Spiritual Warfare Outlines Dr. Karl Payne

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Spiritual Warfare Overview

Dr. Karl I. Payne

The battle is on and the battle is real. Unfortunately, most Christians are losing more battles than
they are winning. The victories do not have to go to the opposition, but they will continue to
until believers learn to fight biblically.

Who are our enemies?

The World I John 2:15-17; James 4:4

The Flesh Romans 7:15-25; Galatians 5:17

The Devil James 4:7-10; I Peter 5:8-9

How do they primarily attack Christians?

The World The world is an organized system in opposition and rebellion against God. I John
2:16 characterizes the world as: The lust of flesh (physical desires), the lust of the
eye (beautiful externals) and the boastful pride of life (selfish ambition).

The Flesh The flesh is represented as an old nature, the old man or the old self within each
individual, including Christians, which is in opposition and rebellion against
God. Galatians 5:19-21, Colossians 3:5-8, and Mark 7:21-23 partially list areas
that the flesh can easily inflame in this battle.

The Devil The devil is a real enemy, according to Jesus and the Bible, who is in opposition
and rebellion against God. His primary attack against Christians seems to be
through debilitating accusations. These accusations are usually mental attacks in
the mind and are carried out by demonic spirits who faithfully serve the
devil. Revelation 12:10 mentions this type of opposition. It is possible that the
flaming arrows targeted at Christians which is mentioned in Ephesians 6:16 could
also represent demonic accusation.

The Christians defense against the world, the flesh, and the devil

The World I John 2:17 indicates that we are to evaluate alluring temptation and say
“no”. The eternal things of God should not be sacrificed for the temporal things of
this world. Christians do not have to pretend that the tensile and trappings of this
world don’t sometimes look good. The real issue is whether or not the temporal
pleasures of this world are worth the eternal price tag which accompanies them.

The Flesh Galatians 5:16 and Ephesians 5:18 indicate that if we walk controlled by the
Spirit we will not carry out the desires of the flesh. Ephesians 4:20-24 and

Romans 12:1-2 state that victory over our old nature or self is possible through
consistently renewing our mind.

We replace or substitute our old wrong way of thinking with new Christ- like
thinking contained in the Bible. Lastly, II Timothy 2:22 declares that in some
situations involving the flesh the faithful believer should simply run.

The Devil Scriptures like James 4:7-8 and I Peter 5:8-9 indicate that the Christian is to firmly
resist the attacks of the devil. Jesus' example in Matthew 4:1-11 shows that He
used scripture against the devil in confronting him.


A Accusation or Conviction, B/B, General or Specific

B Pronouns are Important

C Offensive Prayer Works

D You Must Know the Word to Use it in Battle.


The world, the flesh and the devil are real opponents who attack Christians in different
manners. Since Christians are to defend themselves in diverse manners according to which
enemy they are confronting, it becomes extremely important that a Christian know which enemy
he is dealing with so he knows which defense system to activate. If the Christian does not know
how to correctly identify his enemies as they attack, will he stand firm in his resistance (devil
defense), be filled with the spirit, renew his mind, or run (flesh defense) or evaluate the situation
and say no (world defense)?

Sadly, most Christians do not understand warfare. They do not understand the defense systems
at their disposal. Therefore, most Christians lose more battles than they win, and end up blaming
God for their failures. The real truth of the matter is that the defense systems will work just as
they have been designed to. But they must be aimed at the right enemy to be effective. The real
problem is not with the system; it is with the operator.

The battles are on and the battles are real. The victories are real and so are the
casualties. Christian, are you winning more battles than you are losing? Do you understand the
opposition? Do you understand your defense systems? Are you blaming God for your
defeats? Is it time to study God's word so you can fight your opposition biblically? Sincerity is
not enough.

Demonization and Deliverance: A Biblical Foundation

Why is the subject of demonic warfare consistently ignored or mocked even among many
sincere Christians?

a. Fear
b. Ignorance
c. Theological Association
d. Religious Hucksters
e. Pride

The Challenge: What to do with Christians whose experience does not fit some of our
theological suppositions regarding spiritual warfare?

Two Paradigms
1) Oppression/Possession--The traditional paradigm.
2) Oppression/Demonization/Possession—A more effective paradigm.

