DSA - 4330704 Syllabus (GTURanker - Com)

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Data Structures and Algorithms Course Code: 4330704


Competency-focused Outcome-based Green Curriculum-2021 (COGC-2021)

Semester – III

Course Title: Data Structures and Algorithms

(Course Code: 4330704)

Diploma Programme in which this course is offered Semester in which

Computer Engineering Third


Development of application systems and software that use underlying architecture of machines
efficiently and effectively requires the ability to use and manipulate various types of Data Structures
and other constructs. This being a fundamental ability which is language neutral, yet requires use of a
language for its implementation. This is a basic course which goes along with other programming
courses to develop an integrated ability to efficient software development, hence this course is very
important for computer engineers.


The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop various types of related
skills leading to the achievement of the following competency

● Implement various types of algorithms using Data Structures.


The practical exercises, the underpinning knowledge and the relevant soft skills associated with this
competency are to be developed in the student to display the following COs:

The practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and
implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry-oriented COs associated with
the above-mentioned competency:

a. Perform basic operations on arrays and strings.

b. Demonstrate algorithms to insert and delete elements from the stack and queue data structure.
c. Apply basic operations on the linked list data structure.
d. Illustrate algorithms to insert, delete and searching a node in tree.
e. Apply different sorting and searching algorithms to the small data sets.

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Data Structures and Algorithms Course Code: 4330704


Teaching Scheme Total Credits Examination Scheme

(In Hours) (CI+T/2+P/2) Theory Marks Practical Marks Total
3 0 4 5 30 70 25 25 150
Out of 30 marks under the theory CA, 10 marks are for assessment of the micro-project
to facilitate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks is the average of 2 tests to be
taken during the semester for the assessing the attainment of the cognitive domain UOs
required for the attainment of the COs.
Legends: CI-ClassRoom Instructions; T – Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice; P -
Practical; C – Credit, CA - Continuous Assessment; ESE - End Semester Examination.


The following practical outcomes (PrOs) that are the sub-components of the COs. Some of the
PrOs marked ‘*’ are compulsory, as they are crucial for that particular CO. These PrOs need to
be attained at least at the ‘Precision Level’ of Dave’s Taxonomy related to ‘Psychomotor
Uni t Approx.
S.No. Practical Outcomes (PrOs) No. Hrs.
Define various terms such as algorithm, various approaches to I 02
design an algorithm, time complexity, space complexity, best
case, average case and worst-case time complexity etc.
2 Implement array using row major order and column major I 02
3 Implement Sequential search algorithms. I 02
4 Implement Binary search algorithms. I 02
5 Implement various string algorithms. II 02
6 Implement push and pop algorithms of stack using array III 02
7 Implement recursive functions. III 02
8 Implement insert algorithms of queue using array. III 02
9 Implement delete algorithms of queue using array. III 02
10 Implement simple structure programs using pointers. IV 02
11 Implement insertion of node in the beginning of the list in singly IV 02
linked list.
12 Implement insertion of node at the end of list in singly linked IV 02
13 Implement insertion of node in sorted linked list. IV 02
14 Implement insertion of node at any position in liked list. IV 02
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15 Implement counting no of node algorithm in singly linked list. IV 02

16 Implement searching of a node algorithm in singly linked list. IV 02
17 Implement delete a node algorithm in singly linked list. IV 02
18 Implement construction of binary search tree. V 02
19 Implement inorder, preorder and postorder traversal methods V 04
binary search tree.
20 Implement searching algorithm in binary search tree. V 02
21 Implement Bubble sort algorithm. VI 02
22 Implement Selection sort algorithm. VI 02
23 Implement Quick Sort algorithm. VI 02
24 Implement Insertion sort algorithm. VI 02
25 Implement Shell sort algorithm. VI 02
26 Implement Merge Sort algorithm. VI 02
27 Solve hash table example using division method, method VI 02
method, folding method. (paper work only)
Total 56
i. More Practical Exercises can be designed and offered by the respective course teacher to
develop the industry relevant skills/outcomes to match the COs. The above table is only a
suggestive list.
ii. The following are some sample ‘Process’ and ‘Product’ related skills (more may be
added/deleted depending on the course) that occur in the above listed Practical Exercises
of this course required which are embedded in the COs and ultimately the competency.

