BS 7171 1989 Specifications For Mobile Elevating Work Platforms

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Amendment No. 1

Specification for

Mobile elevating work

Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 7171:1989

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Mechanical

Handling Standards Policy Committee (MHE/-) to Technical Committee
MHE/12, upon which the following bodies were represented:

Associated Offices Technical Committee

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Association of Loading and Elevating Equipment Manufacturers

British Ports Federation and the National Association of Ports Employers
British Railways Board
British Telecommunications plc
Construction Plant-hire Association
Department of Trade and Industry [Mechanical Engineering and
Manufacturing Technology Division (Mmt)]
Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales
Federation of Wire Rope Manufacturers of Great Britain
Garage Equipment Association
Health and Safety Executive
International Powered Access Federation
London Regional Transport

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Mechanical
Handling Standards Policy
Committee, was published
under the authority of the
Board of BSI and comes
into effect on Amendments issued since publication
31 May 1989

© BSI 02-1999
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments

9243 December 1996 Indicated by a sideline in the margin

The following BSI references
relate to the work on this
Committee reference MHE/12
Draft for comment 88/73402 DC

ISBN 0 580 17266 X

BS 7171:1989


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
0 Introduction 1
1 Scope 1
2 Classification of MEWPs 1
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3 Definitions 2
4 Maximum operating speeds 5
5 Load and force factors, and design and stability calculations 5
6 Design 8
7 Marking and technical information 16
8 Testing 18
Appendix A Recommendations for approval procedures for a new
design of MEWP 19
Appendix B Recommendations for examinations and tests after
major alterations to a MEWP already in use 19
Appendix C Recommendations for periodical examination and tests
on MEWPs 20
Appendix D Guidelines for the design and test of load-supporting
hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders 20
Appendix E Examples of a safe and an unsafe hydraulic
control circuit 21
Figure 1 — Typical group A machines with no limitations on their
range of movements 3
Figure 2 — Typical group B machines with limitations on their range
of movements 4
Figure 3 — Components of the safe working load 7
Figure 4 — Examples of maximum overturning load and force
moment combinations 11
Figure 5 — Load spectrum factor 12
Figure 6 — Examples of a safe and an unsafe hydraulic circuit 22
Table 1 — Examples of maximum overturning load and
force moment combinations for stability calculations 9
Publications referred to Inside back cover

© BSI 02-1999 i
BS 7171:1989


This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Mechanical
Handling Standards Policy Committee, and is based on the draft European
Standard prEN 280 which is the work of CEN/TC 98, Mobile Elevating Work
Platforms in which members of MHE/12 participate. The initial drafting has been
carried out by the Technical Policy Committee of the International Powered
Access Federation (IPAF), the main changes to the CEN/TC 98 draft being in
respect of wire ropes and chains and the introduction, at the request of the Health
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and Safety Executive (HSE), of the principle that “single component failure”
should not cause unconvenanted movement of the work platform.
Clause of prEN 280 (the equivalent of which in this British Standard
is 6.1.3) allows certain types of mobile elevating work platform (MEWP) to be
excluded from the requirements given in that clause.
The arguments for these exclusions are the difficulty and substantial cost of
producing a fool-proof interlocking system, particularly on some low cost MEWPs
with some manual functions.
The main argument against the exclusions is safety and how to prevent the
operators forgetting to engage stabilizers.
Certain compromises were considered but it was decided that until the matter
can be resolved in CEN/TC 98, all MEWPs should preferably comply with the
requirement of 6.1.3 i), but if this is not reasonably practicable they should
comply with the requirement of 6.1.3 ii).
It is not the intent of this standard to provide a detailed design manual but, as it
is generally accepted that many MEWPs have much in common with mobile
cranes, advantage has been taken of British and International Standards on this
There is general agreement that as MEWPs lift persons, the treatment of the
design of wire rope systems should be based on twice the calculated loads,
doubling the safety factor derived from mobile crane standards, and that wire
rope and chain systems used to level the work platform should be duplicated.
Also the extending structure drive system designs are required to include
duplication or a separate safety device to prevent the work platform plummeting
if a component should fail.
In anticipation of the European Community’s single market programme
recommendations for approval procedures have been included as an appendix.
Other appendices covering recommendations for examinations and tests after
major alterations, periodical examinations and tests, guidelines for the design of
load supporting hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders, and examples of a safe and
an unsafe hydraulic control circuit are included.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 22, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

ii © BSI 02-1999
BS 7171:1989

0 Introduction When mention is made of a design detail for the

sake of clarity, this should not be considered to be
The purpose of this standard is to define rules for
the only possible design; any other solution may be
safe-guarding persons and objects against the risk
applied if it is equivalent in operation and at least
of accidents associated with the operation of mobile
equally safe.
elevating work platforms (MEWPs).
a) Types of possible accidents that may occur 1 Scope
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This British Standard specifies requirements for the
1) shearing; classification, design calculations and stability
2) crushing; criteria, construction, safety, examinations and
3) falling; tests of group A and group B mobile elevating work
platforms (MEWPs) with power operated extending
4) impact;
structures and/or work platforms.
5) trapping;
This standard does not apply to:
6) electric shock;
a) permanently installed personnel lifting
7) material failure (e.g. fatigue, wear, appliances;
b) fire fighting and fire rescue appliances;
8) instability of the MEWP.
c) unguided work cages suspended from lifting
b) Persons and objects to be safeguarded are as appliances;
d) order picking trucks;
1) operators and passengers;
e) tail lifts;
2) servicing and inspection personnel;
f) movable appliances with platforms guided by
3) persons adjacent to the MEWP; their supporting structures, which require
4) loads carried on work platforms; support from external structures;
5) components of the MEWP. NOTE When movable appliances with platforms guided by
their supporting structures are used without support, this
This standard does not repeat all the general standard is applicable.
technical rules applicable to every fluid, electrical, g) work platforms which, being wholly manually
mechanical or structural component, and sets out operated and extended, cannot be extended under
only the requirements special to MEWPs that load or comply with the interlocking
materials and equipment have to meet in the requirements of this standard.
interests of safety requirements.
NOTE 1 This standard may be taken as a basis for any of the
This standard specifies many safety devices and types listed in a) to g) or similar types of machine not covered by
features. However, these cannot guarantee safe other standards but not complying completely with this
standard, or where existing standards do not deal with design
operation in all circumstances because of the highly and stability as completely as this standard.
mobile nature of MEWPs, the widely varying nature NOTE 2 The titles of the publications referred to in this
and conditions of working locations, and the great standard are listed on the inside back cover.
versatility of some extending structures.
Consequently the safety requirements of this 2 Classification of MEWPs
standard have been drawn up on the basis that MEWPs fall into two main groups (see Figure 1 and
MEWPs: Figure 2):
i) are only operated by persons who have been
A where their permitted range of movement
adequately trained;
is controlled by the actuators reaching full
ii) are periodically maintained by competent stroke or by mechanical stops;
persons, according to manufacturers’
instructions, working conditions, frequency of use B where maintenance of the positions of the
and national regulations; work platform within the permitted range
of movement requires the full stroke of one
iii) are checked for function daily before start of or more actuators to be limited in some
work, or, if seldom used, before start of work; configurations.
iv) are not put into operation unless all required
controls and all safety devices are in working

