843 AI Projects Cookbook
843 AI Projects Cookbook
843 AI Projects Cookbook
Classes XI & XII
Subject Code:843
“Harnessing the power of AI to solve world problems is not just a choice; it’s a
responsibility we owe to humanity’s future, a beacon of innovation, guiding us
towards a brighter, more sustainable world.”
Within these pages, you will find an array of projects ranging from applications
designed to tackle pressing issues impacting our society to innovative chatbots and
mobile apps that enhance user experiences. Whether you're a novice enthusiast or
an experienced developer, there's something for everyone to explore and learn
We hope this cookbook inspires you to delve into the realm of AI, experiment
with different tools and techniques, and ultimately contribute towards building a
better and more sustainable future for all.
Happy cooking!
AI Cookbook
"Unleash the Power of AI: Your Recipe Book for Intelligent Solutions”
Project Guidelines
(SDG Aligned)
1. Prepare for the Project
Identify a local issue affecting your school or community and that could be solved using
artificial intelligence (AI).
While doing this, you will learn more about problems you can solve to improve lives and make
the world a better place. You will also learn many important skills including:
➢ how to work as a team member
➢ how to clearly identify an issue and who it is affecting (the user)
➢ how to brainstorm solutions and select the best one
➢ how to decide which type of AI may be useful for your proposed solution
➢ how to ethically gather and use data to train a computer to help solve the issue
➢ how to test the prototype with users and use their feedback to improve your solution
➢ how to pitch your solution to people who will be able to help you take action
2. Form a team
Project leader • Schedules and allocates tasks among the team
• Ensures tasks are completed on time
• Actsas the point of contact between the team and the teacher,
users and stakeholders
• Resolves team issues
Information researcher • Collects questions from the team that need answers
• Identifies where answers can be located (source)
• Searches for answers, writes up a report and passes
information to the project reporter
Designer • Workswith the team and the user to create a process flow for
the new user experience
• Plans the user interface for the prototype
Prototype builder/coder • Works with data expert to train/teach computer
• Creates the prototype and codes if necessary
Video producer Films the activities of the team and edits these into a
presentation for submission
Tasks are not solely the responsibility of those who are assigned to the specific role. Each team
member should involve other team members, users or stakeholders in order to achieve their
goals. Team members may also have more than one role. The project is a team effort and
requires collaboration and communication.
Team collaboration and communication
Collaboration is actively working with others with an open mind to the ideas of others to
accomplish your goal. As a team member, you need to be able to share your ideas and ask
questions so that your team and teacher understand your thinking.
A project plan will help you get started. Here are some tips:
➢ Add start and end dates for the project phases –background reading and learning about AI
and AI tools, forming a team, problem definition, understanding users, brainstorming a
solution, designing a solution, collecting and preparing data, training your model, building
your prototype, testing your solution, refining your solution, preparing your submissions
➢ It is important to have a clear plan of how you will communicate with each other to help
you work more effectively as a team and resolve issues more easily so that you can
achieve your goal.
➢ List tasks for each project phase and assign these to the team members with start and
end dates.
Here are some tips on to get you started with a communications plan:
➢ Will you meet face-to-face, online or a mixture of each to communicate?
➢ How often will you come together to share your progress?
➢ Who will set up online documents and ensure that everyone is contributing?
➢ What tools will you use for communication?
During the project, it is also helpful to create minutes for team meetings, where you log the date
the meeting took place, who attended the meeting, who was invited but unable to attend the
meeting, the purpose of the meeting, the items discussed and the items that need to be done as
a result of the discussion.
➢ Have other people already come up with solutions to this problem?
➢ Do these solutions require AI?
If you think your solution does not meet any of the above criteria, it probably will not benefit from
using AI. Discuss this with your teacher and try to find an alternative problem requires an AI
Narrow down your list of issues to those that matter most to you and that you think you can solve
using AI.
➢ Vote on one problem that all or most of you would like to tackle, taking into consideration
the impact you are likely to make.
➢ Now breakdown the problem and think of the people affected (your users), what they
need and what you can do for them. Make sure that what you can do to help them is
something that can be measured. You should be able to express the users’ problem in
one sentence:
How can we help _____________ [a specific user or group of users] find a way to___________
[do what] so that they can do ________________ [something not done before that can be
4. Understand your users
Before developing a solution, it is important to thoroughly understand both the problem and your
users. Understanding your users involves empathy - putting yourself in their shoes and connecting
with how they might be feeling about their problem, circumstance, or situation.
Who are your users?
➢ Who is the hero of your story? Hint: This is the user.