Let’s Define Terms and Explain the Problem:

Oppression is a term often used to describe external spiritual harassment. It is quite
normal in the life of a growing Christian, although there seems to be wide latitude in the
intensity of this type of attack. Eph. 6:16; Rev.12:10
Possession is a word typically used to describe an internal condition experienced by non-
Christians totally controlled and dominated by demonic spirits. It connotes the complete
loss of self-control or self-will and is often incorrectly defined by the word “ownership.”
Luke 8:26-29
Demonization describes varying degrees of active demonic control in the life of a person
which can manifest itself physically or mentally. Matthew 8:28-34; Luke 13:10-17; Acts
5:1-5; 2 Corinthians 11:1-4

Bible Verses that are Relevant to this Topic and Discussion:

The New Testament addresses the issue of demonic warfare in a straightforward, matter-of-
fact manner rather than as a novel oddity.

Matthew 4:1–11
Luke 9:49–50
Luke 10:17–20
Luke 13:10–17
Acts 5:1–5
Acts 19:13–20
2 Corinthians 2:10–11
2 Corinthians 10:3–5
2 Corinthians 11:1–4, 12–15
Ephesians 4:25–27

Ephesians 6:10–18
Revelation 12:10–12

Religious Clichés, Theological Tradition, the Fear of Man, Personal Opinions and
Sincerity Must Never Be Allowed to Supersede Scripture Taught in Context.

I have heard demons cannot control a Christian because the temple of God and the temple of
Baal have nothing in common. Context! Context! Context! (2 Corinthians 6:14–18)

If it’s not possible for the temple of God and the temple of Baal to have anything in common,
why is this exhortation necessary?

What do these verses specifically and contextually say about Christians being immune to
demonic attack or control?

Is the temple of the Holy Spirit (our body) still the abode for a Christian’s flesh or old nature,
which Paul identifies as an evil member dwelling within each believer and in active
opposition against the Spirit of God? Yes! (Romans 7:15–25; Galatians 5:17)

If the flesh, through habitual sin, can still control genuine Christians, even though Jesus Christ
has given every Christian the provision to walk in victory over the flesh through the power and
advocacy of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16), what would compel Christians, who have received
delegated authority and victory over demonic spirits (Luke 10:18–20), to believe it is impossible
for demonic spirits to control them if they willingly give up handholds or ground through
habitual sin (Ephesians 4:27)? If God was unwilling to ever allow evil to touch or control a
genuine Christian, He would have had to eradicate our sin nature, which He has not done,
Romans 7:15-25.

To acknowledge that the flesh or our old man still represents an active traitor within us as
Christians, but to also teach that God would never allow a demon to have any type of direct
relationship with a Christian, because it is evil, is to willingly live in a spiritual twilight zone.

Fred Dickason is a Biblical scholar, noted writer and speaker on the subject of demonic warfare.
In his classic book Demon Possession & the Christian: A New Perspective, Dr. Dickason has
The verb daimonizomai means “to be possessed by a demon.” The participle from the
same root, daimonizomenos, is used twelve times in the Greek New Testament. It is used
only in the present tense, indicating the continued state of one inhabited by a demon, or
demonized. This participle has components to its structure. First there is the root, daimon,
which indicates the involvement of demons. Second is the causative stem, iz, which
shows that there is an active cause in this verb. Third is the passive ending, omenos. This
conveys the passivity of the person described as demonized.
Putting it all together, the participle in its root form means, “a demon caused passivity.”
This indicates a control other than that of the person who is demonized; he is regarded as

the recipient of the demon’s action. In other words, demonization pictures a demon
controlling a somewhat passive human. (pg. 37)
Conversations on demonic warfare often use the word “ownership” in an attempt to
distinguish between oppression and possession. Once again Dr. Dickason has provided a
helpful clarification for this discussion.
Confusion has been introduced by translating this participle (daimonizomenos) as
“demon possessed.” The word possession implies ownership. Actually, demons own
nothing. The New Testament regards them as squatters or invaders of territory that does
not belong to them. In reality God owns them, for He is their Creator and their judge.
Such a faulty translation, then misleads people regarding the state of the demonized
person and causes undue consternation and terror in the hearts of the afflicted and those
concerned for him. (pg. 38)

When Man Made Paradigms Collide with Inerrant Scripture, Man Made Paradigms Must
Bow to Inerrant Scripture.

1 Religious traditions are not always biblically based even if they are popular.

2 Truth will pass reality tests that traditions often ignore, ridicule or redefine.

3 The traditional paradigm often used to explain demonic warfare leaves too many
genuine Christians on the outside looking in, because that person’s experience
cannot be reconciled with the traditional paradigm.

