Article 1 - DR Silky Vigg Kushwah 1 and Anjali Singh
Article 1 - DR Silky Vigg Kushwah 1 and Anjali Singh
Article 1 - DR Silky Vigg Kushwah 1 and Anjali Singh
marketers will have to relook at their distribution Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) the
and promotional models in order to meet the new number of internet users stood at 164.81
challenges of changed customer behavior. million on 31st March 2013, with every 7 out
of 8 user accessing internet from their mobile
Keywords: Internet Shopping, Online Shopping,
phones. India ranks third in the internet
Paradigm Shift, Traditional Shopping,
usage and is likely to be the first by 2015 (in
Consumer Behavior, Factorial Study
the number of users).
The Internet retail in India accounts for a
Introduction market size of Rs. 52,000 crores and growing
at a phenomenal rate of 100 % per year as per
T he development of new technology as
well as evolution of existing technology
has an immense impact on business and
a report by ASSOCHAM released in August
2013. In countries like USA online retail
social patterns of society. Technology can be stood at 8% of the total sales while in UK it
considered to be a disruptive factor which accounted for 12% of the total spending.
turns products and skills obsolete while One of the properties of internet which is
changing the rules of how business should highly visible and utilized is that of its ability
be done. It can also result in new product to function as a communication channel,
and services for the consumer, reduce prices, allowing information to be exchanged between
increase the product’s efficiency and simplify buyers and sellers. A marketing channel needs
distribution. to function as a communication channel; a
One of the biggest phenomena of the recent transaction channel- generates sales activities
years, E-commerce has been built on the between buyers and sellers, and as a physical
Internet technology. The development of distribution channel-in the case of internet it
Internet been compared to the rise of radio gets restricted to certain types of products and
industry, television industry and personal services (Stern & El-Ansary, 1996, Peterson
computer industry (Kalakota & Whinston, et al., 1997, Kiang et al., 2000).
1997). Originally designed for military and There are similarities as well as differences
academic use, internet was over the years also between Internet shopping and traditional
used with increasing benefits for business shopping with advantages and disadvantages
purposes (Hanson, 2000). for both. The advantages of Internet can be
The growth of Internet as an agent of categorized into those arising mainly from
facilitating business was rapid; the first online its communication and transaction functions
shopping system started functioning within and to a lesser degree from its distribution
a year of introduction of SSL encryption of functions.
data transferred online. Probably no other
technology has evolved as rapidly and diffused Communication Functions
as profusely as the internet. There were 568 Information search and organization: customer
million internet users in China in 2012 which can search for information on products
ranked first amongst the nations, while there and services as per their requirement. This
254 million internet users in USA and 54 can be done very efficiently with minimum
million in UK. In India, as per Telephone inconvenience and effort (Peterson 1997,