LaserCut Ebook V1
LaserCut Ebook V1
LaserCut Ebook V1
Grab fire blanket Open the door Lay blanket on bed Close the door Get a staff member
BeAM provides the following materials for free:
Zoom View
Zoom View:
-Can magnify specific part of design
-Can be helpful for small details
Focus View:
-Controls the x and y position of the laser carriage.
-Click on a point on the screen and the laser
carriage moves to that point on bed.
-When laser cutter door is open, a red light will
show where the laser is pointed
-Helpful for determining where your design will
actually cut on the material.
-Click on all corners of your design to make sure
your design fits on the material.
Relocate View:
-Allows you to adjust placement of your design.
-Helpful in conjunction with the nozzle tool – if you
find your design doesn’t line up on the material,
click and drag it with the relocate view.
L-ook at rulers on both the screen and the laser
cutter to make sure design is placed where you
want it to be.
-Can choose ‘To Pointer’ button to snap design to
location of the laser carriage.
Duplicate View:
-This tool allows you to duplicate your design.
-Put in how many times you want to duplicate
along the x axis, and how many times along the y,
and it will do so.
-For example: 3 along x and 3 along y means you
will get 9 of your design arranged in a 3 by 3
Estimate View:
-Predicts how long your job will take to run.
Remember there is a 90 minute limit for all
students using the laser cutter.
-Required that you click ‘Start’ on the timer
before each job to check the time.
-If colors are greyed out at any point in any
of these views, something’s wrong
• Before you can use the laser cutter you must have
your Illustrator file approved by a BeAM Staff member.