SOP Policy For Faculty Planning and Workload

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Policy for Faculty Planning and Workload

Document Name: Policy for Faculty Planning and Workload


Distribution List 4

Terms and Definitions 5

List of Abbreviations 6

1. Purpose 7

2. Scope 7

3. Responsibility 7

4. Procedure 8
4. Postgraduate and undergraduate semester-based 8
4.6.1 Experience/ Q u a l i f i c a t i o n of Visiting Faculty/ Fellows/ 9
Lecturers or Visiting Professors
4.9 Faculty Members with administrative responsibilities 9

4.10 Research and Scholarly Activities 10

4.10.3 Research Funding 10

5 Related Documents 11

6 Related Records 11
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The following personnel are on the controlled distribution list:

• Vice Chancellor
• Pro-Vice Chancellor(s)
• Registrar
• Head of Institutes and Colleges/ Program Directors

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Document Name: Policy for Faculty Planning and Workload
Document Number:



Faculty Defined as per the Al-Kawthar University Act

A degree awarding program that is according to the Uniform Semester

System in Higher Education Institutions, where there are two regular
are spread{fall,
overspring) in an academic
16-18 weeks (inclusive year.Program
of 1 - 2
weeks for exams). Summer Semester will be of 8 - 9 weeks
concentrated study for completing remedial course

Credit hour A credit hour means teaching/earning a theory course for

one hour each week throughout the semester.
Semester. Semester- a Half year term defined in the University level as
18 weeks of teaching and training consecutively.
Academic Year An Academic Year-An academic term is a portion of an
academic year, the time during which an educational
institution holds classes. The schedules adopted vary widely. In
most programs, the academic year begins in late summer (August
31st or later) or early autumn and ends during the following spring
or summer. In a professional year program, the academic
year begins in December and ends in the following year, with the
commencement of professional year examinations.
Course Duration Course duration is defined as 16 weeks as per HEC guidelines,
excluding midterm or final examinations which consists of 3 credit
hours equal to 3 hours of teaching and one-on-one student
interaction in the classroom per week.
Faculty Workload Faculty Workload refers to the comprehensive
performed by a faculty member (appointed by the selection board
on criteria as defined by HEC or PM&DC), where there is
contribution to the accomplishment of individual activities and
responsibilities, such as teaching classes, research activity,
mentoring/advising activity, service to the University and
administrative responsibilities.

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I Document Number:

Document Name:
DUHS/ go 1soP/39

Policy for Faculty Planning and Workload

HEC, Pakistan Higher Education Commission, Pakistan
PM&DC Pakistan Medical & Dental Council
Cr. A credit hour

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The purpose of this policy is to determine faculty planning and workload for all faculty
members of this University, and then determine any planning needs for shared or visiting faculty,
as per curriculum requirements or as per Accreditation Council requirements. This policy
document is to provide guidance to the Director/Principals and Chairpersons/HoDs in
determining assignment of workload to faculty within each Department/College/Institute of this
Furthermore, this policy is to determine and take into account the distribution of additional
responsibilities of the faculty member, full-time and designated as such in the
college/institute, over time.
Through time these guidelines should assist all involved to make more equitable
decisions through discussion and further necessary resource allocation. That is, this policy and
its implementation will assure that full-time faculty members have comparable total effort,
although individual distributions of teaching, service, specified administrative responsibility, if any,
and research may vary across faculty members.
This document is based on the University requirement that a faculty member's workload
responsibilities be allocated across various apportionment categories in accordance with
HEC guidelines as per the designation of a faculty member, i.e., Professor, Associate
Professor, Assistant Professor and Lecturer.

The scope of this policy document is to determine the guidelines for full time faculty workload
distribution, allocation/ division of Faculty of Health Management, specifically, IBHM faculty,
along with the visiting faculty resource requirement for the degree awarding programs offered by
this institute. The scope of workload will include teaching workload, research activities and also
service to the University, in the form of membership in committees.

