Sow Eng Year 2 2024-2025

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YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

WEEK 1 (11th – 15th Mar 2024)


WEEK 2 (18th - 22nd Mar 2024)


1 World of Self, Listening 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with Sounds

● Recognise and produce
Phonics Family and 1.1 Recognise and reproduce support a limited range of high Row k: ɪә/ (ear), /eә/ (air), /ʊә/
Friends target language target language sounds frequency target language (ure), /ɜ:/ (er)
Listening phonemes intelligibly phonemes
& CCE: Language
Speaking Reading 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with
● Distinguish and articulate 3.1 Recognise words in linear and support beginning, medial and final
beginning, medial and non-linear texts by using sounds in a word
final sounds words knowledge of sounds of letters 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes
● Blend phonemes to
recognize words
● Segment words to
phonemes to spell

2 World of Self, Reading Sounds

Phonics Family and 3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with Row k: ɪә/ (ear), /eә/ (air), /ʊә/
● Distinguish and articulate
Friends non-linear texts by using some support beginning, medial (ure), /ɜer)
Reading beginning, medial and knowledge of sounds of letters and final sounds in a word
& final sounds words CCE: Language
Writing Writing
4.1 Form letters and words in neat 4.1.2
● Develop early writing legible print using cursive writing i) Form upper and lower case letters
skills of regular size and shape
ii) write letters and words in a
straight line from left to right with
regular spaces between words and
iii) copy letters and familiar high
frequency words and phrases
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023



3 World of Listening Focus

Phonics Stories 1.1 Recognise and reproduce 1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce Row l : /eɪ/ (ay), /aʊ/ (ou), /aɪ/ (ie),
● Recognise and produce
target language sounds with support a limited range of /i:/ (ea)
Listening target language high frequency target language
& phonemes intelligibly phonemes CCE: Language
Reading Reading
3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.1 Identify and recognize the
● Identify and distinguish non-linear texts by using shapes of the letters in the alphabet
the letters of the knowledge of sounds of letters 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with
alphabet support beginning, medial and final
sounds in a word
● Distinguish and articulate 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
beginning, medial and 3.1.4 Segment phonemes
final sounds words
● Blend phonemes to
recognize words
● Segment words to
phonemes to spell

4 World of Reading Focus

Phonics Stories 3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.1 Identify and recognise the Sounds Row l : /eɪ/ (ay), /aʊ/ (ou), /aɪ/
● Identify and distinguish
non-linear texts by using shapes of the letters in the alphabet (ie), /i:/ (ea)
Reading the letters of the knowledge of sounds of letters 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with
& alphabet support beginning, medial and final CCE: Language
Writing ● Distinguish and articulate sounds in a word
beginning, medial and 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
final sounds words 3.1.4 Segment phonemes

● Blend phonemes to
recognize words Writing
4.1 Form letters and words in neat 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case
● Segment words to
legible print using cursive writing letters of regular size and shape
phonemes to spell ii) write letters and words in a
straight line from left to right with
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

regular spaces between words and

● Develop early writing
skills iii) copy letters and familiar high
frequency words and phrases

WEEK 3 (25th – 29th Mar 2024)


5 World of Self, Listening Focus

Phonics Family and 1.1 Recognise and reproduce 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with Row m: /ɔɪ/ (oy), /ɜ:/ (ir), /u:/ (ue),
● Recognise and produce
Friends target language sounds support a limited range of high /ɔ:/(aw)
Listening target language frequency target language
& phonemes intelligibly phonemes CCE: Language
3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.1 Identify and recognise the
● Identify and distinguish non-linear texts by using shapes of the letters in the alphabet
the letters of the knowledge of sounds of letters 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with
alphabet support beginning, medial and final
sounds in a word
● Distinguish and articulate 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
beginning, medial and 3.1.4 Segment phonemes
final sounds words
● Blend phonemes to
recognize words
● Segment words to
phonemes to spell

6 World of Self, Reading Focus

Phonics Family and 3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.1 Identify and recognise the Row m: Sounds /ɔɪ/ (oy), /ɜ:/ (ir), /u:/
● Identify and distinguish
Friends non-linear texts by using shapes of the letters in the alphabet (ue), /ɔ:/ (aw)
Reading the letters of the knowledge of sounds of letters 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with
& alphabet support beginning, medial and final CCE: Language
Writing ● Distinguish and articulate sounds in a word
beginning, medial and 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
final sounds words 3.1.4 Segment phonemes

● Blend phonemes to Writing

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

recognize words 4.1 Form letters and words in neat 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case
legible print using cursive writing letters of regular size and shape
● Segment words to
ii) write letters and words in a
phonemes to spell straight line from left to right with
regular spaces between words and
● Develop early writing spaces
skills iii) copy letters and familiar high
frequency words and phrases

7 World of Self, Listening Focus

Phonics Family and 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with Row n : Sounds :/w/ (wh), /f/ (ph),
● Recognise and produce
Friends language sounds support a limited range of high /ju:/ (ew), /әʊ/ (oe ), /ɔ:/ (au)
Listening target language frequency target language
& phonemes intelligibly phonemes CCE: Language
Reading Reading
3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.1 Identify and recognise the
● Identify and distinguish non-linear texts by using shapes of the letters in the alphabet
the letters of the knowledge of sounds of letters 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with
alphabet support beginning, medial and final
sounds in a word
● Distinguish and articulate 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
beginning, medial and 3.1.4 Segment phonemes
final sounds words
● Blend phonemes to
recognize words
● Segment words to
phonemes to spell

8 World of Self, Reading Focus Sounds

Phonics Family and 3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.1 Identify and recognise the Row n: /w/ (wh), /f/ (ph), /ju:/
● Identify and distinguish
Friends non-linear texts by using shapes of the letters in the alphabet (ew), /әʊ/ (oe ), /ɔ:/ (au)
Reading the letters of the knowledge of sounds of letters 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with
& alphabet support beginning, medial and final CCE: Language
Writing ● Distinguish and articulate sounds in a word
beginning, medial and 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
final sounds words 3.1.4 Segment phonemes
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

● Blend phonemes to
recognize words 4.1 Form letters and words in neat 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case
● Segment words to legible print using cursive writing letters of regular size and shape
phonemes to spell ii) write letters and words in a
straight line from left to right with
regular spaces between words and
● Develop early writing spaces
skills iii) copy letters and familiar high
frequency words and phrases

WEEK 4 (01st – 05th Apr 2024)


9 World of Self, Listening Focus Sound

Phonics Family and 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce
● Recognise and produce Row o :eɪ/ (a-e), /i:/ (e-e), /aɪ/ (i-e),
Friends language sound with support a limited range of high
Listening target language frequency target language /әʊ/ (o-e), /u:/ (u-e)
phonemes intelligibly phonemes
& Reading CCE: Language
3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.1 Identify and recognise the
● Identify and distinguish non-linear texts by using shapes of the letters in the alphabet
the letters of the knowledge of sounds of letters 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with
alphabet support beginning, medial and final
sounds in a word
● Distinguish and articulate 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
beginning, medial and 3.1.4 Segment phonemes
final sounds words
● Blend phonemes to
recognize words
● Segment words to
phonemes to spell

10 World of Self, Writing 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case Row o :/eɪ/ (a-e), /i:/ (e-e), /aɪ/ (i-
Phonics Family and 4.1 Form letters and words in neat letters of regular size and shape e), /әʊ/ (o-e), /u:/ (u-e)
● Develop early writing
Friends legible print using cursive writing ii) write letters and words in a
skills straight line from left to right with
Reading regular spaces between words and CCE: Language
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

& spaces
iii) copy letters and familiar high
Writing frequency words and phrases
● Identify and distinguish
the letters of the 3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.1 Identify and recognise the
alphabet non-linear texts by using shapes of the letters in the alphabet
● Distinguish and articulate knowledge of sounds of letters 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with
beginning, medial and support beginning, medial and final
final sounds words sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
● Blend phonemes to 3.1.4 Segment phonemes
recognize words
● Segment words to
phonemes to spell


26 World of Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support House vocabulary: house, bathroom,
● Understand specific
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of bedroom, living room, hall, dining
Listening details when listening simple sentences room, kitchen, stairs, cellar
The old house to texts on familiar
topics Down, up, Now, Find out
4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of
4.3 Communicate with appropriate familiar high frequency words
● Spell high frequency language form and style for a range accurately in guided writing Materials:
of purposes in print and digital
words accurately Teacher’s Book

Superminds 1 p.70

CCE: Language

31 World of Speaking LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

Stories 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable There’s a …
● Describe people and things
information intelligibly words and phrases
Speaking clearly There are …

The old house

Listening 1.2.2 Understand with support
specific information and details of
1.2 Understand meaning in a
simple sentences Teacher’s Book
● Understand specific details variety of familiar contexts
when listening to texts Superminds 1 p.71
on familiar topics

CCE: Language

CUTI HARI RAYA PUASA (08th – 12th Apr 2024)

WEEK 6 (15th – 19th Apr 2024)

32 World of Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

● Understand specific details 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support Is there a?
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of
Listening when listening to texts Are there any…?
simple sentences
The old house on familiar topics
Yes, there is / No, there isn’t

Yes, there are / No, there aren’t

2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short Materials:
2.2 Use appropriate exchanges by using suitable non-
● Manage interaction
communication strategies verbal responses Teacher’s Book
Superminds 1 p.73

CCE: Language
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023



3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.3 Recycled home and animal vocabulary
● Use appropriate word
The old house and non-linear print and digital
Reading attack skills to i) Reread a word, phrase or
texts by using appropriate reading
understand specific sentence to understand meaning
strategies Materials:
ii)Ignore unknown words in order to
understand a phrase or sentence Teacher’s Book
Listening Superminds 1 p.74-75
1.2 Understand meaning in a
variety of familiar contexts
1.2.1 Understand with support the CCE: Patriotism and Citizenship
● Understand the main idea
main idea of simple sentences
when listening to texts (looking after your friends)
on familiar topic

34 World of Writing SUGGESTION ACTIVITY:

● Spell high frequency words 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of
◆ Pupils draw their own home and label
language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words
Writing accurately the rooms in it.
of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing
The old house
◆ They then talk about their homes with
Speaking their partner, who asks questions
(e.g. “What’s in the living room?”)
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal
information intelligibly information by asking basic
● Find out simple information
from others CCE: Language

WEEK 7 ( 22nd – 26th Apr 2024)

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

35 World of Language Arts Materials:

5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, 5.1.2 Say the words in simple texts, A song from pg 72
● Say the words in simple
poems and songs and sing simple songs with
Language texts, and sing simple intelligible pronunciation, rhythm Teacher’s Book Superminds 1 p.72
Art The old house songs with intelligible and intonation
pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation i) simple chants and raps CCE: Language
ii) simple rhymes

iii) simple action songs

iv) simple songs


Listening 1.3.1 Understand the message the

● Use appropriate
teacher or classmate is
strategies to 1.3 Use appropriate listening communicating by using visual clues
understand meaning strategies in a variety of contexts when they are speaking

36 World of Listening Suggestion Activity:

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.3 Understand with support Review the story on p.74-75.
● Understand narratives on
variety of familiar contexts
Listening familiar topics very short simple narratives Have pupils listen and act the story in
The old house small groups as they listen.