© BSI 02-1999 1
BS 7171:1989

These two groups are divided into three subgroups 3.8

related to travelling: transport position1)
1 travelling is only allowed with the MEWP in the position of the work platform and extending
its transport position; structure prescribed by the manufacturer, in which
the MEWP is brought to the place of use
2 travelling with raised work platform is
controlled only from a point of control at the 3.9
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chassis; lowering
3 travelling with raised work platform is all operations to move the work platform to a lower
controlled from a point of control at the work level
platform. 3.10
3 Definitions all operations to move the work platform to a higher
For the purposes of this British Standard the level
following definitions apply. 3.11
3.1 rotating
mobile elevating work platform (MEWP) a circular movement of the work platform about a
it consists, as a minimum, of a working platform(s), vertical axis
an extending structure and a chassis 3.12
3.2 slewing
work platform a circular movement of the extending structure
a fenced platform or a cage that can be moved under about a vertical axis
load to the required working position and from 3.13
which erection, repair, inspection or similar work travelling
can be carried out
all movements of the chassis
extending structure
vehicle mounted MEWP
the structure that is connected to the chassis at one
a MEWP in which the travelling controls are located
end and supports the work platform and that raises
within the cab of the vehicle
or lowers the work platform to its required position
pedestrian controlled MEWP
a MEWP in which the powered-travel controls are
the base of the MEWP, including stabilizers; it may
located so that they are capable of being operated by
be pulled, pushed, self-propelled, etc.
a person walking close to the MEWP
self-propelled MEWP
all devices including outriggers, forming part of the
a MEWP in which the travelling controls are located
chassis, used to maintain or increase the stability of
at the work platform
the MEWP
safe working load (SWL)
the maximum authorized load the MEWP is
extensible supports used to maintain or increase the
designed to carry in a given configuration
stability of the MEWP and that may be capable of
supporting or levelling the MEWP
access position1)
the position that provides access to the work

1) Access position and transport position may be identical

2 © BSI 02-1999
BS 7171:1989
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Figure 1 — Typical group A machines with no limitations on their range of movements

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NOTE The limitation on their range of movement is given by the hatched area.
Figure 2 — Typical group B machines with limitations on their range of movements

4 © BSI 02-1999
BS 7171:1989

3.18 5 Load and force factors, and design

permitted range of movement and stability calculations
all the positions of the work platform and extending 5.1 General
structure, excluding positions which (i) are possible
with full movement of the work platform and/or The design and stability calculations shall conform
extending structure actuator(s) but which would to the laws and principles of applied mechanics and
cause instability, unacceptable tilting of the work strength of materials.
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platform or unacceptable stresses in the extending The manufacturer shall be responsible for
structure or chassis and (ii) are prevented by identifying the positions of the MEWP and
automatic means combinations of loads and forces acting in all
3.19 possible directions and positions, to produce the
actuator conditions of maximum stress and/or instability.
Design and/or stability calculations shall be
a hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical or other power
required for each of these conditions.
device producing the force to operate the extending
structure, stabilizers or work platform 5.2 Loads and forces
3.20 The following loads and forces shall be taken into
working platform levelling system account:
the system which maintains the floor of the working a) structural load:
platform substantially horizontal 1) static, acting on those parts not part of the
3.21 extending structure or work platform;
extending structure and/or work platform 2) dynamic, acting on the extending structure
drive system and work platform;
any system that causes movement of the working b) safe working load:
platform and/or extending structure from the 1) the mass of x persons (see, which is
transport position considered to be a dynamic load on the work
platform when the work platform is stationary;
4 Maximum operating speeds plus
4.1 The maximum operating speeds of the extending 2) the mass of equipment, y (see not
structure of the MEWPs shall be as follows. expressed as a number of persons, which is
a) Raising and lowering of the work considered to be a static load on the work
platform: 0.4 m/s. platform when the work platform is stationary;
b) Telescoping of boom: 0.43 m/s. c) wind loads on the structure and on the persons
and equipment on the work platform;
c) Slewing with work platform at maximum
radius (horizontal speed at the outer edge of the d) manual forces applied by the persons on the
work platform): 0.7 m/s. work platform;
d) Where speed is not uniform the average speed e) special loads and forces created by special
over the complete movement shall be used. working methods and conditions of use of the
MEWP including transporting, such as objects
NOTE These speeds apply to movement of the work platform
resulting from operation of a single control. Simultaneous carried outside the work platform and wind forces
operation of more than one control may give faster movements. on large objects carried on the work platform;
4.2 The maximum operating speeds of the chassis of these methods and conditions of use shall be
the MEWPs shall be as follows. approved by the manufacturer.
a) Travel with a raised and manned work 5.3 Load and force factors to be considered in
platform on MEWPs of subgroups A2, A3, B2 design
and B3: 5.3.1 Force factors
1) subgroup A2 and subgroup B2: 2.25 m/s; Forces created by structural loads, SWLs
2) subgroup A3 and subgroup B3: 0.7 m/s. and special loads shall be multiplied by a factor
b) Travel with work platform in transport of 1.0 and calculated as acting vertically
position for pedestrian controlled downwards.
MEWPs: 1.0 m/s.

