Sow Eng Year 2 2024-2025
Sow Eng Year 2 2024-2025
Sow Eng Year 2 2024-2025
● Blend phonemes to
recognize words Writing
4.1 Form letters and words in neat 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case
● Segment words to
legible print using cursive writing letters of regular size and shape
phonemes to spell ii) write letters and words in a
straight line from left to right with
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
recognize words 4.1 Form letters and words in neat 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case
legible print using cursive writing letters of regular size and shape
● Segment words to
ii) write letters and words in a
phonemes to spell straight line from left to right with
regular spaces between words and
● Develop early writing spaces
skills iii) copy letters and familiar high
frequency words and phrases
● Blend phonemes to
recognize words 4.1 Form letters and words in neat 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case
● Segment words to legible print using cursive writing letters of regular size and shape
phonemes to spell ii) write letters and words in a
straight line from left to right with
regular spaces between words and
● Develop early writing spaces
skills iii) copy letters and familiar high
frequency words and phrases
10 World of Self, Writing 4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case Row o :/eɪ/ (a-e), /i:/ (e-e), /aɪ/ (i-
Phonics Family and 4.1 Form letters and words in neat letters of regular size and shape e), /әʊ/ (o-e), /u:/ (u-e)
● Develop early writing
Friends legible print using cursive writing ii) write letters and words in a
skills straight line from left to right with
Reading regular spaces between words and CCE: Language
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
& spaces
iii) copy letters and familiar high
Writing frequency words and phrases
● Identify and distinguish
the letters of the 3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.1 Identify and recognise the
alphabet non-linear texts by using shapes of the letters in the alphabet
● Distinguish and articulate knowledge of sounds of letters 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with
beginning, medial and support beginning, medial and final
final sounds words sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
● Blend phonemes to 3.1.4 Segment phonemes
recognize words
● Segment words to
phonemes to spell
Superminds 1 p.70
CCE: Language
Stories 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable There’s a …
● Describe people and things
information intelligibly words and phrases
Speaking clearly There are …
CCE: Language
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short Materials:
2.2 Use appropriate exchanges by using suitable non-
● Manage interaction
communication strategies verbal responses Teacher’s Book
Superminds 1 p.73
CCE: Language
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
Reading non-linear texts by using CCVC, CVCV, CCV) on recognising, producing and
● Segment words into
knowledge of sounds of letters segmenting phonemes.
The old house phonemes to spell
Listening 1.2.1 Understand with support the drawing a picture of an unusual house
main idea of simple sentences
1.2 Understand meaning in a and label it.
● Understand the main idea
variety of familiar contexts
when listening to texts
on familiar topic
CCE: Creativity and Innovation
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with Teacher’s Book
● Distinguish and articulate
non-linear texts by using some support beginning, medial
beginning, medial and Superminds 1 p.76
knowledge of sounds of letters and
final sound words
final sounds in a word
CCE: Language
Superminds 1 p.77
4.2.5 Connect words and phrases
● Organize basic information using basic coordinating CCE: Language
appropriately conjunctions
literary texts or places of interest in texts showing how people live in different
● Identify, analyse and
places, but we are all the same.
Language The old house respond to elements in
Arts texts An example song:
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
information intelligibly words and phrases
● Describe people and things
CCE: Values (global diversity and
clearly tolerance)
. CCE: Language
49 World of 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable Animal vocabulary: goat, camel, parrot,
Stories information intelligibly words and phrases shark, penguin, polar bear, jellyfish
● Describe people and
The old house
Speaking things clearly
2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from Materials:
a teacher or classmate using
2.2 Use appropriate Teacher’s Book
●Manage classroom tasks suitable statements of questions
communication strategies
appropriately Superminds 1 p.79
CCE: Entrepreneurship
CCE: Language
3.2.4 Use a picture dictionary to
● Use appropriate basic find, list and categorize words from
dictionary skills Year 2 topics and themes
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
On + day
Free Time
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
Teacher’s Book.