In pairs, they then dictate pictures to

● Understand specific details 1.2.2 Understand with support
each other from the story, e.g.
specific information and details of
when listening to texts
simple sentences The cellar stairs: How many stairs are
on familiar topics
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

there? How many rats are there?

CCE: Language

37 World of Speaking Suggestation Activity:

● Find out simple 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal Information – gap activity.
information intelligibly information by asking basic
Speaking information from Pupils have information about an old
The old house others house, but their information is
2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
words and phrases Their partner has the complementary
● Describe people and
things clearly
Pairs should ask questions

to each other to find out the missing


CCE: Language


WEEK 8 (29th - 03th May 2024)


38 World of Reading Suggestion Activity:

3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, Use vocabulary from this unit to work
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

Reading non-linear texts by using CCVC, CVCV, CCV) on recognising, producing and
● Segment words into
knowledge of sounds of letters segmenting phonemes.
The old house phonemes to spell

Listening Review or extend p.71-74

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce
1.1 Recognise and reproduce target with support a limited range of high
language sound frequency target language
CCE: Language
● Recognise and produce
target language
phonemes intelligibly

39 World of Writing Suggestion Activity:

4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple
● Plan, draft and edit work ◆ Pupils write and illustrate one or more
language form and style for a range sentences
Writing appropriately on extra pictures for the story on p.74-
of purposes in print and digital
The old house familiar topics 75 to include different things they’d
find in an old house.
4.3.1 Use capital letters and full
stops appropriately in guided
◆ They should draft their writing in their
● Punctuate texts writing at sentence level
exercise books before producing the
annotated picture in pairs, focusing
on accuracy of spelling and

CCE: Creativity and Innovation

40 World of Language Arts Suggestion Activity:

5.3 Express an imaginative 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and ★ Pupils should listen to and enjoy a
● Plan, prepare and produce
response to literary texts intelligibly through creating short
Language creative work with a story about an unusual house and
simple chants or raps.
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

The old house focus on language use respond imaginatively, perhaps by

Listening 1.2.1 Understand with support the drawing a picture of an unusual house
main idea of simple sentences
1.2 Understand meaning in a and label it.
● Understand the main idea
variety of familiar contexts
when listening to texts
on familiar topic
CCE: Creativity and Innovation

41 World of Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

● Recognise and produce 1.1 Recognise and reproduce 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce Recycled home, animals and food
target language sound with support a limited range of high vocabulary from the story in Lesson 33
Listening target language
frequency target language
The old house phonemes intelligibly

Reading Teacher’s Book

3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC,
3.1 Recognise words in linear and CVCV, CCV) Superminds 1 p.75
● Blend phonemes to
non-linear texts by using
recognise words
knowledge of sounds of letters
CCE: Language

WEEK 9 (06th – 10th May 2024)



3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of Recycled animal, toy, classroom
● Understand the main idea
and non-linear print and digital simple sentences objects, home vocabulary, there is,
Reading in a variety of text types texts by using appropriate reading there are
The old house on familiar topics strategies

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with Teacher’s Book
● Distinguish and articulate
non-linear texts by using some support beginning, medial
beginning, medial and Superminds 1 p.76
knowledge of sounds of letters and
final sound words
final sounds in a word
CCE: Language


Writing 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.1 Ask for and give basic personal I live in..
● Communicate basic
intelligibly for a range of purposes information using basic questions
personal information Materials:
in print and digital media and statements
The old house clearly
Teacher’s Book

Superminds 1 p.77
4.2.5 Connect words and phrases
● Organize basic information using basic coordinating CCE: Language
appropriately conjunctions

44 World of Speaking LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable Vocabulary of habitats: habitat, polar
● Describe people and things
information intelligibly words and phrases region, ocean, jungle, desert,
Speaking clearly mountains, rocks, sand, coral, snow
The old house
2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from
● Manage classroom tasks communication strategies a teacher or classmate using Teacher’s Book
appropriately suitable statements of questions
Superminds 1 p.78

CCE: Environmental sustainability


45 World of Language Arts Suggestion Activity:

5.2 Express personal responses to 5.2.1 Name people, things, actions, Promote tolerance and diversity by
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

literary texts or places of interest in texts showing how people live in different
● Identify, analyse and
places, but we are all the same.
Language The old house respond to elements in
Arts texts An example song:
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
information intelligibly words and phrases
● Describe people and things
CCE: Values (global diversity and
clearly tolerance)

WEEK 10 (13th– 17th May 2024)


46 World of Listening Suggestion Activity:

● Understand specific details 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support
◆ Prepare short descriptions of houses
The old house variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of
Listening when listening to texts for pupils to read to each other.
simple sentences
on familiar topics
◆ They listen to their partner and draw
2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable items in a house.
● Describe people and things 2.1 Communicate simple
words and phrases
information intelligibly ◆ Model this by having the class listen to
you describing a house first

. CCE: Language

47 World of Reading Suggestion Activity:

Reading 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific
◆ Understand specific details ◆ Prepare a picture and some sentences
The old house and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple
in a variety of text types texts by using appropriate reading sentences to describe it. These sentences are
on familiar topics strategies either true or false.
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

◆ Pupils need to read and decide. Then

Writing they write a True/False sentence for
4.2 Communicate basic information another pupil to read.
◆ Describe people and things
intelligibly for a range of purposes
clearly 4.2.4 Describe objects using suitable
in print and digital media
words and phrases
CCE: Language


48 World of Writing Suggestion Activity:

Writing 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.5 Connect words and phrases
● Organize basic information ◆ Teach some basic conjunctions, such as
The old house intelligibly for a range of purposes using basic coordinating
appropriately in print and digital media conjunctions and, but and so, depending on the
proficiency level of your class.

◆ Then, use pupils’ writing from Activity

4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full
language form and style for a range stops appropriately in guided 2, p.77, to practise the conjunctions.
● Punctuate texts of purposes in print and digital writing at sentence level
CCE: Language


49 World of 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable Animal vocabulary: goat, camel, parrot,
Stories information intelligibly words and phrases shark, penguin, polar bear, jellyfish
● Describe people and
The old house
Speaking things clearly
2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from Materials:
a teacher or classmate using
2.2 Use appropriate Teacher’s Book
●Manage classroom tasks suitable statements of questions
communication strategies
appropriately Superminds 1 p.79

CCE: Entrepreneurship


YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

WEEK 11 (20TH – 24TH May 2024)

50 World of Language Arts 5.1.1 Demonstrate appreciation Suggestion Activity:

Stories though nonverbal responses to:
5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, Pupils listen to and enjoy a song, chant,
● Demonstrate appreciation
poems and songs i) simple chants and raps rap or story about animals and their
Language through non-verbal habitats.
Arts The old house responses to: ii) simple rhymes
iii) simple action songs
iv) simple songs songs/the-ballad-lisa-thelemur


● Understand narratives on Listening https://

familiar topics
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.3 Understand with support very songs/animal-house
variety of familiar contexts simple short narratives

CCE: Environmental sustainability


51 World of Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support Recycled home vocabulary, adjectives
● Understand specific details
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of and imperatives
Listening when listening to texts simple sentences
The old house on familiar topics Materials:

Speaking Teacher’s Book

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Give simple personal Superminds 1 p.80

● Communicate simple
information intelligibly information using basic statements
information about CCE: Creativity and Innovation
themselves clearly

52 World of Reading Materials:

3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific Teacher’s Book
● Understand specific details
and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple
Reading in a variety of text types Superminds 1 p.81
texts by using appropriate reading sentences
The old house on familiar topics strategies

CCE: Language
3.2.4 Use a picture dictionary to
● Use appropriate basic find, list and categorize words from
dictionary skills Year 2 topics and themes

53 World of Speaking Suggestion Activity:

2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from
● Manage classroom tasks ◆ Extend the quiz on p.81 and ask the
The old house communication strategies a teacher or classmate using
Speaking appropriately questions orally.
suitable statements of questions

◆ Pupils work in pairs to discuss the

1.2.5 Understand an increased answers before saying them.
1.2 Understand meaning in a
● Understand questions on variety of familiar contexts range of short supported questions
◆ Introduce and have pupils practise
familiar topics
expressions for asking for attention

when they know the answer, e.g.

I know the answer!

Can I try, please?

Can I guess, please?

