Information and Communication Technology Skills

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Information and Communication Technology Skills

Information and Communication Technology, called ICT in short, gives us the

ability to use digital technology and communication tools to access, manage,
integrate, evaluate, create and communicate.

Session 1: Getting Started with Spreadsheet

A spreadsheet is an electronic document, which has rows and columns. It is used

to store data in a systematic way and do calculations.

Types of spreadsheet

OpenOffice Calc is a spreadsheet program, a part of the free OpenOffice

suite. The program is easy to use and contains most of the commonly used
features found in commercial spreadsheet programs. OpenOffice Calc is a
software that helps in performing calculations using formulae and in analysing


Spreadsheet programs have become very popular because of the following


• Built-in functions make calculations easier, faster, and more accurate.

• Large volumes of data can be easily handled and manipulated.

• Data can be exported to or imported from other software.

• Data can be easily represented in pictorial form like graphs or charts.

• Formulae are automatically recalculated whenever underlying data values are


Steps to start LibreOffice Calc

. Click Start  All Programs LibreOffice Calc

Title bar

The title bar is located at the top of the Calc window. It displays the name of
the workbook on which you are currently working. A workbook is a collection of
one or more worksheets. The right side of the title bar contains the Minimize,
Restore Down or Maximize, and Close buttons.

Menu bar

The menu bar has commands like File , Edit, etc. Clicking on each menu option
displays a list of commands. Standard bar This bar contains icons (buttons) to
provide quick access to commands such as New, Open, Print, Copy, and Paste etc.

Formatting bar

It has buttons and drop-down menus that allow you to select a formatting option
like, font, font color, alignment, number format, border, and background color.

Components of a spreadsheet

In the spreadsheet, you can see a worksheet with cells placed in rows and

• A row is an arrangement of cells in a horizontal (sleeping) manner. The

rows are numbered from top to bottom along the left edge of the
worksheet as 1, 2, and so on.
• A column is an arrangement of cells in a vertical (standing) manner.
Columns are labelled from left to right with letters A…Z, AA…AZ and so
• A cell is a rectangle shaped box, where the row and column meet. You can
enter text, numbers, date, formula, etc., in a cell. The cell that is
selected appears highlighted.
• Whatever you type in, a cell appears in the area called formula bar. It
contains the Name Box and a long white box, known as the Input line.
• Data Types - You can enter numbers, text, and formulas in a cell.
• The name box shows the location of the selected cell. The location of the
cell is a combination of column and row. For example, A1, where A is the
column name and 1 is the row number.
• A worksheet is a collection of cells in the form of a grid (a network of
lines that intersect each other, making rectangles). When you open a
spreadsheet for the first time, you see a blank worksheet with the name
• A workbook is a spreadsheet that has one or more worksheets.

Session 2: Performing Basic Operations in a Spreadsheet

Type of data
There are three main type of data — text, numbers and formula.
Nowadays, it is also possible to enter pictures, audio, video and shapes in
a spreadsheet.

Steps to enter data

Editing data in a cell

Deleting data in a cell

Selecting multiple cells

• When a single cell is selected it is called active cell.

• When a number of cells is selected, it is called cell range.

To select two or more rows that are not next to each other, select one
row and hold down the Control key, and then, select the next row.

A range is a rectangular block of contiguous cells, i.e., cells that touch

each other, especially along a line.
You can select range of cells in any one of the following ways:
• Using the mouse
• Using the keyboard
Session 3: Working with Data and Formatting Text
Data stored in a spreadsheet can be used in calculations, graphical
representation and display of information.

To do any calculation in a spreadsheet, you need to use ‘=’ (equal-to)

symbol, which tells the spreadsheet that a formula has been entered.
Only then the spreadsheet will perform the calculation and display the

Using Autofill
The AutoFill feature of Calc allows you to fill a range of cells with a
series of data without typing all of it. The predefined series that can be
filled in Calc using AutoFill are:
• months of the year
• days of the week.

