIAI6Phafl9,igfardr a reas etc.
2. Cleaning ctf machine rooms and c)ther sensitive areas floors, walls an ceilings (In the presence of the operators
in these areas). The machinery Itself will not be touched by the clean g staff since the operators will clean their
own equipment cleaning of ceilings ancl walls so that cobwebs, stains tc. are taken care of.
4 Cleaning of Sub5tation, HVAC Plant Room, Pump Room. AHU ftooms, Ventilation Rooms and other Service Rooms without affec[ing the operatior` of tr`e
3.5 Restrooms
1, Sweeping and mopping of the floor and keeping the floor without stai throughout the day.
5. Washing of all the urinals, closets and washbasins with mild soap solu ion / cleanlng solutions.
6. Ensuring clean and visually clear mirror throughout the day by period cleaning using glass cleaner.
7. Replace toiletrles such as fresheners, naphthalene balls, hand soap, tsue papers etc. as and when required.
3.6 Surroundings
I. Removal of all litter, mud, dust, etc within the periphery of the buildin as and when felt necessary during the
3. Sweeping of all the roads, parking area and open area etc.
1. Clean the glass and other structures inside and outside with a suitabl approved glass cleaner leaving no streaks
2. Clean the metal frame -dust as well as use a mild wet mop so that n stains remain on it:s surface.
3. Extra care shall be taken of the joints between the glass and the fram so that no dust settles there.
4. Thorough cleaning and buffing so that surfaces are clean and visually Iear.
5. Wiping and removal of dust, stains etc of all seats or sofas and iinder space of seats.
6. Cleaning of all the ceilings and walls for dust. beehives and cobwebs etc.
1. This Buyer Department shall provide a small room/space for supervisor & storage of materials etc. to the Service
Provider free of cost during the period of contract. No name of agency shall be allowed on the room and nobody
wiu be allowed to stay in the office unnecessarily after office hours without permission.
2. The Buyer Department shall provide sufficient running water or stored water for cleaning purposes.
3. In case, the Buyer has not included consumables in the scope of contract, the Buyer shall provide consumable
materials a5 and when required for the work.
4. If the consumable materials are t:o be provided by the service provider, the cost of consumables has to be
included by the service provider in charges quoted by him.
Generated from eoffice by HARMEET SINGH BANSAL, lnsp(HSBrAdmn, INSPECTOR. AR-CESTAT-CHANDIGARH on 06/05/202210:46 AM
No. I/(22)/OTH/168/2022-ADMN-O/o COMMR(AR)-CESTAT CHANDIGARH (Computer Nti0. 347920).
Air perfume
Ih21 I
h3 Urinal cubes
14 Cleaning powder I
Mosquito repellents
er Department.
2. A weekly log of the services rendered will be maintained and present to the Buyer Department.
3. The Service Provider would submit a list of all employees along will fu addresses for security to the Buy eratc
Department at the time of contract. The employees deployed should medically fit.
4. The Service Provider will have to deploy experienced and skilled work rs for the lob of housekeeping.
5. The service provider have to maintain compliant register at location d cided by the concerned administr
6. The employees of the Service Provider should wear uniform along wit a name tag and I-card. The Service
Provider wc)u d provide the necessary equipment required for the me anize service along with the equipm
listed below at his own cost.
|FloorDuster I 3M Doodlebug
1IWhiteDusr iPresupmi
led from eofrice by HARMEET SINGH BANSAL, lnsp(HSBrAdmn, lNSPECTOR, AR-CESTAT-CHAN ARH on 06/05/2022 10 46 AM
File. No. I/(22)/OTH/168/2022-ADMN-O/o COMMR(AR)-CESTAT-CHANDIGARH (Computer No. 347920)
Feather Brush i Kentucky Mop I
#82aAlrm-pgJocomm] P#8oTAT-Chandlgarh
(I_____iITOHetBrush IHandBrush(Scbe)
I,v=umpump Glass Wiper Safety Shoes
|Buckets/Baskets I
Dust Pans
4.3 Special Terms And Conditions
I. The Service Provider shall abide by and comply with all the relevant laws and statutory requirements
covered under various Labour Acts, Minimum Wages Act, Contract Labour (Registration & Abolition) Act
1970, EPF, Esl etc. with regard to the personnel engaged by him for providing support services. It will be
the responsibility of the Service Provider to provide details of all manpower and resources deployed.
