Hell Diving

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Hell-Diving is a Fifth Edition adventure for three to

five characters of 9th level.
BACKSTORY The party is made up of trusted warriors of Graystrand,
who have been sent out to recover a fallen vessel and bring
home its knowledge.
In the heart of Graystrand Peak, a dwarven citadel nestled
deep within the mountains, a group of miners made a
discovery that would forever change the course of their
civilization. What they initially believed to be a meteor, rich
in precious metals, turned out to be a vessel from the
stars. Inside, they found the lifeless body of an elven
astronaut, a member of the enigmatic Starchild Society
that resided in the Astral Expanse.
As the adventure begins, the players find themselves
Driven by curiosity and ambition, the dwarves used their onboard a fast-moving starship, being debriefed about their
magical prowess to resurrect the elven voyager. From him, mission. They will be dropped off in a nearby desert, not
they learned of the wonders and possibilities that lay too far off from the spaceship Truthseeker, which lost
beyond their subterranean realm. The dwarves, renowned contact with the home base. Upon arriving at Truthseeker’s
for their craftsmanship, began to dream of a future among last known location, they find it crashed. They investigate
the stars, one where they could surpass the achievements the ship and are quickly overwhelmed by a horde of
of the elves who had long looked down upon them. threats, which deny them access to Truthseeker’s
information logs. After neutralizing the threats, the party
Inspired by this newfound knowledge, the dwarves of returns home with the logs, finding intel about devil
Graystrand embarked on a bold endeavor. They combined attacks that threaten the hegemony of dwarven democracy.
their unparalleled mastery of engineering with the arcane Having no other choice, the party prepares to defend the
secrets gleaned from the elven ship, determined to forge a Graystrand forces while they launch a Runebomb directly
path to the Astral Expanse. However, their ambitious to the devil’s base on Pyriathus.
expansion did not go unnoticed.
Once the party is done preparing for the incoming threat,
From the fiery depths of Pyriathus, a hell-planet consumed they are swarmed by wave after wave of devils, forcing
by hatred and malevolence, the devils watched the the party to use their surroundings and traps for the best
dwarves' ascent with growing envy and rage. The Overlord defense possible. At the end of the second chapter, their
of this infernal realm, fueled by an ancient animosity defenses are either completely dismantled or they
towards all humanoids, saw the dwarves' astral aspirations emerge victorious.
as an unforgivable affront. Using his absolute authority, he
rallied his legions. He vowed to be the hammer that would In the final chapter, the party learns through telepathic
strike the dwarves down from their lofty ambitions, the communications that the team tasked with launching the
force that would crush them back into the depths of the nuke, has met their end at the hands of infernal forces
earth from whence they came. that snuck behind enemy lines. The party must retreat
back to the orbital runecannon, patch it up and get it
As the flames of war spread across the cosmos, the heroes ready for firing, before facing a final, troubling choice: risk
of Graystrand found themselves at the center of an the entire world or kill the dreams of dwarvenkind.
interplanetary conflict. They fought not only to defend
their homeland but also to protect the dream that had
ignited their hearts and minds. Against the relentless
onslaught of the devils, they would need to summon every
ounce of courage, ingenuity, and determination to secure
their future among the stars.

If there are 50 skeletons and 5 characters, 10 skeletons will
APPENDIX: HORDE COMBAT attack each character. If one character manages to hide
from the skeletons, the skeletons divide their attacks
among the rest.
This adventure will throw hordes of enemies at your players.
Here are the rules to use to transform what would otherwise If a scenario evolves and the monsters can't attack, they
be a management nightmare, into an epic and easy to track deal no damage. For example, if there is a choke point,
experience for you and your players. and the skeletons don’t have ranged attacks, they can’t hit
the players.

I. Damage Tracking for the Horde

Note: An isolated character that is completely
● Note down the number of monsters within the horde surrounded can be targeted by a maximum
● Note down the hit points of one typical monster number of 8 creatures in melee.
within the horde (you can round to the nearest 5 or 10 for
simpler calculations).
● Consolidate all damage received by the horde into a ● To save time in combat, if you are preparing to make
single hit point pool. your players take on a horde, use average damage to not
● When accumulated damage exceeds the hit points of spend hours rolling damage dice (see page XX).
one or multiple monsters, eliminate monsters from the
horde and reset the damage count. Any excess damage ● To determine if an attack hits for each creature, roll a
should be carried over. d4 instead of a d20. Use the following attack success rate
● Base: A roll of 1-2 is a miss, and a roll of 3-4 is a hit.
The party is engaging a horde of 20 skeletons. A skeleton has ● With Advantage: Only a 1 misses.
an average of 13 hit points, but we will round it down to 10 ● With Disadvantage: Only a 4 hits.
to make things simple. There are 20 skeletons in your horde.