Listening Superminds 1 p.60
1.2.1 Understand with support the
main idea of simple sentences
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
CCE: Language
6 World of Self, ● Understand specific details Listening 1.2.2 Understand with support LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:
Family & specific information and details of
when listening to texts 1.2 Understand meaning in a I + verb (+phrase) + on + day+s
Friends simple sentences
on familiar topics variety of familiar contexts
Listening Free Time Materials:
themselves clearly
CCE: Language
Free Time ● Identify and distinguish the 3.1.1 Identify, recognise and name Picture flashcards of actions
letters of the alphabet the letters of the alphabet
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
Friends ● Say the words in simple literary texts or places of interest in texts Days of the week and food vocabulary
Language Free Time texts, and sing simple
Arts songs with intelligible Materials:
pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation The Very Hungry Caterpillar
● Find out simple 2.1.2 Find out about personal
information by asking basic Teacher’s Book.
information from
others Superminds 1 p.61
CCE: Language
CCE: Values (asking for help when you
1.1 Recognise and reproduce target 1.1.2 Recognise and reproduce need it)
● Recognise and produce language sound with support a limited range of
target language high frequency target language
phonemes intelligibly phonemes
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
Listening Materials:
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support Teacher’s Book.
variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of
Superminds 1 p.64
simple sentences
● Understand specific details
when listening to texts CCE: Language
on familiar topics
CCE: Language
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
World of Self,
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
● Communicate basic Writing 4.2.1 Ask for and give basic personal CCE: Language
personal information 4.2 Communicate basic information information using basic questions
clearly intelligibly for a range of purposes and statements
in print and digital media
Teacher’s Book.
Speaking 2.1.2 Find out about personal
Superminds 1 p.66
information by asking basic
2.1 Communicate simple
● Find out simple questions
information intelligibly
information from
others CCE: Values (eating healthily)
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
CCE: Entrepreneurship
Free Time
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
56 World of Self, Listening LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:
Family, and 1.2 Understand meaning in 1.2.2 Understand with support Clothes vocabulary: clothes, jeans,
Friends a variety of familiar contexts specific information and details of sweater, jacket, skirt, shorts, cap,
Listening simple sentences shoes, socks, T-shirt, trousers
3.3 Read independently for 3.3.1 Read and enjoy simple print Imperative: Put on
Get dressed!
information and enjoyment and digital games at sentence level
Superminds 1 p.82
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
CCE: Language
This, These
Get dressed!
2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable Materials:
1.2 Understand meaning in a words and phrases
Teacher’s Book
● Describe people and things variety of familiar contexts
clearly Superminds 1 p.83
CCE: Language
Get dressed!
3.1.4 Segment phonemes
● Segment words into CCE: Language
phonemes to spell (CVC, CCVC, CVCV, CCV)
CCE: Language
Get dressed!
1.3.1 Understand the message the
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
CCE : Language
65 World of Self, Language Arts 5.1.2 Say the words in simple texts, Suggested Activity:
Family, and and sing simple songs with
5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes,
Friends ● Say the words in simple intelligible pronunciation, rhythm ◆ Pupils will read a chant, rap or a
poems and songs
Language texts, and sing simple and intonation rhyme in English. Try to use plenty of
Arts songs with intelligible visuals to support understanding.
i) simple chants and raps
Get dressed! pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation ii) simple rhymes ◆
CCE: Language
Writing isn’t
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full
● Punctuate texts
language form and style for a range stops appropriately in guided
appropriately Materials:
of purposes in print and digital writing at sentence level
Teacher’s Book
Superminds 1 p.85
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
verbal responses
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
85 World of Self, Language Arts 5.1.2 Say the words in simple texts, Suggested Activity:
Family, and 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, and sing simple songs with Pupils should listen to, sing and
● Say the words in simple
Friends poems and songs intelligible pronunciation, rhythm respond to a song.
texts, and sing simple and intonation
Language songs with intelligible
Arts Get dressed! pronunciation, rhythm CCE: Language
and intonation 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable
2.1 Communicate simple words and phrases
● Describe people and information Intelligibly
things clearly
CCE: Language
The robot 1.2 Understand meaning in a specific information and details of their body and saying short
variety of familiar contexts simple sentences sentences,
● Understand specific
e.g. Here’s my leg. I can touch my leg.
details when listening to
texts on familiar topics
◆ They then do the activity in small
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
Reading ◆
3.1 Recognise words in linear and 3.1.1 Identify, recognise and name
non-linear texts by using the letters of the alphabet CCE: Language
● Identify and distinguish
the letters of the knowledge of sounds of letters
CCE: Language
Stories 4.2 Communicate basic information 4.2.5 Connect words and phrases Recycled vocabulary for actions, parts
● Organise basic
intelligibly for a range of purposes using basic coordinating of the body, and numbers
Writing The robot information in print and digital media conjunctions
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full Materials:
language form and style for a range stops appropriately in guided Teacher’s Book
of purposes in print and digital writing at sentence level Superminds 1 p.101
media CCE: Language
● Punctuate texts
CCE: Language
Reading The robot details in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading sentences pupils (from previous lesson) and
types on familiar topics strategies devise some True/False
statements about these.