© BSI 02-1999 5
BS 7171:1989

When moving they shall also be multiplied by a NOTE If more detailed figures are needed, especially
factor of 0.1 (based on the maximum speed) and concerning shielded structural areas, see 3.1.7 of
BS 2573-1:1983. For shielded persons see of this
calculated as acting in any possible direction of standard.
movement creating the greatest overturning The wind force on each person on a
moment or stress. Manufacturers may use factors work platform exposed to wind shall be
lower than 0.1 providing they have been proved by calculated as acting on an area
measurement. of 0.7 m2(0.4 m average width × 1.75 m height)
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI Wind forces including special wind forces with the centre of area 1.0 m above the work
shall be treated as dynamic forces and multiplied by platform floor, for persons fully exposed, or an area
a factor of 1.1 calculated as acting horizontally. of 0.4 m2 with the centre of area 1.4 m above the Manual forces applied by persons on the work platform floor, for each person standing
work platform and special forces shall be multiplied behind an imperforate section of fencing 1.1 m high.
by a factor of 1.1 calculated as acting in any possible The number of persons directly exposed to
direction of movement creating the greatest the wind shall be calculated as follows:
overturning moment or stress. a) the length of the side of the work platform
5.3.2 Safe working load (SWL) exposed to the wind, rounded to the nearest 0.5 m The minimum value of the SWL shall and divided by 0.5 m; or
be 120 kg. b) the number of persons allowed on the work
The SWL z of the MEWP shall be made up of platform if less than the number calculated in a).
x persons each weighing 80 kg, plus y the If the number of persons allowed on the work
equipment mass, where y shall be a minimum platform is greater than given in a shape
of 20 kg. factor of 0.6 for shielded persons shall be applied to The mass of each person shall be treated as the extra number of persons.
acting as a point load on the work platform at a The wind force on exposed equipment on the
horizontal distance of 0.1 m from the upper inside work platform shall be calculated as 3 % of the
edge of the top rail. The distance between the point equipment weight, acting horizontally at a height
loads shall be 0.5 m (see Figure 3(a) as an example). of 0.5 m above the work platform floor. The mass of equipment shall be treated as 5.3.4 Manual force at the work platform. The
acting as an evenly distributed load on 25 % of the minimum value of the manual force at the work
floor of the work platform, with a resultant pressure platform shall be:
of up to 3 kN/m2. a) 200 N for MEWPs designed to carry only one
If the resulting pressure exceeds 3 kN/m2 the figure person; and
of 25 % shall be increased to a figure giving a b) 400 N for MEWPs designed to carry more than
pressure of 3 kN/m2 (see Figure 3(b) as an example). one person. All these loads and forces shall be treated as applied at a height of 1.0 m above the work platform
acting in the directions and positions giving the floor. If a force greater than this is permitted, it
most severe results. shall be stated by the manufacturer.
5.3.3 Wind loads 5.3.5 Special loads and forces. Working loads having All MEWPs exposed to wind shall be treated greater offset positions than in 5.3.2 shall be treated
as being affected by wind at a pressure of 100 N/m2, as special loads. Wind forces on working loads with
equivalent to a wind speed of 12.5 m/s (Beaufort areas causing wind forces greater than in
Scale 6). shall be treated as special forces (see 5.2).
Wind forces shall be treated as acting horizontally 5.4 Design calculations
at the centre of area of the parts of the MEWP and 5.4.1 Steel construction
persons and equipment on the work platform and
shall be considered to be dynamic forces. General. The method of calculation for steel
constructions shall comply with the relevant clauses Shape factors applied to areas exposed to of sections 4 to 8 of BS 2573-1:1983 which require a
wind shall be: general stress analysis, including buckling and
a) L-, U-, T-, I-sections 1.6; crippling, and fatigue stress analysis.
b) box sections 1.4;
c) large flat areas 1.2;
d) circular sections, according to size 0.8/1.2;
e) persons directly exposed 1.0.

6 © BSI 02-1999
BS 7171:1989
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NOTE P is the mass of one person. NOTE The shaded area represents 25 % of the
All dimensions are in metres. floor area.

(a) SWL: persons (b) SWL: equipment

Figure 3 — Components of the safe working load Stress analysis. The calculated stresses in If no authoritative design standard or code of
each part of the structure due to the load and force practice exists, the properties and safety factors
combinations in 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of this standard used shall be supported by documentation from a
shall not exceed the basic stresses for steels competent person or test organization.
complying with BS 4360, given in Table 10 of If other methods are used their sources shall be
BS 2573-1:1983 multiplied by a duty factor of 0.95. given or the formulae used in the calculation shall
If steels with higher tensile strengths than those be developed from first principles so that their
specified in BS 4360 are used, they shall comply validity can be checked.
with Appendix B of BS 2573-1:1983. 5.5 Method of calculating overturning and Fatigue stresses analysis. If the simple stabilizing moments
method given in 8.4 of BS 2573-1:1983 is used, the 5.5.1 The maximum overturning and corresponding
SWL shall be multiplied by the load spectrum factor
stabilizing moments shall be calculated about the
given in Figure 5 of this standard. The resulting
most unfavourable tipping lines. Tipping lines shall
load and force combinations from 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of
be determined as shown in ISO 4305 and Figure 3 of
this standard shall be used, excluding wind forces
this standard.
and excluding special loads and forces unless these
apply to the normal operating duties of the MEWP. In each case the calculated stabilizing moment shall
be greater than the calculated overturning moment.
NOTE 1 The number of working cycles for a MEWP is normally:
from 4 × 104 for light intermittent duty (e.g. 10 years, 5.5.2 The calculations shall be made with the
at 40 weeks/year, 20 h/week, 5 cycles/h) MEWP in the most unfavourable extended and/or
to 105 for heavy duty (e.g. 10 years, retracted positions with the maximum allowable
at 50 weeks/year, 40 h/week, 5 cycles/h). inclination of the chassis as defined by the
NOTE 2 Consideration should be given to loads and forces manufacturer. All loads and forces, which can act
occurring during movement of the MEWP on highways, including
transport between working sites of MEWPs not mounted on simultaneously shall be taken into account in their
motor vehicles. most unfavourable combinations. In cases where
5.4.2 Construction with other materials. If metals the load has a stabilizing effect, an additional
other than steel, e.g. aluminium alloys or other stability calculation shall be made, assuming only
materials are used for structural components, the one person (of mass 80 kg) is on the work platform.
design shall comply with the relevant sections of An allowance of 0.5° for inaccuracy in setting up the
any of the relevant standards. MEWP shall be added to the maximum allowable
inclination of the chassis.

© BSI 02-1999 7
BS 7171:1989

NOTE Examples are shown in Table 1 and Figure 4. 6.1.8 Load-holding cylinders shall be equipped with
Graphical methods may be used. a lock valve which prevents fluid leaving the
5.5.3 For MEWPs of subgroups A2, B2, A3 and B3 cylinder port until the valve is opened by an
which are supported on pneumatic tyres when the external force. Slow movement due to internal
work platform is elevated, the calculations shall leakage shall be acceptable. The valve shall be
include the effect of one tyre failing. attached directly to, or be integral with, the
5.5.4 In the calculation the following influences cylinder.
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shall be taken into account: 6.1.9 The outriggers or outrigger feet shall be
a) distortions due to inaccuracies in the constructed to swivel to accommodate the ground
manufacture of the components; level conditions specified by the manufacturer.
b) play in the connections of the extending 6.1.10 MEWPs of subgroups A1 and B1 shall be
structure; equipped with devices to prevent travel when the
c) elastic deflections due to the effects of forces. work platform is raised. Outriggers which raise the
driving wheel(s) shall be considered to fulfil this
NOTE The determination of the deflections may also be
obtained by experiment. requirement.
6.1.11 MEWPs of subgroups A2 and B2 shall be
6 Design equipped with means of communication between the
6.1 Chassis persons on the work platform and the driver.
6.1.12 Any travel speed restrictions for MEWPs of
6.1.1 MEWPs which are constructed for operation
subgroups A3 and B3 with raised work platform
with rigid suspension only shall be equipped with
shall be automatic.
devices which prevent operation unless the
suspension is locked rigid. 6.1.13 Every MEWP shall have a device to indicate
6.1.2 Vehicle mounted MEWPs which are whether the inclination of the chassis is within the
limits permitted by the manufacturer.
constructed for use without stabilizers for a limited
range of operation shall be equipped with devices For MEWPs with powered outriggers the indication
which prevent their operation outside that limited of the inclination shall be clearly visible from each
range without the stabilizers being operated. control position of the outriggers.
6.1.3 MEWPs shall be fitted with: On MEWPs of subgroups A3 and B3 the indication
i) a device which shall prevent raising the work of the extreme limits of inclination shall be shown
on the work platform and, of subgroups A2 and B2,
platform from the transport position unless
at the driving position.
stabilizers are in the operating position, in
accordance with the operating instructions; or 6.1.14 Locking pins shall be secured against
unintentional disengagement and loss.
ii) devices to prevent operating the work platform
and/or extending structure if all the stabilizing 6.1.15 Control-bars of pedestrian controlled
devices are retracted. MEWPs and tow-bars shall be securely fastened to
6.1.4 MEWPs with powered outriggers shall be the chassis; unintentional detachment shall not be
fitted with a device to prevent powered movements
of the outriggers unless the work platform is in the If control-bars and tow-bars, when not in use, are
transport position. raised to a vertical position, an automatic device
shall be provided to hold the bars in this position;
6.1.5 Devices shall be fitted to prevent
unintentional movement of the stabilizers. unintentional release shall not be possible.
6.1.6 MEWPs with extending axles shall be fitted For multi-axle chassis the minimum clearance
between the fully lowered control-bar or tow-bar
with a device to prevent raising the work platform
and the ground shall be 120 mm.
from the transport position unless the axles are in
the operating position in accordance with the 6.1.16 Self-propelled MEWPs of subgroups A3
operating instructions. and B3 shall be equipped with automatic brakes on
6.1.7 For MEWPs which are constructed for at least two wheels.
operation with outriggers, the outriggers shall be 6.1.17 The extremes of movement of the outriggers
capable of levelling the chassis within the maximum shall be limited by mechanical stops. The ends of
allowable inclination when operating on the hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders, if properly
maximum slope permitted by the manufacturer. designed and constructed, shall be considered to
fulfil this requirement.

