(For AE) Zhu Et Al 2009
(For AE) Zhu Et Al 2009
(For AE) Zhu Et Al 2009
Address: 1Department of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 2Cancer Science Institute of Singapore, National
University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 3Experimental Therapeutics Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR),
Singapore, Singapore, 4Department of Pathology, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore and 5School of Surgery, The University
of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Email: Feng Zhu - [email protected]; Marie Loh - [email protected]; Jeffrey Hill - [email protected];
Sumarlin Lee - [email protected]; King Xin Koh - [email protected]; Kin Wai Lai - [email protected]; Manuel Salto-
Tellez - [email protected]; Barry Iacopetta - [email protected]; Khay Guan Yeoh - [email protected];
Richie Soong* - [email protected]; the Singapore Gastric Cancer Consortium - [email protected]
* Corresponding author
Background: Intestinal metaplasia (IM) is an important precursor lesion in the development of
gastric cancer (GC). The aim of this study was to investigate genetic factors previously linked to
GC risk for their possible association with IM. A total of 18 polymorphisms in 14 candidate genes
were evaluated in a Singapore-Chinese population at high risk of developing GC.
Methods: Genotype frequencies were compared between individuals presenting with (n = 128)
or without (n = 246) IM by both univariate and multivariate analysis.
Results: Carriers of the NQO1 609 T allele showed an association with IM in individuals who were
seropositive for Helicobacter pylori (HP+; OR = 2.61, 95%CI: 1.18-5.80, P = .018). The IL-10 819 C
allele was also associated with IM in HP+ individuals (OR = 2.32, 95%CI: 1.21-4.43, P = 0.011), while
the PTPN11 A allele was associated with IM in HP- individuals (OR = 2.51, 95%CI: 1.16-5.40, P =
0.019), but showed an inverse association in HP+ subjects (OR = 0.46, 95%CI: 0.21-0.99, P = 0.048).
Conclusion: Polymorphisms in NQO1, IL-10 and PTPN11, in combination with HP status, could be
used to identify individuals who are more likely to develop IM and therefore GC.
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assessment of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection can help to 2004 and December 2006 were used for genotyping in the
identify high risk individuals since this is a proven risk fac- present study.
tor for GC[3,4]. Various genetic factors have also been
associated with an increased risk for the development of Three biopsies from the antrum, body and cardia were
GC [5-8]. These polymorphisms could be used in con- collected for histopathological examination during each
junction with HP status and together with dietary and endoscopic surveillance episode. IM was diagnosed from
environmental factors to target screening programs mucosal biopsies in three locations (antrum, body and
towards individuals deemed to be at high risk. cardia) for each subject and by consensus amongst three
pathologists according to the updated Sydney System for
GC is thought to arise via a multi-step pathway that the classification and grading of gastritis [28]. In cases
involves intestinal metaplasia (IM) as a precursor where H. pylori was identified in biopsies, eradication
lesion[9]. It has been estimated that 0.25-1.1% of IM therapy was administered according to standard clinical
lesions will progress to GC annually, representing an 18- guidelines. For 339/374 (91%) individuals, the HP status
78-fold increased lifetime risk of developing this disease was determined using the Helicoblot2.1 serology test
in comparison to the general population[10,11]. In the (Genelabs Diagnostics, Singapore). In individuals where
present study, we have investigated a panel of 18 poly- this test was not performed, the HP status was determined
morphisms in 14 candidate genes for their association from histological examination of biopsies from the
with IM precursor lesions in a Singapore-Chinese popula- antrum, body and cardia, as well as from past medical his-
tion considered to be at increased risk of GC because of tory. Blood samples (8 mls) were collected into Vacu-
age greater than 50 years. These polymorphisms were cho- tainer CPT tubes (Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ)
sen for study because previous research has shown them and the mononuclear cells isolated and stored at -80°C
to be risk factors for GC. They included SNPs in genes prior to DNA extraction using Tri-Reagent (MRC Inc,
involved in the immune response (IL-1β, IL-10, PTPN11) Cincinnati, OH).
