Lab 03
Lab 03
Lab 03
4. In the Search box, type the word Classroom, and then press the Enter key. A variety
of online images associated with your search will appear.
6. To insert the image, place the mouse pointer on the image and then click on the left
mouse button twice.
Lab Task 1
Make a presentation(15 slides) on different Input/Output devices (Chapters 2 and 3 of textbook). Use
different effects, animations, transitions and a custom Master Slide.
Note: this should be a formal presentation. Take care of font size, font color, font names, and other
styles and animations accordingly.
Lab 03
Introduction to MS Excel
It will enable students to understand and use MS Excel. How to create MS Excel document, use rows
and columns.
Activity Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
• Create Spread Sheets .
• Making reports.
• To filtration the data
Instructor Note:
As a pre-lab activity, read “MicroSoft” official site for detail guidelines.
1) Useful Concepts
MS Excel is a commonly used Microsoft Office application. It is a spreadsheet program which is used
to save and analyse numerical data. Excel is typically used to organize data and perform financial
analysis. It is used across all business functions and at companies from small to large.
• Data entry
• Data management
• Accounting
• Financial analysis
• Charting and graphing
• Programming
• Time management
• Task management
• Financial modeling
• Customer relationship management (CRM)
• Almost anything that needs to be organized!
Activity 1:
Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting allows you to change the appearance of a cell, based on criteria that
you define, using predetermined rules in Excel.
Greater Than
To highlight cells which contain data greater than a specific value:
1. Highlight the data range.
3. Hover over Highlight Cells Rules to reveal the menu of different rules.
4. Select Greater Than from the menu to open the Greater Than dialogue box:
5. Enter the value that you want to set as your lower limit for the Greater Than condition.
6. Select the type of formatting from the dropdown menu.
7. Select Ok.
The cells which contain a value greater than the value you specified will now appear with the
cell formatting which you selected.
Less Than
To highlight cells that contain data less than a specific value:
1. Highlight the data range.
2. S elect Conditional Formatting .
5. Enter the value that you want to set as your upper limit for the Less Than condition
6. Select Ok.
The cells which contain a value less than the value you specified will now appear with the cell
formatting which you selected.
To highlight cells between two specific values:
1. H ighlight the data range.
2. S elect Condition al Formatting .
3. Hover over Highlight Cells Rules to reveal the menu of different rules.
4. Select Between to open the Between dialogue box.
5. Enter the lower limit in the first box and the upper limit in the second box.
6. Select the cell formatting.
7. Select Ok.
The cells which contain a value between the two specified values will now appear with the
cell formatting which you selected.
Equal To
To highlight cells equal to a specific value:
1. Highlight the data range.
2. Select Conditional Formatting.
The cells which contain the specified value will now appear with the cell formatting which
you selected.
1. H ighlight the data range.
2. S elect Conditional Formatting .
The cells which contain the specified character(s) will now appear with the cell formatting
which you selected.
A Date Occurring
To highlight cells that contain a certain date or date range:
1. Highlight the data range.
2. S elect Conditional Formatting .
The cells which contain the specified date or date range will now appear with the cell
formatting which you selected.
Duplicate Values
To highlight cells that contain either duplicate or unique values:
1. Highlight the data range.
2. S elect Conditional Formatting .
The cells which contain either duplicate or unique values will now appear with the cell
formatting which you selected.
Top/Bottom Rules
Top and bottom rules can be used to highlight cells that are the top or bottom ten items or the
top or bottom ten percent. They can also be used to identify items above or below the average.
Activity 2:
Separating Text within a Cell
When data is combined within a cell, such as a first and last name, Excel is able to separate this data
into two cells.
6. Select Next.
8. Select Next.
9. Select the data format for each column.
For this example select General.
Activity 3:
Use of Functions and Formulas
Excel has many different functions and formulas which can be used to manipulate data in a
variety of ways, such as sums, subtotals, averages, number counts, maximums, and
Sums: One of the most commonly used functions of Excel is summation. If you have a data
table for a single student with amounts and dates of payment, to find the sum of all payments,
you would use the summation function.
To add numbers in a column:
1. S elect the cell directly beneaththe last entry.
2. S elect Auto Sum located on the Formulas tab.
Other functions include: averaging the numbers in a column, counting the numbers in a
column and finding the minimum and/or maximum numbers in the column.
Additionally, there is an AutoSum button and dropdown menu also located on the Home
The Subtotal tool is used sum data by group. Subtotaling data eliminates the need to manually
insert a row and perform a summation.
Below is a sample data sheet for which we need to calculate the total amount paid for each
One Level Subtotals
To Subtotal a data sheet:
1. Select the Subtotal button located on the Data toolbar.
The subtotal hierarchy located to the left of the spreadsheet can be used to hide some of the
data within the spreadsheet.
To view only the grand total, select column 1
To view the total for each subsection,
select column 2 To view all data, select
column 3.
6. Click Ok.
6. Click Ok.
The second level of subtotals will be added to the data range:
Removing Subtotals
To remove subtotals from a data sheet:
1. Select the Subtotal tool
The Subtotal Dialogue box will appear.
Choose Average from the Auto Sum dropdown:
Count Numbers
4. Select the range of cells to calculate.
5. Click Enter on your keyboard.