8 © BSI 02-1999
BS 7171:1989

Table 1 — Examples of maximum overturning load and force moment combinations for stability
Example Classification Factors Diagram
a and movement
SWL Structural Manual Wind force Special
load force forces
× 1.0 × 0.1 × 1.0 × 0.1 × 1.0 × 0.1 × 1.0 × 0.1 × 1.0 × 0.1
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1 A1 or B1 V A V A — — H H

2 A3 or B3 V S V S — — H H

3 A3 V S V S — — H H

4 B3 V V V — A A H H
stationary on
5 B3 80 kg — V — A A H H
Backwards V
stationary on
6 B3 V V V — A A H H
With limited
stationary on
7 A1, A2, A3 V V V — A A H H
Stationary on

8 A1, A2, A3 80 kg — V — A A H H
Stationary on V
level ground

NOTE The load and force moments are taken as acting vertically (V), horizontally (H), at an angle (A) or at the slope angle (S).
See Figure 4.

© BSI 02-1999 9
BS 7171:1989
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NOTE W is the structural load.

Figure 4 — Examples of maximum overturning load and force moment combinations
(see Table 1)

10 © BSI 02-1999
BS 7171:1989
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Figure 4 — Examples of maximum overturning load and force moment combinations

(see Table 1) (concluded)

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BS 7171:1989
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Figure 5 — Load spectrum factor

The design of hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders Trapping and shearing points shall be only
shall be based on a careful analysis of the loads and considered at those areas within reach of persons on
forces applied during operation of the MEWP the work platform or standing adjacent to the
(see Appendix D). MEWP at ground level, or at other points of access.
6.1.18 MEWPs of subgroups A1, A2, B1 and B2 shall The following clearances shall be considered safe:
be equipped with an indicator, visible to the driver, a) for fingers 25 mm;
to indicate if any component of the MEWP is not in
its transport position. b) for hands 100 mm;
6.1.19 No uncovenanted movement of the chassis, c) for wrists 100 mm;
work platform and extending structure shall result d) for arms 120 mm;
from failure of any one component in:
e) for feet 120 mm;
a) the driving and braking control systems of
chassis of subgroups A2, A3, B2 and B3. f) for bodies 500 mm.
b) stabilizer operating and control systems 6.2.5 MEWPs which are used with masts tilted to
(see Appendix E for an example) and any failure the working positions shall be equipped with a
shall be self-revealing or detectable by routine device to lock the mast in the working position. It
testing. shall not be possible to raise the work platform
6.1.20 The brakes of pedestrian controlled and unless this lock has engaged automatically, or has
self-propelled MEWPs shall be capable of stopping been manually secured.
the MEWP within a distance of 2 m when travelling 6.2.6 An over-riding emergency device shall be
at maximum speed on the maximum slope allowed provided for operation from the chassis or ground
by the manufacturer. level to enable the work platform to be brought
6.2 Extending structure safely to the access position. This device shall have
6.2.1 When the work platform needs to be raised for a noticeable colour and be identified. It shall be
normal maintenance purposes, a captive chock shall protected from inadvertent operation (see 6.7.3).
be provided to enable the extending structure to be 6.2.7 A device shall be provided to ensure that the
held in the required position. This chock shall be speed of movement of the work platform under all
capable of supporting an unladen work platform and emergency operations is restricted to 1.5 times the
of being operated from a safe position; it shall not normal speed.
cause damage to any part of the MEWP. 6.2.8 Coil springs used in safety devices (except
6.2.2 When the extending structure needs to be those coil springs in valves and switches used as
extended or retracted in a specific sequence to avoid safety devices) shall be guided compression springs
overloading, this sequence shall be automatic. with secured ends (see 6.6.9 and 6.6.11, safety
6.2.3 When the work platform is supported by more switches).
than one extending structure the design shall 6.3 Drive systems for the extending structure
ensure synchronized raising and lowering of the and work platform
work platform and compliance with 6.4.1. 6.3.1 General
6.2.4 Trapping and shearing points between parts of All extending structure and/or work
the extending structure, the chassis and work
platform drive systems shall be capable of holding
platform shall be avoided by providing safe
the work platform, loaded with 125 % of the SWL, at
clearances or adequate guarding. all positions in the permitted range of movement.

12 © BSI 02-1999
BS 7171:1989 Systems providing and controlling the power If lock valves are fitted to load-holding
to drive the extending structure and/or work cylinders they shall be attached directly to, or be
platform shall be so designed that the failure or integral with the cylinders.
malfunction of any one component in those systems 6.3.3 Wire rope drive systems
shall not: Wire ropes
a) for group A MEWPs, allow or cause movement
of the work platform at a speed of more Load-carrying ropes shall be made from
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