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

CCE: Language

1st Semester Break (25th May - 02nd Jun 2024)

WEEK 12 (03th – 07th June 2024)


54 World of Writing Suggestion Activity:

● Communicate basic
information clearly 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.3 Write short familiar Extend the quiz on p.81 by asking
intelligibly for a range of purposes instructions pupils to write one/some quiz
Writing in print and digital media questions in pairs or small groups.
The old house 4.2.4 Describe objects using suitable
● Describe people and things words and phrases
CCE: Language

55 World of Language Arts 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Suggestion Activity:

Stories intelligibly through creating short
Language 5.3 Express an imaginative ● Pupils listen to a short story about
● Plan, prepare and produce simple chants or raps.
Arts response to literary texts a witch who lives in an old house.
creative work with a She is chanting and making a spell.
The old house focus on language use Speaking
● Pupils can predict what the witch
2.1 Communicate simple uses in her spell or what her spell is
information intelligibly 2.1.3 Give a short sequence of basic for.
● Communicate simple instructions ● After the story, pupils create their
information clearly own spell chants. Support this
activity with realia is possible.
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

CCE: Language

2 World of Self, Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

● Understand the main
Family &
idea when listening to 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.1 Understand with support the Days of the week
texts on familiar topics variety of familiar contexts main idea of simple sentences
Listening It’s (days)

On + day
Free Time

2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Give simple personal

● Communicate simple Materials:
information intelligibly information using basic statements
information about
Teacher’s Book.
themselves clearly
Superminds 1 p.58

CCE: Language


YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

3 World of Self, Speaking LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family &
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Give simple personal Days of the week
Friends ● Communicate simple
information intelligibly information using basic statements
Speaking information about Present simple for regular activities ( I
themselves clearly +verb + on + day)
Free Time

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.1 Understand with support the Materials:

● Understand the main idea
variety of familiar contexts main idea of simple sentences
when listening to texts Teacher’s Book.
on familiar topics
Superminds 1 p.59

CCE: Language

WEEK 13 (10th – 14th Jun 2024)


4 World of Self, Reading LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family &
Friends ● Understand specific 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific Present simple On (day) we (verb).
details in a variety of and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple
Reading Free Time text types on familiar texts by using appropriate reading sentences
topics strategies Materials:

Teacher’s Book.
Listening Superminds 1 p.60
1.2.1 Understand with support the
main idea of simple sentences
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

1.2 Understand meaning in a

● Understand the main
variety of familiar contexts
idea when listening to CCE: Language
texts on familiar topics

5 World of Self, Language Arts LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family &
● Say the words in simple 5.2 Express personal responses to 5.2.1 Name people, things, actions, Days of the week
literary texts or places of interest in texts
Language texts, and sing simple Food vocabulary (review)
Free Time songs with intelligible
pronunciation, rhythm A story about days of the week, for
and intonation example The Very Hungry Caterpillar
(Book available or see
v=vkYmvxP0 AJI
● Understand the main
Listening 1.2.1 Understand with support the
idea when listening to Also, movie at:
texts on familiar topic 1.2 Understand meaning in a main idea of simple sentences
variety of familiar contexts
v=75NQKSm1YY )

CCE: Language


6 World of Self, ● Understand specific details Listening 1.2.2 Understand with support LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:
Family & specific information and details of
when listening to texts 1.2 Understand meaning in a I + verb (+phrase) + on + day+s
Friends simple sentences
on familiar topics variety of familiar contexts
Listening Free Time Materials:

Picture flashcards for actions from

Speaking p.56-60
2.1.1 Give simple personal
● Communicate simple 2.1 Communicate simple information using basic statements CCE: Language
information about information intelligibly
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

themselves clearly

7 World of Self, Speaking LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family &
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Give simple personal I / we + verb + on + day+s
Friends ● Communicate simple
information intelligibly information using basic statements
Speaking information about
Free Time
themselves clearly
1.2.2 Understand with support ● Picture flashcards of actions (from
● Understand specific 1.2 Understand meaning in a
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of Lesson 6)
details when listening simple sentences
to texts on familiar ● One or two dice per pair or group(or
whole class if not available)

● A worksheet for each pupil with a table

for pairwork interview.

CCE: Language

Minggu Persiapan Sukan Tahunan

SK Sungai Pusu 2024 (17th Jun - 21st Jun 2024)

WEEK 15 (24th – 28th June 2024)


World of Self, ● Distinguish and articulate 3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with I / we + verb + on + day+s
Family & beginning, medial and non-linear texts by using some support beginning, medial
Reading Friends /ei/ sound in words from unit
final sound words knowledge of sounds of letters and final sounds in a word
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023


Free Time ● Identify and distinguish the 3.1.1 Identify, recognise and name Picture flashcards of actions
letters of the alphabet the letters of the alphabet

CCE: Language


9 World of Self, Writing LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family &
Friends ● Plan, draft and edit work 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple My favourite day is X.
language form and style for a range sentences
Writing appropriately on familiar I + verb + on + day+s.
Free Time of purposes in print and digital

4.2 Communicate basic information Materials:

intelligibly for a range of purposes
in print and digital media Word cards to make up sentences. One
● Communicate basic 4.2.1 Ask for and give basic personal per student. e.g.
information using basic questions
personal information I / go / swimming / on Saturdays / I /
and statements
clearly play / football / on / Fridays

CCE: Language

10 World of Self, Language Arts LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family &
5.2 Express personal responses to 5.2.1 Name people, things, actions,
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

Friends ● Say the words in simple literary texts or places of interest in texts Days of the week and food vocabulary
Language Free Time texts, and sing simple
Arts songs with intelligible Materials:
pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation The Very Hungry Caterpillar

2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.3 Give a short sequence of basic

information intelligibly instructions CCE: Science and Technology
● Communicate simple
information clearly

11 World of Self, Speaking LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family &
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Give simple personal Do you…?
Friends ● Communicate simple
information intelligibly information using basic statements
Speaking information about Yes, I do…/ No, I don’t
Free Time
themselves clearly

● Find out simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal
information by asking basic Teacher’s Book.
information from
others Superminds 1 p.61

CCE: Language

WEEK 16 (01st – 05th Jul 2024)


YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

12 World of Self, Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family &
● Understand narratives on 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.3 Understand with support We’re lost, Lake, Wait and see
variety of familiar contexts
Listening familiar topics very short simple narratives Come with me
Free Time
Thank you very much

● Understand specific details 1.2.2 Understand with support

specific information and details of
when listening to texts Materials:
simple sentences
on familiar topics
Teacher’s Book.

Superminds 1 p.62- p.63

CCE: Values (asking for help when you

need it)

13 World of Self, Reading Materials:

Family &
● Blend phonemes to 3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC, Teacher’s Book.
non-linear texts by using CVCV, CCV)
Reading recognise words Superminds 1 p.63
Free Time knowledge of sounds of letters

CCE: Values (asking for help when you
1.1 Recognise and reproduce target 1.1.2 Recognise and reproduce need it)
● Recognise and produce language sound with support a limited range of
target language high frequency target language
phonemes intelligibly phonemes
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

14 World of Self, Writing LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family &
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full How many days do….?
Friends ● Punctuate texts
language form and style for a range stops appropriately in guided
Writing appropriately writing at sentence level Possessive’s
Free Time of purposes in print and digital

Listening Materials:
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support Teacher’s Book.
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of
Superminds 1 p.64
simple sentences
● Understand specific details
when listening to texts CCE: Language
on familiar topics


15 World of Self, Language Arts LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

● Say the words in simple
Family &
texts, and sing simple 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, 5.1.2 Say the words in simple texts, Your choice of phoneme blends CVC,
songs with intelligible poems and songs and sing simple songs with CCVC, CVCV, CCV
Language Free Time pronunciation, rhythm intelligible pronunciation, rhythm
Arts and intonation and intonation

i) simple chants and raps Materials: songs

ii) simple rhymes

iii) simple action songs
iv) simple songs

Reading 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC,

● Blend phonemes to CCE: Language
3.1 Recognise words in linear and
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

recognise words non-linear texts by using

knowledge of sounds of letters

WEEK 17 (08th – 12th Jul 2024)

16 World of Self, Listening Suggestion Activity:

Family &
● Understand specific 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support One possibility is to extend the
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of listening
Listening details when listening
simple sentences
to texts on familiar activity on p.64 of the textbook. Pupils
Free Time topics
Reading work in pairs to dictate spelling and
Bertema 3.1.1 Identify, recognise and name
3.1 Recognise words in linear and the letters of the alphabet other information to each other in a
Pend. non-linear texts by using
● Identify and distinguish
Jasmani & similar way
knowledge of sounds of letters
Kesihatan the letters of the
CCE: Language

17 World of Self, Speaking Suggestion Activity:

Family &
● Find out simple information 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal One possibility is to have pupils write
information intelligibly information by asking basic
Speaking from others and then work in pairs and then mingle
to do a survey, where they find out
Free Time
4.2.1 Ask for and give basic personal about each other’s’ weekend activities.
4.2 Communicate basic information information using basic questions
● Communicate basic They can report on their findings in
intelligibly for a range of purposes and statements
personal information in print and digital media Lesson 19

CCE: Language
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023


18 World of Self, Reading Suggestion Activity:

Family &
● Understand specific details 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific One possibility is to review the story on
and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple
Reading in a variety of text types p.62-63 by cutting it up into stages and
Free Time texts by using appropriate reading sentences
on familiar topics
strategies asking pupils to read and order the

sentences or pictures, encouraging

3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase
● Use appropriate word pupils to use particular reading
or sentence to understand meaning
attack skills to
understand specific strategies.
meaning CCE: Language

19 World of Self, Writing Suggestion Activity:

Family &
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple One possibility is for pupils to work in
Friends ● Plan, draft and edit work
language form and style for a range sentences
Writing appropriately on familiar pairs at a computer and report the
of purposes in print and digital
media findings of their survey done in Lesson
Free Time
17. They could use a programme to do
4.2 Communicate basic information this that is suitable for their level of
● Organize basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes 4.2.5 Connect words and phrases
using basic coordinating technological skill (e.g. Microsoft Excel
appropriately in print and digital media
conjunctions or Word


WEEK 18 (15th – 19th Jul 2024)