S. Sample Performance Indicators for the PrOs Weightage in %

1 Correctness of program 30
2 Readability and documentation of the program/Quality of 10
input and output displayed (messaging and formatting)
3 Code efficiency 20
4 Debugging ability 20

5 Program execution/answer to sample questions 20

Total 100


These major equipment/instruments and Software required to develop PrOs are given below
with broad specifications to facilitate procurement of them by the
administrators/management of the institutes. This will ensure conduction of practical in all
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Data Structures and Algorithms Course Code: 4330704

institutions across the state in proper way so that the desired skills are developed in students.

S. PrO. No.
Equipment Name with Broad Specifications
1 Computer with latest configuration with windows or unix os All
2 C/C++/Python Compiler All


The following sample Affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) are embedded in many of the
above-mentioned COs and PrOs. More could be added to fulfil the development of this
a) Follow safety practices.
b) Practice good housekeeping.
c) Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member.
d) Maintain tools and equipment
e) Follow ethical practices.
The ADOs are best developed through the laboratory/field-based exercises. Moreover, the
level of achievement of the ADOs according to Krathwohl’s ‘Affective Domain Taxonomy’
should gradually increase as planned below:
i. ‘Valuing Level’ in 1st year
ii. ‘Organization Level’ in 2nd year.
iii. ‘Characterization Level’ in 3rd year.

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The major Underpinning Theory is formulated as given below and only higher level UOs of
Revised Bloom’s taxonomy are mentioned for development of the COs and competency in the
students by the teachers. (Higher level UOs automatically includes lower level UOs in them). If
required, more such higher level UOs could be included by the course teacher to focus on
attainment of COs and competency.

Uni Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics


Unit – I 1a. Represent the 1.1 Data Structure Basic Concepts

Basic data in 1.2 Types of data structures
Concepts of relevant
Data memory
Structures 1b. Differentiate 1.3 Primitive and non-primitive data structures
primitive and
1c. List key features 1.4 Introduction to Algorithms
of an 1.5 Key features of an algorithm
1d. Define time 1.6 Analysis Terms (for the definitions purpose only):
complexity and a. Time Complexity
space complexity b. Space Complexity
c. Asymptotic Notations: Big Oh Notation, Big Omega
Notation, Big Theta Notation, Best case Time
Complexity, Average case Time Complexity,
Worst case Time Complexity
1e. Implement 1.7 Array:
programs to i. Row Major Arrays
represent array in ii. Column Major Arrays
row major and 1.8 Overview of different array operations.
column major order
1f. Design and 1.9 Searching an element into an array:
Implement i. Linear Search
search algorithms ii. Binary Search
Unit– II 2a. Describe 2.1 String representation: Reading and Writing Strings
Strings representation of a
2b. Develop algorithms 2.2 String operations : Finding length of a string,
to implement Converting Characters of a string into upper case and
various operations lower case, Concatenation of two strings to form a
on string new string, Appending, Reversing a string, Copying a
string, Comparing strings, Insertion, Substring,

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Unit– III 3a. Define linear and 3.1 Linear and Non-Linear Data Structures
Stack and non- linear data 3.2 Stack : Array representation of Stack, PUSH- POP
Queues structures Operations on Stack, Implementation of Stack,
3b. Implement Application of Stack, Infix, Prefix and Postfix Forms of
algorithms to push Expressions, Recursive Functions (Factorial, greatest
an element into common divisor, Fibonacci series)
stack, pop an
element from the
3c.. Implement 3.3 Queue: Array representation of Queue Operations on
different a Queue (Add an element, delete an element, display
operations on a all elements of a queue), Implementation of a Queue,
Queue Limitation of a Single Queue
3c. Differentiate 3.4 Concepts of Circular Queue
circular and simple 3.5 Applications of a queue
queue 3.6 Differentiate circular queue and simple queue
Unit– IV 4a. Define linked list 4.1 Pointers Revision
Linked 4.2 Revision of Structure
List 4.3 Revision of structure using pointers
4.4 Dynamic Memory Allocation
4.5 Linked list Presentation
4.6 Types of Linked List
4b. Implement 4.7 Basic operations on singly linked list : Insertion of a
algorithms to new node in the beginning of the list, at the end of
perform various the list, after a given node, before a given node, in
operations on a sorted linked list, Deleting the first and last node
singly linked list
from a linked list, Searching a node in Linked List,
Count the number of nodes in linked list
4c. Distinguish circular 4.8 Concepts of circular linked list
linked list and 4.9 Difference between circular linked list and singly
singly linked list linked list
4d. Distinguish Doubly 4.10 Doubly linked list: Representation
linked list and 4.11 Difference between Doubly linked list and singly linked
singly linked list list
4e. List applications of 4.12 Applications of the linked list
the linked list
Unit– V 5a. Define non-linear 5.1 Non-linear data structures: Tree, Graph
Trees data structure
5b. Define basic terms 5.2 Basic Terms: General Tree, Forest, Binary trees, level
of a tree data number, degree, in-degree and out-degree, root
structure node, leaf node, directed edge, path, depth
5c. Convert general Binary tree: Complete Binary Tree, Strict Binary Tree,
tree to binary tree Conversion of General Tree to Binary Tree

