13 - A Convergence Condition For Optimal Nonlinear Filtering For Systems With Unknown Parameters
13 - A Convergence Condition For Optimal Nonlinear Filtering For Systems With Unknown Parameters
13 - A Convergence Condition For Optimal Nonlinear Filtering For Systems With Unknown Parameters
.OO @ 1988 IEEE
2.3 Stability Theorems - Continuous time[4. Theorem
where r i ( t ) = Prob(r = ilyt), i E F.
Let p(zly') denote the conditional density of z ( t ) ,then by
the theorem of total probability, we have
Let V ( t ,z) be a continuous real valued function satisfying:
4llzll) I V ( t , z )5 b(ll41)7
for llzll I K and some constant K, and where the functions
a and b are continuos and positive definite on R+.
2) V ( t , z )-+ w as llzll -+ w
3) The partial derivatives g ,E, and -exist and are
2.2 Stochastic Stability continuous.
Then if
We begin with some definitions and theorems on stochastic L V ( t , z ) I -r(llzll) for 0 < llzll I K
stability which are needed to establish our later results presented where the function y(.) is continuous and positive definite
in Sections 2.4 and 3.3. on R+,and also for all z # 0, a(.) -+ 03 as T -+ 00 where t
The set up is: is the Markov generator associated with the Markov diffusion
w(t) is a Wiener process defined on the probability space process defined by (2.2.2) and is given by:
(n,A,'P)and f ( t , z ) and g ( t , z ) are functions satisfying the fol-
lowing conditions:
1) f ( t , z), g(t,z) are continuous vector and matrix valued
functions in t
2) Ilf(t,z)112= lfi(t,z)I2I K(1 t 11z112), Vt and 2,
3) IIg(t,z)I12= Ci,j1gij(t,z)I2I K(1 t 11z1I2), v t and 2,
4) i l f ( t , z + a)- f(t,z)ll 5 Kllall, Vt and 2,
5 ) 11g(t, z a)- g(t,z)II I Kllall, Vt and z, K a nonnegative THEN z ( t ) converges to zero almost surely.
real number.
We consider a stochastic processes z ( t ) E R" which satisfies
2.4 Convergence theorems.
the Ito stochastic integral equation:
2.4.1 Convergence of the likelihood ratio function
z ( t ) = 20 t l
f ( ~z(T))dT
, t l g ( T , z(r))dw(T) 40) = zo
Let i denote the correct parameter value.
Define the likelihood ratio function &(t), j E F as
where w(t) is a Wiener process as defined above and the
6. - 1
integral with respect to dw is defined in the It0 sense.
- li
The stochastic differential equation for the process z ( t ) is
given by: Theorem 1
d 4 t ) = f ( t ,z(t))dt4- g ( t , z ( t ) ) W t ) (2.2.2)
Let 2i = Cimi, i E F.
Definition 42, pp. 30, 311 E i i # i j , V i # j , i,jEF,THEN
The solution z ( t ) = 0 is said to be stochastically stable with
probabilty one iff for any p > 0 and e > 0 there is a 6 ( p , ~ >) 0
< j ( t ) -+ O a . ~ .V j #iEF
such that, if llzoll < 6 ( p , e), then
We first derive a stochastic differential equation for the like-
lihood ratio.
Definition 2
Let the innovations sequence corresponding to T = i be
denoted dv, then
d y = dv + i i d t
The solution z ( t ) E 0 is said to be stochastically asymptoti-
cally stable in the large if further and the likelihood functions satisfy;
lim z ( t ) = 0) = 1,
P( t-CO Vzo E Rn (2.2.4) d l3. -- 1j.^Tdy
zj = IjiTdv + 1jiTiidt
In some sense the noise satisfies a persistent excitation pro-
perty, which guarantees convergence if each triple is minimal and
the convergence condition is satisfied.
