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Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation

IEEE-ICASI 2017 - Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds)

A High Performance DC Power Supply System

Chien-Ming Wang, Chien-Min Lu, and Chi-Hsiang Cheng

National Ilan University

I-Lan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
[email protected]

Abstract For more reducing the number of switches, simplifying the

controller, and reducing switching losses, a high performance
This paper presented a high performance DC power supply DC power supply system is presented in this paper. The
system with high input power factor. The presented DC power presented high performance DC power supply system uses a
supply system provides the input current with low current common switch arm between the boost rectifier and the full
distortion on the ac input side and the stable output dc voltage bridge isolated DC/DC converter. Moreover, it only employs
with low ripple voltage on the dc output side. The presented four switches to perform the power factor correction in input
DC power supply system only uses four active switches to side and provide regulation of the output dc voltage magnitude.
correct power factor in input side and regulate the output dc The circuit cost can be reduced. The phase-shift resonant PWM
voltage magnitude. Moreover, the presented DC power supply control technique is employed to synthesize a suitable low
system does not need soft-switching auxiliary circuit to get harmonics sinusoidal waveform for the input current in input
ZVS on main semiconductors in it. Thus, the circuit cost can side, to achieve well dynamic regulation in output side, and to
be reduced. The presented DC power supply system does not achieve ZVS on the semiconductors in high performance DC
also need the four-diode front-end rectifier on the ac input side. power supply system. System analysis for predicting and
The conduction losses can also be reduced. A phase-shift evaluating the high performance DC power supply system
resonant PWM control technique is employed to synthesize a performance is conducted.
suitable low harmonics sinusoidal waveform for the ac input
current and achieve well dynamic regulation. A design
example of 500W DC power supply system is examined to
assess its performance.

Key words: ZVS, DC power supply system


DC power supply systems are important power source for (c)

the commerce electronic products and the industrial equipment. Fig.1 Proposed high performance DC power supply system.
The switching mode rectifier (SMR) is the most popular
topology of dc power supply system. The boost power-factor- Circuit Operation Principle
corrected rectifier is the most popular topology for the active
power factor corrector. Moreover, it cascades a transformer- The power stage diagram of the high performance DC power
isolated DC/DC converter is the most extensively DC power supply system is shown in Fig. 1(c). The circuit can be divided
supply system. In addition, the full-bridge transformer-isolated in two sections. The first section is a phase-shift ZVS PWM
DC/DC converter is the most extensively applied in medium to full bridge transformer isolated DC/DC converter. It is
high power DC/DC power conversion. Thus, a boost power- composed of the switches S1, S2, S3, S4, resonant inductor Lr,
factor-corrected rectifier cascade a full-bridge transformer- transformer, diodes D3, D4, and output filter Lo, Co. This section
isolated DC/DC converter is the most popular topology for the performs the function of phase-shift ZVS PWM full-bridge
DC power supply system [2]-[4]. However, this topology transformer-isolated DC/DC conversion. The second section is
should use two controllers for the boost rectifier and the full- the PWM discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) step-up
bridge transformer-isolated DC/DC converter. The circuit cost AC/DC converter, composed of Lin, S1, S4, D1, D2, and Cf. This
is higher. The switching noise of both the controllers interfere section performs the functions of power factor correction and
each other because their switching cycle is asynchronous. boost AC/DC conversion at fixed 50% duty cycle. The
Moreover, this topology need four-diode front-end rectifier switches operate on a PWM pattern to shape the input current
and three switches. Its conduction losses are higher. and regulate the output DC voltage to follow the reference
In addition, their operation frequency should be increased for commands. The inductor Lin provides voltage boost operation,
increasing their circuit power density. Thus, the switching and Lo and Co also provide filter operation of the output voltage.
losses on the power semiconductors will be increased. The The dc-link capacitor Cf acts as a dc voltage source and
boost rectifier and the full-bridge transformer-isolated DC/DC provides filtering function. In presented high performance DC
converter must use individual soft-switching techniques to power supply system, the circuit operation in positive half
overcome this problem. The circuit cost will be more increased. cycle of input line voltage is the same as one in negative half

1442 - ISBN 978-1-5090-4897-7

Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation
IEEE-ICASI 2017 - Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds)

cycle of input line voltage. To simplify the analysis, this paper switching period, respectively. Circuit operations in one
only describes about the circuit operation in positive half cycle switching cycle can be divided into eleven stages. The eleven
of input line voltage. It is assumed that the presented high dynamic equivalent circuits of the presented high performance
performance DC power supply system is operating in steady- DC power supply system during one switching period are
state, the losses in Lin, Lf, Co, and Cf are all neglected. The shown in Fig. 2. The ideal relevant waveforms about it are
current iLo and voltage vo are constant value ILo and Vo in one shown in Fig. 3.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

(i) (j)

Fig. 2 The topology stages of the presented high performance DC power supply system.