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5d. Implement basic 5.3 Binary Search Tree : Insertion of a node in binary tree,
operations on a Deletion of a node in binary tree, Searching a node
binary tree in binary tree
5e. Demonstrate the 5.4 Binary Tree Traversal : Inorder, Preorder, Postorder
traversal of a
binary tree
5f. List applications of 5.5 Applications of binary tree
Unit– VI 6a. Arrange data in 6.1 Sorting Methods :
Sorting ascending and a. Bubble Sort,
and descending orders b. Selection Sort,
Hashing using appropriate c. Quick Sort,
sorting algorithm d. Insertion Sort,
e. Merge Sort,
f. Radix Sort
6b. Apply various 6.2 Hashing Concepts
hashing 6.3 Hash functions: Division Method, Middle Square
techniques Method, Folding Method

Note: The UOs need to be formulated at the ‘Application Level’ and above of Revised
Bloom’s Taxonomy’ to accelerate the attainment of the COs and the competency.


Unit Unit Teaching Distribution of Theory Marks

No. Title Hours R U A Total
Level Level Level Marks
Basic Concepts of Data
Structures 4 4 3 0 7

II Strings 4 2 2 3 7

III Stack and Queues 8 2 6 6 14

IV Linked List 9 4 8 2 14

V Trees 7 4 4 6 14

VI Sorting and Hashing 10 2 6 6 14

Total 42 18 29 23 70
Legends: R=Remember, U=Understand, A=Apply and above (Revised Bloom’s taxonomy)
Note: This specification table provides general guidelines to assist student for their learning
and to teachers to teach and question paper designers/setters to formulate test
items/questions assess the attainment of the UOs. The actual distribution of marks at
different taxonomy levels (of R, U and A) in the question paper may vary from above table.


Other than the classroom and laboratory learning, following are the suggested student-related
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co-curricular activities which can be undertaken to accelerate the attainment of the various
outcomes in this course: Students should conduct following activities in group and prepare
small reports (of 1 to 5 pages for each activity). For micro project report should be as per
suggested format, for other activities students and teachers together can decide the format of
the report. Students should also collect/record physical evidences such as photographs/videos
of the activities for their (student’s) portfolio which will be useful for their placement
a) Students are encouraged to learn Visual Language programming like scratch, snap etc.
b) Undertake micro-projects in teams.
c) Prepare charts to explain use/process of the identified topic.
d) https://www.codechef.com/ , in this website very elementary programs are available,
students are expected to solve those programs
e) https://code.org/, an hour of code may be organized and students are encouraged to
f) Students are encouraged to register themselves in various MOOCs such as: Swayam,
edx, Coursera, Udemy etc to further enhance their learning.
g) List the applications which are developed using C
h) Encourage students to participate in different coding competitions like hackathon,
online competitions on codechef etc.
i) Encourage students to form a coding club at institute level and can help the slow


These are sample strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various
outcomes in this course:
a) Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used to teach various topics/sub
b) Guide student(s) in undertaking micro-projects.
c) Managing Learning Environment
d) Diagnosing Essential Missed Learning concepts that will help for students.
e) Guide Students to do Personalized learning so that students can understand the course
material at his or her pace.
f) Encourage students to do Group learning by sharing so that teaching can easily be enhanced.
g) ‘CI” in section No. 4means different types of teaching methods that are to be
employed by teachers to develop the outcomes.
h) About 20% of the topics/sub-topics which are relatively simpler or descriptive in
nature is to be given to the students for self-learning, but to be assessed using
different assessment methods.
i) With respect to section No.11, teachers need to ensure to create opportunities and
provisions for co-curricular activities.
j) Guide students on how to address issues on environment and sustainability using the
knowledge of this course