= &(Zj - i;)Tdv
In this section we shall deal with only two parameters and a
The stochastic stability theorem of Section 2.3, can be ap- scalar system; the results can readily be translated t o the more
plied t o the stochastic differential equation for t, as follows general situation with multiple parameters and vector- valued
Select V(&) = &j', n > 0, then we have systems.
Assume then that F = (0, l}, then the a-posteriori proba-
bilities satisfy:
1+ C , E F , , P * W ) $ $ or
Clearly r l ( t )-+ 1 a.s. iff & ( t )-+ 0 a.s. V j E F , j # i.
dno = noa:(Como - Clml)2dtfnon1(Como -Clml)dv (
2.4.3 Persistent excitation of t h e noise We now linearize ( about no" with nd = (1 - ni),to
We have established that Z, # 2,, V Z , J E F, 2 # J is a
sufficient condition for almost sure convergence of n,(t) -+ 1, as d*o = (1 - 4 4 t 3(T:)2)K2(Ao- *:)dt + (1- 2s;)K(~o- n;)dv
t 4 w, where z is the correct parameter.
We now show that i j , J E F can not be identically zero Here K = (Como - C l m l )
for aJl t. Select n; = 1 then
In effect:
d r o = -(no - 1)Kdv
2, = C,m,
A candidate Lyapunov function is V(n0)= for n > 0, then
dZ3 = C,dm, = C,A,m,dt + C,B,udt + C,K,(dy - 2,dt)
= C,(A,m, -I-B,u + K&)dt - C,K,i,dt + C,K,dv 1
LV = -n(n-l)n,n-2(a~-1)2K2 < 0 if n < 1 and 0 < r0 < 1
with dv = d y - i,dt. 2
Since (A,, B,, C,) is a minimal triple, and the innovation But this implies local stability about TO =1
process dv which is a Brownian motion takes arbritary values Select now no" = 0 then
in RP with positive probability, 2, can not be identically zero
unless C3K3 0. dao = noK2dt + noKdv
But C,K, = C,P,CF(Qw)-'. Since both P, and Q" are
of fd rank C3K, = 0 only if C, = 0, but this is not possible and for the same candidate Lyapunov function we obtain
because the triple (A,, B,, C,) is minimal.
Let G(Cimi(k),CiMiCF t Q"')= p(y(k)lyk-', r = i) denote the
likelihood that the system is in regime i given the observations
Y(9, 0 51 I IC.
Then for 0 < TO < 1with n > 0 as required LV is positive, If an a-priori distributions is specified for r , then the a-
which implies that TO = 0 is locally unstable. posteriori distribution can be written in terms of the likelihood
Since the stochastic differential equation has only two equi- functions as
librium points, one of them locally stable and the other locally
unstable, all trajectories will converge to the stable equlibrium
point. Note that Theorem 1 guarantees global convergence, and
ensures that the stable equilibrium point is actually globally
atractive. and then the conditional distribution of z(k) is
p(z(k)IYk) = C p ( z ( k ) l Y k , .= i)*i(k)
3 Discrete time
here mi(k) and Mi(k) are the one step ahead mean and covari- Let & ( k ) = Cimi(k), Z i ( k ) = CiMi(k)CFt Q w , i E F
ance matrix assuming model i and If G ( & ( k ) ,Z j ( k ) ) # G(2j(k),Zj(k)), V i ,j E F,i # j THEN
p(r(k)lYk-',r = i ) = G(mi(k),Mi(k)) t ( k ) -+ 0 a.$. V j # i E F
with mj(k) and Mi(k) computed recursively by Proof: Write
We conclude that if (A0 - A l ) z ( k ) is in the range space of
(Bo - B1) then it is possible to design a control that inhibits the
ability of the estimator to identify the correct parameter.
4. Conclusions
iff References
3.3.3 An example
(2~)-%(detQ')-$ exp --ll(Ajz(k - 1)
+ Bju(k - l ) ) l l ~ v - ~
Let F = (0,l}, and make at any time k
+ = A l z ( k )t B I U ( ~ )
Aoz(k) Bo~(k)
that is