4 Should we challenge the sincerity and salvation of a person under demonic attack
or the biblical basis and validity of a paradigm simply presumed to be true?

Who Should Care About Learning How to Recognize the Reality of Demonization?

1 Mentally tormented Christians weary from listening to demonic accusers taunt

them by whispering in their mind, “nothing is ever going to change,” “there is
nothing you can do about it,” “if God really loved you He would stop this,” and
“dying is better than living so give up and die.”

2 Any Christian having the courage, opportunity and delegated authority to help a
demonized Christian live life as a victor rather than endure life as a victim.

Recognizing Demonization

How do demons typically attack Christians?

1 Demonic warfare is usually mental—2 Corinthians 11:1–4

2 Accusation/Arrows—Revelation 12:10–11; Ephesians 6:16

3 Divisions, distractions and distortions—take the head, get the body.

4 Isolation—Eccl.4:10

How Can You Tell the Difference Between Demonic Accusation and Holy Spirit
1 Check Scripture; the Holy Spirit does not contradict the inerrant Scripture He
inspired men to write.

2 Check Pronouns; demons typically speak in a second person singular pronoun.

3 General or Specific; Bullets or Buckshot

4 Offensive Prayer; i.e. Ps. 35:1-8; 58:3-11; 69:22-28; 83:13-18; 109:6-20; Neh.4:4-
5; Jer.18:18-23

5 The Holy Spirit convicts us to put us back on our feet to actively serve Christ, not
torment us or drive us to passivity and fear.

How Do You Discern the Difference Between Demonic Oppression and Demonization?

1 Demons do not go on vacation. Demonization is more intense than oppression.

2 Arrows can fly, but they should not fill the sky. Demonization is overwhelming.

3 Offensive prayer will annoy demons holding ground, but it won’t remove them.

4 Bible study, Bible memory, counseling, medical alternatives, pills and prayers
seem to bring on more mental taunting and self-condemnation, where our minds
and bodies seem to resemble a prison rather than a temple of God.

How are Christians Potentially Demonized?

1 Habitual Sin—Ephesians 4:25-27; “topos”: a military term describing the loss of

a real place, space or territory, i.e., “ground” to an enemy.

2 Generational Sin—Exodus 20:4-5, 34:6-7; Numbers 14:18, Deuteronomy 5:9-10;

Jeremiah 14:20, 16:10-13, 32:18.

3 Severe Trauma—I raise this third alternative for demonization as a suggestion
because I have witnessed the apparent connection between physical abuse, sexual
abuse, and brain trauma with demonization too often to ignore the possible
correlation between the two.

Conducting a First Interview with a Person Concerned About Possible Demonization

a. Listen carefully and allow the person to share their story.

b. Attempt to determine the person’s relationship to Christ.

c. Overview the essential difference between attacks from the world, the flesh and the devil.

d. Explain the difference between demonic oppression and demonization.

e. Contrast and illustrate the differences between offensive and defensive prayer.

f. Discuss the importance and priority of a person’s will in relation to demonic warfare.

g. Carefully explain three potential avenues for demonization; habitual sin, generational sin, and
severe trauma. Explain how the word “topos” is used in relation to habitual sin and its potential

h. Explain three non-negotiables for successful deliverance.

i. Explain the three C’s necessary for removing demons.

j. Assuming you believe demonization is a real possibility in this particular case, and you both
want to proceed in this exploration, hand out a homework assignment utilizing Mark 7:21-23,
Galatians 5:19-21 and Colossians 3:5-8 to help identify areas where demonization may have

k. Inform the appointee that you will not schedule a second appointment until their assignment
has been completed and they have called you.

Review possible excuses for shutting down a return appointment for deliverance.

1 Everything is much better so I do not want to waste your time for others.
2 My family and I will be stigmatized as crazy Christians if anyone finds out.
3 They promised me stuff if I promise to let this thing go.
4 Women: They have threatened to kill my loved ones if I continue with
5 Men: They are accusing me of running from my own responsibilities for an easy
way out, and are telling me a real man is willing to just bare his cross.

Responding to Demonization

Who Has the Authority to Successfully Confront Demons?

1 Non-Christians—No—Act 19:14-20

2 Christians—Yes—Luke 10:18-20

Does Confronting Demons Depend Upon Specific Spiritual Gifts?