Your notes should look like this: If a creature has a very high AC, or gains a higher AC
through casting the shield spell—something that only a
Number of creatures (Nb): 20 HP (out of 10): 10 15+ on the d20 used for their normal attack roll would
hit—consider making only a 4 hit. Consider asking your
The barbarian rushes in and lands a big critical hit for a players for their AC before combat so you can adjust the
total of 27 points of damage. With that damage, 2 attack rolls accordingly.
skeletons go down, and the damage carries over. So now
your notes should look like this: Example:

Nb: 20 18 HP (out of 10): 10 3 If we take our skeletons as above, they have a +4 to hit. This
means that any AC above 19 is considered very high AC for
And you keep going until the number of skeletons drops to this fight, and anything below is considered normal AC.
0 (or the number of party members does).
So our barbarian who charged into the fray is now
surrounded by 8 skeletons. He only has 17 AC, which
means we use the base rolls. We roll 8 d4s. 3 of them show
II. Horde Attacks and Damage Distribution a 3 or 4, so that’s 3 hits. Using the average damage, our
barbarian takes 15 damage.
● Assign which horde monsters attack which character.
Start by looking at the situation. Does the horde have 8 attacks and their damage is wrapped up in less than a
ranged attacks? Are any of the characters up front and minute—very nice!
likely to take more hits than everyone else?

Our base assumption should be that the monsters

attack the characters equally.

III. Handling Area of Effect (AoE) Attacks Our horde skeletons have 10 hit points. Using the AoE rules
above, 1 in 4 succeed. So, for 8 creatures, 2 succeed on the
Determine Affected Monsters: saving throw and 6 fail. These 6 skeletons instantly die.

● Assess the area impacted and judge the number of So our note for the hordes would look like this:
creatures within. Favor densely packed scenarios for
dramatic effects. Nb: 20 HP (out of 10): 10

● Rough estimates for creatures affected by AoE size: Nb: 20 14 HP (out of 10): 10
● Small AoE (e.g., flaming sphere): 4 creatures
● Medium AoE (e.g., burning hands): 8 creatures The remaining 2 in the AoE take 7 damage each, but we
● Large AoE (e.g., fireball): 16 creatures count the horde as one entity, so our notes would then
● Huge AoE (e.g., circle of death): 32 creatures look like this:

Resolve Saving Throws and Damage: Nb: 20 14 HP (out of 10): 10

Damage taken: 7 + 7 = 14
● Horde monsters are usually weaker grunts. Typically,
only 1 in 4 monsters succeed on saving throws. Adjust this Nb: 20 13 HP (out of 10): 10 6
based on context; if you use monsters with very high
Dexterity scores, consider making 1 in 2 succeed against So her spell killed 7 skeletons and damaged an 8th one.
Dexterity saves instead.
I broke down the math to be as clear as possible, but
● In exceptional or heroic moments, consider having all there’s no need to write everything out in your own notes.
monsters fail their saves.

● If the AoE damage surpasses the hit points of an IV. Additional Horde Management Tips
individual monster, remove those affected. Any residual
damage after exact kills should be added to the horde's ● Narrative Focus: Emphasize the story. Instead of
damage tally, which might result in further eliminations. detailing mechanics, paint a vivid picture of hordes
charging, spells detonating, and heroes standing resilient.
Manage Status Effects: This is an epic moment; don’t get bogged down by
mechanics too much.
● If an AoE confers a status effect, assume 1 in 4 of the ● Reflavoring Creatures: Use one stat block for
affected creatures succeed and are afflicted. These different monsters in the horde. Describe variations in
creatures may be narratively described or temporarily appearance or behavior without altering mechanics. You
removed from combat to avoid meticulous tracking. can say that the horde is composed of zombies and
skeletons, but only use one of these stat blocks for your
Example: entire horde.
● Combine Horde with Single Entities: Using a horde
It’s now the wizard’s turn, and she casts the shatter spell. alongside distinct creatures (e.g., a zombie horde with a
Considered a medium AoE, it catches 8 creatures. werewolf that gets its own actual stat block) creates a
more layered combat scenario.
She rolls 3d8 for damage: 14 thunder damage!