3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or
sentence to understand meaning
◆ Pupils will need to analyse the
● Use appropriate word data as well as read the sentences
attack skills to to find out if the sentences are
understand specific true or false.
CCE: Language
115 World of Language Arts 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and Suggested Activity:
Stories 5.3 Express an imaginative intelligibly through creating simple
● Plan, prepare and
response to literary texts short chants or raps. Other ◆ Pupils do a mini project in small
The robot produce creative work imaginative responses as
Language with a focus on language groups. They choose an animal
Appropriate and research it online (or in an
Arts use Speaking encyclopaedia if you don’t have
2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from access to the internet).
communication strategies a teacher of classmate by using
● Manage classroom tasks suitable statements and questions ◆ They should find out about the
appropriately animal, if possible print out some
pictures, including one skeleton,
then make an annotated poster
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
118 World of Speaking 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS:
Stories 2.2 Use appropriate exchanges by using suitable non-
● Manage interaction Recycled vocabulary for parts of the
communication verbal
The robot appropriately strategies responses body
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
World of
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
Suggested Activity:
132 World of Speaking
◆ Review and extend the dialogue
Knowledge 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Give simple personal
● Communicate simple on p.107.
information Intelligible information using basic statements
At the beach information about
Speaking themselves clearly ◆ Have pupils practise new
2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short dialogues in pairs, making use of
● Manage interaction communication strategies exchanges by using suitable non- verbal and non-verbal strategies
appropriately verbal responses (such as body language, gesture,
eye contact, sounds like ‘er’ or
‘hmm’) to make their dialogues
more natural.
CCE: Language
Suggested Activity:
133 World of Reading
◆ Prepare some pictures of different
Knowledge 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific
● Understand specific objects in different places (e.g. a
and non-linear print and digital information and details of simple
At the beach details in a variety of text texts by using appropriate reading sentences fish in the sea).
Reading types on familiar topics strategies
◆ Pupils look at the pictures, read
3.2.3 some questions (e.g. Where’s the
i) Reread a word, phrase or fish?) and match them to an
● Use appropriate word sentence to understand meaning answer (e.g. it’s in the sea).
attack skills to ii) Ignore unknown words in order
understand specific to understand a phrase or sentence
◆ Teacher could prepare cards for
meaning this so that pupils match cards and
a picture, rather than written
CCE: Language
134 Knowledge 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple
● Plan, draft and edit work ◆ Pupils to create a plan for a trip to
language form and style for a range sentences
At the beach appropriately on familiar of purposes in print and digital the beach.
topics media
Writing ◆ They can plan together, e.g. On
Monday, let’s build a sandcastle. /
Speaking Good idea.
2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Give simple personal
● Communicate simple information information using basic statements ◆ Then pupils write their plan in a
information about Intelligible diary (not at sentence level, as
themselves clearly this would require future forms)
CCE: Values
139 Knowledge 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.3 Give a short sequence of basic Put + noun + preposition + noun
● Understand narratives
information Intelligible instructions
At the beach on familiar topics Materials:
Listening Teacher’s Book
1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.4 Understand an increased Superminds 1 p.113
variety of familiar context range of short basic supported
● Understand classroom classroom instructions
instructions CCE: Language
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
CCE: Language
Writing Materials:
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of Teacher’s Book
YEAR 2 ENGLISH Scheme of Work | 2023
language form and style for a range familiar high frequency words Superminds 1 p.114
● Spell high frequency
of purposes in print and digital accurately in guided writing
words accurately media CCE: Global Sustainability
(Global citizenship)
Knowledge 4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple Review of weather vocabulary
● Plan, draft and edit work
language form and style for a range sentences
Writing At the beach appropriately on familiar of purposes in print and digital Materials:
topics media Teacher’s Book
4.3.1 Use capital letters and full Superminds 1 p.115
● Punctuate texts stops appropriately in guided
appropriately writing at CCE: Global Sustainability
sentence level (Global citizenship)
4.3.3 Plan, draft and write simple ◆ The quiz itself will be done in
● Plan, draft and edit work sentences Lesson 153
appropriately on familiar
topics CCE: Language