1 NO! Confronting demonic spirits depends upon the delegated authority of Christ,
complete honesty regarding sin, and the courage to resist demonic accusers rather
than ignore them or run from them.

2 Christians who allow demonic confrontation to turn into a circus or side show are
either ignorant of their delegated authority or insecurely/arrogantly promoting
themselves and their “mighty power” at the expense of the demonized Christian
they are supposed to be helping.

3 Explain the concepts of substitutive thinking and offensive prayer. Challenge

the individual to consistently practice these disciplines until the “problem” is
either under control or he is convinced that substitutive thinking and offensive
prayer are not resolving the problem. (A gallon of gas is cheaper than an engine

4 If the habitual accusations continue in spite of substitutive thinking and offensive

prayer, then make a list using Galatians 5:19–21, Mark 7:21–23 and
Colossians 3:5–8. Detail areas of sin identified in these verses that represent
consistent personal problems. In addition, identify anything else that does not fit!

a. Go over the homework list and group-related issues and concerns. Ask questions, but do not
worry about particulars. Although specific areas are necessary to identify, sorted details are not.

b. Clearly review the concepts of confessing and canceling sin.

c. Lay down the ground rules. The ground rules are the single most important thing you can do to
help ensure that if confrontation takes place, it will be civil rather than a circus. Demons
understand delegated authority and accept the fact that a Christian’s delegated authority is
greater than their authority.

d. Verbally affirm the four declarations that are true for all believers in Jesus Christ. (Victory,
Colossians 2:13–15; Authority & Protection, Luke 10:18–20; and Position, Ephesians 1:18–2:7.)

e. Determine the two or three most serious concerns to address first.

f. Carefully confess the sin involved in the first area chosen and ask God to cancel all ground
given to demons through that particular sin.

g. Address only that spirit holding the highest authority of the group bound and brought forward.
Do not waste time with underlings; they will leave with their immediate supervisor.

h. Ask five questions: Name, Source, Work, Habitual Lies and Ground still held, if any.

i. Command the leader to leave, taking his works and effects and all of his associates with their
works and effects with him.

j. Have the individual ask the Holy Spirit to fill every place, space or territory the demons have
vacated and now use those same areas to the glory of God.

k. Repeat this simple process with each area identified as a problem.

l. When you have addressed all identifiable areas, command to speak to the highest ranking spirit
left, other than the Holy Spirit, in case you have overlooked any demon or area.


1. Your authority to command demons is delegated to you as a believer; it has absolutely nothing
to do with your spiritual gifting, denominational affiliation or personality. Luke 10:18–20 is true
for all born-again Christians. To put on some façade that success assisting demonized individuals
has anything to do with you having some sort of super spirituality is a lie and shouts to any
informed person that you either suffer from arrogance or ignorance regarding spiritual warfare.

2. Your attitude towards demons is important to remember. Demons are losers who have been
positionally placed beneath the feet of all true Christians. They are not colleagues to fear, revere
or respect. Demons should be stepped on, not made a spiritual equal or sparring partner. When
you respond to a demon as an equal you embolden it to resist and fight rather than submit to the
authority the Lord Jesus Christ has delegated to you. Luke 10:18–20.

3. Your personal involvement in the deliverance process is not nearly as important as the attitude
and proactive involvement of the person who is seeking freedom from demonic bondage.
Personal prayer is powerful, but if the demonized person refuses to resist the demons controlling
him or to confess the sin(s) that opened the ground, those demons will continue to control him.
You can stand with an adult against the powers of darkness, but you cannot stand for an adult
against the powers of darkness. A parent can stand up for a small child. Demons understand that
small children are under the authority and care of their parents. They will respond to a parent’s
prayer for his child as though that prayer was coming from the small child.

4. Always lay down ground rules before you confront demons and ask God the Holy Spirit to
enforce them. Demons understand authority and will willingly submit to the highest authority
addressing them. If you give them any excuse to think you do not understand your delegated

authority over them or that they can do anything other than submit to your delegated authority,
you are inviting needless confrontation and confusion.

5. Christians who turn deliverance into a circus side show by allowing shouting and screaming,
while combatants square off in a battle of wits and stamina, either do not understand the nature
of their authority over demonic spirits or they have purposely turned the moment into an
opportunity for self-glorification. A Christian not understanding his delegated authority over
demons is a shame. A Christian purposely turning demonic conflict into an opportunity for self-
aggrandizement is a sham. A Christian ignoring demonic conflict because of fear is pitiful. A
Christian who sits on the sideline mocking or attacking fellow Christians who are actually in the
battle is a coward.



