Drawing Book of Eyes Ear Mouth and Head Etc
Drawing Book of Eyes Ear Mouth and Head Etc
Drawing Book of Eyes Ear Mouth and Head Etc
Eyes are beautiful! They are my
favorite things to draw. An entire
drawing can be made around a
single eye . In the drawings below,
you can see the eye is just shapes.
An eye looks more like puzzle
pieces than any of the other fea-
tures. I have numbered the pieces
to help you see the various parts
that make up the eye.
1. Iris
___- -- _ 11 2. Pupil
3. Catchlight (or
2 flash)
"'-----'r-- - _
See how this eye is looking at you from 4. & 5. White of
an angle? Because it is turned, you see the eye
a lot of the white of the eye on the left 6. Upper lash line
of the iris and hardly any on the right. 9 7. Lower lip thick-
Also, see the lower lid thickness below ness
the iris? Notice that eyelashes on the 8. Upper eyelid
bottom come off the lower line, not the 9. & 10. Corner
one next to the eye. eye membrane
(tear duct)
11. Eyebrow
The line on the left looks hard and Eyebrows can be large or small, thick Start to apply little hairs. Look at the
straight. The line on the right is softer or thin. Just draw the overall shape direction they are growing in the pic-
and curved. It was drawn with a qllick first. ture and apply your pencil lines in that
stroke. Flick your wrist and the line will direction.
become thinner on the end.
'1.,/1 '
Continue to draw hairs until they start Add hair strokes again, until it gets as To soften it a bit, take your kneaded
to fill in, and then take your tortillion dark as you want it. eraser, put it into a point, and with the
and blend the whole thing out. same quick strokes, lift some light hairs
out. It is this finishing touch that really
helps make it look real.
Never just fill in the eyebrow with This is better, but the lines still look These lines work. They are curved and
heavy dark pencil lines. harsh and too straight. tapered at the ends, more like hair
really is.
Eyelashes should not be drawn with This is the way eyelash lines should be Eyelashes grow in clumps like this.
hard lines either. These lines are much drawn, but eyelashes don't grow in sin- Watch which direction they curve
too hard and straight. gle lines like this.
Don't ever draw a line all around the This is what lower lashes should look
eye with lower lashes like this. like. They come off the bottom of the
lower lid thickness and are shorter than
the upper lashes. See how some of them
are shorter than others? They, too, grow
in bunches.
Graph this eye out on your drawing Not only do you need to see the eye as Remove the graph. Lightly draw the
paper. just shapes, you need to see the shapes circles in the eyes by hand. Then crisp
created with the graph lines. This is up the circle with the stencil. If you are
where you will use your circle tem- drawing two eyes, remember to use the
plate, or stencil. The iris and the pupil same circle for both eyes. The catchlight
are perfect circles in nature. The reason should be placed half in the pupil and
many drawings of people don' t look half in the iris.
right is because the eyes aren't drawn Start to fill the eyebrow with pencil
with good circles. strokes and darken the pupil.
Add some #1 dark around the outside Blend out the iris until it is a #3 half- Lift some light out of the iris with your
edge of the iris and around the pupil. tone. Don't lose your catchlight! kneaded eraser to make it look shiny
Blend out the eyebrow. and enlarge the catchlight.
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Fill in the lash line #1 and #2. (It is The finishing touches! Blend some tone
lighter in the middle above the iris.) above the eye. Soften the lower lid
thickness. Blend a little into the white
of the eye to make the eye look round.
Pull some light hairs out of the eye-
brows. This eye doesn't have many eye-
lashes showing, just a few coming off
the sides:
It is easy to see which eyes are male and which are female. Women's eyebrows usually have more of an arch to them.
Men's eyes differ mostly in the eyebrows. They are usually The eyelashes seem longer and darker.
la rge r and closer to the eyes. See how these actually come
down over the eyelids? Also, the eyelashes aren't as obvious.
.. . age, . .. beauty.
This illustration shows how the face is looking straight ahead, so it is covered by hair!
face area is divided into equal the ears are at an angle-you can't through magazine picture
parts (from chin to hairline). The really see them entirely. draw as many different e,
eyes and ears are in the middle This is how you will usually you can find.
section. In many portraits, the see the ear in a drawing. Most of
Let's try an ear, step by step. By
now you should have this proce-
dure memorized!
Take your graph and place it over the Add your #1 darks where indicated. Add your #2 areas.
above illustration. Draw off the ear on
your drawing paper. Be sure it is
rate. When you feel good about it, re-
move the graph lines .
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Blend until the whole ear is a gray half- With your kneaded eraser in a point, lift
tone. out some lights to make the ear look
shiny in places.
Due Date:___________
1. Complete the EYE, NOSE, EAR, MOUTH, and FACE worksheets using GRAPHITE pencils.
For the following assignments use your face as reference (use a mirror/your phone) Each Sketch should be approximately
life size.
2. In your SKETCHBOOK draw your eyes in two of the following ways: (1) facing forward, (2) 3/4 view, (3) looking away,
3. In your SKETCHBOOK draw your nose in two of the following ways: (1) front view, (2) 3/4 view, (3) looking up or down,
and (4)scrunched
4. In your SKETCHBOOK draw your mouth in two of the following ways: (1) front view smiling, (2) 3/4 view, (3) looking
5. In your SKETCHBOOK draw your face using the measurement method from the worksheet. Render your face with