WinCC Unified Faydalı Linkler
WinCC Unified Faydalı Linkler
WinCC Unified Faydalı Linkler
Kaydı oynat (3 sa 12 dak)
Kayıt parolası: UnifiedV18
The differences, but also the similarities between Basic/Comfort Panels and Unified
Basic/Comfort Panels will be considered.
Get one month unlimited access to the curriculum and over 200 other web-based trainings on SITRAIN access:
1. View the WinCC Unified - Panel Modernization (Curriculum) on SITRAIN access.
2. Click on the login button in the top right corner.
3. Use your Online Support or iMall credentials to login (or register for a new account)
4. Type in the code „Unified_Modernization_Trial“ and click „Submit“
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What is Modernization Checker Tool? How to use the Modernization Checker Tool?
This tool checks the differences in functionalities Upload your PDF files on the following website.
between the WinCC Basic/Comfort project and
After a short time, you can download the report
WinCC Unified, providing a report with all the
from the website.
different functionalities and solutions for them.
Additionally, it provides information on whether the
project can be modernized.
Report Structrure