LOST KNOWLEDGE Information: General Gurnar Sternfront is a

distinguished military leader of Graystrand’'s
Astral Defense Force, known for his strategic
In which the party looks for a lost ship. mind and unyielding discipline. His appearance
reflects his status: a blend of traditional and
astral-inspired armor, with his hair and beard
braided and clasped in gold. Sternfront's
Prologue career was built on his deep understanding of
the strategic importance of the Astral Expanse,
If you are playing this adventure as a one-shot, now is the making him a pivotal figure in the defense and
time for players to introduce themselves and share insights expansion of dwarven interests among the
about their characters if they haven't already. Ask them stars. Despite his tough exterior and
how long they've been adventuring, if they’ve always demanding nature, he is profoundly dedicated
adventured as a group and any relationships they might to protecting the people of Graystrand, valuing
have to one another, as well as to the world they live in. Are discipline, order, and the well-being of
they dwarves who are deeply devoted to dwarven dwarvenkind above all else.
democracy and freedom? Or are they mercenaries who
have been recruited recently for this mission? Roleplaying as Sternfront: When roleplaying
as General Sternfront, embody a voice of
Once the party has fully introduced themselves, you can authority and confidence, with a direct and
proceed to the next “Read this” fragment. concise manner of speaking that reflects his
military background and strategic mindset.
He stands tall (for a dwarf) and uses
Read this: deliberate gestures, especially when
discussing plans or giving orders. Sternfront
“The voice comes in through the R.I.T.E., also known as the views the party as a critical asset to his
Rune Implemented Telepathic Enabler, its gruffness objectives, expecting discipline and courage.
familiar. ‘Listen here, lads! Your job is simple. Go down He rewards strength and bravery but is quick
there, find out what happened to the crew of the to correct any behavior he sees as reckless.
Truthseeker vessel, retrieve the black box, then come back The party's achievements can earn them his
to where we can pick you up.’ This is, of course, the third or respect and trust, allowing a future transition
fourth time General Sternfront has given you this from mere assets to key players in the astral
breakdown. One can say many things about the man, but endeavors of Graystrand.
he sure is careful, checking up on you multiple times over
the course of the day. You also know what he means by
blackbox—a runic-powered tracking and memory device, The party can ask the General any final questions, as well as
capable of withholding all the information gathered by the make final preparations (such as casting mage armor spells).
crew of a ship. Since the ship Truthseeker disappeared, the
black box went silent. Though hard to find, the last known If the party asks the General whether he has any ideas
signals were enough to triangulate a rough location. Now, what the Truthseeker was looking for, he’ll tell them it was
the task has fallen to you. Pinpoint the exact location, find classified information. They can persuade him into
the black box and find whatever information the crew were disclosing it with a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
killed for before they could return home. ‘You’ll walk there On a successful check, he’ll tell the party they have
because we can’t afford to lose another ship, any information to suggest issues regarding infernal threats,
questions?’ The voice rings out a final time.” which they sent the Truthseeker crew back to investigate.
They were told to not give any information until they’ve
The party can now pose their final questions to their returned home, to not cause global panic.
handler, General Sternfront (see “General Sternfront”
sidebar`). In terms of rewards, tell the party they will each receive
1,000 gp upon completing the mission, with additional
bonuses based on the amount of information they uncover.

Once the party has finished speaking to the General
through their telepathic link, he will encourage them to
make final gear checks. Each party member must make a
DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check to ensure they D6 Desert Encounter
have everything they need. On a failed check, choose to
Mirage Oasis. Driven by the harsh desert conditions, the
either give a -1 penalty to their ability checks, weapon
party is lured to what appears to be an oasis, a potential
attack rolls or armor class, as a result of forgetting an
source of respite and perhaps clues from other travelers.
important piece of gear on the ship. On a roll of 18 or 1
The party member leading the marching order must
higher, they also find a potion of healing among their
make a DC 16 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed
government-issued gear.
save, each party member gains a point of exhaustion.
Once the party feels ready to leave the ship, you can Unstable Dune. The party unknowingly steps into
proceed to the next subchapter. dunes that begin breaking rapidly. Each party member
must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or
take 2d8 bludgeoning damage.
Desert Rangers Wreckage of a Scout Drone. The party stumbles upon
the wreckage of a dwarven scout drone, partially buried
Read this: in the sand. Recovering it from the sand requires a
3 successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check, destroying
“As the hatch of your starship hisses open, the intense the drone on a failure. The drone's memory core grants
heat of the desert planet immediately washes over you, a access to its last recorded images, showing a swarm of
stark contrast to the controlled climate you've grown quick creatures descending upon the Truthseeker.
accustomed to during your journey. Before you stretches an Scorched Earth. While navigating the dunes, the party
endless sea of sand, its dunes shimmering under the discovers an area where the sand has turned to glass, an
relentless gaze of twin suns. The air is thick with the scent indicator of intense heat. Any party member can make a
of scorched earth, and the horizon wavers with the heat's DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check or a DC 16
mirage. General Sternfront's final words echo in your Intelligence (Nature) check. A success on either check
minds, ‘Find the Truthseeker, recover the logs, and return reveals that among the vitrified sand are remnants of
swiftly.’ You step onto the sandy surface, the fine grains 4
what appear to be unnatural defensive spells and
shifting underfoot. The vastness of the desert engulfs you.” technological barriers, suggesting an intense battle took
place here. These can be investigated further with a DC
The party must now navigate the desert en route to the 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check. On a successful
Truthseeker. Ask the party for a marching order. The party check, the party finds fragments of infernal machinery,
member leading the marching order must make a DC 17 hinting at the involvement of devils.
Wisdom (Survival) check. On a failed check, each party
Desert Nomads. The party stumbles upon a group of
member without resistance to fire damage must succeed
desert-traveling halflings, hooded and riding camels. If
on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer one
asked about the Truthseeker, they tell the party they
point of exhaustion due to the prolonged exposure to
recall seeing something fall from the sky during the last
extreme heat. This saving throw can be prevented by
sandstorm. They will also point the party in the right
spells that create sufficient water such as create food and
direction. They also offer to trade the party. They are
water or by means of avoiding heat (resistance to fire
willing to offer instant rust-removers for water. If the
damage, etc.) On a successful check, the party member
5 party takes the trade but does not have access to a spell
can roll on the table below, stumbling across one of the
such as create food and water, each party member who
appropriate encounters. Repeat, re-rolling duplicates, until
gave his water for the rust-remover makes the next
the party reaches the Truthseeker.
Constitution saving throw to avoid suffering a point
of exhaustion at disadvantage. The rust-remover can be
used later in the adventure. With the guidance, they
then arrive at the Truthseeker, without needing to
repeat the check.

