Kegel Exercises

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University Urology

The Experts in Urologic Care

Kegel Exercises
Kegel exercises are recommended for both women and men who experience any degree of
urinary leakage. They are designed to strengthen the muscles around the bladder and bladder
opening. By exercising these muscles, you may improve your symptoms. It is important that you
perform the exercises correctly to gain the maximum benefits from these exercises.


Tighten your rectum as if you are trying to control
passing gas or pinch off a stool. Do not tense the
muscles of your legs, buttocks or abdomen, and do
not hold your breath . You can also imagine you are
stopping the flow of urine. When men tighten the
muscles, the penis will move up and down. If you
are unsure you are using the proper muscles, or if
your symptoms do not improve, ask your physician,
nurse or therapist to help you identify the muscles.


• Exercise is best done after emptying your bladder. day. Do these exercises when you have an inconti­
nent episode. For example, if you are experiencing
• Tighten the muscles and hold for 3 to 5 seconds. urine leakage on the way to the bathroom, stop and
As your muscles get stronger, you should be able exercise your pelvic muscles until the leakage passes
to tighten your muscles for 10 seconds or longer. then continue to walk to the bathroom . If you leak
• Relax for 3 to 5 seconds or for as long as you urine when you cough, tighten the muscles quickly
tightened the muscles. when you cough .
• Breathe normally.
• Do 5 to 7 exercises at a time, 3 times a day. THINGS TO REMEMBER
Increase up to 15 exercises at a time, 3 times Tighten the pelvic floor muscles only. DO NOT
a day. tighten leg, buttock or abdomen muscles. Breathe
normally when exercising. Exercise takes time to
WHEN TO EXERCISE THE MUSCLES strengthen the muscles. You should start noticing
The Kegel exercises can be done anywhere or less leakage after 4-6 weeks of consistent daily
anytime - sitting, lying or standing . People around exercise and even a larger difference after 3 months.
you will not even know you are doing them . Just If you do not see an improvement, you may not be
develop a routine so you remember to exercise every exercising the correct muscles. Please revisit your
health care professional periodically for advice.

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