ISBN 978-1-5090-4897-7 - 1443

Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation
IEEE-ICASI 2017 - Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds)

STAGE 1 [ Fig. 2(a) : t0 < t < t1]: This stage begins when S4 is turned off under ZVS condition.
Before t=t0, S1 and S3 are turn-on state. S2 and S4 are turn-off The resonant operation of Cr1, Cr4 and Lr are started. iLr(t)
state. The input inductor Lin is charged by input voltage vin. The decreases, vCr1(t) decreases, and vCr4(t) increases via this
energy stored in Cf in transfer to the load. This stage begins resonant operation. The stage ends when vCr1(t) drops zero and
when S3 is turned off. The resonant operation of Cr2, Cr3 and Lr vCr4(t) reaches Vf at t=t9.
are started. iLr(t) decreases, vCr2(t) decreases, and vCr3(t)
increases via this resonant operation. The input inductor Lin is STAGE 10 [ Fig. 2(j) : t9 < t < t10]:
continuously charged by input voltage vin. iLin(t) increases. The The body diode of S1 is turned on under ZVS condition when
stage ends when vCr2(t) drops zero and vCr3(t) reaches Vf at t=t1. vCr1(t) drops zero and vCr4(t) reaches Vf at t=t9. S1 can be
triggered and turned on under ZVS condition. iLr(t) decreases
STAGE 2 [Fig. 2(b) : t1 < t < t2]: and then is slewed. It starts that the input inductor Lin is charged
The body diode of S2 is turned on under ZVS condition when by input voltage vin. iLin(t) increases. This stage ends when iLr(t)
vCr2(t) drops zero and vCr3(t) reaches Vf at t=t1. S2 can be is slewed.
triggered and turned on under ZVS condition. The freewheel
state is started. iLr(t) small increases. The input inductor Lin is STAGE 11 [ Fig. 2(k) : t10 < t < t11]:
continuously charged by input voltage vin. iLin(t) continuously This stage begins when iLr(t) is slewed. The power delivery
increases. state is start. The energy stored in Cf in transfer to the load. The
input inductor Lin is continuously charged by input voltage vin.
STAGE 3 [ Fig. 2(c) : t2 < t < t3]: iLin(t) continuously increases.
This stage begins when S1 is turned off under ZVS condition.
The resonant operation of Cr1, Cr4 and Lr are started. iLr(t) After stage 11, the circuit operation is returned to the first state.
increases, vCr1(t) increases, and vCr4(t) decreases via this vCr1(t), vCr2(t), vCr3(t), and vCr4(t) equal zero, Vo, zero and Vo,
resonant operation. The energy stored in Lin is delivered to Cf. respectively. iLr(t) also returns to its initial value. Thus, the
iLin(t) decreases. The stage ends when vCr1(t) reaches Vf and assumption previously is valid.
vCr4(t) drops zero at t=t3.

STAGE 4 [ Fig. 2(d) : t3 < t < t4]:

The body diode of S4 is turned on under ZVS condition when
vCr1(t) reaches Vf and vCr4(t) drops zero at t=t3. S4 can be
triggered and turned on under ZVS condition. iLr(t) increases
and then is slewed. The energy stored in Lin is continuously
delivered to Cf. iLin(t) continuously decreases. This stage ends
when iLr(t) is slewed.

STAGE 5 [ Fig. 2(e) : t4 < t < t5]:

This stage begins when iLr(t) is slewed. The power delivery
state is start. The energy stored in Cf in transfer to the load. The
energy stored in Lin is continuously delivered to Cf. iLin(t)
continuously decreases.
isolated AC/DC converter

STAGE 6 [ Fig. 2(f) : t5 < t < t6]:

This stage begins when S2 is turned off. The resonant
operation of Cr2, Cr3 and Lr are started again. iLr(t) increases,
vCr2(t) increases, and vCr3(t) decreases via this resonant
operation. The energy stored in Lin is continuously delivered to
Cf. iLin(t) continuously decreases. The stage ends when vCr2(t)
reaches Vf and vCr3(t) drops zero at t=t6.