The Truthseeker. The party arrives at their

destination. Proceed to the next subchapter.

The Truthseeker Area 1 - Point of Arrival
Read this: The party arrives here. They can move freely while
investigating the surroundings.
“After hours of arduous travel through the desert, guided
by the coordinates provided by General Sternfront and the
occasional arcane signal pulsing from the depths of your Area 2 - Motors
equipment, you finally come upon the wreckage of the
Truthseeker. It lies sprawled across a wide basin, its hull The party can investigate the motors with a DC 16
rent open by some tremendous force. The sight is sobering; Intelligence (Investigation) check.
the once-proud vessel is now a complete wreck. As you
approach, you see pieces of the ship are scattered around On a successful check, read this:
the site, perhaps offering clues as to what transpired.”
“Your eyes scan the debris, noting scorch marks and deep
Show the party map 1. They can now investigate the wreck gashes on the outside of the motors. While these could
of the Truthseeker. surely have been inflicted post-crash, it’s highly unlikely,
judging by the dust patterns. Something slashed at the
engines mid-flight.”

On a roll of 20 or higher, add this:

“There is one thing, however, which strikes you as odd,

which is the surprising absence of some propeller blades.
Only some, though. The bottom ones. As if they were never
there in the first place, a clean cut.”

Area 3 - Hull
The party can investigate the hull with a DC 16 Wisdom
(Perception) check.

On a successful check, read this:

“Immediately upon stepping into the half-broken hull, you

look to both your sides and notice a deep rusting to the
central structure, not just the outside plating. The ship
looks old and raggedy. What’s for sure is that the insides of
the ship have been ‘scooped out’, including chairs,
resources and the black box.”

The party can then further investigate the hull by looking

at its make number and making a DC 15 Intelligence
(History) check or by investigating the rusty structure
with a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence
(Nature) check.

On a successful Intelligence (History) check, they

discover the make of the ship indicates it’s no older than a
few months, meaning this amount of rust couldn’t have
overtaken it that fast naturally, especially in a desert.

On a successful Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence

(Nature) check, they sense that the rust is arcane in
nature, corroding the ship at an unnatural rate.

Area 4 - Laundry Lines “Just as you stretch out to free the box from the cold grasp
of its guardian, a sudden, sharp hiss pierces the air. The
Read this: ground trembles slightly underfoot, and without warning,
a bomb hidden next to the body explodes in a blinding
“Perhaps most disturbing, you find a series of laundry flash and a deafening roar, sending a cloud of sand and
lines, moving from one side of the ship. What seem to once debris into the air. As the dust settles and the ringing in
have been white linens are now stained red in their your ears subsides, an eerie silence envelops the crash site
entirety. They look less like they were put out to dry and for a moment.”
more so like they were left out here as a signal.”
Then read this (if they didn’t trigger the explosion, read
The party can follow the laundry lines all the way to area 5. starting from here instead):
In addition, while looking at them, any party member can
make a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check. On a successful “With cautious steps, you reach for the black box, and
check, it occurs to them that all forces aboard the successfully retrieve it. As the body's grip loosens, a note
Truthseeker also had metallic armors, but no such armors, flutters to the ground. Picking it up, you read the hastily
stained or otherwise, seem to be strung up. scrawled message: ‘I'm sorry, bomb used for protection
against those things. Long live Graystrand!’
As you finish reading these words, the silence is broken by
a faint, unsettling sound beneath the earth—skittering,
Area 5 - Temporary Hideout as if something awakens or stirs from a deep slumber.
The realization dawns on you that the crew of the
Read this: Truthseeker faced threats both seen and unseen, and
now, with the black box in hand, it seems it is your turn
“By following the lines, you eventually stumble into a next. Roll for initiative.”
makeshift tent, inside which you can see a hunched dwarf,
holding a large, black box. There is no doubt about it, that Roll initiative. The party must now fight one giant rust
which you see in front of you is the black box, though it monster and a horde of 8 rust monsters.
now lies in the hands of a dead comrade.”
Once the party has defeated all of the enemies, you can
The party can now approach the body and retrieve the proceed to the next subchapter.
black box. If no party member has a passive Perception
of 20 or higher, they do not notice the many landmines
their now-dead comrade has set up to protect the black
box. Each party member within 15 feet of area 5 must
succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8
fire and 3d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.