➢ What is their current struggle today?
➢ What problems do they face?
➢ What is one idea you have to solve their problem?
➢ How would that idea improve the user’s experience?
You can get to know your users better by actually meeting with them and observing them as they
carry out their tasks and as they interact with the people and tools in their environment.
Conducting interviews
You can conduct interviews with a number of users to find out more about their needs. Ask open-
ended questions about how they live and work. Listen to their stories to understand their hopes,
fears, and goals that motivate them.
Here are some questions you can ask:
➢ What’s their story?
➢ What is their experience and what they do, think and feel throughout their experience?
➢ What are the highs and lows of their experience?
➢ Whom do they work with?
➢ Who do they rely on and who relies on them?
➢ What’s expected of them?
➢ What are their needs?
➢ What problem are they solving?
➢ How do they define success?
Select a scenario and a user to focus on for your empathy map. You can create more than one
empathy map for different types of users.
Think about the perspective of the user. Write the name of your persona in the middle of the
map. Using the information from the scenario, add observations to the appropriate section of the
You can share your Empathy Maps with your user(s) to double check your observations and
[a specific user or group of users] are experiencing issues with [problem] today
because of [cause].
Generate ideas
Once your team has a clear understanding of your user’s problems and challenges, it is time to
brainstorm a few possible ideas for solutions.
As you generate ideas keep your problem statement in mind and respond to the challenge
How might we use the power of machine learning to help people increase their knowledge or
improve their skills?
Individually write down or draw your ideas for a solution. Set a timer for five minutes and come
up with as many ideas as you can.
➢ Listen to each team member’s reasoning behind their votes. This is more important than
the votes themselves.
➢ Which idea would be best for the user and why?
➢ Can you get your user to tell you directly what it is they need or want most?
➢ Is there any other information that is needed?
When many ideas are being considered, it helps to put your ideas in a priority grid focusing on
importance to the user and on how easy it will be for the team to develop.
Value to the user = low to high
Ease of development by the team = easy to hard
Choose an idea
Take another five minutes to refine ideas for your solution. Think of the solutions that can be
designed within a short timeframe (about one hour total) using one of the AI tools that you are
comfortable with. Pick the best idea.
My AI solution will help someone learn yoga poses. I will train a ML model using Teachable
Machine to recognize different yoga poses. The tool’s confidence level at identifying the pose will
help the person know if they have done the pose correctly and how they can adjust their position
to increase the machine’s confidence level. A high confidence level means that the person is
doing the pose correctly.
6. Design your solution
Document the steps that your users will now do using your AI tool. Describe what the
user does first, what happens next, and so on. You may also represent the steps as
sketches or a storyboard.
The user does a yoga pose in front of the computer webcam.
The program indicates the name of the pose and the confidence level that the name
of the pose is correct.
The user keeps practicing the pose until the confidence level is high and they are
satisfied that they have done the pose correctly.
The user repeats this process with another pose.
Collecting data
Data such as images, audio, video, statistics, can be collected using recording devices
or sensors.
You can also create your own data set by observing behaviours and logging your
observations and information about your subjects in a table or spreadsheet. For
instance, you might want to log data about your run daily – start time, end time,
distance covered, location, etc.
You can also find data sets online, but you need to ensure that the data from a credible
source and that you have permission from the owner to use these for your AI solution.
You can find some data sets from sites such as Kaggle, Google Data or the Atlas of
Living Australia.
Think of ethical considerations when collecting data. Will the process of collecting data
harm anything or anyone? For instance, when you capture photos of animals in the
wild, will this process endanger them or their habitats?
If you collect images of people, will this put their privacy at risk or damage their
reputation? How will you ensure privacy?
Other Considerations when working with data
➢ Is the data accurate and recent?
➢ Do you have a representative sample that is diverse enough to represent the
population you are examining?
➢ De-identifying - which features must be removed to safeguard privacy of
people’s data?
➢ Are you taking care to avoid unfair bias?
Teachable Machine (beginner)
Teachable Machine is a web-based tool for creating machine learning models. You
can easily train a computer to recognize your images and sounds without writing any
machine learning code. However, to create an application that uses your model, you
would need to do so in a separate coding platform capable of handling your model’s
TensorFlow format.
MIT App Inventor (beginner/intermediate)
MIT App Inventor is a visual coding tool, similar to Scratch for creating fully functional
apps for Android smartphones and tablets. For those without Android smartphones,
there is an online emulator for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux machines. To enable
machine learning, you will need to import some AI extensions for MIT App Inventor.
