CPI WM-1000 - WM-7000 Service Manual

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WM-1000 / WM-7000
Service Manual
CPI WM-1000 / WM-7000 General Description

Caution: Both watt meters use high impedance circuitry to allow extended battery life. Thus,
they are very susceptible to foreign materials and corrosion. Clean internally with alcohol or
other mild electronic cleaning solvents only.

Both meters provide RF Power and VSWR measurement. The WM-1000 adds AM Modulation
measurement. RF power levels from 2W to 1000 W can be measured. The WM-7000 has a
single meter indicator which is switched between RF Power and VSWR. The WM-1000 has three
separate meters for simultaneous measurement of RF Power, RF Load VSWR and AM
Modulation %.

RF Power Measurement

Both meters use basically the same circuitry for this function, so reference designators are the
same on both schematics. Also, both use the same ferrite transformer RF coupler. Bi-directional
coupling is: -26 db (400:1). Thus, up to 2.5 watts can be dissipated, when 1000 W is measured,
in the two 50-ohm coupler loads (Forward & Reverse). Two parallel 2 W, 100 ohm, resistors are
used (R107, R108, R111, R112) for terminating the coupler into 50-ohms at both ports.

The 20 W range uses direct connection to the RF signal detector D101. C101, L101 and C102 are
a 30 MHz cutoff low pass RF filter that passes both carrier power and envelope modulation.
However, the filter cuts off potential harmonic distortion caused power reading errors when
the meter is used at 27 MHz When used below 25 MHz, the harmonics of the signal should be
below -30 db.to prevent erroneous (too high) power indication on the through-line voltage-
based power measurement. On the WM-1000, this filtered RF detector output (Point A on the
schematic) is also used for the Power Save and Modulation Meter functions. The U1A
operational amplifier gain is set by R117 for 20W range calibration. This 20W range must be set
first before the 200W (R102) and 1000 W (R106) ranges can be calibrated.

D2 and the front panel switched C104 form a RF peak hold circuit for Peak RF Modulation

VSWR Measurement

This circuitry is also basically the same for both meters and have the same reference
designators on the schematics. One difference is that U1B is used for the WM-7000 and U2B is
used for the WM-1000.

For VSWR Calibrate switched mode, R107 on the front panel sets the RF attenuation level from
the Forward RF port of the bi-directional coupler for a full meter scale reading to provide the
VSWR measurement reference. D10 is the RF detector and the low pass filter C105, L102 and
C106 rejects RF signal modulation. The operational amplifier, U1B for the WM-7000 and U2B
for the WM-1000, drives the VSWR meter.

For VSWR Read switched mode, the same RF detection path is used connected to the Reflected
RF port of the bi-directional coupler. The drop in reading is proportional to the level of
measured reflected power after the Reference has been set,

AM Modulation Measurement (WM-1000 only)

This measurement takes RF detection from schematic point A on the Forward RF Power
detector. The Modulation Calibrate control, R202, on the front panel adjusts the switched
carrier reference (CAL) level on the Modulation meter. U2A is the meter driver amplifier.

For Modulation Read measurement, C201 couples the AM modulation waveform from the RF
signal detector. U3B amplifies the detected audio waveform. C202 allows only detected AC
modulation waveform amplification and removes any residual DC component. D201 and D202
are a voltage peak-to-peak detector for the modulation wave form. C204 and R209 set damping
for the Modulation Meter indicator in switched READ mode. R211 sets the gain of U3A meter
driver amplifier for 100% modulation detection calibration.

Power Save Function (WM-1000 only)

Since the modulation measurement circuitry consumes three LM-358 operational amplifier
sections plus the RF Power and VSWR circuitry consume two, the remaining section (U1B) is
used to shut off DC power to U2 and U3 when there is no detected RF signal to prolong battery
life when the meter is in Power ON mode. U1B receives the RF signal detection from point A
and switches on Q201 to provide DC voltage to U2 and U3. C205 provides a hold time delay
before Q201 shuts of DC to U2 and U3 to avoid DC switching “chatter”


Caution: please make sure that the CPI meter coupler shield can cover is in place during
actual power measurement for both safety and RFI-to-meter circuitry minimization

The CPI meters were calibrated at the factory using a precision, caloric-based (actual power),
measurement system. Most user and radio service shops will not have such equipment. Thus,
there could be a need for a more practical approach.