If they trigger the explosion read this:

Read this:
General Information: President Urmmar
Keenkind lead the pioneering society of
“With the black box securely in your possession, you swiftly
Graystrand into an era marked by both
make your way out of the wreckage's shadow. As you
incredible technological advancement and
emerge into the open desert, the familiar hum of engines
looming extraterrestrial threats. His
fills the air, and you look up to see a skyship descending
appearance exudes authority, with
towards you, its silhouette cutting a stark contrast against
meticulously groomed silver hair and a beard
the twin suns setting on the horizon. The hatch opens,
that frames a face marked by the trials of
and General Sternfront himself steps out, his gaze fixed on
leadership. Keenkind's attire is a blend of
the black box under your arm. Without a word, you board
traditional dwarven craftsmanship and
the skyship, and as it ascends, leaving the desert's
modern regalia. A leader who rose from the
treacherous embrace behind, Sternfront turns to you.
ranks of an esteemed engineer to the highest
‘Report,’ he commands, his voice a mixture of urgency and
office, Keenkind's vision for Graystrand
anticipation. As the skyship speeds towards home, you
extends beyond its terrestrial bounds, aspiring
begin to debrief him on everything you've encountered—
for a society that thrives among the stars.
the ambush, the bomb, the mysterious note, and the
unsettling movements beneath the earth. Sternfront
Roleplaying as Keenkind: When playing
listens intently, before setting his sights once more on the
President Keenkind, project a demeanor of
black box, which is to be opened when you reach home.”
calm confidence and leadership. His voice
reflects the importance of his job,
The party arrives home shortly thereafter. Grant them a
commanding respect and attention. Keenkind
few minutes to discuss and debate what might’ve been the
speaks deliberately, choosing his words with
source of the Truthseeker’s fall. Then, have them meet
care to inspire those around him and articulate
back up with General Sternfront.
his vision for Graystrand's future. Despite the
pressures of his position, he shows a genuine
Sternfront will ask the party to join him in his office via
interest in the welfare of his people and the
the R.I.T.E.
heroes who stand at the forefront of
Graystrand's defense and expansion.
Read this:

“Some time after your return, as you each find moments of

Upon meeting the party, Keenkind will ask them for a
quiet amidst the preparations for what lies ahead, a
detailed retelling of how they found the black box, as well
sudden and clear voice intrudes upon your thoughts.
as question if they altered it or messed with it to any
General Sternfront, utilizing a telepathic communicator,
extent. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check
summons you with an urgency that brooks no delay. ‘I
reveals an underlying fear behind all his questions. The
need you in my office—now’. Upon entering Sternfront's
party must persuade him of the truth with a DC 15
office, a room adorned with the medals from countless
Charisma (Persuasion) check. On a failed check,
campaigns, you're met with an unbelievable sight. Seated
Keenkind will turn to Sternfront and threaten him that the
across from Sternfront, exuding an aura of command and
party’s moves will dictate the course of his career. On a
determination, is the President of Graystrand himself,
successful check, Keenkind will become more relaxed.
Urmmar Keenkind. ‘Is this them?’ he asks.”

Sternfront will introduce the party to Keenkind (see

“President Keenkind” sidebar).

Then, regardless of the outcome, Keenkind will explain to
the party that the blackbox carries information about an
incoming devil attack coming from Pyriathos. If that
information is true, it could signify their fears were true:
interplanetary war has begun between the dwarves and
Pyriathos. Keenkind will explain to the party that the
Truthseeker had information that the devils would start
the siege in a few days’ time. The ship was found only In which the party must defend an air base.
today, meaning the siege is to begin tomorrow, at first
light. As such, there’s no time to waste. The party will be
transported to Farfall Aerial Base, where their main task
will be to defend the Extraterestrial Neutralization Device
Welcome to Farfall
(E.N.D.). There isn’t enough time to reposition all of the
Read this:
military before the attack, only who is nearest. This is
especially problematic, as Farfall is also the location of
“As your vessel descends through the clouds, the sprawling
most intergalactic ships and astral-tech. Otherwise, the
expanse of Farfall Aerial Base comes into view, its myriad
dwarven democracy is doomed. The fiends must be
runways and hangars gleaming like a jewel set upon the
neutralized. Since the party was so helpful in retrieving
rugged landscape below. This is the heart of Graystrand's
this information, they’ll receive 2,000 gp each and be
might, a fortress dedicated to the defense of the realm and
placed in charge of one of the gates of Farfall.
beyond. Today, it stands as the last bastion protecting the
Extraterrestrial Neutralization Device (E.N.D.),
If the party makes a successful DC 22 Wisdom (Insight)
dwarvenkind’s hope against the infernal onslaught. As you
check while Keenkind is emparting this information on
disembark, the air buzzes with the tense energy of
them, they’ll find he is oddly excited for a threat that
preparation; crews rush to fortify defenses, and engineers
could end all dwarvish life as they know it, almost happy in
make final adjustments to the E.N.D. off in the distance,
getting to launch the nuke. On the other hand, Sternfront
ensuring it stands ready to fulfill its dire purpose. The
seems deeply distraught. Nevertheless, the party must
gravity of your mission weighs heavily upon your shoulders
now go to Farfall and participate in the defense.
as you survey the base, understanding that, though it may
seem like an honor, this job is, in part, also a suicide
You can proceed to the next chapter.
mission. General Sternfront greets you, his expression grim
yet resolute, signaling it's time to prepare for the imminent
clash. He leads you to the southern gate, which you are to
defend at all costs. Then he wishes you the best of luck.”

