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Journal of Positive School Psychology

2022, Vol. 6, No. 5, 4093-4097

Digital Marketing Channels: Analysing Customers’

Pankaj Kumar Sinha1 , Prof. Manmeet Nag2 , Prof Sanjay Srivastava3

PhD Scholar, Manav Rachna University.
Professor, Manav Rachna University.
Professor, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research & Science.


We can utilize digital marketing channels to communicate about brands, products, or services. These digital
marketing channels are very much effective in attracting the potential customers’. Modern digital outlets
include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and email addresses, among others. With these channels, you can help
your customers with any concerns or challenges they may be having while simultaneously promoting your
organization and reaching your marketing goals. However, not all digital marketing platforms are ideal for
attaining all corporate objectives. Some are better suited to certain audiences, while others are created
differently depending on their own abilities. So, to achieve a given goal, you must first decide which digital
marketing channel to use. The consumer can use any or all of the above channels before making a purchase.
This research paper's goal is to find out which digital channel of communication is preferred when shopping

Keywords: Social Media, Digital Marketing, Website, Smartphone

1. Introduction
Digital marketing is a wide term that encompasses
In a highly competitive environment, digital
all types of online advertising. To mention a few,
marketing entails a wide range of operations,
it includes video marketing, email marketing,
including the creation of corporate plans that
content marketing, social media marketing, SEO,
leverage developing technology to increase
PPC, display advertising, and mobile marketing,
spending and expand the industry globally. As
(Brar, 2018 and Gandhi et al., 2021). You can
technology progresses, digital marketing, social
constantly analyse your strategy, content, and
network ads, and internet browser marketing are
campaigns because digital marketing is typically
all growing more prominent, Kumar et al. (2010).
done in real time. If you do it this way, you'll be
Advertisers use digital marketing to sell and
able to identify what's working and what isn't.
market their products and services. Growing
Then make quick changes to get back on track,
product and service distribution requires the use
Siddiqui (2020).
of digital marketing. Consumer purchasing habits
are shifting, and digital marketing is
If you want to talk about all kinds of online
outperforming traditional marketing, Kingsnorth
advertising, "digital marketing" is the best word.
(2022). The goal of this study is to examine the
Marketing through Video, email, content, social
influence and importance of digital marketing. In
media, SEO, PPC, display advertising, and
this paper, a broad introduction to digital
marketing through mobile are just a few of the
marketing is provided before digging into the
things one can opt for (Brar, 2018 and Upadhyay,
many forms of digital marketing, the distinctions
2020). Because digital marketing is usually done
between digital and conventional advertising, and
in real time, you can keep an eye on your strategy,
the benefits of online advertising in today's
content, and campaigns at all times. What works
culture, its limitations, and its necessity in today's
and doesn't work will become clear when you do
society, Li et al. (2018).
Pankaj Kumar Sinha 4094

it this way. Then, make quick changes so you can Pinterest: It is a visual social media website
get back on track, Siddiqui (2020) where users may share and save visual content.
There are several reasons why businesses should
1.1 Various channels of digital marketing use Pinterest. It will help you reach a new
A marketer can use several digital marketing audience. One pin can lead to ten more pins, and
channels to advertise their products or services. so on.
According to Singh et al. (2016) and Todor
(2016), as advertising the primary objective is to Email marketing: It is the practice of sending
maximize return on investment (ROI). The promotional emails to potential customers. It's a
following is a list of the most important digital simple internet marketing strategy. Email
marketing channels: marketing is used to promote items, raise brand
awareness, and drive traffic to a company's
Social media marketing- It is now considered website, Brar (2021). You can send emails to
to be one of the most important sorts of digital subscribers of your blog or to members of your
marketing to be involved in nowadays. It is the loyalty programme to encourage them to renew
digital channel that is experiencing the most rapid their subscriptions. The most significant
expansion. Trafficking is the practice of drawing advantage of email marketing is its low cost. Not
people to a website through the use of various for acquiring new customers, but to increase
forms of social media to direct traffic to the page. customer loyalty, Todor (2016).
In the words of Wu et al., "social media
marketing" means customizing content to the Blogging: It has become one of the most popular
individual context of each social media platform online marketing tools for businesses. Marketing
in order to increase user involvement and sharing and SEO experts recently began advising firms to
(2015). Because of this development, internet establish a blog on their website where they can
usage has increased from 16.6 percent to 62 promote their goods. To promote a company's
percent since 1995, with social media marketing goods, people searching for information about a
reaping the most benefits. keyword linked to a company's product will
certainly find Google's URL in their search
Facebook: It is the most popular social network. results. A company blog allows the firm to interact
Use Facebook to promote your products and with its customers, learn about their purchasing
services. It is possible to track both free and paid habits, and provide thorough information about its
postings on Facebook using Page Insights. For the products and services.
purposes of better understanding your target
demographic and determining best practises, Smartphones and tablets: These are examples
Facebook collects information about page of mobile gadgets used for marketing. Google
visitors. Apps, Apple Apps, and Samsung Apps are top
advertisers. For now, Google is the most
Linked In: Professionals can establish and share profitable mobile marketer, Bala and Verma
profiles on LinkedIn. LinkedIn connects these two (2018). It might be static or rich-display. Globally,
dots of businesses and professions. The social mobile ads have become a powerful advertising
media site LinkedIn is widely seen as a resource platform. Several app developers make millions
only dedicated to job hunting and expanding one's from their apps and promote them heavily. Mobile
professional networks. However, it is also an Apps must be able to clearly communicate the
extremely effective tool for generating new organization's products and services in order to be
company leads and cultivating referral successful.
Websites: These are essential for businesses
Twitter: It's goals are to increase business because they allow customers to discover more
awareness and income, gain new followers, and about their brand, goods, and services. Because
convert leads. Many people use Twitter, including users will run into troubles at some time, they
potential consumers. Using hashtags can help you want exceptional customer support. Emails are
reach a certain audience. The platform enables for still used, but live chat and article comments are
two-way customer communication. Because it's a done online. The outcome is that a new user can
public encounter, good performance reflects approach the customer utilising websites that are
highly on your company. effectively easy. Clients enjoy rapid responses,
4095 Journal of Positive School Psychology