When I first began working with demonized individuals, I didn’t understand the concept of
ground rules. I had people yell, scream, swear, cross their eyes, gasp for air, run from my office,
fall on the floor in twisted contortions, mock me and those praying, and other things I suppose
I’ve probably forgotten over the years.

The basic purpose of the ground rules is to draw a tight box around the demons. Demons are
tricky and desire power, even when we are in the process of commanding them to leave. The
ground rules make it clear that they are on the side that has lost, and the counselee is on the side
of Christ who has already won. In my opinion, the less we allow demons to speak the better.


The statement, “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ” precedes all the ground rules. The Lord
Jesus Christ is our authority, not a rabbit’s foot. The purpose of repeating His name is to make it
clear to the demons involved that we understand the Lord Jesus Christ is the reason the Christian
will win this conflict.

A In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we bind the strong man. He will not be allowed to
interfere in this process in any way. There will be no outside reinforcement of any kind.
B In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, there will be one-way traffic only,
from_________ to the pit. When you leave, you will take all of your works and effects
and all of your associates and their works and effects with you. You will not be free to re-
enter____________ or to enter anyone else in the room.
C In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you may speak only that which can be used
against you.
D In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the answers you give must stand as truth before
the white throne of God.
E In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, there will be no profanity.
F In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ _____________ is to have complete and full
control of his tongue, mind, and body. You will not be allowed to control his tongue,
mind, or body.
G In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I will give commands stating “We command”
because this is _________’s fight. The Holy Spirit of God is going before us, and we
stand as a majority, and we stand together against you. ___________ does not want
anything to do with you. _________ is a child of God who stands against you. You are an
unwanted intruder who is going to have to leave upon command.
H In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, when I give commands you will give clear,
concise, complete answers in ____________’s mind to the questions addressed to you.

You will not be permitted to confuse the mind of ___________ and will be punished
severely by the Holy Spirit of God if you attempt to do so.
I When I give commands in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will clearly give your
answers to _________. You do not have the privilege of speaking directly through him in
this confrontation.
J In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, there will be no hiding, duplicating, or changing
of authority and rank. We bind you by the authority structure and names you now have,
and your authority structure and names will only be altered if we choose to change either
or both.
K In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, when I give commands for you to answer, you
will give your answers to____________, who will share your responses with me. I will
not speak directly with you; you are a defeated enemy not a colleague or an equal, and
you are not worth speaking to. I will speak to my brother/sister in Christ. The only thing
you are going to do is cooperate under the ground rules. Your authority is smashed!
L Lastly, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we ask the Holy Spirit of God to enforce
all of the ground rules and to severely punish any demons who attempt to step outside of
the ground rule box.


We declare our victory over all the powers of darkness through the Lord Jesus Christ, and the
authority of Satan smashed. Colossians 2:13–15.

We declare our delegated authority over the powers of darkness through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Luke 10:18–20

We declare our protection from the powers of darkness through the Lord Jesus Christ. Luke

We declare our position over the powers of darkness through the Jesus Christ. As Christians, we
are members of His body, seated positionally in the heavens with Him now. Ephesians 1:18-2:6


With the ground rules in place, the rest of the meeting is basically a systematic mop up. I ask the
counselee to pick the first two or three areas he would like us to check first from his homework
sheet. I ask him to choose those specific areas that represent the greatest problems first.

Usually demons with the greater authority are overseeing those areas that represent greater
problems. By going after the higher ranking spirits first, you can shorten the process. When the
leaders go, they take all those under their specific charge with them.

If the first area we are dealing with is fear, I will say something like this: “_________, we are
going to deal with the area of fear because you told me it’s a major problem. Before we confront
demons, you will need to confess any sin(s) and ask God to cancel any ground held by demons in
this area of your life.” The individual will then ask God to forgive him of the sin of fear that has
dominated his life. It ultimately represents a lie that is a slap in the face of God because it denies
His goodness and promise to always care for His children. Fear gives more credit to enemies
who want to hurt God’s children than it does to God who has promised to protect us.