3.1. The Director or the program or Chairman of the Department is responsible to allocate
teaching workload for all undergraduate and postgraduate programs offered at the
University pertaining to the Department or Institute.. In post-graduate program, allocation of
teaching workload is to be assigned by the Program Director, upon approval by the Director,
3.2. The workload distribution in undergraduate programs is to be allocated according to HEC for
a semester based system. All other programs offered, i.e. diploma or certificate courses,
are to be allocated as defined in the HEC guidelines for faculty workload planning, if they are
offered multiple times per year.
3.3. The policy is to address the multiple timeframes (semester, annual) in the University;
each College/Institute and School is responsible for contributing to the mission of the

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Document Name:
Document Number:
Policy for Faculty Planning and Workload
DUHS/ Ro IsoP /3

in the domains of community service, research or excellence in

3.4. Furthermore, the faculty planning and workload policy supports, but does not replace
judgment in determining the distribution of work for individuals or among groups of faculty
over time in a degree awarding program.


4.1. Division of faculty workload refers to the apportionment of the specific division of classes
semester, among all the faculty members of the department, regarding teaching of
undergraduate and post-graduate programs, as per requirement of the curriculum.
4.2. The Teaching workload for all visiting or shared faculty for post-graduate programs are to
be defined well in advance of the commencement of the session, and submitted to the
Registrar/ Additional Director HR, for approval prior to assignment of classes, shared or partial
for post• graduate programs.
4.3. The workload distribution in undergraduate/postgraduate programs is to be allocated
to HEC and respective accreditation council guidelines for all semester based programs.
All other programs are to allocate workload as defined in the policy below and refer to the
HEC guidelines for faculty workload planning, especially if they are semester based

4.4. The workload distribution of full time/ contractual or permanent faculty is as follows, defined as
per designation of faculty member: Since, Course duration is defined as standard of 16 weeks
per semester, as per HEC guidelines, excluding midterm or final examinations; this is
interpreted as 3 credit hours ( as per curriculum of program) being equal to 3 hours of teaching
per week for 16 weeks, including the taught portion of the course,. That is one-on-one student
interaction in the classroom.
a. Professor (Fulltime/ Contractual or Permanent) -- 1-2 classes (3 er. Hours to 6
Hours per semester) for 16 weeks per semester, or equivalent in shared classes in
a professional year program.
b. Associate Professor in a teaching department - at least 2 full classes or 6 er.
per semester in the University (full class or equivalent of shared classes in
a professional year program
c. Assistant Professor in a teaching department - at least 3 full classes/ 9 credit
hours per semester of full classes or equivalent of shared classes in the
semester, in a professional year program.
d. Lecturer- 4 full classes or 12 credit hours per semester in each semester.

4.5. A faculty member's workload will be consistent with tenure and/or promotion and
annual evaluation guidelines of teacher feedback through students, as referenced by

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£ Document Name:

Document Number:
Policy for Faculty Planning and
DUHS / &0 1SOP/ 3

Enhancement Cell.
4.6. A visiting faculty/ fellow/ lecturer or a visiting Professor is a scholar (with a preferred
qualification of a Ph.D. or FCPS in the relevant field or a MS/ M.Phil. or equivalent 18 years
of Schooling or Masters from a foreign University) with work experience in the professional
field of the relevant discipline to be taught. This fellow is from another institution that visits a
host University and is allocated to teach or lecture, for which the visitor is valued for per hour
basis remuneration.
4.6.1. Experience/ Qualification of Visiting Faculty/ Fellows/ Lecturers or Visiting
Professors. Criteria of visiting fellows/visiting Professors may be set by the committee
formed for this purpose by the Additional Director HR. However, guidelines are
provided as per international standards in this policy. A memorandum would be issued by the Additional Director HR -DUHS as per
individual/ unit workload allocation of a 3 er. Hours class each in the semester,
before the commencement of the semester, upon the recommendation of the
Chairperson (for post-graduate programs) or Director for undergraduate programs,
as per requirement on a semester to semester basis.
4.7.Allocation of visiting faculty is permissible as per faculty workload and requirement of
curriculum where division of existing full time faculty workload of classes per
semester, regarding teaching of undergraduate and post-graduate programs, is exceeded, as
per requirement of the current timetable based on the curriculum.
4.8. Visiting Faculty are to be considered for teaching in the current or future semester, only
existing full-time above mentioned and defined faculty designations of Professors, Associate
Professors, Assistant Professor and Lecturers are already fulfilling the requirements of
existing courses/classes with max. workload, as per curricular requirements, and there are
additional classes (full not shared) to be allocated/divided as per the time-table of the current