IBM Watson Assistant (advanced)
IBM Watson Assistant is an AI product that lets you build intelligent chatbots that
handle conversational interactions with users on any topic. The chatbot can be
integrated into a web site, an app or a messaging channel.
Write down which AI tool(s) you will use to build your solution.
Creating your working prototype
➢ Gather the training data you need to train your model. If you are generating
data in real-time, for example, posing in front of a webcam, list the actions or
items you will show.
➢ Follow the instructions for the tool you are using and train your model.
➢ Test your model using new data to see how well it recognizes or responds to
the information.
➢ Add more training data as needed to increase the tool’s accuracy.
Write down what decisions or outputs will your tool generate and what further action
needs to be taken after a decision is made.
As you can see, you can keep refining your prototype until it gets better and better and
it is up to you and your users to decide how many more improvements should be done
based on your available time and the cost of doing so.
Selecting test users/data
Describe which users/data will you select to test your solution, why they are the right
ones and whether they are representative of your subjects.
Observe your users during testing
Tips for testing your solution with your users:
➢ Take detailed notes as you observe your users.
➢ Allow your users to experience the solution without explaining it. Give only basic
information to get them started but let them explore how it functions. If you are
testing a prototype concept rather than a built prototype, allow your users to
examine the visual representations and read the explanations for each step.
➢ Allow your users to make mistakes while testing your prototype. Don’t correct
them right away if they do something wrong. This is valuable information that
you can use to determine if something is unclear about your solution or how
users might interpret it in a different way.
➢ Take note of their questions. These questions provide insight into areas that are
not clear in your design and can also provide inspiration for new features.
List your observations of your users as they tested your solution.
Based on user testing, write down what recommendations you can act on now so
that the prototype can be used. Write down what recommendations you can leave for
later. After making changes to refine your prototype, iterate and test once again.
10. Reflect as a team
Take a moment to reflect on how team members collaborated with each other during
the project.
How did you actively work with each other and with your users and stakeholders? If
you were keeping a diary or log of your team meetings and to-do lists, you may include
those in this section too.
Start filming and your video
You can find tips and ideas on how to develop a pitch video here.
Here are some tips to consider when creating your video:
➢ Ensure your video follows a clear and logical sequence and is well-paced and
clearly communicated.
➢ Be illustrative. Use demonstrations of your prototype and/or visuals where
appropriate to illustrate examples.
➢ Present accurate science and technology and use appropriate language.
➢ Let your passion for your chosen topic/idea show through when presenting.
➢ Ensure your video has good sound and image quality.
➢ Keep your videos no longer than 3 minutes.
➢ Show how well your solution addresses the defined problem.
➢ Show how your solution meets user needs and provides a better user
experience. You can ask users to speak about the solution and how it will
improve their experience.
➢ Demonstrate the originality and creativity in your proposed problem and
➢ Provide insight into how well the team collaborated. Showcase team members
clearly illustrating their role in the project.
➢ Provide insight into the team members’ learning journey through the challenge
and how your AI knowledge and design thinking skills have developed.
Sample Projects
Project 1: AI-Enabled Attendance System
3. Objectives:
• To provide parents with real-time notifications upon
their child's arrival.
• Enhance child safety and provide peace of mind to
4. Features:
• Facial recognition technology for accurate child
• Automatic email notifications to parents upon
• User-friendly interface for easy setup and
5. AI Used:
• Computer vision algorithms for facial recognition.
• Machine learning for improving detection accuracy
over time.
6. Data Used:
• Facial data of registered children for identification.
• Historical data for algorithm training and
7. Solution: • Develop a comprehensive facial attendance
system integrating advanced computer vision
• Implement a secure database of registered
children's facial data for accurate identification.
• Design an intuitive user interface allowing parents
to easily register their child's face and receive
• Integrate automatic email notification functionality
to alert parents in real-time upon their child's safe
arrival home.
• Provide robust security measures to protect sensitive
data and ensure system reliability.
8. SDG Involved:
• Supports SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) by
enhancing child safety.
• Contributes to SDG 4 (Quality Education) by
promoting secure school-to-home transitions.
9. Future Scope:
• Expansion to include additional features such as
geolocation tracking.
• Integration with smart home systems for enhanced
security measures.
Project 2: Breast Cancer Detection Model
6. Data Used: Labelled Datasets: Annotated datasets with labels
indicating the presence or absence of breast cancer.
Project 3: AI Voice Assistant for People with
6. Data Used: Speech recognition: Audio recordings paired with
transcriptions. Open AI Chat GPT: Large corpus of text
conversations and corresponding responses for training.