[12-14], folate metabolism (FR-α, MTHFR)[15,16], cell
growth (EGF, HER2) [17-19], cell survival (STCH)[20], Helicoblot2.1 serology test
cell invasion (MMP2)[21] and DNA damage or repair This serological assay uses a Western Blot nitrocellulose
(NQO1, SULT1A1, TP53, ADPRT) [22-26]. strip containing electrophoretically separated proteins
from a bacterial lysate of an ulcer-causing type strain of H.
Methods pylori and a recombinant antigen of H. pylori (Genelabs
Subjects Diagnostics, Singapore). When incubated with diluted
Subjects were recruited from the Gastric Cancer Epidemi- serum/plasma, specific antibodies to the various antigens,
ology and Molecular Genetics Program (GCEP). This if present, will bind to the H. pylori antigens on the strip.
project is a prospective cohort study aiming to enroll These bound antibodies appear as dark bands upon reac-
4,000 Singapore-Chinese subjects aged more than 50 tion with goat anti-human IgG conjugated with alkaline
years from four major public hospitals in Singapore phosphatase and a 5-bromo-4-chloro-2-indolyl-phos-
(National University Hospital, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, phate/nitroblue tetrazolium substrate solution. In order
Singapore General Hospital, Changi General Hospital). It to identify the various bands present, the strip is com-
offers screening by endoscopy and systematic follow-up pared with reference strips of non-reactive (negative) and
for a minimum of 5 years [27]. Chinese subjects older reactive (positive) controls run concurrently. Determina-
than 50 years of age who met the following criteria were tion of H. pylori seropositivity was based on criteria rec-
eligible to enroll in the study: (i) symptoms of dyspepsia ommended by the kit manufacturer. They consist of (1),
(ie. bloating, distension, nausea, stomach pain etc), (ii) 116 kD (CagA) positive band present with one or more of
family history of gastric cancer, or (iii) a medical condi- the following bands: 89 kD (VacA), 37 kD, 35 kD, 30 kD
tion that required them to undergo gastroscopy. They (UreA) and 19.5 kD together, or with the current infection
must also be able to attend all study visits assigned to marker, (2) the presence of any one band at 89 kD (VacA),
them. Subjects who could not undergo gastroscopy, had a 37 kD or 35 kD, with or without current infection marker,
history of stomach cancer or surgery, had a disabling ill- or (3) the presence of both 30 kD and 19.5 kD with or
ness, or were unable to provide informed consent were without current infection marker.
ineligible for the study. Clinical information including
demographics, medical history and family history were Selection of gene polymorphism panel
obtained. Informed consent was obtained from all sub- A systematic literature search in PubMed was carried out
jects and the study was approved by the institutional using the terms "gastric cancer" and "polymorphism".
review boards of all hospitals involved. Blood samples From a total of 78 candidate polymorphisms identified,
from 374 individual subjects collected between April 18 were found to be significantly associated with the risk
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of GC and were therefore included in the current investi- at the appropriate annealing temperature and 30 seconds
gation of IM. at 72°C, before conclusion with 7 minutes at 72°C.
Table 1: PCR primers and dispensation sequences for pyrosequencing of 17 SNPs evaluated for association with IM.