World of Self,
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

20 Family & Language Arts LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, 5.1.2 Say the words in simple texts, On day+s I + verb phrase
● Say the words in simple
poems and songs and sing simple songs with
Language texts, and sing simple intelligible pronunciation, rhythm
Arts Free Time songs with intelligible and intonation
pronunciation, rhythm Materials:
and intonation i) simple chants and raps Teacher’s Book.
ii) simple rhymes Superminds 1 p.65

iii) simple action songs

● Pupils work with the poem on p.65 of
iv) simple songs their textbook

● Communicate basic Writing 4.2.1 Ask for and give basic personal CCE: Language
personal information 4.2 Communicate basic information information using basic questions
clearly intelligibly for a range of purposes and statements
in print and digital media


21 World of Self, Reading LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family &
● Understand specific 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific Recycled language : food, free-time
and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple activities
Reading details in a variety of
texts by using appropriate reading sentences
text types on familiar Healthy, unhealthy, eat healthy food,
Free Time topics keep fit, have fun


Teacher’s Book.
Speaking 2.1.2 Find out about personal
Superminds 1 p.66
information by asking basic
2.1 Communicate simple
● Find out simple questions
information intelligibly
information from
others CCE: Values (eating healthily)
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

22 World of Self, Speaking LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family &
● Find out simple 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal Recycled language: free-time activities,
information intelligibly information by asking basic days of the week
Speaking information from
others Hour
Free Time
2.1.1 Give simple personal
information using basic statements Materials:
● Communicate simple Teacher’s Book.
information about
Superminds 1 p.67
themselves clearly

CCE: Entrepreneurship

23 World of Self, Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family &
Listening ● Understand narratives 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.3 Understand with support Recycled language: imperatives
variety of familiar contexts
on familiar topics very short simple narratives Materials:

Free Time 1.2.4 Understand an increased Teacher’s Book

range of short basic supported
● Understand classroom Superminds 1 p.68
classroom instructions

CCE: Creativity and Innovation

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

WEEK 19 (22nd – 26th Jul 2024)


24 World of Self, Writing Materials:

Family &
Writing 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full Teacher’s Book
Friends ● Punctuate texts
language form and style for a range stops appropriately in guided
appropriately writing at sentence level Superminds 1 p.69
of purposes in print and digital

Free Time

3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.4 Use a picture dictionary to

and non-linear print and digital find, list and categorise words from
● Use appropriate basic
texts by using appropriate reading Year 2 topics and themes
dictionary skills

25 World of Self, Language Arts 5.1.1 Demonstrate appreciation Suggestion Activity:

Family & through nonverbal responses to
● Demonstrate 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, Pupils listen to a text for enjoyment.
poems and songs i) simple chants and raps Try to use digital media where facilities
Language appreciation through
Free Time are
Arts non-verbal responses ii) simple rhymes
to: available (such as an interactive digital
iii) simple action songs
story, or video material)
iv) simple songs
● Understand the main Listening ● Could choose a text from:
idea when listening to
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.1 Understand with support the en-
texts on familiar topic
variety of familiar contexts main idea of simple sentences wlearnenglishkidsatch
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

CCE: Language

27 World of Self, Speaking Suggestion Activity:

Family &
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.3 Give a short sequence of ● Pupils ask each other about their
information intelligibly habits and then give each other
Speaking basic instructions advice on how to make their lives
Free Time
● Review or extend p.65-69.
1.2 Understand meaning in a
variety of familiar contexts 1.2.5 Understand an increased

range of short supported questions CCE: Values (living healthily)


28 World of Self, Reading Suggestion Activity:

Family &
3.2 Understand a variety of 3.2.2 Understand specific ● Pupils read a series of instructions
information and details of simple and put them in order.
Reading linear and non-linear print and
digital texts by using appropriate ● They can then write instructions on
Free Time reading strategies small cards and play a reading mime
game in small groups.

● Review or extend p.65-69.


4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.3 Write short familiar

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

intelligibly for a range of purposes instructions CCE: Language

in print and digital media

WEEK 20 (29th Jul – 02nd Aug 2024)

29 World of Self, Writing Suggestion Activity:

Family &
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of ● Play some spelling revision games
language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words for topic vocabulary.
Writing of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing
● Then pupils write sentences based
Free Time on their posters (p.69).
4.3.1 Use capital letters and full ● The focus of this writing activity is
stops appropriately in guided on accuracy of spelling, punctuation
writing at sentence level. and use of capital letters.

● Review or extend p.65-69.

CCE: Language

56 World of Self, Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:
Family, and 1.2 Understand meaning in 1.2.2 Understand with support Clothes vocabulary: clothes, jeans,
Friends a variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of sweater, jacket, skirt, shorts, cap,
Listening simple sentences shoes, socks, T-shirt, trousers
3.3 Read independently for 3.3.1 Read and enjoy simple print Imperative: Put on
Get dressed!
information and enjoyment and digital games at sentence level


Superminds 1 p.82
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

CCE: Language


57 World of Self, Speaking LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family, and
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal Do you like…?
Friends ● Find out simple information
information intelligibly
Speaking from others information asking basic questions Yes, I do / No, I don’t

This, These
Get dressed!
2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable Materials:
1.2 Understand meaning in a words and phrases
Teacher’s Book
● Describe people and things variety of familiar contexts
clearly Superminds 1 p.83

CCE: Language

58 World of Self, Reading Suggestion Activity:

Family, and
3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.3 Blend phonemes Prepare activities for pupils to practise
Friends ● Blend phonemes to
non-linear texts by using blending and segmenting phonemes
Reading recognise words (CVC, CCVC, CVCV, CCV)
knowledge of sounds of letters using the vocabulary on p.82

Get dressed!
3.1.4 Segment phonemes
● Segment words into CCE: Language
phonemes to spell (CVC, CCVC, CVCV, CCV)

WEEK 21 (05th – 09th Aug 2024)

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

59 World of Self, Writing Suggestion Activity:

Family, and
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of
Friends ● Spell high frequency words ◆ Prepare a wordsearch with pictures to
language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words
Writing accurately go with it. Pupils find the words in
of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing
the word search and write them
Get dressed! next to the pictures.

Reading 3.1.1 Identify, recognise and name

◆ For pupils to use:
the letters of the alphabet
3.1 Recognise words in linear and
non-linear texts by using
● Identify and distinguish the knowledge of sounds of letters make_a_word_search.htm
letters of the alphabet
CCE: Language

60 World of Self, Language arts Suggestion Activity:

Family, and
5.2 Express personal responses to 5.2.1 Name people, things, actions,
Friends ● Identify, analyse and
literary texts or places of interest in texts
Language respond to elements in
Get dressed! ◆ Prepare a dialogue about what clothes
Arts texts
people like and use puppets or toys
Writing to act it out.

4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of

● Spell high frequency ◆ Pupils might respond by drawing a
language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words
words accurately of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing picture of the characters and label it

CCE: Language


61 World of Self, Listening Suggestion Activity:

Family, and
1.2 Understand meaning in a 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable Use several different styles and designs
Friends ● Describe people and
variety of familiar contexts words and phrases of T-shirts or other clothes and eliciting
Listening things clearly pupils’ opinions of them.

Get dressed!
1.3.1 Understand the message the
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

Listening teacher or classmate is CCE: Language

communicating by using visual clues
1.3.1 Use appropriate listening
● Use appropriate when they are speaking
strategies in a variety of contexts
strategies to
understand meaning

62 World of Self, Speaking Suggestion Activity:

Family, and
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal
Friends ● Find out simple information ◆ Pupils do a role play in pairs or small
information intelligibly
Speaking from others information asking basic questions groups, where they buy some
clothes that they like in a shop.
Get dressed!
2.2 Use appropriate
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short ◆ They will need to use verbal as well as
● Manage interaction communication strategies
exchanges by using suitable non- non-verbal strategies to keep
appropriately verbal responses interaction going.

CCE : Financial education

WEEK 22 (12th – 16th Aug 2024)

63 World of Self, Reading Suggested Activity:

Family, and
3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific Review in a reading game, this and
Friends ● Understand specific details
and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple these using pictures/flashcards and
Reading in a variety of text types texts by using appropriate reading sentences sentences for pupils to match, e.g.
on familiar topics strategies
Get dressed! I like this hat. (Match with
picture/flashcard of one hat)
3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or
● Use appropriate word sentence to understand meaning I like these hats (Match with
attack skills to ii)Ignore unknown words in order to picture/flashcard of several hats)
understand specific
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

meaning understand a phrase or sentence

CCE : Language


64 World of Self, Writing Suggested Activity:

Family, and
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple Plan a writing lesson which reviews
Friends ● Plan, draft and edit work
language form and style for a range sentences
Writing appropriately on familiar Unit 6.
of purposes in print and digital
Get dressed!
CCE : Language
4.3.1 Use capital letters and full
● Punctuate texts
stops appropriately in guided
appropriately writing at sentence level

65 World of Self, Language Arts 5.1.2 Say the words in simple texts, Suggested Activity:
Family, and and sing simple songs with
5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes,
Friends ● Say the words in simple intelligible pronunciation, rhythm ◆ Pupils will read a chant, rap or a
poems and songs
Language texts, and sing simple and intonation rhyme in English. Try to use plenty of
Arts songs with intelligible visuals to support understanding.
i) simple chants and raps
Get dressed! pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation ii) simple rhymes ◆

iii) simple action songs CCE : Language

iv) simple songs
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

Reading 3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or

● Use appropriate word
sentence to understand meaning
attack skills to 3.2 Understand a variety of linear
understand specific and non-linear print and digital ii)Ignore unknown words in order to
meaning texts by using appropriate reading understand a phrase or sentence

66 World of Self, Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family, and
1.3 Use appropriate listening 1.3.1 Understand the message the Recycled clothes and colours
Friends ● Use appropriate strategies
strategies in a variety of contexts teacher or classmate is vocabulary
Listening to understand meaning communicating by using visual clues
Adjectives: Cool, super
when they are speaking
Get dressed!