9. Future Scope: • Expansion to support additional languages and
• Integration with wearable devices for hands-free
• Continuous updates and improvements based on user
feedback and technological advancements.
• Collaboration with healthcare providers and assistive
technology experts to address specific needs and
challenges of different disability groups.
Project 4: Hate Speech Detection Model
8. SDG Involved: Sustainable Development Goal 3: Ensure
healthy lives and promote well-being for all at
all ages. By improving mental health of people,
the project contributes to achieving this goal.
Project 5: School Surveillance System
Cameras strategically placed at school
entrances and exits continuously monitor the
surroundings. The system compares the
detected faces with a database of known
8. SDG Involved: • SDG 4: Quality Education: Ensure a safe
and secure learning environment for
students and staff.
• SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and
Infrastructure: Utilize technology innovation
for enhancing security infrastructure.
• SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong
Institutions: Strengthen security measures
to promote safety and justice within the
school community.
9. Future Scope: • Enhanced Accuracy: Continuously improve
the accuracy of facial recognition algorithms
to minimize false positives and negatives.
• Integration with Other Systems: Integrate
the surveillance system with other security
systems and school management software
for better coordination and efficiency.
Project 6: Lung Cancer Detection Model
• Integration with existing healthcare systems
for seamless adoption and use in clinical
Project 7: Leak Weak
9. Future Scope: • Integration with telemedicine services for connecting
users with healthcare professionals for personalized
advice and consultations.
• Expansion of language support and cultural
adaptation to reach a wider audience.
• Collaboration with schools, NGOs, and government
agencies to promote menstrual health education and
• Incorporation of advanced AI capabilities for
predictive analytics and personalized health
• Partnerships with menstrual product manufacturers
and retailers for product recommendations and
conversation. When an Agent is created, by default two intents are created whicha re
Default welcome intent, default fallback intent. The rest are to be created depending
on the idea behind the chatbot. In the default welcome intent, when the user gives a
greeting message, your chatbot should respond to the kind of services it can do. So,
give only one response and remove all the other default welcome greetings.
All actions should be saved for the Agent to update itself.
Next step is to create as many intents as required by the objective of the chatbot.
Along with each intent, the training phrases with the respective answers should be
given and trained.
Also, entities can be created in Dialog Flow. Defines the type of information you want
to extract from user input. For example, vegetable could be the name of an entity
type. Clicking Create Entity from the Dialog flow Console creates an entity type.
You can see all the entities associated with an intent by clicking on it in Dialog flow.
Whereas intents represent the user's overall intention in their utterance, entities
represent key words in the utterance that we want to extract.
After this, choose Integrations option from the menu (left hand side) and choose
Web demo. In the next screen, Click on Enable. Then click on the hyperlink to open
the chatbot in a separate tab. Then when the chatbot opens in a separate tab, greet
the chatbot with Hi or any welcome greeting and see the response.
Other than this method, the chatbot can be integrated in any other platform like
Google Site / Weebly / Thunkable.
Ex: If you want the chatbot in a Google Site, then open a Google site, in that select
embed option, then choose Embed code option, paste the link, click on Insert option,
then Next option and then finally Insert option. You can see that the Google Dialog
Flow chatbot is inserted in the Google site. You can test the chatbot by clicking on
the preview button and then publish it.
Project 8: Image Classification App Development
8. SDG Involved:
- Goal 4: Quality Education (enhancing STEM education
and digital literacy)
- Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
(promoting innovation in technology education)
9. Future Scope: 1. Expansion of app functionality to include other
machine learning tasks (e.g., text recognition, sentiment
2. Collaboration with educational institutions to integrate
the app development curriculum into existing STEM
3. Creation of online resources and tutorials for self-
paced learning and community engagement.
4. Integration of feedback mechanisms to gather user
insights and improve app usability.
5. Exploration of partnerships with industry professionals
to offer mentorship and career guidance opportunities.
Project 9: Fake Voices: The Ethics of Deepfakes
1. Problem Statement: Introducing students to synthetic media and its potential
impacts, including deepfake technology.
2. Users/Stakeholders: • Educators
• Students
Project 10: An app to track mood over a period and
visualize the data
2. Users/Stakeholders: • Students
• Educators
9. Future Scope: • Expanding the app to include more
sophisticated mood tracking features.
• Integrating machine learning
algorithms to predict mood patterns
based on various factors.
• Incorporating feedback mechanisms
for users to reflect on and improve
their mood over time.
Class XI| Artificial Intelligence |AI Projects Cookbook