After the person confesses this sin as thoroughly as he knows how, I ask him to pray that God
would cancel any and all grounds demons might hold against him through this area. Confession
brings cleansing to a specific area where the person has given ground to Satan. Canceling closes
the door to the opportunity or foothold that the person has given over and that the demon has
taken advantage of through unconfessed sin. With the sin forgiven and the ground divinely
removed, demons are now unwanted squatters rather than invited or tolerated guests.

At this point I will command: “If there are any demons working in ___________ in the area of
fear, we bind all of you together, along with all of your works and effects, and command that you
come forward now. We now command that spirit holding highest authority of all those bound
and brought forward in the area of fear to step up alone. We put a hedge of thorns around you,
above you and below you. You will not be interfered with by anyone.”

The initial questions I ask are specific, simple, straightforward, and easy to remember. I am
interested in identifying a demon’s name, commissioning source, specific job, habitual lies, and
the ground it holds. Once the demonized person learns to recognize the demon’s answers, usually
described as a voice, words, thoughts, impressions, or ideas that pop into his mind in direct
response to the questions being addressed, the process goes much faster. I typically ask the
individual to allow me to filter his thoughts by repeating to me, word for word, the voices,
thoughts, words, ideas, and so forth that he is hearing or thinking in response to the questions.

If he doesn’t hear any answers in response to a question, I ask him to simply tell me it is all
quiet. When demons are present, I have found it very typical for the person to first hear answers
like, “__________, my name is __________. But you’ve made this all up in your head. Don’t tell
him that name because he’ll think you’re making this up. You’ll look foolish.”


First Question
The first question I usually ask is: “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we have commanded
that spirit holding the highest authority working in the area of fear in __________ to step
forward alone. What is your name?”

If there are demons present, they will answer. Sometimes it is easy. The person will say, “Karl,”
the name __________ just came in my mind.” When this happens I will say, “You have
responded to the name __________. We bind you by that name, and upon command you will go
to the pit bound by that name with all of your works and effects and all of your associates and
their works and effects as well.”

Second Question
“In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, who commissioned you in the work you are doing against

The answer usually is Satan or some other similar title, i.e., Lucifer, The Dark Lord, and so forth.

Third Question
“In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, what work have you been commissioned to do against
___________?” The response to this is usually, “To destroy him or to kill him.”
The follow up question is: “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by what means do you hope to
destroy him?”

The answers will vary, but if it is really a demon, the answer will have something to do with the
work it is trying to accomplish, for example: “Suicide. We tell her to take her own life. We make
her feel worthless so she will give up,” or, “We are destroying her marriage by creating problems
in her family,” etc.

Fourth Question
“In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, what lies do you tell __________ on a habitual basis?”
“We tell her that God will not protect her. We torment her with fear, and she believes us,” “We
tell her she will get sick and die, and that her husband does not really love her,” “We tell her she
is going crazy and that she is not really a Christian who is going to heaven,” “She is ugly. She is
fat. No one likes her. She is always alone and always will be. It is never going to change.”

The lies will consistently relate to the work they have been commissioned to carry out.

Fifth Question
The fifth and most important question is: “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, do you still hold
any ground against ____________ that would keep you from leaving him upon command?”

The answer is usually, “No, our ground is gone.” If the response is yes, I will immediately ask,
“Will your answer that you still hold ground stand as truth before the White throne of God?” The
response is usually, “No, it won’t stand as truth.” Although I know why a demon would attempt

to deceive in this situation, I will ask it, “Why did you attempt to deceive us about yet holding
ground when your ground is gone?” The answer will typically be “I was hoping to create
confusion so that I could stay longer.”

Once the answer is, “We hold no more ground” or something similar, you have everything you
need to command it to leave. Once the ground is gone, the demon will leave upon command.
Until you deal with the specific ground held, it will not go.