STAGE 7 [ Fig. 2(g) : t6 < t < t7]: Fig. 3 Ideal relevant waveforms
The body diode of S3 is turned on under ZVS condition when
vCr2(t) reaches Vf and vCr3(t) drops zero at t=t6. S3 can be Experimental Results
triggered and turned on under ZVS condition. The freewheel
state is started. iLr(t) small decreases. The energy stored in Lin An example of a 500W high performance DC power supply
is continuously delivered to Cf. iLin(t) continuously decreases. system is designed and realized. The implemented power stage
The stage ends when iLin(t) drops zero at t=t7. circuit is shown in Fig. 1(c). Moreover, its specifications are
listed as following.
STAGE 8 [ Fig. 2(h) : t7 < t < t8]:  Input voltage: 110√2���2� � �0�VAC
In this stage, the proposed AC/DC converter continuously  Output voltage: 48 VDC
performs the operation in stage 7.  Output power: 500W maximum
 Switching frequency: 100kHz
STAGE 9 [ Fig. 2(i) : t8 < t < t9]:

1444 - ISBN 978-1-5090-4897-7

Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation
IEEE-ICASI 2017 - Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds)

The experimental converter was constructed using the the input current in input rectifier side and to regulate a stable
following components. and low voltage ripple for output DC voltage. The four-diode
 Input inductors Lin : 38μH front-end rectifier is not included in the presented high
 DC link capacitor Cf: 470μF performance DC power supply system. Thus, the conduction
 Resonant inductor Lr: 28μH loses can be reduced. Moreover, the presented high
 Resonant capacitor Cr: 480pF. performance DC power supply system adopts the phase-shift
 Output filter capacitor Co: 470μF ZVS technique to achieve the ZVS characteristic on all main
 Output filter inductor Lo: 1mH power semiconductors in presented high performance DC
 Main power switches S1, S2, S3, S4: IRFP460 power supply system. The switching losses can be reduced and
 Main power diodes D1, D2, D3, D4: DSEP30-06A the circuit efficiency can be increased. The circuit operation
The Measured waveforms of the input voltage and current of has been described and discussed. The example of the high
the presented high performance DC power supply system at the performance DC power supply system is described. Some
related 500W are shown in Fig. 4, in which the waveforms of experiment results prove the truth of the theoretical prediction.
the input voltage and current are almost in phase and the
measured power factor is over 0.99. Fig. 5 shows the measured
waveforms of voltage vAB and current iPri of primary winding
of transformer. These experimental waveforms are very close
the theory waveforms. The theoretical prediction can be
verified by it. The commutation phenomenon in the main
switches S1 and S2 are measured in Fig. 6. The experimental
results shown in Fig. 6 demonstrate that ZVS are achieved for
these active switches (S1, S2). Therefore, the switching losses (a) (b)
for the main switches in presented high performance DC power Fig. 6 The commutation phenomenon in the main switches. (a) S1, vDS1:
supply system are practically zero. The measured efficiency is 250V/div; iDS1:5A/div, time:2μs. and (b) S2, vDS2: 250V/div;
also measured by Voltech power analyzer (PM3000A). The iDS2:5A/div, time:2μs.
measured circuit efficiency is 93% at the related 500W. It is
sure that the presented high performance DC power supply References
system has a high efficiency feature.
[1] P. W. Clark, "Converter regulation by controlled conduction
overlap," U.S. Patent 3 938 24, Feb. 10, 1976; assigned to Bell
Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Murray Hill, NJ 07974.
[2] M. Fey, "A switch mode power supply," in IEEE International
Communications Energy Conf. Rec., Intelec 82, pp. 277-284.
[3] J. Bendien et al., "A low cost, high efficiency battery charger
with a special self-oscillating dc-dc converter," in IEEE Conf.
Rec., Intelec 83.
[4] T. S. Latos et al., "A high efficiency 3 kW switch-mode battery
(a) (b) charger," in Power Electronics Specialist Conf. Rec. 1982, pp.
Fig. 4 Measured waveforms of input voltage (vin) and input current 341-353.
(iin). (a) before input filter vin: 50V/div; iin:20A/div, time:4ms.
(b) after input filter vin: 50V/div; iin:10A/div, time:4ms.

Fig. 5 Measured waveforms of voltage vAB and current iPri of primary

winding of transformer. vAB: 250V/div; iPri:5A/div, time:2μs.


A high performance DC power supply system with the

characteristic of high input power factor and stable dc output
voltage is presented. Its configuration is simple and compact.
Thus, the presented high performance DC power supply
system is applicable in UPS and dc source design. A simple
phase-shift pulse-width modulation technique is employed in
presented high performance DC power supply system to
synthesize a suitable low harmonics sinusoidal waveform for

ISBN 978-1-5090-4897-7 - 1445

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