which builds trust, Netscape (2020). respondents in total, 480 respondents used at
least one of the digital channels as an
information source during their online product
2. Identifying the Most Preferred Digital purchasing trip. 65 people said they didn't use
Channels any digital channels and instead relied on
traditional media like television, radio,
545 people in the National Capital Region
newspapers, and visiting dealers' showrooms.
(NCR) responded to the survey. According to
The data in the table below refers to both
the findings of the study, which comprised 545
traditional and digital ways of communication.

Table 1: Traditional vs. Digital Channels of Communication

Sr. Communication Channels No. of Percentage
No. Respondents (%)
1 Digital Channels 480 88.08
2 Traditional Channels 65 11.92
Total – 545 100
Source: Developed by the Author

Digital channels are rapidly becoming an important technical concepts have a major
important mode of communication, Varadarajan positive impact on technology use, as established
& Jayachandran (1999). The results corroborated by the "TAM, TRA, TPB and "Decomposed-
this, with over 88% of respondents using at least TPB" Thus, if a technology is used by the
one digital communication channel. Only 11.92 respondents, it is likely to be chosen. It is possible
percent of those polled trusted in traditional to use technology to proxy for preference. The
communication methods. most "used" channel was also the most
(Ajzen, 1991; Taylor and Todd, 1995) reveal that
consumers will only use a technology if they Table 2 provide more information on the use of
share crucial technology attitudes. According to digital communication channels. The vast
Roger (1983), users are more inclined to accept majority of respondents chose "social media" as
technology that is interoperable and easy to their digital mode of communication, according to
understand. Davis (1989) discovered that a the study's findings. Furthermore, despite the fact
technical medium's perceived usefulness and ease that there were only a few respondents who did so,
of use assured its use. This is based on Ajzen the table shows that respondents used both
(1991)'s findings. Consumer attitudes toward traditional and digital modes of communication.

Table 2: Most Preferred Channels of Communication

Communication Channel No. of People Using % Use
Websites 247 51.46
Social Media 390 81.25
YouTube 203 42.29
Twitter 104 21.67
Smartphone 388 80.83
LinkedIn 253 52.71
E-mails 31 6.46
Others digital channels 40 8.33
Traditional Channels 18 3.75
Source: Developed by the Author
Pankaj Kumar Sinha 4096

According to the table above, respondents determine whether customers had a preferred
chose social media (81.25 percent) over mode of contact. Because the one sample
cellphones as a digital platform (80.23 percent). binomial test is a non-parametric test, no
Emails, which were utilised by a small fraction distributional assumptions were made. The
of respondents (6.46 percent), were found to be following hypothesis was tested:
the least used digital communication route. Due
to the fact that data were collected using the H0: Customers do not have a preferred method
population proportion approach, which results of communication when buying a product.
in two alternative outcomes, usage or non-use,
a binary distribution was assumed. Thus, the Ha: Customers do have a preferred method of
hypothesis was tested using a "one sample communication when buying a product.
binomial test at a 5% level of significance to

Table 3: Communication Channels Test Statistic

Digital Channel Test Significance Decision
Websites .040 Null Hypothesis Rejected
Social Media .043 Null Hypothesis Rejected
YouTube .022 Null Hypothesis Rejected
Twitter .017 Null Hypothesis Rejected
Smartphone One-sample .029 Null Hypothesis Rejected
LinkedIn Binomial Test .019 Null Hypothesis Rejected
E-mails .002 Null Hypothesis Rejected
Others digital channels .001 Null Hypothesis Rejected
Traditional Channels .003 Null Hypothesis Rejected
Source: Developed by the Author

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