I have found that when demons give arrogant answers, it’s usually because they either
don’t think you know what you’re doing, or they don’t think you will uncover the ground
they hold against the person. On occasion demons have refused to go because the
demonized person was purposely compartmentalizing sin, or willing to deal with some sin
issues, but ignore others. This send a message to demons that the person is bartering rather
than resisting. Another more subtle issue I have witnessed many times, particularly when I
am working with a missionary, pastor or perfectionist, is a willingness to listen or entertain
demonic taunting, lies and deception. Jesus told the devil to get lost when he was soliciting
Him in Matthew 4:1-11. I have run into Christians who apparently believe their
righteousness should surpass that of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rather than tell the devil or his
minions to get lost, they attempt to engage them in an ongoing bible bowl or sword drill.
Even worse, and perfectionists are absolutely the worst in this regard, the demonized
Christian will try to figure out what their sin was that allowed the demon to solicit them in.
“If I had truly been walking closer to God or if my repentance was really complete, then
demons should be afraid to solicit me in the first place. What is my secret sin?” Show me
anywhere in Scripture that Christians are promised that demons cannot attempt to shoot
fiery arrows. Our promise is that those arrows do not have to burn us, not that we walk so
close to God that demons are afraid to shoot those arrows at us. If the devil and his demons
were not afraid to solicit the Lord Jesus Christ, they certainly have no fear of you or me.
Another thing I found is that when they hold the area of ancestral sin, they are certain you
will never uncover it. They are confident they will remain free to continue their destructive
work. I now have the person take care of the ancestral issues up front with the initial
confession and canceling of sin, just in case it is an issue. I have them pray, “Lord Jesus if
there are any spirits who have anything to do with me, body, soul, or spirit because of
ancestral sin, I ask you to please forgive this sin(s) and cancel any ground held against me
because of ancestral sin. I want nothing to do with ancestral sin and give the entire area to

If you take care of the issue of ancestral sin and ground at the start, it will not come up again. If
you don’t cover it and there are demons that hold ancestral ground, they will play games until
you finally get around to challenging this area.

On some occasions, when asking the first question about the spirit holding highest authority in a
particular area to identify itself, the demon will try to mock God and to take control of the
process. I have received this type of answer: “We are not here. No one is working in that area.
This is not necessary.” The first time that happened, I had to keep from laughing. The brother I
was working with burst out in laughter saying, “This idiot just told me it is not there.”

Two things are left to bring this first area (fear) to closure. You must command the demons to
leave and ask the Holy Spirit to fill every area (room) the demons have vacated. I have the
counselee repeat a command with me. I remind him that we are commanding as victors, not
asking or pleading as victims. We pray, “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we command (fill
in the demon’s name), to leave __________ with all of your works and effects and all of your
associates and their works and effects and go to the pit right now. We command this in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and my Savior. Amen.”

After you pray this, the person will then ask the Holy Spirit to fill and control the areas just
vacated. Matthew 12:25–45 indicates that after binding and expelling a demon, it is necessary to
fill the room(s) it has worked in or attached to with someone stronger than it. Who is stronger
than God? No one! The Holy Spirit longs to completely fill and control every believer. When we
allow the Holy Spirit to fill and control our entire lives, it is as though we have hung out a sign
for passing demons to read that says “No Vacancy.”

The reason I referred to this process as a systematic mop up is because after we deal with each
issue completely, I repeat this same process for each remaining area of concern. The last area
dealt with is commanding the highest ranking spirit other than the Holy Spirit to come forward.
If anything is left, we can deal with it in the same way.

Practice Keeping Short Accounts with Sin

When there is no unconfessed sin, there is no corresponding ground to give up.

One of the things I have heard many times from those trying to disparage this type of ministry
service is that the people who believe they are free of demons will become casual with sin and
convinced that everything and everyone else has demonic problems, too. Once again, if the
repetition can make something true then this must be so, at least in some circles. But I have not
found this to be the case.

Consistently Practice Offensive Prayer

When was the last time you read through the Psalms? As you were reading, did you ever notice
how many times David prayed offensively as well as defensively? David does ask God to be his
strong fortress and to hide him (Psalm 27), but he also asks God to destroy those trying to
destroy him. He asks God to catch his adversaries in the very snares they set for him. When he
asks God to drop his enemies into the pits they have dug for him, he is not praying defensively. I
was out of Bible school and seminary before I ever recognized this truth (Psalm 35:1–8).

Read Your Bible and Apply What You Learn

Matthew 4:1–12 records Satan’s temptation of Jesus. It is interesting to notice how Jesus referred
to Scripture with each of Satan’s temptations. It is very difficult to respond correctly to error if
we don’t know what is true.

The goal, or at least my goal, is for each person I work with to understand that because of their
authority in the Lord Jesus Christ, they no longer need me or anyone else to guide them through

this process. The same God who lives in me lives in them, and He is more than willing to protect
His children. I have watched passive, fearful, defeated Christians become bold soldiers who learn
to quickly resist the devil rather than to entertain his accusations, play his games, or run. It’s a
joy to lock arms with brothers and sisters in Christ who realize we are more than conquerors who
don’t have to run from a defeated enemy.

