CS3492 Database Management Systems Question Bank 1
CS3492 Database Management Systems Question Bank 1
CS3492 Database Management Systems Question Bank 1
(B.E/B.Tech – CSE/IT/CSBS)
(Regulations 2021)
UNIT-I (Relational Database)
1. What is DBMS?
2. Define Relational DBMS.
3. State the merits and demerits of redundancy.
1. Explain the Characteristics and Purpose of DBMS. (13)
7. Draw a Schema and mention the various elements of the schema with (13)
8. Explain the different types of keys used in DBMS. (13)
1. Consider the following relations for a company database Application. (15)
(ii) Write a SELECT statement to display the name of all the candidates
who have got less than 40 marks in exactly 2 subjects.
18 Boyce-Codd normal form is found to be stricter than 3NF’. Justify the statement
1. Draw an ER model by taking Hospital management/Banking (13)
System/University Database and explain all the relationship sets with
2. Explain EER Model with a neat sketch for School Database. (13)
6. Discuss in detail the steps involved in the ER – to Relational mapping in the (13)
process of relational database design
7. Explain with suitable example, the constraints of specialization and (13)
generalization in ER data modelling.
1. Draw E – R Diagram for the “Restaurant Menu Ordering System”, which (15)
Facilitate the food items ordering and services within a restaurant.
The entire restaurant scenario is detailed as follows. The Customer is
able to view the food items menu, call the waiter, place orders and
obtain the final bill through the computer kept in their table. The waiters
through their wireless tablet PC are able to initialize a table for
customers, control the table functions to assist customers, orders, send
orders to food preparation staff (chef) and finalize the customer’s bill.
The food preparation staffs (Chefs), with their touch-display interface to
the system, are able to view orders sent to the kitchen by waiters. During
preparation, they are able to let the waiter know the status of each item,
and can send notification when items are completed. The system should
have full accountability and logging facilities, and should support
supervisor actions to account for exceptional circumstances, such as a
meal being refunded or walked out on.
2. A car rental company maintains a database for all vehicles in its current (15)
fleet. For all vehicles, it includes the vehicle identification number, license
number, manufacturer, model, date of purchase, and color. Special data are
included for certain types of vehicles.
Trucks: cargo capacity.
Sports cars: horsepower, renter age requirement.
Vans: number of passengers.
Off-road vehicles: ground clearance, drivetrain (four- or two-wheel
drive). Construct an ER model for the car rental company database
1. Define Transaction.
2. Mention the types of failures.
3. What is average response time?
4. State the need of time stamps.
5. Differentiate strict two phase locking protocol and rigorous two phase locking protocol.
6. What are the different modes of lock?
7. Define deadlock.
8. Define Concurrency
9. Brief the phases of two phase locking protocol.
10. What are uncommitted modifications?
13 What is serializability?
18 Define Validation.
20 Define Scheduling.
1. Discuss view serializability and conflict serializability. (13)
6. Briefly explain about Two phase commit and three phase commit protocols. (13)
2. Consider the following schedules. The actions are listed in the order they (15)
are schedule, and prefixed with transaction name.
S1: T1: R(X), T2: R(x), T1: W(Y), T2: W(Y), T1: R(Y), T2: R(Y)
S2:T3: R(X), T1: R(X), T1: W(Y), T2: R (Z), T2: W (Z), T3: R (Z)
For each of the schedules, answer the following questions:
What is the precedence graph for the schedule?
Is the schedule conflict-serializable? If so, what are all the conflict
equivalent serial schedules?
iii. Is the schedule view-serializable? If so, what are all the view
equivalent serial schedules?
UNIT-IV(Implementation Techniques)
1. State the various heuristics involved in query optimization.
2. Mention the various types of record organizations in a file.
3. Draw the storage device hierarchy.
4. What is RAID?
5. List the factors to be taken into account in choosing a RAID system.
6. Mention the various types of file organization with ex.
7. What are the two basic kinds of indices?
8. Differentiate clustering index and non-clustering index
9. What is a balanced tree?
10. Write a query for B+ tree.
11 Define a bucket.
1. Explain how the RAID systems improve performance and reliability. (13)
2. What is RAID? List the different level in RAID technology and explain its (13)
Features with neat sketches.
3. Describe the structure of B+ tree and list the characteristics of a B+tree with (13)
indexing operation.
4. Explain the steps involved in Query Processing with a neat sketch. (13)
6. Discuss in detail about how records are represented in a file and how to (13)
organize them in a file.
7. Explain the cost estimation for query processing. (13)
8. Discuss the selection, sorting and join operations using appropriate (13)
9. Explain the various heuristics involved in query optimization. (13)
1. Explain the various steps involved for Select Operation with example. (15)
2. Explain the various steps involved for Join Operation with example. (15)
UNIT-V(Advanced Topics)
1. What are Distributed Databases?
2. Define Filtering and Polinstantiation.
3. List the different types of security problem.
4. What is discretionary access control?
5. What is mandatory access control?
6. What is NOSQL database?
7. State CAP Theorem.
8. What are the advantages of distributed databases?
9. List the issues of distributed databases.
10. State the various utilities of graph databases.
12 What are the various security metrics used for statistical databases?
1. Explain in detail about Distributed Databases with a neat sketch. (13)
4. Explain about the various threats and risks in Database Management (13)
5. Discuss about various Access Control Mechanisms and Efficient Methods (13)
to Secure the Databases.
10. Explain Discretionary Access control based on Granting and Revoking (13)
11. Explain about the Federation of Distributed Database Systems (13)
1. Explain the Granting and Revoking Privileges in a Distributed Database (15)
with example.
2. Discuss the Risks associated with SQL Injection Methods with suitable (15)
Preventive measures.
3. Explain the various types of NOSQL Database systems (15)