PCR Pyrosequencing
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The genotyping success rate varied from 85-99% for the > 0.05), with the exception of IL10 -819T/C, NQO1 609C/
18 polymorphisms. T and TP53 Arg72Pro. By univariate analysis, the NQO1
609 T allele was the only variant in the overall cohort that
Statistics was significantly associated with IM (OR = 1.82, 95%CI:
Univariate analyses were carried out by Pearson's chi- 1.05-3.15, P = 0.032). In HP- individuals, only the
square or the Fisher's exact test to examine for associations PTPN11 rs2301756 A allele was significantly associated
between genotype distributions, IM status and clinical fac- with IM (OR = 2.51, 95%CI: 1.16-5.40, P = 0.019). Three
tors. As there were more than one polymorphism investi- polymorphisms in HP+ individuals were associated with
gated in IL10 and STCH, the haplotypes were also IM in univariate analysis: the IL-10 819 C allele (OR =
considered in the analyses. Variables found significantly 2.32, 95%CI: 1.21-4.43, P = 0.011), NQO1 609 T allele
associated with IM in the univariate analyses for all cases, (OR = 2.61, 95%CI: 1.18-5.80, P = 0.018) and PTPN11 A
and HP+ and HP- subgroups were entered in respective allele (OR = 0.46, 95%CI: 0.21-0.99, P = 0.048). The hap-
multivariate logistic regression models. The analyses were lotypes in IL10 and STCH were not significantly associ-
based on the assumption of a dominant genetic model. ated with IM in overall cohort, HP-, as well as HP+ groups.
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 16.0
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) software at the 5% significance In multivariate analysis that included all cases, HP status
level. The Woolf test was used to test for homogeneity of and age were significantly associated with IM, while the
OR between two strata. As each polymorphism was tested NQO1 T allele showing borderline association (Table 4).
for association with IM independently, it was not neces- In HP- individuals, the PTPN11 A allele was the only fac-
sary to control for the family-wise error rate. Thus, no tor associated with IM. However, in HP+ individuals the
adjustment was made for multiple testing. factors of older age and the NQO1 609 T allele, IL-10 819
C allele and PTPN11 A allele were all significantly associ-
Results ated with IM. These results suggest that HP status is an
The characteristics of 374 subjects evaluated in this study effect modifier of the association between IM and the
are shown in Table 2. A total of 128 were diagnosed with PTPN11 A allele (P = 0.002). As it is possible that IM+/HP-
IM and 246 without IM. No significant differences cases in this study had prior unrecorded HP infection[30],
between IM+ and IM- groups were apparent for sex, family subgroup analysis on cases with a "revised HP+" status
history of GC (including 1st degree and 2nd degree rela- (either HP+/IM-, HP+/IM+ or HP-/IM+) was also per-
tives), alcohol consumption (at least one unit of wine, formed. Age (OR = 2.10, 95%CI: 1.24-3.56, P = 0.006)
beer or liquor per week) or smoking status (at least one and IL-10 -819 C allele (OR = 1.82, 95%CI: 1.07-3.08, P =
cigarette per day for a minimum of one year). IM+ sub- 0.027) were the only significant variables in this sub-
jects showed a significantly higher incidence of HP infec- group.
tion and were also older (P < 0.05).
Genotype frequencies for the 18 polymorphisms investi- In this study, 18 polymorphisms that were previously
gated for association with IM are presented in Table 3. All linked to GC were investigated for possible associations
polymorphisms were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P with IM in a Singapore-Chinese population. The assump-
tion was made that IM represents a precursor lesion for
Table 2: Characteristics of study subjects in relation to the the development of GC and hence should have similar
presence of IM.
genetic risk factors. The cohort evaluated here was consid-
Total (%) IM+ (%) IM- (%) ered to be at elevated risk for GC because of the selection
of individuals aged >50 years[27]. As expected, older indi-
Subjects 374 128 246 viduals and those demonstrating seropositivity for HP
Mean age ± SD (range) 60.5 ± 7.8 62.9 ± 7.8 59.2 ± 7.5 showed a doubling in the frequency of IM (Table 4).