Show the party map 2. They must protect the gate (area 1) Area 1 - Gate
for as long as they can, retreating as needed. In addition,
since they are in charge of the defense protocols for the The infernal hordes will emerge through this point,
gate, they can spend the rest of this chapter customizing attacking the gate. The gate has an AC of 20, 100 hit
their defenses to the best of their abilities. points and immunity to psychic and poison damage. The
party can choose to have it closed or open. They can spend
10 engineers to reinforce it, doubling its hit points.
Robot Engineers: The party is given
command over small robotic engineers, which
they can use to upgrade their defenses. They
have access to 15 engineers, and 3 more are Area 2 - Gate Cannons
broken but each can be repaired with a
successful DC 17 Intelligence check, a These cannons are the first line of defense. Each cannon
character proficient with Tinker’s Tools can has an AC of 16, 50 hit points and immunity to psychic
add double their proficiency bonus to the and poison damage. The party can choose between the
check. On a failed check the robot is destroyed following cannon variants:
for good and can no longer be fixed. Once a
robot has been assigned to a location, it can no ● Regular Cannon. Must be manned by a creature. As
longer upgrade any other location. an action, a creature can make a cannon attack targeting a
creature or horde within a 30-foot cone in front of it. The
creature has a +10 to the attack and deals 6d10 on a hit.
Point each marked area to the party. Areas 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 On a roll of 1 the cannon becomes jammed until a creature
each represent defenses which the party can customize uses its Action to fix it.
before the main siege begins. They can do so only during ● Grease Cannon. Must be manned by a creature. As an
this chapter. action, a creature can spew grease from the cannon in a
15-foot cone. Each creature or horde in the cone must
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or have its
speed halved for 1 minute.
● Automatic Cannon - Costs 5 engineers. It functions
like a regular cannon, but doesn’t need to be manned,
instead attacking a hostile creature or horde within range
each turn at initiative 20.

Area 3 - Chests
The chests can be used for supplies. Each chest has an AC
of 10, 15 hit points and immunity to psychic and poison
damage. The party can choose between the following
chest variants for each of the 3 chests:

● Healing Kits. As a bonus action, a creature can open a

chest and regain 4d10 hit points. The chest is then expended.
● Empowering Kits. As a bonus action, a creature can
open a chest. Its next weapon or spell attack deals double
damage. The chest is then expended.
● Booby Chest - Costs 1 engineer per chest. The
chest holds bombs inside. When the chest is destroyed,
each creature within a 15-foot radius of the chest must
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 fire
damage on failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.

Area 4 - Defense Emitter
Ask the party to place themselves along map 2. They must
The emitter can be used to defend the party. The emitter stop the devils coming from area 1 from reaching area 6
has an AC of 15, 30 hit points and immunity to psychic (the launching pad). Whenever a monster or horde enters
and poison damage. The party can choose between the the map, it will move toward area 6 unless it is attacked
following emitter variants: (unless stated otherwise). Once attacked by a party
member, that monster/horde will attack the party member
● Grounding. Each creature within 60 feet of the until they have reached 0 hit points, then begin moving
emitter has its flying speed reduced to 0. toward area 6 once again.
● Defender. At initiative 20, each party member within
30 feet of the emitter gains 2d10 temporary hit points. Lastly, make it clear to the party that, at any point, they
● Spellbender - Costs 8 engineers. Each party can retreat to area 6, giving up ground to remain safe. If
member within 60 feet of the emitter has advantage on all the party retreats, the devils overwhelm the base early,
saving throws. killing Sternfront and his forces, as well as further
destroying the E.N.D. This will have an impact later on in
the adventure.

Area 5 - Batteries
GM NOTE: Since this part of the adventure is
The batteries can be used to regain resources. The made to “mimic” a tower-defense game,
batteries have an AC of 17, 50 hit points and immunity to consider altering the attack patterns of the
psychic and poison damage. The party can choose monsters from what would otherwise make
between the following battery variants: sense. Some monsters could just take the Dash
action and reach their destination, but the
● Energy Boosters. At initiative 20, each party member flavor of battle would make it more interesting
within 10 feet of the battery has its speed doubled until if they attack the players, their battlements
the end of its next turn and can make an additional attack and tear them all down before rushing in, as to
when it takes the Attack action on its next turn. not lose too many of their forces).
● Arcane Amplifiers. At initiative 20, each party
member within 10 feet of the battery rolls 1d6, regaining a
spell slot equal in level to the rolled result. Ask the party for initiative, then roll a collective initiative
● Double Batteries - Costs 4 engineers. The battery for the devils. They will attack in waves, emerging
grants both benefits. periodically every round or every other round, as follows:

Once the party has customized all areas, you can proceed - During the first round, a horde of 15 imps will attack
to the next subchapter. the base as a scouting unit.
- During the second round, a horde of 20 lemures and
two barbed devils will storm the gate.
Siege of Farfall - When the previous wave is killed, a horde of 10 lemures,
and two bearded devils riding nightmares will attack.
- Lastly, when the previous wave is killed, a horde of 60
Read this:
lemures, two bearded devils and one chain devil will
“As the first shadows of the enemy darken the horizon, a
sudden clarity cuts through the pre-battle — a telepathic
Once the party has either defeated the last wave or has
message from President Urmmar Keenkind himself. His
retreated to area 6, proceed to the next subchapter.
voice fills your minds, ‘Brave defenders of Graystrand, as
you stand on the precipice of this monumental battle,
know that the hopes and prayers of our entire nation are
with you. Your courage lights the darkness ahead, a
beacon of hope in these trying times. Remember, you do
not fight alone; the spirit of every citizen of Graystrand
fights alongside you. Let your valor be the shield that
guards our freedoms, and your resolve be the sword that
secures our future. Long live Graystrand!’ As the first wave
of the infernal forces approaches, you stand ready, united
by the president's call to arms, prepared to defend your
home against all odds.”

If the party has retreated, they duck into a less-attacked
portion of the base and can rest for a bit. They can take a
short rest, which is reduced to 10 minutes. LAUNCHING PAD
GM NOTE: Reducing the short rest to 10 In which the party must launch a defective missile.
minutes is a homebrew rule that can replenish
the party’s resources in case they’ve spent too
much and you feel they will surely die in the
last encounter. If you like depleting your
Fix It
party’s resources and feel like they are healthy
Show the party map 3. They arrive at area 1. They’ve
enough, you can forgo this rest altogether.
arrived at the E.N.D. Launching Pad littered with dozens of
dwarven corpses. If they took a short rest, they can see
General Sternfront dead on the ground. Otherwise, he is
If the party has instead defeated all the incoming waves,
fighting in the distance, mounted on a cannon, shooting
they receive reinforcements from one of the neighboring
devils away from the E.N.D.
gates. Each party member regains 5d10 hit points and
becomes heroic until the end of the adventure. While
Each party member can make a DC 16 Wisdom
heroic, they can choose to automatically succeed on one
(Perception) check. On a successful check, they notice
attack roll or saving throw. Then, they are no longer heroic.
the cannon (area 2) is broken and will need fixing before it
can be fired. The tools they need, they see, seem to lie in
Then, read this:
nearby boxes (area 3 and 4).
“As the battle rages on, pushing you to the limits of your
As they make this realization, the party is attacked by a
strength and resolve, a sudden, urgent plea echoes
horned devil and a horde of 5 imps, alongside every
through your minds, telepathically transmitted by General
other monster that arrived at area 6.
Sternfront. His voice, strained under the weight of the
unfolding chaos, bears a desperate message, ‘To all
available units, this is General Sternfront! We are
overwhelmed at the E.N.D. Launching Pad—devil forces
have breached our perimeter, and the situation is dire. We
need immediate reinforcement to repel the invaders and
secure the device. Make haste!’ You know that your
intervention is critical. Gathering your resolve and rallying
your allies, you prepare to make a decisive move toward the
E.N.D. Launching Pad, ready to face whatever horrors
await, for the survival of your homeland and the victory
over the encroaching darkness.”

The party can make final preparations, then you can

proceed to the next chapter.

If the party didn’t take the short rest, there is an
additional horde of 10 lemures swarming Sternfront
Final Choice
(veteran) in area 5. He is using a regular cannon, and only
Read this:
has 30 hit points remaining. The cannon only has 25 hit
points remaining.
“As you stand amidst the remnants of the battle, the
E.N.D. Launching Pad now somewhat secure under your
Reminder: Regular Cannon. Must be manned by a
vigilant guard, President Urmmar Keenkind's voice once
creature. As an action, a creature can make a cannon attack
again fills your minds. ‘Heroes of Graystrand, your valor
targeting a creature or horde within a 30-foot cone in front
has exceeded the bounds of our greatest hopes. Yet, the
of it. The creature has a +10 to the attack and deals 6d10
final test of your courage is upon us. Directing the missile
on a hit. On a roll of 1 the cannon becomes jammed until a
back upon our base will not only eliminate the devil's
creature uses its Action to fix it.
immediate threat but also destroy our home and our
capability for space travel. We'll become reliant on other
During this encounter, they must fix the cannon (area 2),
races for protection, losing our sovereignty. Your sacrifice
while fighting the horned devil and imps. To fix the
will ensure the devils never exploit our technology, and
cannon, any party member must put out the fire with
limit the reach of their expansion. Your names will be
water or spells (create food and water), then use tools
etched in history, symbols of ultimate sacrifice.’
retrieved from areas 3 and 4 to make two successful DC 16
Intelligence (Arcana) checks while next to area 1.
If General Sternfront is still alive:
Once the party has fixed the cannon, proceed to the
“General Sternfront's voice joins the chorus through the
next subchapter.
telepathic link, his tone heavy. ‘There's another path.
Redirect that missile to the devil's home turf, break their
fucking planet, that nuke will decimate them. But, it leaves
GM NOTE: Since the goal of this combat is
a door open for those who survive to snatch up our tech,
not to kill the enemy, rather to fix the cannon,
and use it against others. The galaxy might lose in the
make this clear and apparent to the party.
short term because of that, but it gives our people a
Describe the incoming hordes of infernals
chance to recover and regain what’s ours! We could once
held off by other soldiers. The party must not
again soar amongst the stars.’ His voice trails off, as he
hesitate, or else they will die and be
begins coughing blood. The choice is yours: will you
overwhelmed. If they’re handling the
safeguard the galaxy’s immediate survival or gamble its
monsters too well, don’t be afraid to throw
future, for the sake of dwarvenkind. Your call, soldiers.”
more of them.