To use AutoFill for a series the steps are:

1. Select the cell, say A1, which has the data, say, Monday .You want to
fill the rest of the days of the week in the column.
2. Move the mouse pointer to the small black square at the lower-right
corner of the cell. This square is called the fill handle.
3.When you point to the fill handle, the mouse pointer changes to a cross
4. Drag to enclose the area you want to fill.
4. Release the mouse button. The cells enclosed will be filled with days of
the week
You can also fill a cell range with a series of numbers.
The steps are:
1. Type the first two values of the series in two adjacent cells
2. Select the two cells. Click the fill handle in the lower-right corner of
the selected cells.
3. Drag it to enclose the area you want to fill.
4. Release the mouse button.

AutoFill uses the difference between the first two numbers and keeps
adding it to the last number. So the range gets filled automatically.

Shortcut Keys

Ctrl+N – New Document

Ctrl+P - Print
Ctrl+C - Copy
Ctrl+V - Paste
Ctrl+Z - Undo
Ctrl+Y - Redo
CTrl+A – Select All
Ctrl+S - Save
Ctrl+B – bold
Ctrl+I – Italic
Ctrl+U - Underline
Ctrl+X - Cut
CTRL + SPACEBAR - To select the entire column in which the cell pointer is positioned
SHIFT + SPACEBAR - To select the entire row in which the cell pointer is positioned


After typing in a cell, you may need to change the entire content or do
some partial modifications.

This can be done in any one of the following ways:

• By overtyping, i.e., changing the content completely
• By partially modifying the content

Changing Column Width

You can change the column width in a Calc worksheet in any of the
following ways:
1 • Drag the divider to the right of the column header (Fig 25).

• To fit the column width to the cell contents, double-click the divider.


• To change the column width, select Format Column  Width

The Column Width dialog box appears (Fig. 27). Enter the value for
column width in the Width spinbox.

Changing Row Height

You can change the row height in a Calc worksheet in any of the following
• Drag the divider below the row
• To fit the row height to the cell contents, double-click the divider.

• Select Format  Row  Height

The Row Height dialog box appears . Enter the value for row height in the
Height spinbox.

Formula in a Worksheet
Align (arrange) text in a cell

In a spreadsheet, you can position the text in a cell to the left, right or
center. This is the alignment feature of spreadsheet.

Session 4: Advanced Features in Spreadsheet


Once you have entered data and applied relevant formulas in a worksheet,
you can change the order in which the data is present in the cells. This is
called sorting of data.

The steps to sort data are as follows:

1. Select all rows and columns that have to be sorted.

2. Click on Data, and then, select Sort
This will give a Sort dialog box Click on Sort Key 1 and select total from
the drop-down. By default the order is Ascending, which means from
the lowest to the highest. We can also change it to Descending. This will
sort the data in the total field.
4. Click on OK.
5. The data will get rearranged in the entire list.

Protecting spreadsheet with password
Introduction to Presentation Software
A presentation is a systematic display of information. It consists of a number of
slides containing text, graphics, movies, sound, and graphs. Slides of a
presentation are displayed one by one on the screen.
Some common terms used in a Presentation software are:

Slides are the individual pages of a presentation. Each slide may contain text,
graphics, movies, and sound.

Handouts are very small images of slides printed together on a sheet of paper,
which can be given to the viewers for reference.

Speaker notes are notes added to the slides as a reference for the presenter.
They are not visible to the audience during a presentation.

There are differernt sofwares like MS Powerpoint , OpenOffice Impress that

can be used to create a presentation.
Steps to start LibreOffice Impress
1. First, you must ensure that LibreOffice Impress is installed on your computer.

2. Type ‘LibreOffice Impress’ in the search bar of Windows.

3. Select LibreOffice Impress from the search results

Opening, closing, saving and printing a presentation

4. Click on Save. The default Save As type is .ods.

Working with Slides and Text in a Presentation

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