Only one micro-project is planned to be undertaken by a student that needs to be assigned to
him/her in the beginning of the semester. In the first four semesters, the micro-project are
group-based (group of 3 to 5). However, in the fifth and sixth semesters, the number of
students in the group should not exceed three.
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The micro-project could be industry application based, internet-based, workshop-

based, laboratory-based or field-based. Each micro-project should encompass two or more
COs which are in fact, an integration of PrOs, UOs and ADOs. Each student will have to
maintain dated work diary consisting of individual contribution in the project work and give a
seminar presentation of it before submission. The total work load on each student due to the
micro-project should be about 16 (sixteen) student engagement hours (i.e., about one hour
per week) during the course. The students ought to submit micro-project by the end of the
semester (so that they develop the industry-oriented COs).
A suggestive list of micro-projects is given here. This should relate highly with
competency of the course and the COs. Similar micro-projects could be added by the
concerned course teacher:
a) Develop a C/C++/Python Program that evaluate the given arithmetic expression using
b) Develop a C/C++/Python Program that maintain a queue of persons. In this queue user
can add a person, delete a person and search a person.
c) Develop a C/C++/Python Program that perform banking operations like withdraw cash,
deposit cash and mini statement using appropriate data structure.
d) Develop a C/C++/Python Program for process management algorithm by using
appropriate data structure.
e) Develop a C/C++/Python Program for print spooler using appropriate Data structure.
f) Develop a C/C++/Python Program for Telephone Directory system. In this user can
adding, searching, modifying, listing, and deleting records through the use of
appropriate data structure.


S. Author Publication with place, year and

Title of Book
1 An Introduction to Data Jean-Paul Tata McGraw Hill
Structures with Applications Tremblay & Paul
G. Sorenson
2 Data and File Structures using Thareja,Reema Oxford University Press New
3 Data Structures Chitra, A Rajan, P T Tata McGraw Hill, New delhi,

4 Data Structures using C & C++ Tenen Baum Prenctice-Hall International

5 Classic Data Structures Samanta, D. PHI Learning, New Delhi

6 Data Structures using C ISRD Group McGraw Hill, New Delhi
7 Data Structures: A Pseudo- Gilberg & Thomson Learning
code approach with C Forouzan


a) https://www.programiz.com/dsa
b) https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106102064 (Introduction to data structures and algorithms, IIT Delhi)
c) https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106133 (Programming, Data structures and Algorithms, IIT Madras)
d) https://www.codecademy.com/learn/linear-data-structures
e) https://www.udacity.com/course/data-structures-and-algorithms-in-python--ud513
f) https://www.edx.org/learn/data-structures
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Data Structures and Algorithms Course Code: 4330704


Semester III Data Structures and Algorithms (Course Code:4330704)

POs and PSOs
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PSO 1 PSO 2 PSO
Basic & Prob Design/ Engineerin Engineering Project Life- 3
Disciplin lem develo g Tools, practices for Manag long (If
Competency e specific Anal pment Experimen society, ement learnin need
& Course Outcomes knowledg ysis of tation sustainability & g e d)
e solutio &Testing environment
Implement various types of
algorithms using Data Structures

Course Outcomes
a) Perform basic operations on
arrays and strings 2 1 2 - - - -
b) Demonstrate algorithms to
insert and delete elements from
the stack and queue data structure 3 1 2 - - - -
c) Apply basic operations on the
linked list data structure. 3 - 2 - - - -
d) Illustrate algorithms to insert,
delete and searching a node in 2 1 1 - - - -
e) Apply different sorting and
searching algorithms to the small
data sets.
3 2 2 - - - -
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low or ‘-’ for the relevant correlation of each competency, CO, with PO/ PSO


Resource Persons

Name and
S. No. Institute Contact No. Email
Governmen 8200601748 [email protected]
Shri P. P. Kotak
1 t
Principal Polytechnic
Smt. M. P. Mehta manishamehtain@gm
2 t 9879578273
Head of the a il.com
Smt. Rashmika K. K.D.Polytechnic, Patan 982446419 rashmivaghela.rv@gm
Vaghela 9 ail.com
Ms. Kumundrini B Governmen kumundrini13187@gm
4 9974543026
Prajapati t ail.com

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