Causal Inference and Observational Data: Editorial Open Access
Causal Inference and Observational Data: Editorial Open Access
Causal Inference and Observational Data: Editorial Open Access
E D I TO R I A L Open Access
Observational studies using causal inference frameworks can provide a feasible alternative to randomized
controlled trials. Advances in statistics, machine learning, and access to big data facilitate unraveling complex
causal relationships from observational data across healthcare, social sciences, and other fields. However, challenges
like evaluating models and bias amplification remain.
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Olier et al. BMC Medical Research Methodology (2023) 23:227 Page 2 of 3
utilization of instrumental variables, regression dis- data and integrating them with structured data, thereby
continuity designs, and quasi-experimental approaches enhancing the depth of insights and broadening the
as methodological advancements further augment the applicability of causal inference from observational data.
understanding of complex social phenomena, policy However, causal inference with observational data
impacts, and economic relationships [4, 5]. is not free of challenges. For instance, causal inference
Broadly speaking, causal inference attempts to build models are hard to evaluate. If a causal link is found,
data-driven models that can predict the effect of inter- still there is no clear mechanism to assess whether the
ventions on outcomes. Using observational data for link is real or not. The performance of associative data-
causal inference is gaining momentum due to the conflu- driven models can be assessed and compared easily since
ence of factors such as the large amount of more com- large data repositories are publicly available and widely
plex and richer data and advanced techniques from used. However, this is not the case for causal inference,
statistics and ML. In general, two frameworks exist for for which the lack of public benchmark data is one of
causal inference in observational studies, which are not the biggest problems it is encountered in their develop-
necessarily mutually exclusive: the structural causal ment. There is also a lack of comparisons to non-causal
model (SCM) framework and the potential outcome methods in the literature [9]. It is also inevitable to make
framework (POF). The SCM framework relies on deter- untestable assumptions, which could also contribute to
ministic, functional equations to construct directed acy- bias amplification and harm the external validity when
clic graphs (DAGs) with variables as nodes and links as compared to non-causal counterparts [10].
causal relationships and is particularly useful in identi- As the field continues to advance, interdisciplinary col-
fying unknown causal and confounding variables while laborations, methodological innovations, and the integra-
estimating the actual effect of a given treatment. On the tion of emerging technologies will continue to expand the
other hand, the POF framework (also known as the coun- frontiers of causal inference and its applications in vari-
terfactual framework) examines outcomes that would ous domains. Nevertheless, challenges must be addressed
have likely been observed had the treatment differed, for swift adoption in social and medical research.
representing the counterfactual or the missing outcome.
Other frameworks such as instrumental variables, media- DAG directed acyclic graphs
tion analysis, and Bayesian networks are also noteworthy ML machine learning
in causal inference research [6]. POF potential outcome framework
RCT randomized control trial
In recent years, there has been growing interest in SCM structural causal model
combining multiple frameworks and approaches to
improve causal inference. Integrating ideas from different Authors’ contributions
IO—conceived and drafted the Editorial. YZ, XL, VV revised the Editorial. All
frameworks can lead to more comprehensive and robust authors read and approved the final manuscript.
causal analyses. Additionally, the use of machine learn-
ing techniques and the exploration of new identifica- Funding
No funding was obtained for this editorial.
tion strategies are areas that hold promise for advancing
causal inference research [7]. Analysis of observational Data Availability
studies could benefit from the best of two worlds. ML Not applicable.
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