2 The Agreement shall commence w e f the date of effectiver\ess Of the agreement unless it is curtailed or terminatecl by the authonty
owing to deficier`cy of service, sub-standard quality of manpower deployed. breach of contract etc or change in reciuirements
3 The Service Provider shall not engage ariy siib-Service Provider or transfer the contract to any
4 The quality assurance and control shall be ensui.ed by tr`e Service Provider in all respects
5 The requisite supervisory staff shall be providecl at all the site of work for effective supervlslon arld quality assurance work
6 The Service Provicler shall take care of lifting, carrying and disposing dead birds, animals, rats and Insects
7 All materials to be used for cleartmg and other consumables shall be in conformity with the spec ifi cations/brand/make of Goverr`ment
8 The Service Provider shall ensure that the person deployed are disaplined and shall enforce in prohibition of consurnption o{ alcoholic
drinks. paan. smoktng, loi[ering and shall rtot engage in any Immoral act
9 Garbage collection drums Should be placed at all suitable points The drums should be provided with polythene bags, which may b
removed so that garbage does not spell out or spoil the drums
10 Under no circiimstances the garbage collected would be kept inside complex and all the arrangements to be made by the agency
for Its disposal at a suitable place at nis own cost as decided by concerned department.
11 The Service Provider sliall have his own Establishment/Setiip/Mechanism. etc at his own cost to ensure correct and satisfactory
12 The employees of the Service Provider Should be present on duty as per the Buyer's depa rtment Instruction
13 The agency sr`all maintain sufficier`t stock Of all Items required for cleaning of the premise
14 The Buyer Department shall have the rignt to Inspect the cleaning site at any time and also
organization as may be considered necessary Trte organization shall ensure that such orders are compiled forthwith.
15 The Service Provider shall deploy a person to supervi5e trie cleaning and mainter\arice
Buyer Department on a dally basis
16 Tr`e Service Provider shall ensure all consumables are within the expiry
Generatecl from eoffice by HARMEET SINGH BANSAL. Insp(HSB+Admn, lNSPECTOF{, AR-CESTAT-CHANDIGARH on 06/05/202210 46 AM
No. I/(22)/OTH/168/2022-ADMN-O/o COMMR(AR)-CESTAT CHANDIGARH (Computer No. 3479
022/Ad I -tfl6°eflqmays¢AR)68E§rEN6fij}aeq]flfifly:
Immedlate paym t in actual/replacement,
theft, loss of material/ articles and damages i( equivalent to the alue of the article
theft/lost/damage as decided by the buyer
depending on the ravity of the act. Also, the
manpower respo ible to be replaced. )
Terms and Coliditions
1.I This Contract bet`reon the Seller and the Buyer, ls for the sui)ply of the Goods and/ or Se lees, detalled ln the schedule above, ln accordance
with the General Terms and Conditions (CTC) as evailab[e on the CeM portal (unless otherwi superseded by Goods / Son.ices Specific Special
Terins and Conditions {STC) and/ or BID/Reverse Auction Additional Terins and Coi`ditlons (A ), as applicable
1.2 Terms of delivery: free Dellvery at Site lncludlng loadlng/unloadlng. In respect of Items r ulring installatlon and / or commisslorilng and other
servlces ln th. scope Of supply (as lndlcat€d in r®spectlve product cat.gory §poclflcatlon / S / Arc), and the cost af the same ls also Included in
tl.e Contract pric.,
1.2.1 Contracted goods should I)a deliv®red at tl`® conslgnee or desigmted delivery location s per tl`e working time of ttie buying organisation.
Seller may get the same conflrmed from conslgnee before 5chodullng dellvory.
1.2.2 A copy of the contract sl.ould be avallabl® with the messenger / dlspatchlng agency tha dellvers the Goods at conslgnee / d®Ilv®ry location
(prefo.ably pasted / attached outside the consignment / package) for easy reference and eas in delivery acceptance.
I.3 Delivery period: The Delivery PeriodITime shall be essence of the Contract and delivery st be completed not later than Such date(s). Any
modlflcation thereto shall I)e mutually agreed and incorporated ln the Contract as per the pr Islons of the GTC.
1.4 Performance Set.Lirlty: lf the S®ller falls or neglects to obser`/e or perform any of hls ot)Ii tions under tlie contract it shall be lawful for tl`e
Buyer to forfelt elther ln whole or ln part, the Performance Securlty fLirnlshed by tl`e Seller.
1.5 Taxes and Duties: Contract Prices are i]ll inclusive i.e. including all taxes, duties, local lev s / transportation / loading-unloading charges etc.
Break up of GST shall be lndlci]ted by the Sell®r whlle ral§lng lnvolc® / blll oi` G®M. While sub lttlng tli® blll / Involce Seller shall undertake that
the Goods and Son/Ic®s Tax (GST) charg.d on thls bill is not more thari what ls payable undo he provlslon on the rel®vant Act or the Rules made
there under and that the Goods on which GST has been charged tiave not been exempted un r the GST Act o. the Rules made there under and
the charges on account Of GST on these goods are correct uiider the provision ot tl`at Act or e rules made there under.