Thus, an alternative system is proposed. This uses more realistically available test equipment

1. The RF signal generator should be of a good quality and capable of +10 dbm (10 MW) RF
output with low harmonic distortion level (-40 db or better)
2. The power amplifier should be capable of at least 3 W RF output power. There is a 3 W
Chinese amplifier available on EBAY (2021) for $10. It has 30+db gain for 2-700 MHz at
+15 VDC . A tested sample unit had acceptable harmonic output (-30 db min) for up to
0.5 w output. Above that level, it compresses enough that a 30 MHz-pass harmonic filer
should be used to avoid read errors (higher than actual) on a voltage-read type Thru-line
power meter.
3. The Thru line power meter could be a high-quality thermocouple type, such as made by
HP/Agilent/Keysight, Marconi and others. This type of meter is expensive but is immune
to harmonic distortion errors. More practically, the unit could be a voltage-read unit,
such as: a Bird 43 type or a digital Chinese module available on EBAY (2021) for $25.
However, this Chinese meter is only realistically capable of up to +10 dbm power levels.
A 30 db power attenuator pad must be inserted between the RF Power Amplifier and
the digital meter. The pad should be capable of at least 3 W dissipation. Set the PCB
injection power by terminating the Thru-line meter into a 50-ohm load. Add 30 db to the
digital power meter read to achieve the desired injected power setting. Next, remove
the Thru-line meter and pad. Then, connect the harmonic filter output to the RF
Forward Power Detect Port on the PCB for CPI meter calibration

There are two factors in the CPI meter calibration: the bi-directional ferrite transformer-type
coupler and the 1N270 detector diodes. The coupler is very precise and consistent: 20:1 turns
ratio = 400:1 power ratio = -26 dbm calibrated coupling. The 1N270 detector diodes are
variable from manufacture and must be individually calibrated. Thus, it is possible to calibrate
the meters by using the Forward RF phono connector port on the PCB with 26 db (400X) lower
power RF signals.

Meter calibration should be done at 27 MHz to take advantage of the harmonic filter in the
RF detector circuit. The 2-30 MHz range will automatically be correctly calibrated.

The CPI Power Meter calibration would be as follows:

1. Apply a +37 dbm (50mw) RF CW (unmodulated) signal to the RF Forward phono
connector on the PCB. Set the 20 W calibration control (R117) for a 20 W reading on the
CPI power meter. This calibration must be done first before setting higher power
2. For the 200W range; inject into the PCB Forward RF port: 53 dbm – 26 dbm = +27 dbm
= 0.5 W. Set 200W on the CPI meter with R102 on the PCB
3. For the 1 KW range, inject: 60 dbm – 26 dbm = +34 dbm = 2.5 w to set 1 KW on the CPI
meter with R104

The Modulation Meter would be calibrated as follows:

1. Apply a +10dbm (10 mw) RF CW (unmodulated) signal to the RF Forward phono
connector on the PCB. The Power meter should read 4 W. The front panel Modulation
switch should be in Calibrate position
2. Adjust the Modulation Calibrate control (R202) on the front panel for a meter reading of
3. Apply 100% AM modulation at 1 KHz to the +10dbm (10 mw) RF signal to the RF
Forward phono connector on the PCB. The front panel switch should now be in
Modulation position
4. Check the generator waveform with a 100 MHz or better oscilloscope to verify a 2:1
voltage ratio from carrier to 100% modulation RF voltage on the +10 dbm test signal.
This can be done by attaching the scope probe to R106/R107 located adjacent to the RF
Forward phono connector on the PCB.
5. Adjust the Modulation Detection Gain control on the PCB ((R211) for a 100% reading on
the meter.


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