than 150 % of the normal maximum speed; galvanized or stainless steel wire and have the
following characteristics:
b) for group B MEWPs, allow or cause movement
of the work platform except in the case of fluid a) diameter: 8 mm min.
drives, where slow movement due to internal b) number of wires: 114 min.
leakage is unavoidable (see Appendix E for
examples of a safe and an unsafe hydraulic c) tensile grade of the wires: 1 570 N/mm2 min.
control circuit). 1 960 N/mm2 max. The extreme limits of movement of the The minimum breaking strength of the
extending structure and/or work platform drive
wire ropes shall be shown on a test certificate. The
system shall be limited by mechanical stops. The
safety factor shall be at least five. The minimum
ends of hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders, if properly
wire rope diameter shall be calculated using
designed and constructed, shall fulfil this
ISO 4308/1.
NOTE The safety factor for wire rope drive systems is the ratio If the power source is capable of producing between minimum breaking strength of the ropes and twice the
greater power than the extending structure and/or maximum load which can be generated in the rope during any
work platform drive system requires, overload mode of operation of the MEWP allowed by the manufacturer,
including any pretension (see foreword).
protection shall be provided for the extending
structure and/or work platform drive system. If a single wire rope is used there shall also
be a safety device capable of bringing the work
Friction couplings shall not be used for overload platform plus the SWL to a stop and holding it, in
protection. the event of failure of the rope. Manual drive systems shall be designed and If two or more ropes are used the total
constructed to prevent kick-back of handles. safety factor shall be at least five and, in the event If powered and manual drive systems are of any one rope failing, the remaining rope(s) shall
provided for the same movement (excluding those be capable of holding the work platform plus the
manual drive systems used only as emergency SWL. Failure of any rope shall be self-revealing.
devices), interlocks shall prevent both systems from If more than one wire rope is attached at
being engaged at the same time. one point, a device shall be provided for equalizing
6.3.2 Fluid actuator drive systems the tension of the ropes. The extreme positions of the permitted range It shall be possible to retension wire ropes.
of movement of the extending structure(s) and/or Wire rope terminations (end fastenings)
work platform(s) of group B MEWPs operated by shall have a breaking strength of at least 80 % of the
fluid actuator(s) shall be limited by: minimum breaking strength of the rope. U-bolt
a) a mechanically connected device which directly grips shall not be used as rope terminations for
interrupts the fluid supply to the actuator(s); or load-carrying ropes.
b) dual devices if these act indirectly on the fluid Visual examination of wire rope
supply to the actuator(s). If one of these devices terminations shall be possible without the removal
fails the other shall prevent movement of the of the ropes or major disassembly of the structural
extending structure and/or work platform beyond components of the MEWP.
the permitted range of movement and any failure NOTE BS 6570 and ISO 4309 provide guidance for
shall be self-revealing or detectable by routine examination and discard criteria.
testing. If slack wire rope conditions are possible, a Systems shall include devices, e.g. check slack rope device shall be fitted which interrupts the
valves, to prevent loss of supporting fluid if descent power supply.
of the work platform or extending structure is
inadvertently blocked.

© BSI 02-1999 13
BS 7171:1989 Drums, pulleys, etc. If more than one chain is attached to one The diameter of rope drums and pulleys point, a device shall be provided to equalize the
shall be calculated using ISO 4308/1, based on the tension in the chains. The attachment of the chains
theoretical minimum diameter of the rope to the device shall not cause sideways loading of the
or 0.8 times the diameter of the actual rope, remaining chain(s) if one chain fails.
whichever is the greater (see of It shall be possible to retension chains.
BS 2573-2:1983). Where reference is made to a
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI Chain terminations (end fastenings) shall

compensating pulley this shall only apply where have a breaking strength of at least 100 % of the
there is only partial or no rotational movement minimum breaking strength of the chain.
between the rope and pulley. Visual examination of chain terminations Only one layer of rope shall be wound on shall be possible without the removal of the chains
the drum unless a special spooling system is used. or major disassembly of the structural components At least two turns of rope shall remain on of the MEWP.
the drum when the extending structure and/or work If slack chain conditions can develop, a
platform is in its most extreme position. slack chain device shall be fitted which interrupts Each rope shall be properly fastened to the the power supply.
drum. The fastening shall be able to withstand a Chain sprockets and pulleys. Chain
force of 80 % of the minimum breaking strength of sprockets and pulleys shall be provided with devices
the rope. to prevent the chain from riding off the sprocket or Means shall be provided to prevent pulley.
unintentional displacement of ropes from pulleys. 6.3.5 Leadscrew drive systems Rope drums shall be grooved and shall The design stress of leadscrews and nuts
have flanges at both ends to prevent the rope from shall be not more than one-sixth of the ultimate
leaving the ends of the drum. The flanges shall tensile stress of the material used.
extend to a height of at least twice the rope diameter
above the highest layer. The leadscrew mechanism shall be designed
to prevent its separation from the work platform or The cross section of the bottom of the extending structure during normal use.
grooves in rope drums and pulleys shall be circular
over an angle of not less than 120°. Each leadscrew shall have a load-bearing
nut and an unloaded safety nut of equal strength.
6.3.4 Chain drive systems The safety nut shall be only loaded if the Chains load-bearing nut fails. It shall not be possible to Leaf chains only, including bush and roller raise the work platform from its ground position
chains, shall be used. when the safety nut is under load. The minimum breaking strength of the Visual examination of the load-bearing nuts
shall be possible without major disassembly of the
chains shall be shown on a test certificate. The
structural components of the MEWP.
safety factor shall be at least eight.
NOTE The safety factor is the ratio between the minimum Leadscrews shall be fitted with devices at
breaking strength of a chain and the maximum load which can be both ends to prevent the load-bearing and safety
generated in it during any mode of operation of the MEWP nuts from leaving the leadscrews.
allowed by the manufacturer, including any pretension.
6.3.6 Rack and pinion drive systems If a single chain is used in the construction
of any chain drive system there shall be either The design stress of racks and pinions shall
at least three leaves in the width of the chain or the be not more than one-sixth of the ultimate tensile
safety factor shall be increased to 12 and there shall stress of the material used.
also be a safety device capable of bringing the work Rack and pinion drive systems shall have a
platform plus the SWL to a stop and holding it, in safety device actuated by an overspeed governor.
the event of failure of the chain. This safety device shall bring the work platform If two or more chains are used the total plus SWL to a stop and hold it in the event of failure
safety factor shall be at least 8 and, in the event of of the drive system.
any one chain failing, the remaining chain(s) shall
be capable of holding the work platform plus the
SWL. Failure of any chain shall be self-revealing.

14 © BSI 02-1999
BS 7171:1989 In addition to the normal work platform 6.4.6 Hinged guard-rails which hinge downwards
guiding devices there shall be provided positive and for travelling shall not fold outwards and sliding
effective devices to ensure that any driving or safety guard-rails shall slide vertically.
pinion is always engaged with the rack with at least Access gates which form part of the top guard-rail
two-thirds of the tooth width and one-third of the shall not open outwards and shall either be
tooth depth. constructed to return automatically to the closed Visual examination of the pinions shall be and fastened position or they shall be interlocked to
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

