DA Test Shop

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ir,laking orl lry*l'id :n*re produrtivr

1. Training Topic/: periodic Examination 0f Acetylene c),linders

Linde Bangladesh Limited tormat No. : FMWITRG/903

IRAINING RECORDS lssue.No.. :'03
Effective trcm : 1 5 / 05 /2001
Venue: Rupganj PGP 5ite
Date: 2/01/2074
Time : 14:00 DrTt - I5145

Name of Parttripant Desio./ Business Siqnature

Name :Nasim Siddique


I RA NING RE[0RD//HR,/20 I 3 Please send the original record to the HR for reference & record
Li nde Assessment Portfolio
AcetYlene Test ShoP @
This observation was used as an:

V/ ortervation Assessment
Job Task observation
It was conducted bY:

E/ A Qualified Assessor

\il SuPervisor

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2017 Pag e 22 o120

Acetvlene Test Shop Assessment
Portfolio V2'0'doc Dec-ember
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Linde Assessment Portfolio
Acetylene Test Shop

Please fill in assessor/supervisor details below:

Name iiii::rii::l,,ii'Dti

I l.\as ivr s; J Li W e ftn )-I"L \

Feedback to candidate
General Comments:

Theory outcome: ,t .i{YS


I have been provided feedback on this assessment activity.

Name lDeter*:ii,'r:'il.:.iliii.:.r:ti :j:,:

9ub(Iq Dq. 1"l.LI

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Acetylene Test Shop Assessment Portfolio V2.O.doc December 2017 Page 12 ol20
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This document remains the property of LINDE and may not be distributed externally.

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