● Describe people and things

clearly 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
Speaking words and phrases Teacher’s Book

2.1 Communicate simple Superminds 1 p.84

information intelligibly

CCE: Language

WEEK 23 (19th – 23th Aug 2024)


67 World of Self, Speaking LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family, and
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal Present continuous 3rd person singular
Friends ● Find out simple information
information intelligibly statement, question and answer:
Speaking from others information asking basic questions
He/she is wearing…, Is he/she
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

Get dressed! wearing….?, Yes he/she is/ No, he/she

Writing isn’t

4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full
● Punctuate texts
language form and style for a range stops appropriately in guided
appropriately Materials:
of purposes in print and digital writing at sentence level
Teacher’s Book

Superminds 1 p.85

CCE: Language

68 World of Self, Reading LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family, and 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of Recycled clothes vocabulary
● Understand the main
Friends and non-linear print and digital simple sentences
idea in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading
Reading types on familiar topics strategies Materials:
Get dressed!
3.2.2 Understand specific Teacher’s Book
● Understand specific information and details of simple Superminds 1 p.86-87
details in a variety of text sentences
types on familiar topics
CCE: Patriotism and Citizenship
(saying sorry)

69 World of Self, Writing Suggested Activity:

Family, and 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full Pupils should work on
● Punctuate texts
Friends language form and style for a range stops appropriately in guided their writing skills at sentence level,
appropriately of purposes in print and digital writing at sentence level reviewing some of the key language
from p.84-86.
Get dressed! 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.5 Connect words and phrases
● Organise basic intelligibly for a range of purposes using basic coordinating
information in print and digital media conjunctions CCE: Language
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023


70 World of Self, Language Arts Suggested Activity:

Family, and 5.2 Express personal responses to 5.2.1 Name people, things, actions, Choose or write a short story which
● Identify, analysis and
Friends literary texts or places of interest in texts reviews or reinforces the message of
respond to elements in the story on p.86-87
Language texts Listening
Arts Get dressed! 1.3 Use appropriate listening 1.3.1 Understand the message the
● Use appropriate strategies in a variety of contexts teacher or classmate is CCE: Values (Saying sorry)
strategies to understand communicating by using visual clues
meaning when they are speaking

WEEK 24 (26th – 30th Aug 2024)

71 World of Self, Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family, and ● Recognise and produce 1.1.Recognise and reproduce target 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with
Friends language sound support a limited range of high Further practice of present continuous
target language 3rd person singular statements and
frequency target language
Listening phonemes intelligibly questions
Get dressed! Reading
3.1 Recognise words in linear and
● Segment words into non-linear texts by using 3.1.4 Segment phonemes Materials:
phonemes to spell knowledge of sounds of letters (CVC, CCVC, CVCV, CCV) Teacher’s Book
Superminds 1 p.86-87

CCE: Language

72 World of Self, Speaking Suggested Activity:

Family, and 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.3 Find out about personal Pupils to review, modify and act out
● Find out simple
Friends information intelligibly information asking basic questions the story on p.86-87
information from others
2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short
Get dressed! communication strategies exchanges by using suitable non-
● Manage interaction CCE: Language
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

verbal responses


73 World of Self, Reading Suggested Activity:

Family, and 3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with Extend the focus of Activity 4, p.87, to
● Distinguish and articulate
Friends non-linear texts by using some support beginning, medial provide extra extended practice related
beginning, medial and and to the content and learning standards.
Reading final sound words final sounds in a word
Get dressed!
● Blend phonemes to CCE: Language
recognise words 3.1.3 Blend phonemes

74 Writing Suggested Activity:

World of Self, 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of
● Spell high frequency ◆ Pupils work in pairs or small groups
Family, and language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words
Friends words accurately of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing to plan, draft and write sentences to
Writing be displayed or presented to the
4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple class.
Get dressed! sentences
● Plan, draft and edit work
◆ These sentences should review
appropriately on familiar
topics and/or extend the key vocabulary
from p.84- 87

CCE: Language

WEEK 25 (02nd – 06th Sept 2024)

75 World of Self, Language Arts Suggested Acivity:

Family, and 5.3 Express an imaginative 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Review the song from p.84. Pupils (or
● Plan, prepare and
Friends response to literary texts intelligibly through creating short you) could write with guidance a new
produce creative work simple chants or raps. verse for the song in groups or pairs.
Language with a focus on language Speaking
Arts Get dressed! use CCE: Language
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
information intelligibly words and phrases
● Describe people and
things clearly
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

76 World of Self, Reading LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family, and 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific X is wearing (a) (color) (clothes)
● Understand specific
Friends and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple
details in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading sentences Materials:
Reading types on familiar topics Teacher’s Book
Get dressed! 3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase of Superminds 1 p.88
● Use appropriate word sentence to understand meaning
attack skills to
understand specific CCE: Language


77 World of Self, Speaking LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family, and 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal Further practice of present continuous
● Find out simple
Friends information Intelligibly information by asking basic 3rd person singular statements and
information from others questions questions
Get dressed! 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.4 Describe objects using suitable Materials:
● Describe people and intelligibly for a range of purposes words and phrases Teacher’s Book
things clearly in print and digital media Superminds 1 p.89

CCE: Language

78 World of Self, Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family, and 1.3. Use appropriate listening 1.3.1 Understand the message the Recycled clothes vocabulary
Listening ● Use appropriate
Friends strategies in a variety of contexts teacher or classmate is Materials vocabulary: cotton, wool,
strategies to understand communicating by using visual clues woollen, leather
meaning when they are speaking
Get dressed! Speaking
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable Materials:
information Intelligibly words and phrases Teacher’s Book
● Describe people and Superminds 1 p.90
things clearly

CCE: Science and Technology

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

WEEK 26 (09th – 13th Sept 2024)

79 World of Self, Writing LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family, and 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of Adjectives to describe materials
● Spell high frequency
Friends language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words
words accurately of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing
media Materials:
Get dressed!
Teacher’s Book
Speaking Superminds 1 p.91
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
information Intelligibly words and phrases
● Describe people and
things clearly CCE: Science and Technology
Creativity and Innovation


80 World of Self, Language Arts Suggested Activity:

Family, and 5.3 Express an imaginative 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and
● Plan, prepare and
Friends response to literary texts intelligibly through creating simple ◆ Use or create a text/texts which
produce creative work short chants or raps. Other
Language with a focus on language describe(s) a person, similar to
imaginative responses Activity 3, p.89.
Arts Get dressed! use as appropriate
2.1 Communicate simple ◆ Pupils respond creatively by miming
● Describe people and 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
information Intelligibly words and phrases or even dressing up and acting.
things clearly
CCE: Creativity and Innovation

81 World of Self, Listening Suggested Activity:

Family, and 1.3. Use appropriate listening 1.3.1 Understand the message the Extend the miming activity in Activity 4,
● Use appropriate
Friends strategies in a variety of contexts teacher or classmate is p.89.
strategies to understand communicating by using visual clues
Listening meaning when they are speaking CCE: Creativity and Innovation
Get dressed!
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
● Describe people and
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

things clearly information Intelligibly words and phrases

82 World of Self, Speaking Suggested Activity:

Family, and 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
● Describe people and ◆ Pupils present the posters they
Friends information Intelligibly words and phrases
things clearly made in Activity 2, p.91 in a group or
Speaking as a class.
Get dressed! 2.3 Communicate appropriately to 2.3.1 Introduce self and others to an
● Communicate a small or large group audience using fixed phrases ◆ Teacher may need to pre-teach or
information, events and review fixed phrases for introducing
stories to an audience themselves to the group/class before
talking about their posters

CCE: Language

2nd Semester Break (14th Sep - 22nd Sept 2024)

WEEK 27 (23th – 27th Sept 2024)


83 World of Self, Reading Suggested Activity:

Family, and 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific Create a crossword puzzle for pupils
● Understand specific
Friends and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple where they read a clue to guess the
details in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading sentences words (vocabulary from the unit)
Reading types on familiar topics strategies
Get dressed!

3.3.1 Read and enjoy simple print CCE: Language

3.3 Read independently for
information and enjoyment and digital games at sentence level
● Read and understand a
variety of fiction and
non-fiction texts with
confidence and
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

84 World of Self, Writing Suggested Activity:

Family, and 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of
● Spell high frequency ◆ Pupils to write their own crossword
Friends language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words
words accurately of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing puzzle or perhaps quiz in pairs or
Writing small groups.
Get dressed!
Reading ◆ The pairs/groups then exchange
3.3 Read independently for 3.3.1 Read and enjoy simple print their
● Read and understand a information and enjoyment and digital games at sentence level puzzles to solve them
variety of fiction and CCE: Language
non-fiction texts with
confidence and

85 World of Self, Language Arts 5.1.2 Say the words in simple texts, Suggested Activity:
Family, and 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, and sing simple songs with Pupils should listen to, sing and
● Say the words in simple
Friends poems and songs intelligible pronunciation, rhythm respond to a song.
texts, and sing simple and intonation
Language songs with intelligible
Arts Get dressed! pronunciation, rhythm CCE: Language
and intonation 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
2.1 Communicate simple words and phrases
● Describe people and information Intelligibly
things clearly

86 World of Self, Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family, and 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.3 Understand with support very Recycled imperatives
● Understand narratives
Friends variety of familiar contexts short simple narratives New imperatives: Turn around, Catch
on familiar topics
Get dressed! 1.2.4 Understand an increased
● Understand classroom Materials:
range of short basic supported
instructions classroom instructions Teacher’s Book
Superminds 1 p.92

CCE: Creativity and Innovation

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

WEEK 28 (30th Sep – 04 Oct 2024)

87 World of Self, Reading LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Family, and 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.4 Use a picture dictionary to Recycled language from the topic
● Use appropriate basic
Friends and non-linear print and digital find, list and categorise words from
dictionary skills texts by using appropriate reading Year 2 topics and themes
strategies Materials:
Get dressed
Teacher’s Book
Speaking Superminds 1 p.93
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
● Describe people and information Intelligible words and phrases
things clearly CCE: Language

88 World of Speaking LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Stories 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.3 Give a short sequence of basic
● Communicate simple Vocabulary of parts of the body: head,
information Intelligible instructions
information clearly’ arm, fingers, hand, knee, leg, toes, foot
The robot
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support
● Understand specific variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of Materials:
details when listening to simple sentences Teacher’s Book
texts on familiar topics Superminds 1 p.94