1.6 0ctrol Duty and / oi. otl`er local taxes:Contract Prlces are all lncluslve hence no re.mbur§ ent over and al.eve the contract I.rlce(s) shall be
allowed to seller towards payment of local taxes (such as levy of town duty. Octrol Duty, Ter lnal Tax and other levles of local bodies etc).
I.71.Imltatlon ot llabillty: The provislons of limltatlon of llablllty bot`^ieen Buyer and Seller a lven in the GTC shall be applicable here.
I.8 Resolution of disputes: Tl`e provisions Of DISPUTE RESOLUTION BETWEEN BUYER AND SE ER as given in the CTC shall be applicable here.
1.9 Liquldated Damages: lf the Seller falls to d®llver any or all of the Goods/S®rvlces within t orlglnal/re-fixed delivery period(s) sp®clfled ln tl`e
contract, tho Buyer wlll b. .ntltl®d to deduct/rocovor the Llquldat.a Damages for the delay, le5s cov.r.d under Force Maj®ure condltions
aforesald. @ a.5% per week or part of the week of delayod period as p re-estlmated damages ct exceedlng 10% Of trle contract value without any
controversy/dispute of any sort whatsoever. In case, Ser`/ice Level Agreement (SLA) is applic Ie the same shall be applicable for the Contract.lnanclalauthorlty.
I.10.I The exp.ndlture Involved for tl`ls puri}ose hiis rac®lved the Sanctlon Of the competent
1.10.2 The funds are avallable under the proper head in tl.e sanction budget allotment for th concern flnanclal year.
I.10.3 I have been fully authorized by tl`e dei.artment to sign the supply order or incui. the li ility Of tbe Goods being ordered.
1.11 TI.e t)ldder !rloiild §ubmlt a Self declaratlon to the effect ln bldaer.s offlclal letter head t at tl`eir agency have not boon black IIstedllarproceedings.shouldnotbebankr`.pt I,y any.Blddor to
Ag®ocy whatsoever tlll date.
2.\ Gene,ic..
Bidder flnanclal standlng: The bldder should not be uncler liquidatlon, cou6 itceivershlp or sl
ated from eoffice by HARMEET SINGH BANSAL. Insp(HSB)-Admn, INSPECTOR, AFi-CESTAT-CHAN ARH on 06/05/2022 10:46 AM
File No. I/(22)/OTH/168/2022-ADMN-O/o COMMR(AR)-CESTAT-CHANDIGARH (Computer No. 347920)
2523 C#ae224AfermTQ/BGBrura[:{AR)tiGESTAT-chandigarh
2.2 Payment..
PAYMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES: Service F.rovider i5 required to pay Salarie5 / wages of (ontracted staff deployed at buyer location fli.§t i.e. on
their own and then claim payment from Buyer alongwlth all statutory docum®nt51lke. PF, ESIC etc. a§ w®ll as the bank s.atement of payment done
to staf,.
Bidder.s offer is liable to be rejected lt they don't upload ally .f the certificates / documents sought in the Bid document, ATC and Corrigendum if
Bidder may have an Office currently in Mohali (SAS Nagar) or Panchkula (Haryana). Documentary evidence to be submitted regarding the same.
2.6 Gonerlc..
Duratlon of the service contract may be ext.nd®d up to 6 montl.s beyond .he lrlltlal contract duratlon (sub|ect to satl§factory performance ar.d
mutual consel`t).
Generated from eoffice by HARMEET SINGH BANSAL. Insp(HSBrAdmn, INSPECTOR, AFi-CESTAT-CHANDIGARH on 06/05/202210:46 AM
/€#-0/ffi¥!!!¥s-acvESTAT-Cha nd 'ga rhcan ctlon °rd er =:::::: ::te51T186.:7e7bl. :::;529
Sanction o( the competent authomy is hereby conveyed for incurring an expenditure ol amount as under towards the cost of Purchase order/'Contract
placed on the Seller for Supply of Goods/Sei.vices as per the contract for making paymem to the Seller subject to deduction o{ TDS as applicable:
lFD Concurrence ,/' Cornpeter`t Authority (HOD /' Heacl o( Office) Approval Fiequired7 YES
Sellei. Details
Emall lD gurdial,verma@gmail`com
Address Mohal'
PUNJAB - 160062
Service Details
Consignee Details
Service- Quantity
S.No Consignee Service-Details
• 1, This Issues under the power delegated to Mimstnes/Department ol the Government t India vide Annexure to schedule V ol the Delegation of
Financial Power Pules,1978 as amencled from time to time
Note' This is system generated (ile No signalure is required Print out ot this docum I is not valid tor paymentr' transaction piirpose.