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Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher Paid
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Wednesday October 22, 2008 A Publication of
Newscaster Publishing Permit No. 14
Sally Price Correspondent

State & Local

Candidates, Gainesville
(General Election)
PD nabs
The General Election is just two
weeks away, on Tues., Nov. 4th, and never
suspect in
has your vote been more critical. All regis-
tered voters should be determined to vote,
and all preparations, such as knowing the
Crystal River
location of your polling place, along with
how and when you're getting there, should
be made in advance, so nothing can under-
bank robbery
mine your exercising your crucial - as never Around 9 p.m.,
before - right to vote. Polls are open until Oct . 16, Gainesville Po-
7:00 p.m. Remember to bring with you a lice Department officers
picture I.D., such as a driver's license or a made a traffic stop on Sh-
State-issued I.D. card. If you have moved, annon Lee Shepardson,
bring proof of both your old and your new 36, of 8300 W. Rainbow
addresses (a utility or other bill). Be alert Oaks Court, Crystal River,
to voter fraud; if your name has been re- the primary suspect in the
moved from the voting roster, contact your Oct. 14 robbery of the Shannon
Supervisor of Elections - immediately - to Mercantile Bank in Crys- Shepardson
exercise your right to vote: Citrus County tal River. He was taken into
Supervisor of Elections (Susan Gill, custody on a Citrus County Sheriff's Office Academy of Environmental Science Students in Crystal River and State Park volunteer Buffy
Inverness) at 1-800-655-6645 or (352) 341- warrant for robbery. Dematteis are making preparations for a spooky charitible funrasier. The event is the main
6740; or Levy County Supervisor of Elec- Just before 3:30 p.m., Oct. 14, a fundraiser for the friends of the Crystal River Preserve State Parks. More on page 5
tions (Connie Asbell, Bronson) at (352) 486- lone white male had entered the front door
5163. Unfortunately, the deadline to regis-
ter for this election has already passed; the
deadline was Oct. 6th. However, you can still
of the Crystal River Mercantile Bank lo-
cated at 1000 S.E. U.S. Hwy. 19. Five bank Levy School Board Member
employees, but no customers, were in the
register to vote for elections that will be held
after the Nov. 4th General Election.
EARLY VOTING dates in Florida
building at the time. The robber's face was
covered with cloth, and he alluded to hav-
ing a weapon, although no weapon was
Charged With Lewdness
are Monday, October 20th through Satur- Levy County one of the stalls, "coughing very loudly, as if
visable. He demanded cash from one of the
day, November 1st. Early voting sites: School Board Member to signal to come into the stall." Davis said
tellers and was given an undisclosed amount
LEVY COUNTY - Supervisor of Elections (District 1), Billy R. that he'd pretended to leave the bathroom,
of money. He exited through the front door
Office, 421 S. Court St., BRONSON (Mon.- Morrison, was charged and the coughing had ceased. Davis said he
of the bank and ran to the back of the build-
Sat., 9am-5pm); CITRUS COUNTY - Cit- with lewdness, follow- then had opened the bathroom door, again,
ing, followed by a bank employee who was
rus County Courthouse, 110 N. Apopka Ave., ing an alleged incident as if he were re-entering the bathroom, and
attempting to see the robber's vehicle or
INVERNESS (8:30am-4:30pm); Inverness that took place at Santa the coughing had resumed.
direction of travel. He was seen jumping
City Hall, 212 W. Main St., INVERNESS Fe College in Officer Barley went to the
into a two-tone, blue or gray 1991 Plymouth
(8:30am-4:30pm); Crystal River Elections Gainesville on Oct. 11. restroom and entered the first stall. Mr.
Voyager station wagon or van.
Office, 801 S.E. Hwy. 19, CRYSTAL RIVER Morrison, 47, was is- Morrison was already in a stall and stayed
Just minutes before the robbery,
(Mon.-Sat., 9am-5pm); Homosassa Public sued a notice to appear there for about five minutes, then left the
the suspect was videotaped in the ABC Fine
Library, 4100 Grandmarch Ave., Billy Morrison in court after allegedly restroom and re-entered it, about four min-
Wine & Spirits store located at 822 S.E.
HOMOSASSA (8:30am-4:30pm). exposing himself to a plain clothes campus utes later, and went into the stall next to Of-
U.S. Hwy. 19. His behavior was strange
police officer in a men's restroom in the ficer Barley's. Barley stated that he and
Continued on page 5 - Election enough that workers had noted his tag num-
campus' J Building, which is a science build- Morrison had no verbal communication, and
ber and passed it along to Citrus County
ing, around 11:15 a.m. about three minutes later, Morrison stood up
Morrison is also manager of the and exposed himself through a hole in the
Because Shepardson wore a mask
divider wall between the two restroom stalls.
MOVE during the commission of the crime, the Perkins State Bank Bronson Branch and a
member of the Levy County Canvassing Officer Barley then identified himself as a
charge of robbery where offender carried
SHEDS Board for the Nov. 4th General Election. He Santa Fe College Police Officer and placed
no weapon was enhanced to a first-degree
was elected, unopposed, for a second term Morrison under arrest.
felony. His bond was set at $10,000. If he
(352)637-6607 fails to meet his bond, he'll be transported
to the Citrus County Detention Facility for
on the school board in 2006.
According to the report of the inci-
Barley transported Morrison to the
SFC Police Department. When questioned
The Shed Store incarceration. His 1991 Plymouth Voyager, dent, Sante Fe College Police Officer Mark
Barley was called to the J building by Sgt.
as to how he knew about the hole in the stall
divider wall, Morrison explained that he'd
156 N. Florida Ave. which was used in the commission of the
robbery, was secured by Gainesville police E.C. Davis, to investigate a suspicious per- come across something written in the Oaks

Inverness and will be transported back to Citrus County son in the men's restroom. Sgt. Davis told
Officer Barley that he'd heard someone in
Mall bathroom. He said he couldn't remem-
Continued on page 4 - Lewdness Charge
for processing.

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