possible without the removal of the pinions or major prevent operation of the MEWP unless they are
disassembly of the structural components of the closed and fastened. It shall not be possible for them
MEWP. to be opened inadvertently.
6.4 Work platforms and levelling mechanisms 6.4.7 Chains or ropes shall not be used as
guard-rails or access gates.
6.4.1 The level of the work platform shall not vary
by more than ± 5° during movements of the 6.4.8 When the distance between the access level
extending structure, or due to loads and forces and the floor of the work platform in the access
during operation. position exceeds 0.5 m, the MEWP shall be
6.4.2 If all or part of the levelling mechanism is equipped with an access ladder. The steps or rungs
duplicated each half shall be capable of carrying the shall be not more than 0.3 m apart, and spaced
equally over the distance between the access level
maximum levelling force in the event of the other
and the floor of the work platform. Each step or rung
half failing. Failure of either half shall be
shall be at least equal in width to the access gate,
at least 25 mm deep and shall have a slip-resistant
NOTE The maximum levelling force is the force on the levelling
mechanism due to the worst combination of SWL, the work
surface. The front of the steps or rungs shall be
platform, manual forces, wind forces, and special loads and forces at least 150 mm away from the supporting
which can occur in any mode of operation allowed by the structure or any other component of the MEWP.
6.4.9 Hand holds shall be provided to facilitate
6.4.3 When wire ropes or leaf chains are used as climbing the access ladder to the work platform.
load-bearing components in levelling mechanisms
they shall be duplicated. Each rope system shall 6.4.10 The floor of the work platform shall have a
comply with, to slip-resistant surface. Any opening in the floor or
and and be designed to have a safety factor between the floor and the toe-guard or access gate
of 5 when carrying for the maximum levelling force. shall be dimensioned so as to prevent the passage of
Each chain system shall comply with a sphere of 15 mm diameter.
and to The minimum breaking 6.4.11 Trapdoors in work platforms shall be
strength or the wire ropes/chains shall be shown on securely fastened to the work platform. They shall
a test certificate. either slide sideways, or hinge upwards. It shall not
6.4.4 Hydraulic levelling mechanisms shall be fitted be possible for trapdoors to open downwards.
with lock valves to provide protection in case of hose 6.4.12 Protection shall be provided to prevent injury
or piping failure. to the hands of persons operating the controls when
NOTE If hydraulic levelling systems are duplicated the design a work platform is moving in close proximity to
should take into account the relevant sections of Appendix D. other objects.
6.4.5 Protection shall be provided on all sides of each 6.4.13 MEWPs of subgroups A3 and B3 shall be
work platform to prevent persons and materials equipped with an audible warning device operated
falling off. The protection shall be securely fastened from the work platform.
to the work platform and shall, as a minimum,
6.5 Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
consist of guard-rails at least 1.1 m high, toe-guards
at least 0.15 m high (except at the points of access) 6.5.1 It shall be the responsibility of manufacturers
and intermediate guard-rails not further than 0.5 m to determine by calculation and test the maximum
from either guard-rail or toe-guard. At points of pressure which can be produced in any part of the
access to the work platform the height of the circuits:
toe-guards shall be reduced to 0.1 m if required. The a) during all modes of operation permitted by the
guard-rails shall be constructed to withstand manufacturer;
concentrated loads of 500 N for each person allowed
on the work platform applied at the least favourable
positions in the least favourable direction at 0.5 m
intervals without causing permanent deformation of
the guard-rails.

© BSI 02-1999 15
BS 7171:1989

b) under seal failure conditions, e.g. piston seal 6.6.8 Batteries shall be protected against damage by
failure, Appendix D, short circuits and against mechanical damage.
and to provide information (suppliers’ technical 6.6.9 Electrical switches controlling safety functions
leaflets, etc.) in the design check (see Appendix A) to shall be positive action safety switches installed to
show that the components used are suitable for the fail to safety.
pressures produced in normal operation, and that 6.6.10 Safety switches shall be installed in protected
they shall not fail at the pressure produced under
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

places where they can be inspected easily.

seal failure conditions.
6.6.11 The contacts of safety switches shall be
6.5.2 The maximum pressures required for normal operated by means of positive mechanical
operation shall be controlled by pressure control separation.
devices. Adjustment of these devices shall not be
possible without the use of tools. 6.7 Control systems
6.5.3 Sufficient pressure gauges and/or gauge 6.7.1 MEWPs shall be provided with directional
connection points shall be provided to allow controls such that the MEWP can only move whilst
checking for correct operation. the controls are being actuated. The controls, when
released, shall automatically return to the neutral
6.5.4 Pilot operated valves shall be so designed and position.
installed that they fail to safety in the event of
NOTE The travel controls, on lorry mounted MEWPs, and
power failure. emergency controls do not need to be of this type, but all controls,
6.5.5 The design of the hydraulic system shall particularly foot operated controls, should be constructed to
enable entrapped air to be vented. prevent inadvertent operation.
6.7.2 The direction of all movements of the MEWP
6.5.6 Any hydraulic tank open to the atmosphere
shall be clearly indicated on or near the controls by
shall be equipped with an air inlet filter.
words or symbols.
6.5.7 Each hydraulic tank shall be equipped with a
NOTE All controls should be arranged for logical operation
device indicating the fluid level and marked with wherever possible.
the maximum and minimum level and the type of oil 6.7.3 The primary control devices for the extending
specified by the manufacturer. structure and/or work platform and, the travel
6.5.8 The position of the filter(s) in the circuit and controls for MEWPs of subgroups A3 and B3 shall be
the degree of filtration shall take into account the situated at the work platform. This shall not
type of circuit, the components and the hydraulic or preclude the provision of duplicate controls operated
pneumatic pressures. from the chassis or ground level. Duplicate controls
6.6 Electrical systems shall be protected against unauthorized operation,
and shall, if necessary, be used to serve as the
6.6.1 Control circuits shall be protected from emergency device (see 6.2.6).
interference from other electrical circuits. Electrical
installations shall be designed and installed in 6.7.4 MEWPS shall be provided with emergency
accordance with BS 2771-1. stop controls of the lock-off type at each control
position. They shall be marked in accordance with
NOTE Attention is drawn to the appropriate national or
international regulations. BS 2771-1. Emergency stops shall cut the power to
6.6.2 The electrical installations shall be suitably the actuators and shall be operated by a separate
protected from the environmental conditions in control system.
which they are intended to be used. Emergency stop controls shall not be required on
6.6.3 All circuits shall be adequately protected by MEWPs with full flow fluid control valves with
fuses or circuit breakers and overload devices. control handles connected mechanically to the
control valve spools.
6.6.4 The electrical installation of the MEWP shall
be so designed as to prevent undue wear and strain 6.7.5 On starting, or restoration of the power after
on its components. failure of the power supply, no inadvertent
movement shall occur.
6.6.5 No inadvertent movement shall result from
any wiring faults contacting the chassis, extending 6.7.6 MEWPs shall be equipped with a device to
structure or work platform. prevent unauthorized use, e.g. a lockable switch.
6.6.6 A main switch capable of cutting off all live 7 Marking and technical information
active conductors of the supply to the MEWP shall
be fitted in an easily accessible position. 7.1 Operating instructions shall give detailed
information necessary for safe use, e.g.:
6.6.7 Cables shall be multi-stranded to ensure
flexibility and, where required, oil resistant. a) a description of the MEWP;