4.9. Faculty Members-with administrative responsibilities:

4.9.1. Full time administrative responsibilities of a faculty member are to be considered when
allocating teaching or practical workload for faculty members, and as such they may be
exempted for those classes when they are engaged in administrative
responsibilities outside of the teaching department for a specific semester.
4.9.2. Additional Administrative responsibility: Appropriate management
assignments/apportionments by the competent authority may be introduced which seeks
to serve both student interests at large and meet departmental responsibilities by
maximizing the induction of faculty expertise in administrative responsibility in the form of
an Additional Charge to the University. In this case, the workload of the additional
responsibility is to be considered as part of the total faculty workload, but it does not
mean that they are exempt from teaching responsibilities ..
4.9.3. Teaching assignment beyond administrative responsibility will be granted

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4 Document Name:
Document Number:
Policy for Faculty Planning and Workload

remuneration if it is within working hours of the University. Furthermore, anyone with

a teaching apportionment must teach a minimum of 1 course per academic year

4.10. Research and Scholarly

4.10.1. Research Scholarship and other such activity will have a focus within the
College, teaching department, or Institution which is in line with the University mission and
that the research is recognized by professional peers.
4.10.2. Furthermore, a record of peer-reviewed or professionally-reviewed publications or
creative exhibitions, that on average, results in 1-2 publications per year (in addition to
other publications that may not be bearing an impact factor, including involvement in
obtaining patents and technology transfer, etc.), and on average, at least one national
professional meeting or presentation per year will constitute towards faculty
apportionment of workload in the academic year fulfilling research and scholarly activity
4.10.3. Research Funding:
Seeking or utilization of extramural funding in research activities or supervision of students with
grants to complete post-graduate research work is considered to be part of faculty workload;
unless there is other significant effort in progress and the timeline exceeds the grant.
The determination of whether such effort is considered "significant" is made by the relevant Head
Department/ Director or Dean, in collaboration with the faculty
4.11. Service to the University may be considered towards total workload of the faculty, which
includes duties as Deanship or a faculty serving as Chairperson of a teaching department,
participation and/or membership and Chairmanship of committees within the University only.
4.12. A change in the apportionment of duties cannot be made unilaterally by administrators
by faculty members individually, without a recommendation or approval by the Director or
Chairperson of the teaching department.
4.13. The specific apportionments of a faculty member's responsibilities are to be reviewed
periodically on a semester to semester basis.
4.14. Either the faculty member or the responsible Director, Principal/HOD may initiate
discussions of changes in apportionment or division of faculty workload in the next semester.
4.15. In the process of any such discussions, both the faculty member and the Director of
Institute/Principal of College and a University administrator, such as a Pro-Vice Chancellor or
a Director of administrative department, shall act in good faith to reach a mutual agreement.
4.16. There will be a written statement by the chair of the agreed upon

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Document Number:
Policy for Faculty Planning and Workload
DUHS/ 0 1soP/3

4.17. Additional Issues to Be Considered: Issues to be considered by the Dean

Chairperson in workload determination may include the following:
Determination of workload may depend on Considered as Additional
the following work requirements/issues part of faculty Remuneration/ or
workload per honorarium
distributio granted
i. New course preparation for newly Yes n No additional
inducted faculty. remuneration granted.
ii. Supervision of research work of Yes As per research
graduate students. department guidelines
for postgraduate
supervision of thesis/
research projects.
iii. Distance education courses/ classes Yes Additional
remuneration taught by a full-time faculty member. granted
if class is in
addition to the full time
workload defined by
HEC and approval of
Statutory body
iv. Course delivered off campus at another Yes Yes, in addition to the
full sub-campus or affiliated college. time
distribution defined by
. HEC and approval of
Statutory body.
V. Development of new curriculum, Yes As per statutory body
programs or courses approval.
vi. Preparation and management of grants Yes Honorarium budgeted
(external) as per grant for Pl.



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