Solo Performance AT2 Writing Prompts
Solo Performance AT2 Writing Prompts
Solo Performance AT2 Writing Prompts
LAP wording:
Students complete a discussion in which they comment on how their understanding of the style, structure and
conventions of their chosen repertoire has informed the performance and its preparation. In addition, they critique
the strategies used in refining their skills, technique, and accuracy in practice and performance.
Intro: 50 words
Outline what you’re going to talk about, what rep, composer, when written, and basic genre.
Repertoire Analysis as a Performer: 250 words (50 words to situate the rep, 200 words on
musical elements)
Situate the rep in it’s time, place and genre, and identify expected performance conventions or
aspects of the compositions that are relevant to that.
You MUST comment on the style, the structure of the compositions, and the relevant
performance conventions for that style. You should also identify 2-4 significant musical
elements and discuss them with specificity.
rhythms, harmonies, melodic shapes, phrasing, dynamics, articulation, tone colour, form
and structure, groove, time feel, ensemble blend etc.
Application of your Knowledge: 450 words (~100 per sub-topic below)
Guiding Question: How has your understanding of the repertoire informed your own creative
choices or what you focused on when developing your performance? Critique of strategies you
used to develop and refine your performance.
Refer to stye (including historical period, composer’s intentions), structure, genre, and
key musical elements
a. Identify your aims; what were your choices or focuses?
b. Identify some problems or opportunities related to that; these should be both
technical and expressive/interpretive
c. Identify the practice strategies
d. Discuss how your development is going (it’s fine if in a general sense, some of this is
a work in progress even though you’ve done that one performance)
Conclusion: 50 words
Reflect on any surprises, summarise your core learning
Assessment Rubric