16 © BSI 02-1999
BS 7171:1989

b) information about setting up the MEWP and b) the SWL given as the allowable number of
the necessary bearing strength of the ground; persons and mass of equipment;
c) information on maintenance and tests for c) the maximum allowable manual force (in N).
safety devices and piston seal leakage; If more than one SWL is designated, they shall be
d) a list of those parts in need of periodic tabulated with reference to the position of the
replacement; extending structure and/or work platform.
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

e) prohibition of any increase in reach or working NOTE The allowable number of persons should also be shown
height of the MEWP by use of additional by symbols not less than 75 mm high.
equipment, e.g. ladders; 7.5 MEWPs with a work platform which can be
extended, enlarged or moved relative to the
f) prohibition of any addition that would increase
extending structure shall be marked with the SWLs
the wind loading on the MEWP, e.g. notice
boards; which can be carried in all positions and
configurations of the work platform.
g) information on the need to obtain
7.6 MEWPs which are insulated for work on or near
manufacturers’ approval of special working
live electrical conductors shall be permanently and
methods creating special loads and forces;
clearly marked in an easily visible place with the
h) precautions to be taken when operating on or rated voltage for which they are insulated.
near live electrical conductors (see HSE Guidance
Note GS6). 7.7 MEWPs with main and secondary work
platforms shall be marked with the total SWL as
7.2 Operating instructions and all written markings well as with the SWLs of each work platform.
shall be in the language of the country of use.
7.8 MEWPs which are designed for operation in
7.3 A durable plate indelibly marked with the enclosed premises only, e.g. no wind, shall be
following information shall be permanently permanently and clearly marked in an easily visible
attached to the MEWP by the manufacturer in an place to that effect.
easily visible place;
7.9 Points for connection of external power supplies
a) manufacturer’s or supplier’s name; shall be permanently and clearly marked with the
b) country of manufacture; essential power supply information.
c) model designation; 7.10 Parts which may be detached for functional
d) model classification; reasons, e.g. work platforms, outriggers, shall be
permanently and clearly marked in an easily visible
e) serial or fabrication number;
place with:
f) year of manufacture;
a) manufacturer’s or supplier’s name;
g) unladen mass (in t);
b) model designation of the MEWP;
h) SWL (in kg);
c) serial or fabrication number of the MEWP.
i) SWL given as the allowable number of persons
7.11 An abridged version of the operating
and mass of equipment;
instructions shall be permanently and clearly
j) maximum allowable manual force (in N); affixed near each control position of the work
k) maximum allowable wind speed (in m/s); platform. This abridged version shall, as a
l) maximum allowable inclination of the chassis; minimum, refer the operator to the operating
m) hydraulic supply information if an external
hydraulic power supply is used; 7.12 MEWPs shall be finished in clearly visible
colours and all projecting extremities shall be
n) pneumatic supply information if an external
marked with hazard colours.
pneumatic power supply is used;
7.13 Each outrigger shall be permanently and
o) electrical supply information if an external
clearly marked in an easily visible place with the
electric power supply is used.
maximum load it may be required to support during
NOTE Parts of this information may be repeated at other operation of the MEWP.
appropriate places on the MEWPs.
7.4 The following information shall be permanently 7.14 MEWPs which are operated in public traffic
and clearly marked on each work platform in an areas shall be marked and equipped with warning
easily visible place in characters not less devices.
than 15 mm high: NOTE Attention is drawn to the appropriate local traffic
a) the SWL (in kg);

© BSI 02-1999 17
BS 7171:1989

7.15 A notice shall be fitted to a MEWP equipped The test shall be repeated driving in both forward
with a captive chock, warning persons not to enter and reverse directions, in each extended position of
the space beneath a raised work platform and the MEWP and, if different travel speeds are
extending structure during maintenance unless the allowed for different heights, at each of those
chock is in place. heights at the maximum permitted speeds for those
8 Testing During the above tests the MEWP shall not
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

8.1 General overturn.

Before a MEWP is used for the first time practical Braking tests. The MEWP shall be stopped
tests shall be made to verify that: as rapidly as the controls allow in both forward and
reverse directions in each MEWP position and
a) the MEWP is stable;
combination of loads and forces which together
b) the MEWP is structurally sound; create conditions of minimum stability and, if
c) all functions work correctly and safely. different travel speeds are allowed for different
For a MEWP built to an approved design heights, at each of those heights at the maximum
i.e. approved in accordance with the procedure of permitted speeds.
Appendix A, the breaking tests of clause, the During the above tests the MEWP shall not
overload test of clause 8.3 and the functional test of overturn and the stopping distance shall comply
clause 8.4 only shall be carried out. with 6.1.20.
8.2 Stability tests 8.3 Overload test
8.2.1 Static tests. The MEWP shall be set up on the The test load shall be 125 % of the SWL.
maximum allowable inclination of the chassis During the overload test the MEWP shall be put
defined by the manufacturer plus 0.5°, with any into each position which creates maximum stresses
outriggers used as specified by the manufacturer. in any load-carrying part of the MEWP.
Test loads shall be applied to represent all the least
All movements with the test load shall be carried
favourable load and force combinations specified in
out at accelerations and decelerations appropriate
clause 5.
with safe control of the load. Where several
The test shall be repeated in all the most movements with the test load have to be carried out
unfavourable extended and/or retracted positions. (i.e. lifting, lowering, slewing, travelling), the
Examples are shown in Table 1 and Figure 4. intended movements shall be carried out separately,
NOTE 1 The tests may be carried out on level ground if the test and when vibrations associated with preceding
loads are re-calculated to include the effects of the maximum movements have subsided, and with care taking
allowable inclination of the chassis defined by the manufacturer
plus 0.5°. into due account the least favourable positions.
NOTE 2 The test loads may be applied at any suitable strong When, due to the various combinations of loads or
point, if necessary, to avoid overstressing any part of the MEWP. outreaches of a MEWP, tests with different test
The MEWP shall be considered stable if it comes to loads are necessary, all movements shall be carried
a stationary condition without turning over while out with all test loads except where the least
supporting the test load(s). favourable conditions are sufficiently simulated by
Additionally it shall be demonstrated that, following one performance test.
application of manual forces according to 6.4.5 in During the overload test brakes and drive systems
any position of the work platform, the work platform shall be capable of stopping and sustaining the test
shows no permanent deformation. load(s). After removing the test load(s) the MEWP
8.2.2 Dynamic tests shall show no permanent deformation.
NOTE These tests only apply to MEWPs of subgroups A2, A3, 8.4 Functional tests
B2 and B3.
Functional tests shall demonstrate that: General. The MEWP shall be subjected to
kerb tests (see and braking tests a) the MEWP operates smoothly for all motions
(see with the SWL distributed evenly over whilst carrying the SWL at the rated speeds;
the half of the work platform creating the greatest b) all safety devices work correctly;
overturning moment in the specific test case. c) maximum speeds are not exceeded. Kerb tests. The MEWP shall be driven on
level ground at the maximum permitted travel
speed to bring one and then two wheels into contact
with a fixed obstacle with a cross section
of 0.1 m × 0.1 m.