CCE: Language



Stories 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.2 Express simple ability Can and can’t for ability
● Communicate basic
intelligibly for a range of purposes Materials:
information clearly in print and digital media Teacher’s Book
Superminds 1 p.95
The robot
Reading 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of
3.2 Understand a variety of linear simple sentences CCE: Language
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

and non-linear print and digital

● Understand the main
texts by using appropriate reading
ideas in a variety of texts strategies
types on familiar topics

90 World of Language Arts Suggested Activity:

● Plan, prepare and
Stories 5.3 Express an imaginative 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and
produce creative work response to literary texts intelligibly through creating simple ◆ Find or create a short chant or rap
with a focus on language short chants or raps. Other
Language use which follows a similar pattern as
imaginative responses as Activity 1, p.92.
Arts The robot
Speaking ◆ Pupils can listen and mime before
● Communicate simple 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.3 Give a short sequence of basic
information Intelligible instructions creating their own.
information clearly’
CCE: Creativity and Innovation

WEEK 29 (07th – 11th Oct 2024)

91 World of Listening Suggested Activity:

Stories 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support Pupils use their picture dictionaries for
● Understand specific
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of the topic of clothes and to ask and
details when listening to simple sentences answer questions about the clothes in
Listening texts on familiar topics Speaking the picture dictionary
The robot
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
● Describe people and information Intelligible words and phrases CCE: Language
things clearly


92 World of Speaking 1.2.4 Understand an increased range Suggested Activity:

Stories 2.1 Communicate simple of short basic supported classroom
● Communicate simple ◆ Pupils listen to sentences about
information Intelligible instructions
information clearly’ parts of the body (see p.94). They
Speaking respond by touching that part of
Listening 1.2.2 Understand with support
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

The robot 1.2 Understand meaning in a specific information and details of their body and saying short
variety of familiar contexts simple sentences sentences,
● Understand specific
e.g. Here’s my leg. I can touch my leg.
details when listening to
texts on familiar topics
◆ They then do the activity in small

CCE: Language

93 World of Reading Suggested Activity:

Stories 3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC, Use or extend clothes vocabulary from
● Blend phonemes to
non-linear texts by using CVCV, CCV) Unit 7 or parts of the body vocabulary
recognise words knowledge of sounds of letters from Unit 8 to practise these reading
3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, skills, depending on the progress of
The robot
● Segment word Into CCVC, CVCV, CCV) your class.
phonemes to spell
CCE: Language

94 World of Writing Suggested Activity:

Stories 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.3 Write short familiar
● Communicate basic ◆ Review and extend imperative forms
intelligibly for a range of purposes instructions
information clearly in print and digital media from p.92.
The robot ◆ Pupils write instructions on cards
Reading and then play a card action game in
3.3 Read independently for 3.3.1 Read and enjoy simple print groups, where they, in turn, take a
● Read and understand a information and enjoyment and digital games at sentence level card (written previously by a pupil),
variety of fiction and read it and mime.
non-fiction texts with
◆ The other pupils need to guess what
confidence and
enjoyment the card says

CCE: Creativity and Innovation

WEEK 30 (14th – 18th Oct 2024)


95 World of Language Arts Suggested Activity:

Stories 5.3 Express an imaginative 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

The robot response to literary texts intelligibly through creating simple

● Plan, prepare and ◆ Review the Robot chant from p.94.
short chants or raps. Other
Language produce creative work imaginative responses as ◆ Teacher could bring some
Arts with a focus on language Appropriate
use materials (or ask pupils to bring from
Speaking home) to create robots in groups.
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
information Intelligible words and phrases ◆ Pupils then describe their robots to
the class in the form of chants and
● Describe people and raps
things clearly CCE: Entrepreneurship

96 World of Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Stories 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support
● Understand specific ◆ Action verbs: jump up high, run,
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of
The robot details when listening to simple sentences dance, crawl, fly
Listening texts on familiar topics Speaking ◆ Recycled animal and parts of the
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.4 Ask about and express ability body vocabulary
● Communicate simple information Intelligible
information clearly’ Materials:
Teacher’s Book
Superminds 1 p.96

CCE: Language

97 World of Speaking 2.1.2 Find out about personal LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Stories 2.1 Communicate simple information by asking basic Question forms and answers using can
● Find out simple
information Intelligible questions for ability
The robot information from others Can you/he/she swim?
2.1.1 Give simple personal Yes, I/he/she can
● Communicate simple information using basic sentences No, I/he/she can’t
information about Materials:
themselves clearly’ Teacher’s Book
Superminds 1 p.97

CCE: Language


YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023


Stories Understand the main ideas 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non- 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple Recycled vocabulary for parts of the
linear print and digital texts by using sentences
in a variety of texts types body
The robot appropriate reading strategies
on familiar topics
Listening Materials:
1.2.2 Understand with support specific Teacher’s Book
● Understand specific 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of
information and details of simple
familiar contexts Superminds 1 p.98-99
details when listening to sentences
texts on familiar topics CCE: Patriotism and Citizenship
(importance of teamwork)

WEEK 31 (21st – 25th Oct 2024)

99 World of Writing Suggested Activity:

● Communicate basic
Stories 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.2 Express simple ability
information clearly ◆ Pupils play a guessing game in small
intelligibly for a range of purposes
The robot in print and digital media groups, where they provide clues,
Writing e.g. I can swim and jump. (a frog).
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.4 Ask about and express ability ◆ Then pupils draw an animal and
● Communicate simple information Intelligible write a short description about what
information clearly the animal can do.

◆ They can play a guessing game

with their pictures and then display
them in the classroom.

CCE: Language

World of Language Arts Suggested Activity:

100 Stories 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, 5.1.1 Demonstrate
● Demonstrate ◆ Pupils listen to an action song or
poems and songs appreciation through nonverbal
The robot appreciation through responses to: chant which talks about abilities of
non-verbal responses to i) simple chants and rap superheroes.
Arts Listening
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.4 Understand an increased ◆ After listening, pupils can become
● Understand classroom variety of familiar contexts range of short basic supported their favourite superhero and
instructions classroom instruction talk/ask and answer about what
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

special powers they have.

CCE: Creativity and Innovation


101 World of Listening Suggested Activity:

Stories 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support
● Understand specific ◆ Review the song on p.96. Pupils
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of
The robot details when listening to simple create a new verse in groups.
Listening texts on familiar topics Sentences ◆ Sing their verse and others have to
guess which animal it is.
1.2.5 Understand an increased
● Understand questions on range of short supported questions CCE: Language
familiar topics

102 World of Speaking Suggested Activity:

Stories 2.3 Communicate appropriately to 2.3.1 Introduce self and others to an
● Communicate ◆ Pupils make simple animal masks
a small or large group audience using fixed phrases
The robot information, events and using, for example, paper plates or
Speaking stories to an audience something they bring from home.
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal
information Intelligible information by asking basic ◆ Then, in pairs, they present their
● Find out simple
questions masks to the class.
information from others

◆ They first introduce themselves to

the class, then put on the mask

◆ . They become the animals. Pairs

have a short dialogue asking each
other about themselves and what
they can do.

CCE: Creativity and Innovation

WEEK 32 (28th Oct – 01st Nov 2024)

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

103 World of Reading Suggested Activity:

Stories 3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC,
● Segment word Into
non-linear texts by using CCVC, CVCV, CCV) ◆ Play some word / sound games
The robot phonemes to spell knowledge of sounds of letters
Reading which focus on blending and
segmenting using the verbs in the
3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with unit.
● Distinguish and articulate some support beginning, medial
beginning, medial and and final sounds in a word CCE: Language
final sound words


104 World of Writing Suggested Activity:

Stories 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of
● Spell high frequency ◆ Play some spelling games and
language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words
The robot words accurately of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing activities to practise the verbs
Writing from the unit.

Reading ◆
3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.1 Identify, recognise and name
non-linear texts by using the letters of the alphabet CCE: Language
● Identify and distinguish
the letters of the knowledge of sounds of letters

105 World of Language Arts Suggested Activity:

Stories 5.3 Express an imaginative 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and
● Plan, prepare and ◆ Review the story on p.98 - 99.
response to literary texts intelligibly through creating simple
The robot produce creative work short chants or raps. Other
Language with a focus on language ◆ Pupils can extend the story by
imaginative responses as
Arts use Speaking Appropriate having the robot have more
2.1 Communicate simple problems that they need to fix.
information Intelligible 2.1.4 Ask about and express ability
● Communicate simple ◆ Pupils act out the scenes (or the
information clearly whole story) in groups.