Offensive Prayer: A Biblical Response to Demonic Attack

Intro: Offensive Prayer is both a weapon and tool that too many Christians have never
considered or employed to ensure we win more battles than we lose when demonic spirits shoot
their flaming arrows or destructive accusations at us, Eph.6:16; Rev.12:10-12.

Demonic arrows can be physical, but they are more often mental. Too much preaching and
teaching ignores the subject of demonic warfare or relegates it to the irrational insecurities of
neurotic people who value their subjective feelings more than the fact of Scripture. The result of
pride and self-imposed biblical illiteracy leaves too many Christians assuming they are forever
relegated to the position of helpless victims rather than confident victors in their daily walk with
Jesus Christ, and standing on the outside looking in. Christians should not have to feel like they
are being trampled under the gates of hell rather than standing on top of the gates of hell, but that
is the sad reality for many Christians who typically suffer in silence…”you never…, you
always…your prayers…your bible reading…Jesus does not love you and you are a fool for
believing he does…no one loves you, not even God…if God really loved you, why would He
allow you to go through the pain you foolishly endure…you have lost your salvation if you ever
had it in the first place…your body is not a temple of God, it is a prison…nothing is ever going
to change…you would be better off dead, and do a lot of people a favor if you just killed

The subject of demonic warfare, as it relates to offensive prayer, should be biblically based and
contextual, simple, straightforward, matter of fact, easily applied, and transferable, not
frightening or theoretical. Remember, Christians are on the team that won, demons are on the
team that lost. We win because He has won, Col.2:13-15.

1 Observe basic Concepts of Defensive and Offensive Prayer in Response to


Defensive Prayer: Psalm 18:1-6; Psalm 27:1-6—briefly walk through.

Offensive Prayer: Psalm 35:1-8---briefly walk through.
Defensive and Offensive Prayer can be in the same Psalm: Psalm 70: 1-3; Psalm 71:12-13.

2 Observe More Examples of Offensive Prayer in Response to Opposition.

Psalm 58:3-11; Psalm 59:5-13; Psalm 83:13-18; Psalm 109: 6-20.

3 Observe the Parallelism between Psalm 35:1-4 and Psalm 109:26-29.

A Both implore God for help: 35:2/109:26.
B Both credit God alone for their victory over their enemies: 35:1-2/109:27.
C Both ask God to shame and dishonor their oppressors: 35:4/109:28-29.

4 Observe the Motivation for David’s Offensive Prayer in Response to Opposition.

Psalm 58:11; Psalm 59:13; Psalm 83:18; Psalm 109:27—Glory to God, not revenge or self-

5 Practical Application of Offensive Prayer in the daily life of a Christian under
demonic attack.

A According to Scripture, a Christian’s greatest opposition in daily living is

supernatural, not natural. The worldview that dominated the 20th century in North
America and Europe was largely naturalism, which rejects theism and views the
supernatural as superstition. God disagrees, and His people should have the courage
to do so also. Eph.6:10-12; 2 Cor.10:3-5.

B According to Scripture, a Christian’s authority over demonic spirits is delegated

by Jesus Christ to everyone whose name is recorded in heaven; who are all saved and
sealed when we believed, and positionally made members of the body of Christ,
seated far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that
is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come: Luke 10:18-20; Eph.1:13-
14; 1:18-23; 2:6.

C According to Scripture, Christian’s have been commanded to resist Satan and his
demonic host, not run from them: Eph.6:13; James 4:7; 1 Pet.5:8-9.

D According to Scripture, offensive prayer is one form of actively resisting the devil
and his demonic host. Offensive prayer represents an act of raising our shield of faith
that will usually put out demonic flaming arrows. Christians who choose to passively
ignore, tolerate or run from these attacks, are in reality choosing to lose
confrontations we should be winning. Eph.6:16-18.

E Christians who consistently view themselves as victims of the devil and his
demonic host, rather than as victors in Christ because of His death, burial and
resurrection, are choosing to live in disobedience to God, inviting further mental,
emotional and spiritual beatings, and losing battles we should be winning. Matt.4:1-
11; Paul: Rom.8:31

F Bullies visit and revisit those who fear them. Demons are bullies. It is time to
obediently resist demonic attack rather than disobediently run from it, and stand up to
demonic archers, rather than represent little more than target practice for them
because of fear or pride. 1 Cor.16:13; Eph.6:13-14; 1 Pet.5:6-11.


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