Age 50-59 yrs 190 (51) 48 (38)* 142 (58)*
Age 60-69 yrs 133 (36) 55 (43) 78 (32)
Following univariate analysis, 3 genotypes were found to
Age ≥70 yrs 51 (13) 25 (19) 26 (10)
Male 207 (55) 72 (56) 135 (55) be associated with IM. The NQO1 609 T allele was associ-
Family history of GC 66 (18) 23 (18) 43 (17) ated with IM, particularly in HP+ individuals. The IL-10 -
HP infection 191 (51) 84 (66)* 107 (43)* 819 C allele was also significantly associated with IM in
Drinker 66 (18) 22 (17) 46 (19) HP+ cases. Interestingly, the PTPN11 A allele in intron 3
Smoker 90 (24) 30 (23) 60 (24) (rs2301756) was associated with increased incidence of
Chronic gastritis 290 (78) 115 (90) 175 (71) IM in HP- individuals but a decreased incidence in HP+
Atrophy gastritis 194 (52) 97 (76) 97 (39)
cases. In multivariate analysis, all 3 polymorphisms
Dysplasia 1 (0.3) 1 (0.8) 0
remained significantly associated with IM, with the excep-
* P < 0.05
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ADPRT Val762Ala TT 71 31 33 9 38 22
TC 117 60 64 24 53 36
CC 33 16 13 6 20 10
EGF +61A/G AA 22 5 13 1 9 4
AG 103 55 54 20 49 35
GG 110 58 50 18 60 40
IL-1β -511C/T CC 64 35 33 10 31 25
CT 119 62 63 21 56 41
TT 48 23 20 10 28 13
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STCH rs1882881 AA 58 34 24 13 34 21
AC 123 58 67 15 56 43
CC 57 31 26 13 31 18
STCH rs2242661 AA 69 31 34 12 35 19
AG 106 46 52 13 54 33
GG 44 26 22 13 22 13
STCH rs9982492 CC 85 45 41 15 44 30
CT 105 39 53 12 52 27
TT 28 18 14 9 14 9
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Carriers of the IL-10 -819 C allele express higher mucosal Competing interests
levels of IL-10 (interleukin 10) mRNA and experience col- The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
onization with more virulent HP strains[38]. Similar to
NQO1 C609T, no association was observed here between Authors' contributions
the IL-10 T-819C polymorphism and HP infection. The FZ participated in the design of the study and its coordi-
current result showing the IL-10 -819 C allele is associated nation, performed the statistical analysis and drafted the
with IM is at odds with an Italian study that reported the manuscript. ML performed the literature review/statistical
TT genotype was associated with increased risk of IM[29] analysis and drafted the manuscript. JH, KWL, MST and
However, two studies in Chinese and German popula- KGY provided clinical and biological insights for the
tions found no associations between IL-10 T-819C and study. SL and KXK carried out the genotyping of the sam-
IM[38,39]. ples. BI drafted the manuscript. RS participated in its
design and coordination, supervised the study and drafted
Other common polymorphisms in the IL-1β and TNF-α the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
cytokine genes have been proposed to influence the host manuscript.
response to HP and therefore the risk of developing
GC[13,29,38-42]. The IL-1β C-511T and IL-10 A-1082G Acknowledgements
polymorphisms were investigated in this cohort, but no This work was funded in part by the National Medical Research Council of
significant associations were found with seropositivity to Singapore (NMRC/TCR/001-NUS/2007), Biomedical Research Council of
HP or with the presence of IM (Table 3). Previous studies Singapore (BMRC 04/1/21/19/312) and the Singapore Cancer Syndicate
(SCS#BU51, SCS#GN015). The authors would like to thank contributors
reported the IL-1β -511 T allele increased the risk of IM in
from the Singapore Gastric Cancer Consortium that include Khek Yu HO,
some[38,39], but not all populations[12]. One study Yoshiaki ITO, Christopher JL KHOR, Andrea RAJNAKOVA, Kwong Ming
found an association between the IL-10 A-1082G poly- FOCK, Choon Jin OOI, Chung King CHIA, Wee Chian LIM, Wai Keong
morphism and IM[12,43], but 3 other studies did WONG, Andrew WONG, Ming TEH, Nilesh SHAH, Robert HEWITT,
not[12,29,39]. Bow HO, Kee Seng CHIA, Yoon Pin LIM, Jimmy JB SO, Lynette PHAY.
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