CCE: Creativity and Innovation

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

106 World of Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Stories ● Recognise and produce 1.1 Recognise and reproduce 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with Letter sound /g/ at the beginning and
target language sounds support a range of high frequency end of words
The robot target language
target language phonemes
Listening phonemes intelligibly
3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with Materials:
● Distinguish and articulate non-linear texts by using some support beginning, medial Teacher’s Book
beginning, medial and knowledge of sounds of letters and final sounds in a word Superminds 1 p.99
final sound words

CCE: Language

WEEK 33 (04th –08th Nov 2024)


107 World of Speaking LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Stories 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal
● Find out simple Can you…? / Yes, I can / No, I can’t.
information Intelligible information by asking basic
The robot information from others questions
Speaking Materials:
Writing Teacher’s Book
4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.1 Ask for and give basic personal Superminds 1 p.100
intelligibly for a range of purposes information using basic questions CCE: Language
● Communicate basic
in print and digital media and statements
personal information

108 World of Writing LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

Stories 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.5 Connect words and phrases Recycled vocabulary for actions, parts
● Organise basic
intelligibly for a range of purposes using basic coordinating of the body, and numbers
Writing The robot information in print and digital media conjunctions
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full Materials:
language form and style for a range stops appropriately in guided Teacher’s Book
of purposes in print and digital writing at sentence level Superminds 1 p.101
media CCE: Language
● Punctuate texts

109 World of Reading LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Stories 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or Recycled vocabulary for parts of the
● Use appropriate word
and non-linear print and digital sentence to understand meaning body
The robot attack skills to texts by using appropriate reading
Reading understand specific strategies Materials:
meaning Teacher’s Book
Writing Superminds 1 p.102
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of CCE: Science and Technology
language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words
● Spell high frequency of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing
words accurately


110 World of Language Arts Suggested Activity:

Stories 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, 5.1.1 Demonstrate appreciation
● Demonstrate ◆ Use the song Head, Shoulders,
poems and songs through nonverbal responses to:
The robot appreciation through i) simple chants and rap Knees and Toes and
Language non verbal responses to: accompanying actions.
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Give simple personal
information Intelligible information using basic sentences ◆ Pupils could then create a model
● Communicate simple of a person and describe it to the
information about class using the language as in
themselves clearly p.101 plus the new vocabulary
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

CCE: Language

WEEK 34 (11th – 15th Nov 2024)


111 World of Listening Suggested Activity:

Stories 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.5 Understand an increased
● Understand questions on ◆ Pupils to play a game in pairs,
variety of familiar contexts range of short supported questions
The robot familiar topics where they ask Can you…?
Listening ◆ The partner has to decide if the
1.3 Use appropriate listening 1.3.1 Understand the m message answer is yes or no and act it out
strategies in a variety of contexts the teacher or classmate is
● Use appropriate communicating by using visual clues
strategies to understand when they are speaking . CCE: Creativity and Innovation

112 World of Speaking Suggested Activity:

Stories 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.4 Ask about and express ability
● Communicate simple ◆ Pupils share their findings from
information Intelligible
The robot information clearly the survey on p.100 orally, in
Speaking groups and then as a class.
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.5 Understand an increased
● Understand questions on variety of familiar contexts range of short supported questions ◆ Take notes as they do this.
familiar topics
CCE: Language


113 World of Reading Suggested Activity:

Stories 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific
● Understand specific ◆ Review the survey results from
and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

Reading The robot details in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading sentences pupils (from previous lesson) and
types on familiar topics strategies devise some True/False
statements about these.
3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or
sentence to understand meaning
◆ Pupils will need to analyse the
● Use appropriate word data as well as read the sentences
attack skills to to find out if the sentences are
understand specific true or false.

CCE: Language

WEEK 35 (18th - 22nd Nov 2024)

114 World of Writing Suggested Activity:

Stories 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full
● Punctuate texts ◆ Pupils write, on the computer
language form and style for a range stops appropriately in guided
The robot appropriately of purposes in print and digital writing at (printed out/emailed to the
Writing teacher/for the class
media sentence level
blog/website) a very short, simple
4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple report on the findings of their
sentences survey (from recent lessons).
● Plan, draft and edit work
appropriately on familiar ◆ They can use the True/False
sentences from Lesson 113 as
models if necessary


115 World of Language Arts 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Suggested Activity:
Stories 5.3 Express an imaginative intelligibly through creating simple
● Plan, prepare and
response to literary texts short chants or raps. Other ◆ Pupils do a mini project in small
The robot produce creative work imaginative responses as
Language with a focus on language groups. They choose an animal
Appropriate and research it online (or in an
Arts use Speaking encyclopaedia if you don’t have
2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from access to the internet).
communication strategies a teacher of classmate by using
● Manage classroom tasks suitable statements and questions ◆ They should find out about the
appropriately animal, if possible print out some
pictures, including one skeleton,
then make an annotated poster
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

about the animal.



116 World of Reading LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Stories 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific Recycled vocabulary for parts of the
● Understand specific
and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple body
The robot details in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading sentences
Reading types on familiar topics strategies Materials:
Teacher’s Book
Speaking Superminds 1 p.103
2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short
● Manage interaction communication strategies exchanges by using suitable non- CCE: Science and Technology
appropriately verbal responses


117 Stories 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.4 Describe objects using suitable
● Describe people and Recycled vocabulary for parts of the
intelligibly for a range of purposes words and phrases
The robot things clearly in print and digital media body
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.1 Understand with support the Materials:
variety of familiar contexts main idea of simple sentences Teacher’s Book
● Understand the main Superminds 1 p.104
idea when listening to
texts on familiar topics
CCE: Creativity and Innovation

WEEK 36 (25th Nov – 29th Nov 2024)

118 World of Speaking 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:
Stories 2.2 Use appropriate exchanges by using suitable non-
● Manage interaction Recycled vocabulary for parts of the
communication verbal
The robot appropriately strategies responses body
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from Materials:

● Manage classroom tasks
a teacher of classmate by using Teacher’s Book
appropriately suitable statements and questions Superminds 1 p.105

CCE: Creativity and Innovation


119 World of Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Stories 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support
● Understand specific Recycled vocabulary for parts of the
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of
The robot details when listening to simple sentences body
Listening texts on familiar topics Reading
3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.4 Use a picture dictionary to Materials:
● Use appropriate basic and non-linear print and digital find, list and categorise words from Teacher’s Book
dictionary skills texts by using appropriate reading Year 2 topics and themes Superminds 1 p.105

CCE: Language

120 World of Language Arts 5.1.1 , 5.1.2 Suggested Activity:

Stories 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, Demonstrate
● Demonstrate ◆ Use a variation of ‘Dem Bones’ to
poems and songs appreciation through nonverbal
The robot appreciation through responses to: review or extend the vocabulary
Language non verbal responses to: on p.103, and allow children to
I) simple chants and rap
Arts dance to the music.
ii) simple rhymes
● Say the words in simple iii) simple action songs
texts, and sing simple iv) simple songs ◆ Pupils cut out pictures of bones
songs with intelligible and then put them back together
to make a human skeleton.
pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation

CCE: Language
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

121 World of Listening Suggested Activity:

Stories 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support
● Understand specific ◆ Pupils do a picture dictation.
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of
The robot details when listening to simple Sentences
Listening ◆ Teacher describe something (e.g.
texts on familiar topics Writing a person, a robot, an animal),
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of pupils listen and draw.
● Spell high frequency language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words
of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing ◆ Then pupils try to recall the
words accurately
media description – provide a gaped text
for pupils to write about the
picture (i.e. recall the description
they heard

CCE: Language

WEEK 37 (02nd – 06th Dec 2024)


122 World of Speaking Suggested Activity:

Stories 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
● Understand questions on ◆ Build on the previous lesson by
information Intelligible words and phrases
The robot familiar topics having pupils do picture dictations
Speaking in pairs.
4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.4 Describe objects using suitable
● Describe people and intelligibly for a range of purposes words and phrases ◆ First, review plenty of vocabulary
things clearly in print and digital media and give models before having
pupils plan what they will dictate
by writing notes.

◆ Then they can dictate to their

partner, who draws. Last, they
check the picture against the

CCE: Language

World of
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

123 Stories Reading Suggested Activity:

3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific
The robot ● Understand specific ◆ Prepare a quiz or game for pupils
and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple
details in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading sentences to review vocabulary and
Reading types on familiar topics concepts.
◆ In the quiz, pupils read clues to
Writing find an answer. It could be, for
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of example, a crossword puzzle or
● Spell high frequency language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words word search using clues.
words accurately of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing
media CCE: Language

124 World of Writing Suggested Activity:

Stories 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple
● Plan, draft and edit work ◆ Pupils review the unit language
language form and style for a range sentences
The robot appropriately on familiar of purposes in print and digital and vocabulary by reflecting on
Writing topics what they have learned.
4.3.1 Use capital letters and full
◆ They should plan, draft and write
● Punctuate texts stops appropriately in guided
writing at sentence level. 4 or 5 sentences and draw
appropriately pictures to go with them.

CCE: Language


125 World of Language Arts Suggested Activity:

Stories 5.2 Express personal responses to 5.2.1 Name people, things, actions,
● Identify, analyse and ◆ Pupils listen to a story about
literary texts or places of interest in texts
The robot respond to elements in animals, robots or superheroes.
Language texts Listening ◆ Discuss with the pupils what they
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.3 Understand with support like about the characters and
● Understand narratives variety of familiar contexts very short simple narratives what makes them
on familiar topics different/special (their abilities).

CCE: Language

WEEK 38 (09th – 13th Dec 2024)

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

126 World of Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Knowledge 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.1 Understand with support the Verb + noun phrases
● Understand the main
variety of familiar contexts main idea of simple sentences
idea when listening to Materials:
Listening texts on familiar topics Teacher’s Book
At the beach
● 1.3 Use appropriate listening 1.3.1 Understand the message the Superminds p.106
strategies in a variety of contexts teacher or classmate is
● Use appropriate communicating by using visual clues
strategies to understand when they are speaking. CCE: Language

127 World of Speaking LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Knowledge 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal
● Find out simple Let’s + verb + noun
information Intelligible information by asking basic
information from others questions
At the beach
1.3 Use appropriate listening 1.3.1 Understand the message the Materials:
● Use appropriate strategies in a variety of contexts teacher or classmate is Teacher’s Book
strategies to understand communicating by using visual clues Superminds 1 p.107
meaning when they are speaking.