The party must choose where to aim the rocket. Then,

proceed to the next subchapter.

3. The Long War. The dwarfs remember those who
The End destroyed Pyriathos, saving countless planes from eternal
damnation, but plunging the universe into its most brutal
Based on the party’s performance during the adventure,
war. The heroes' gamble on the resilience of dwarvenkind
they reach one of the following endings:
led to a long conflict against the devils, who now had
access to technology they could have never created
1. Complete Failure. The party has died without firing
themselves. Though the devils were eventually repealed,
the E.N.D. The entire universe is doomed.
and the dwarves regained their sovereignty, it was at the
cost of much bloodshed.
2. Protectors of Dwarvenkind. The party fires the
rocket at the base, wiping out the devils. Graystrand
The End.
survives and never again attempts astral travel. Their
dreams of the sky are forgotten. The devils never again
struck faraway galactic sectors like earth, and dwarvenkind
was saved. Though the fiends did destroy the isolated
parts of the universe that they could reach.

Appendix: Monster

Giant Rust Monster Antennae. The rust monster corrodes a nonmagical ferrous
metal object it can see within 5 feet of it. If the object isn't
Large Monstrosity, unaligned being worn or carried, the touch destroys a 1-foot cube of it. If
the object is being worn or carried by a creature, the creature
Armour Class 19 (natural armor) can make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw to avoid the rust
Hit Points 94 (9d10 + 45) monster's touch.
Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. If the object touched is either metal armor or a metal
shield being worn or carried, its takes a permanent and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. Armor reduced to an
19 (+4) 14 (+2) 21 (+5) 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 5 (-3) AC of 10 or a shield that drops to a +0 bonus is destroyed. If
the object touched is a held metal weapon, it rusts as
described in the Rust Metal trait.
Skills Perception +8 Deadly Leap. If the rust monster jumps at least 15 feet as
Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., passive part of its movement, it can then use this action to land on its
Perception 18 feet in a space that contains one or more other creatures. Each
Languages — of those creatures must succeed on a DC 16 Strength or
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Dexterity saving throw (target's choice) or be knocked prone
and take 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 14 (3d6 + 4)
slashing damage. On a successful save, the creature takes only
Iron Scent. The rust monster can pinpoint, by scent, the half the damage, isn't knocked prone, and is pushed 5 feet out
location of ferrous metal within 30 feet of it.
of the rust monster's space into an unoccupied space of the
Standing Leap. The rust monster's long jump is up to 30 ft. creature's choice. If no unoccupied space is within range, the
and its high jump is up to 15 ft., with or without a running start. creature instead falls prone in the rust monster's space.
Rust Metal. Any nonmagical weapon made of metal that hits Rust Gust (Recharge 5-6). The rust monster focuses its
the rust monster corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon antennae on all the metal in a 15-foot cone. Each creature
takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. wearing metal in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution
If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. Non magical saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) force damage and becoming
ammunition made of metal that hits the rust monster is stunned until the end of their next turn on a failed save, or half
destroyed after dealing damage. as much damage on a successful one.
In addition, the rust monster corrodes a nonmagical
Actions ferrous metal object within the area. If the object isn't
being worn or carried, it destroys a 1-foot cube of the object. If
the object is metal armor or a metal shield which is being worn
Multiattack. The Giant Rust Monster makes two attacks. or carried by a creature who failed the saving throw, it takes a
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. Armor
Hit: 23 (3d12 + 4) piercing damage. reduced to an AC of 10 or a shield that drops to a +0 bonus is
destroyed. If the object is a held metal weapon, it rusts as
described in the Rust Metal trait.

A big thank you to all of those who
follow and support me, without you I
couldn't have brought this project
to life.

Cover art by Grand Failure

Art on P.4: Dark Lord Studios

P.8; 14: Grand Failure
P.10: Warm_Tail

Maps created by CzePeku.

An Adventure by MonkeyDM
on Patreon

Take Care!


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