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Code : IMD 163

Course : Computer System Operation

Level : Diploma

Credit Unit : 3

Contact Hour : 3

Part : 2

Course Status : Core

(Core/Non Core)

Prerequisite : None

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:-

1. Discover the computer hardware and software functions based on topics ( C4 )

2. Create a new idea related to educational development tool ( P3 )
3. Demonstrate the computer hardware and software installation ( C3 )

Course Description

This course is intended to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills on computer
hardware and software including simple maintenance and troubleshooting to enhance their
ICT knowledge and skills. In short, this course will bring students from the just-a-user level to
the i-can-fix-this level for computer hardware and software. Generally, computer system
technicians perform computer and peripheral set-up, installation and tests of computer
hardware and software, operating system installation and maintenance, network connectivity
set-up, as well as maintenance and basic repair of equipment. In addition, they may also be
responsible to keep records of software and equipment, taking details of user problems by
phone, in person or via e-mail, and identifying and solving computer problems.

© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

Syllabus Content

Week Date Chapter/Topic Assessment

Introduction to Computer
1 20/03/2023 -  Computer History
24/03/2023  How Computers Work
 Components of a Computer

Components of a motherboard
 BIOS Chip & CMOS
 Battery
 Jumpers
 Chipset chips
 Voltage Regulator
 I/O Bus Slot
 Processor socket
2 27/03/2023 -
 Memory socket
 Cache socket
 Power connector
 Pin Connector
 Port & Header
 Motherboard manual
 Cables
 Central Processing units

Understanding and managing memory Discussion

3 03/04/2023 -  System memory PC Assembling
07/04/2023  Virtual memory
 Physical memory
 RAM Drive
System resources Discussion
 Types of system resources Courseware
 Logical Devices Development (IT
 How hardware and software works Related)
4 10/04/2023 - together
14/04/2023  System configuration
 Resource conflict and conflict resolution
 Plug n Play
 Storage devices

© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

Week Date Chapter/Topic Assessment

Electricity and Power Supplies

5 17/04/2023 -  Basic Electricity Supplies
21/04/2023  Problem with the Power Supply
 Surge Protection and Battery Backup

Cuti Pertengahan Semester / Cuti Khas Perayaan

22/04/2023 - 01/05/2023
Operating system (OS) Discussion
6 02/05/2023 -  Physical/Virtual Environment OS
05/05/2023  Installing Windows Installation
 Configuring the OS Environment
 Managing System Policies
 Managing File System
 Managing Partitions
 Supporting Applications
 OS Networking Environment
 OS Network Services
 OS Boot Process
 Troubleshooting Resources

7 08/05/2023 -

Networking Fundamentals
8 15/05/2023 -  Overview of OSI Layer Network
19/05/2023 Model
 Networking Hardware
 Internet
 Connection to the Internet
 IP Address
 Domain Name
 Domain Name Resolution
 TCP/IP Configuration
Troubleshooting fundamental & Infestation
9 22/05/2023 -  Hardware problem
26/05/2023  Software problem
 Printer problem

Cuti Khas Perayaan

29/05/2023 – 05/05/2023
Computer Infestation
10 06/06/2023 -
PC Assembling assessment
11 12/06/2023 -
12 19/06/2023 - Courseware Development (IT Related)
23/06/2023 assessment
Cuti Khas Perayaan
26/06/2023 – 02/07/2023
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA
Revision OS
03/07/2023 - Installation
13 07/07/2023 submission

14 10/07/2023 - Final Test


Teaching Methodology
Project-based Learning


Course Work Percentage

Test 30%
Quiz 10%
Final Test 20%

Online Tasks (Group): 70%

PC Assembling 30%
Courseware Development (IT Related) 20%
OS Installation 20%
Total marks 100%


1. Books, Hephaestus (2011) . Computer Peripherals, Including: Computer Monitor, Fax,

Hard Disk Drive, Stored Energy Printer, Peripheral, Plug and Play, Auto-Configuration,
Game Port, Hot Swapping, Autodetection, Surge Protector, Remote Terminal Unit,.
Western Digital Media Center.Hephaestus Books, Lightning Source Uk Ltd. ISBN-13:
2. Jyoti Snehi. (2006). Computer Peripherals and Interfacing. Firewall Media. ISBN-13:
3. R.A. Penfold. (2005). How to Set Up Your New Computer. Bernard Babani Publishing
ISBN-13: 978-0-85934-559-0
4. Robert B J Warnar (2012). Computer Peripheral Memory System Forecast (Volume
500-545). General Books. ISBN-13: 978-1-235-71266-1

© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

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