CCE: Language


128 World of Writing LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Knowledge 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of Review of Let’s + verb + noun
Writing ● Spell high frequency
language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words
words accurately of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing
At the beach
Listening Teacher’s Book
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support Superminds 1 p.108
● Understand specific variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of
details when listening to simple Sentences CCE: Language
texts on familiar topics
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

129 World of Reading LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Knowledge 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific Where is? / Where are? / It’s / They are
● Understand specific
and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple in
details in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading sentences
Reading types on familiar topics strategies Materials:
At the beach
Teacher’s Book
Speaking Superminds 1 p.109
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Give simple personal CCE: Language
● Communicate simple information Intelligible information using basic statements
information about
themselves clearly

130 World of Language Arts 5.1.2 Demonstrate Suggested Activity:

● Say the words in simple
Knowledge 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, appreciation through nonverbal
texts, and sing simple ◆ Focus on a Tongue Twister (a
poems and songs responses to:
At the beach songs with intelligible i) simple chants and rap rhyme with many very similar
Language pronunciation, rhythm sounds).
ii) simple rhymes
Arts and intonation iii) simple action songs
iv) simple songs ◆ Have pupils listen to and practise
Reading saying the Tongue Twister before
3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with looking at it in written form.
● Distinguish and some support beginning, medial
non-linear texts by using
articulate beginning, knowledge of sounds of letters and final sounds in a word ◆ They could then draw a picture to
medial and final sound illustrate it
CCE: Language

WEEK 39 (16th – 20th Dec 2024)


Suggested Activity:
131 World of Listening
◆ Prepare a text about what you like
Knowledge 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support
● Understand specific and don’t like doing on holiday.
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of
At the beach details when listening to simple Sentences Use but to link contrasting ideas.
Listening texts on familiar topics
◆ Read the text aloud and pupils
Writing have to mime only the actions for
4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.5 Connect words and phrases the things you like doing.
● Organise basic intelligibly for a range of purposes using basic coordinating
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

information in print and digital media conjunctions

◆ Then they read three or four
sentences on a worksheet (e.g. I
like going to the beach but I don’t
like playing in the sand) and say if
they are correct or not.

◆ Lastly, they write a sentence

themselves using but.

CCE: Language
Suggested Activity:
132 World of Speaking
◆ Review and extend the dialogue
Knowledge 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Give simple personal
● Communicate simple on p.107.
information Intelligible information using basic statements
At the beach information about
Speaking themselves clearly ◆ Have pupils practise new
2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short dialogues in pairs, making use of
● Manage interaction communication strategies exchanges by using suitable non- verbal and non-verbal strategies
appropriately verbal responses (such as body language, gesture,
eye contact, sounds like ‘er’ or
‘hmm’) to make their dialogues
more natural.
CCE: Language
Suggested Activity:
133 World of Reading
◆ Prepare some pictures of different
Knowledge 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific
● Understand specific objects in different places (e.g. a
and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple
At the beach details in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading sentences fish in the sea).
Reading types on familiar topics strategies
◆ Pupils look at the pictures, read
3.2.3 some questions (e.g. Where’s the
i) Reread a word, phrase or fish?) and match them to an
● Use appropriate word sentence to understand meaning answer (e.g. it’s in the sea).
attack skills to ii) Ignore unknown words in order
understand specific to understand a phrase or sentence
◆ Teacher could prepare cards for
meaning this so that pupils match cards and
a picture, rather than written
CCE: Language

World of Writing Suggested Activity:

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

134 Knowledge 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple
● Plan, draft and edit work ◆ Pupils to create a plan for a trip to
language form and style for a range sentences
At the beach appropriately on familiar of purposes in print and digital the beach.
topics media
Writing ◆ They can plan together, e.g. On
Monday, let’s build a sandcastle. /
Speaking Good idea.
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Give simple personal
● Communicate simple information information using basic statements ◆ Then pupils write their plan in a
information about Intelligible diary (not at sentence level, as
themselves clearly this would require future forms)

CCE: Values

135 World of Language Arts Suggested Activity:

● Identify, analyse and
Knowledge 5.2 Express personal responses to 5.2.1 Name people, things, actions, Pupils listen to and enjoy a story about
respond to elements in literary texts or places of interest in texts the beach without trying to understand
At the beach texts everything in the story
Arts 2 Listening
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.3 Understand with support very
variety of familiar contexts short simple narratives CCE: Language
● Understand narratives
on familiar topics

3RD SEMESTER BREAK (21st – 29thDec 2024)

WEEK 40 (30th Dec – 03 Jan 2025)

138 World of Writing LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Knowledge 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple Imperative form + noun phrases
● Plan, draft and edit work
language form and style for a range sentences
At the beach appropriately on familiar of purposes in print and digital Materials:
Writing topics media Teacher’s Book
4.3.1 Use capital letters and full Superminds 1 p.112
● Punctuate texts stops appropriately in guided
appropriately writing at sentence level CCE: Global Sustainability
(global citizenship)


YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

139 Knowledge 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.3 Give a short sequence of basic Put + noun + preposition + noun
● Understand narratives
information Intelligible instructions
At the beach on familiar topics Materials:
Listening Teacher’s Book
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.4 Understand an increased Superminds 1 p.113
variety of familiar context range of short basic supported
● Understand classroom classroom instructions
instructions CCE: Language

141 World of Listening Suggested Activity:

Knowledge 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support
● Understand specific ◆ Prepare some pictures of people
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of
details when listening to simple sentences doing things on holiday.
Listening texts on familiar topics Reading
At the beach ◆ Pupils listen to you describing the
3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with
● Distinguish and articulate non-linear texts by using some support beginning, medial people (e.g. Tom is snorkelling)
beginning, medial and knowledge of sounds of letters and final sounds in a word. and write the name next to the
final sound words picture.
◆ In preparation for this, practise
reading, saying and understanding
English names using a phonics-
based game

CCE: Language

142 World of Speaking Suggested Activity:

Knowledge 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Give simple personal
● Communicate simple ◆ Play a game/do a speaking activity
information information using basic statements
information about Intelligible where pupils make suggestions
Speaking themselves clearly about what to do on holiday and
At the beach 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable then decide which country is best
● Understand questions on words and phrases for them.
familiar topics
◆ Pupils justify their choice by
saying, for example. Let’s go to
Mexico. We can play in the sand
and swim in the sea.
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

CCE: Language

WEEK 41 (06th – 10th Jan 2025)

143 World of Reading Suggested Activity:

Knowledge 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of
● Understand the main ◆ Prepare some short texts about
and non-linear print and digital simple sentences
idea in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading more, different countries or
Reading types on familiar topics places in Malaysia.
At the beach
3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or ◆ Pupils read the texts to get a
● Use appropriate word sentence to understand meaning general understanding, ignoring
attack skills to Ii) Ignore unknown words in order then guessing unknown words.
understand specific to understand a phrase or sentence Include just one or two in each
meaning text that do not carry important

CCE: Language

144 World of Writing Suggested Activity:

Knowledge 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full
● Punctuate texts ◆ Give pupils sentences with words
language form and style for a range stops appropriately in guided
appropriately of purposes in print and digital writing at sentence level mixed-up with supporting
Writing pictures.
At the beach
4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of ◆ Pupils write correct sentences.
● Spell high frequency familiar high frequency words
words accurately accurately in guided writing
◆ Alternatively, you could provide a
gapped text (paragraph).

CCE: Language

146 World of Reading LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Knowledge 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific Weather and countries vocabulary: It’s
● Understand specific
and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple + adjective + in + country
At the beach details in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading sentences
Reading types on familiar topics strategies

Writing Materials:
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of Teacher’s Book
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words Superminds 1 p.114
● Spell high frequency
of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing
words accurately media CCE: Global Sustainability
(Global citizenship)

Knowledge 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple Review of weather vocabulary
● Plan, draft and edit work
language form and style for a range sentences
Writing At the beach appropriately on familiar of purposes in print and digital Materials:
topics media Teacher’s Book
4.3.1 Use capital letters and full Superminds 1 p.115
● Punctuate texts stops appropriately in guided
appropriately writing at CCE: Global Sustainability
sentence level (Global citizenship)

WEEK 42 (13th Jan – 17th Jan 2025)

148 World of Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Knowledge 1.3 Use appropriate listening 1.3.1 Understand the message the Recycled vocabulary of holiday
● Use appropriate
strategies in a variety of contexts teacher or classmate is activities and imperatives
At the beach strategies to understand communicating by using visual clues
Listening meaning when they are speaking Materials:
Teacher’s Book
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.4 Understand an increased Superminds 1 p.116
variety of familiar contexts range of short basic supported
classroom instructions CCE: Language

149 World of Speaking Suggested Activity:

Knowledge 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
● Understand questions on ◆ Pupils play a guessing-the-country
information Intelligible words and phrases
At the beach familiar topics game or a telephone role play
Speaking where they talk about their
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support holiday (see p.115 for ideas)
● Understand specific variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of
simple Sentences CCE: Language
details when listening to
texts on familiar topics

150 World of Language Arts Suggested Activity:

YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

Knowledge 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, 5.1.2 Demonstrate appreciation

● Say the words in simple ◆ Plan, prepare and practise a short
poems and songs through nonverbal responses to:
Language At the beach texts, and sing simple I) simple chants and rap performance, which will be held in
Arts songs with intelligible ii) simple rhymes the final lesson.
pronunciation, rhythm iii) simple action songs
and intonation iv) simple song ◆ It could be a song, a chant, a
rhyme, a story etc.
5.2 Express personal responses to 5.2.1 Name people, things, actions,
● Identify, analyse and literary texts or places of interest in texts CCE: Language
respond to elements in

151 World of Reading LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:

Knowledge 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific Review of unit topics: vocabulary and
● Understand specific
and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple language
At the beach details in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading sentences
Reading types on familiar topics strategies Materials:
Teacher’s Book
3.2.4 Use a picture dictionary to Superminds 1 p.117
● Use appropriate basic find, list and categorise words from
dictionary skills Year 2 topics
and themes
CCE: Language

152 World of Writing Suggested Activity:

Knowledge 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full
● Punctuate texts ◆ Pupils should work in pairs or
language form and style for a range stops appropriately in guided
At the beach appropriately of purposes in print and digital writing at sentence level small groups to write a set of new
Writing review questions for Unit 9. .

4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple ◆ The quiz itself will be done in
● Plan, draft and edit work sentences Lesson 153
appropriately on familiar
topics CCE: Language

153 World of Listening Suggested Activity:

Knowledge 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.5 Understand an increased
● Understand questions on ◆ The class will participate in a quiz.
variety of familiar contexts range of short supported questions
At the beach familiar topics Groups ask (orally) and answer
Listening (written) each other’s quiz
● Understand specific 1.2.2 Understand with support questions from Lesson 152.
specific information and details of
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023

details when listening to simple Sentences CCE: Language

texts on familiar topics


FINAL SEMESTER BREAK 2024/2025 (18th Jan – 11th Feb 2025)

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