18 © BSI 02-1999
BS 7171:1989

Appendix A Recommendations for c) information about the materials used;

approval procedures for a new design d) diagrams of the electrical, hydraulic and
of MEWP pneumatic circuits;
A.1 Basis e) abridged operating instructions.
Before any new design of MEWP is put into service, The documents should:
it should be subjected to examination and test. 1) enable the design calculations to be checked
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

When the MEWP has passed the procedures it (see 5.4);

should be given an approval mark and approval 2) enable the stability calculations to be checked
certificate showing all approved combinations of (see 5.5).
components. The approval certificates should show
For all load bearing components and joints the
the results of the examination and tests and the
required information on stresses or safety factors
name and address of the person(s) (certification
should be included in the calculations in a clear and
authority) making them.
easily verifiable form. If necessary for checking the
The manufacturer should undertake the following. calculations, details of the main dimensions,
a) Only MEWPs produced according to the cross-sections and materials for the individual
approved design should be marked with the components and joints should be given.
approval mark. Documents supplied with the A.2.3 Manufacturing check
MEWP should include a copy of the approval
The manufacturing check should verify that:
certificate accompanied by a certificate of
conformity. a) the MEWP is manufactured in accordance with
the checked documents;
b) Notification of the certification authority
without delay of any alteration of functions, b) the components are in accordance with the
methods of operation or design of the approved drawings;
MEWP. The certification authority, with the c) test certificates are available for each type of
manufacturer, should decide whether additional wire rope, chain and hydraulic or pneumatic hose
examinations or tests are required in order for and hydraulic component, indicating the
the approval mark to continue to be used. minimum breaking force or operating or bursting
c) The certification authority should be allowed to pressure as appropriate;
verify by random checks/tests at the place of d) welding has been performed by qualified
manufacture that MEWPs carrying the approval operatives;
mark continued to correspond with the approval e) construction and installation of safety devices
MEWP. are in accordance with this standard.
The procedure for the examination of components A.2.4 Testing
should be the same as that for MEWPs and the
The tests detailed in clause 8 of this standard should
manufacturer should have the same
be carried out.
A.2 Approval procedure Appendix B Recommendations for
A.2.1 General examinations and tests after major
Approval procedures may include the following alterations to a MEWP already in use
examinations and tests to ensure that the MEWPs
For the purpose of this standard major alterations
comply with this standard:
are modifications of the whole or part of a MEWP,
a) design checks; which affect stability, strength or performance.
b) manufacturing checks; The recommended examinations and tests should
c) practical tests. consist of:
A.2.2 Design check a) design checks (see A.2.2);
The design check should verify that the MEWP has b) manufacturing checks (see A.2.3);
been designed in accordance with this standard. It c) practical tests (see A.2.4),
would include inter alia the check of the following to an extent corresponding to the type of alterations.
a) drawings containing the main dimensions of
the MEWP;
b) description of the MEWP with necessary
information about its capabilities;

© BSI 02-1999 19
BS 7171:1989

Appendix C Recommendations for c) Operating and failure conditions causing

periodical examination and tests on hydraulic pressures above the normal operating
MEWPs pressures, including.
1) The effect of oil leaking past piston seals in
Periodical examinations and tests should consist of:
double acting cylinders under compressive
a) a visual examination of the structure with loads. The generated pressure can increase in
special attention to corrosion and other damage the ratio
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

of load-bearing parts and welds;

b) an examination of the hydraulic, pneumatic D
and electrical systems with special attention to d
safety devices; where
c) a test to prove the effectiveness of brakes
D is the diameter of the piston;
and/or overload devices;
d) functional tests. d is the diameter of the piston rod.
The frequency and extent of periodical This affects particularly the stresses in the
examinations and tests would depend on national cylinder tube and the head, and these should
regulations, manufacturer’s instructions, operating not exceed the yield stress. The ratio
conditions and the frequency of use. It would not
normally be necessary to dismantle parts at D
periodical examinations, unless there were any 2
doubts concerning their reliability and safety. The
removal of covers, the exposure of observation is the minimum safety factor for valves, hoses
apertures, and bringing the MEWP to the transport and pipes which are at the same pressure as
position would not be considered as dismantling. the cylinder.
2) The effect of devices which reduce the speed
Appendix D Guidelines for the design of cylinders below the speed which would
and test of load-supporting hydraulic result from the full fluid supply to the
and pneumatic cylinders cylinders, causing internal pressure loading
additional to the pressure due to externally
D.1 Design applied loads.
D.1.1 The design of cylinders should be based on a 3) The additional pressure can also be
careful analysis of the loads and forces applied multiplied by the ratio
during operation of the MEWP including.
a) Buckling. It is the responsibility of the D
manufacturer to identify the operating conditions D –d
2 2
which produce the combinations of extended
length, pressure and externally applied loads and when a cylinder is in tension and the speed
forces creating the maximum buckling control device acts on the annulus.
conditions. The speed control device may take the form of
b) Constructional detail. The design of welded the control valve being partially open
joints should conform to the design standards (or closed).
given in 5.4. 4) The effect of thermal expansion of fluid
Load-carrying threaded joints should comply confined in the cylinder when at rest.
with relevant standards, and stress calculations D.1.2 When more than one cylinder operates the
should take into account the reduced shear areas same mechanism, consideration should be given to
due to manufacturing tolerances and the elastic the possibility of one cylinder being blocked and
deformation caused by hydraulic pressures. The taking or causing greater loads. In the case of double
design of threaded joints subjected to varying acting cylinders this could include the force(s)
tensile loads should take into account the effects generated by the other cylinder(s) or the force
of fatigue. required to move the other cylinder.
D.1.3 Under failure conditions the calculated
maximum stress should not exceed the yield stress
of the material.

20 © BSI 02-1999
BS 7171:1989

D.2 Tests
D.2.1 Type tests should be made to simulate the
effects of failure conditions.
D.2.2 All load holding cylinders should be checked
for mechanical and hydraulic soundness at the
normal maximum operating pressure plus 50 %.
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Appendix E Examples of a safe and an

unsafe hydraulic control circuits
Examples of a safe and an unsafe hydraulic control
circuit are illustrated in Figure 6.

© BSI 02-1999 21
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy

BS 7171:1989
© BSI 02-1999

Figure 6 — Example of a safe and an unsafe hydraulic control circuit

BS 7171:1989

Publications referred to

BS 1757, Specification for power-driven mobile cranes.

BS 2573, Rules for the design of cranes.
BS 2573-1, Specification for classification, stress calculations and design criteria for structures.
BS 2573-2, Specification for classification, stress calculations and design of mechanisms.
BS 2771, Electrical equipment of industrial machines.
BS 2771-1, Specification for general requirements.
Licensed Copy: :FULLNAME, : DATE, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 4360, Specification for weldable structural steels.

BS 6570, Code of practice for the selection, care and maintenance of steel wire ropes.
ISO 2408, Steel wire ropes for general purposes — Characteristics.
ISO 4301, Lifting appliances — Classification — Part 2: Mobile cranes.
ISO 4302, Cranes — Wind load assessment.
ISO 4305, Mobile cranes — Determination of stability.
ISO 4308, Cranes and lifting appliances — Selection of wire ropes — Part 1: General.
ISO 4309, Wire rope for lifting appliances — Code of practice for examination and discard.
HSE Guidance Note GS6, Avoidance of danger from overhead electrical lines.
prEN 280, Mobile Elevating Work Platforms2).

Referred to in the foreword only.

© BSI 02-1999
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