Rise and Shine L5 - Scope and Sequence AmE
Rise and Shine L5 - Scope and Sequence AmE
Rise and Shine L5 - Scope and Sequence AmE
Vocabulary 1 Grammar 1 Vocabulary 2 Grammar 2 Pronunciation Functional language Global citizenship Project
Places: apartment, bridge, What do you like Countries: What time do you Talking about ability Working together where we A website A progress puzzle
Welcome building, city center, City Hall, doing? I like (talking Argentina, China, wake up? I wake We can plant more trees and live
A great place to farm, fields, hills, street, village to people). Italy, Mexico, Poland, up at (five after/ flowers.
Spain, Turkey, U.K., to seven).
live What does he/she
like doing? He/she U.S.A.
likes (helping people).
Animals: beetle, camel, A deer is (shorter) Adjectives: Cheetahs are apple /æ/, Expressing surprise Learning about animal An animal A wildlife space
1 Exploring cheetah, crocodile, deer, eagle, than a camel. dangerous, friendly, more (dangerous) day /eɪ/ Wow! Really? That’s habitats fact sheet
wildlife kangaroo, polar bear, tortoise, important, intelligent, than deer. unbelievable! How amazing! climate, habitat, shelter, survive
wolf safe, young
Technology: camera, cell How often do you Technology actions: I (often) help. I’m foot /ʊ/, Giving advice and making Using technology responsibly A blog post A technology
2 All about
phone, e-reader, game console, use a laptop? post (an ad), print helping now. shoe /uː/ suggestions chat online, make video calls, advice poster
technology headphones, laptop, printer, I (always) use (pictures), turn off, You should (talk to somebody). open emails, search the
screen, smart watch, speaker a laptop. turn on, upload You shouldn’t (message people internet
Review 1 (pictures), write you don’t know).
Our lives (comments)
(Units 1 and 2)
Everyday items: bandage, I have to/don’t have Camping objects: Does he/she have climb /kl/, Making and responding to Sharing skills with others Instructions A class skills share
3 Sharing our diary, flashlight, helmet, key, to (bring a rope). blanket, gloves, to (wear gloves)? create /kr/ offers air, flat, float, sink
skills magazine, money, puzzle, rope, jacket, sled, sleeping Yes, he/she May I help you? Thank you!
snack bag, stove does. No, he/she That’s very kind.
Festivals: balloons, band, There was/wasn’t Adjectives: dirty, Where were you? clear /ɪr/, Asking for clarification and Celebrating different A review An international
4 Let’s celebrate
candles, costumes, drums, (a parade). There frightened, hungry, When was (the please /i:/ checking understanding festivals festival display
Review 2 fireworks, flags, lights, masks, were some/weren’t surprised, thirsty, party)? Who was What does (baklava) mean? moon, sky, stars, sun
parade any (fireworks). tired (at the party)? How do you spell (baklava)?
Our world Were you (tired)?
(Units 3 and 4)
Activities: care for a child, I/You/We/They Verbs: arrive, cry, Did you (laugh)? waited /ɪd/, Asking for and giving Helping our communities A story A kindness wall
5 Being kind carry the groceries, clean the painted/didn’t paint laugh, pick up, smile, What did she smiled /d/, reasons collect, donate, project,
windows, clean up the trash, the fence. try (need)? Where did walked /t/ Why did she need help? volunteer
offer someone your seat, He/She cleaned/ he (walk)? When She needed help because (her
paint a fence, share food, visit didn’t clean the did they (arrive)? shopping was heavy).
someone, walk with friends, windows.
water the plants
Vacation activities: buy a He/She’s going to Transportation: What are you speaking /sp/, Agreeing and disagreeing Learning about ecotourism An email A tourist brochure
6 Our important ticket, exchange money, go on (travel by bus). airport, bus, cable going to (do)? stadium /st/ I agree. I disagree. accommodation, culture,
a tour, go sightseeing, pack a We/They aren’t car, ferry, minibus, Where is he going ecotourism, souvenir
suitcase, read a guidebook, stay going to (exchange subway to (stay)? When
Review 3 in a hotel, take a taxi, travel by money). are we going to
Our future bus, wait in line (go)? How are
(Units 5 and 6) they going to
Mother Language Day: alphabet, Arabic, characters, Japanese, Spanish, Turkish Future skills 1: Working with others Future skills 4: Organization
International Day of Happiness: camping, circus, medals, rainbow, relatives, sunset Future
Celebrations Future skills 2: Respecting others Future skills 5: Conflict resolution
World Children’s Day: chat, dream, enjoy, find out, join a club, learn
International Day of Friendship: be kind, give, invite, meet, post, text skills Future skills 3: Presentation skills Future skills 6: Making decisions