125 ERP606 BB ConfigGuide EN CN
125 ERP606 BB ConfigGuide EN CN
125 ERP606 BB ConfigGuide EN CN
July 2012
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf
SAP Best Practices Quality Management (125): Configuration Guide
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SAP Best Practices Quality Management (125): Configuration Guide
Icon Meaning
External Process
Typographic Conventions
Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the
system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these
words and characters with appropriate entries.
© SAP AG Page 3 of 9
SAP Best Practices Quality Management (125): Configuration Guide
Quality Management................................................................................................................. 5
1 Purpose............................................................................................................................. 5
2 Preparation........................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Prerequisites............................................................................................................ 5
3 Configuration..................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 General Settings QM............................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Maintaining Catalogs – Create Code Groups......................................................5
3.1.2 Maintaining Catalogs – Creating Codes..............................................................6
3.1.3 Maintaining Catalogs – Creating Selected Sets..................................................8
3.1.4 Maintaining Catalogs – Creating Selected Set Codes.........................................8
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SAP Best Practices Quality Management (125): Configuration Guide
Quality Management
1 Purpose
This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of this
building block manually.
If you do not want to configure manually and prefer an automated installation process using
BC Sets and other tools, use the SAP Best Practices Installation Assistant.
2 Preparation
2.1 Prerequisites
Before you start installing this building block, you must install prerequisite building blocks. For
more information, see the Building Block Prerequisite Matrix (Prerequisites_Matrix_[xx]_[yy]_
[zz].xls; the placeholder [xx] depends on the SAP Best Practices version you use, for
example, BL refers to the SAP Best Practices Baseline Package, [yy] depends on the
language version, for example, EN for English language, and [zz] depends on the country
version, for example, CN for China: Prerequisites_Matrix_BL_EN_CN.xls). This document
can be found on the SAP Best Practices documentation DVD in the folder ..\[xx]_[zz]\
Documentation\; ([xx] depends on the SAP Best Practices version and [zz] depends on the
country version).
3 Configuration
3.1 General Settings QM
3.1.1 Maintaining Catalogs – Create Code Groups
The purpose of this activity is to define the code groups.
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code QS41
IMG menu Quality Management ® Quality Planning ® Basic Data ®
Catalog Edit Catalogs
2. On the Choose Activity screen, choose Edit Code Groups and Codes.
3. On the Edit Catalog: Initial screen, chose D for Catalog field.
4. Choose Create/Change or Catalogs Create/Change (F7).
5. Choose New Entries or Edit New Entries (F5).
6. On the New Entries: Overview of added Entries screen, make the following entries:
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SAP Best Practices Quality Management (125): Configuration Guide
Code groups have been defined.
The purpose of this activity is to define the code.
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code QS41
IMG menu Quality Management Quality Planning Basic Data ®
Catalog ® Edit Catalogs
2. On the Choose Activity screen, choose Edit Code Groups and Codes.
3. On the Edit Catalog: Initial screen, choose D for Catalog field.
4. Choose Create/Change or Catalogs Create/Change (F7).
5. On the Change View "Code groups": Overview screen, choose YB02-01, Vendor Problem
at Goods Receipt.
6. Double-click dialog structure element Codes.
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SAP Best Practices Quality Management (125): Configuration Guide
7. Choose New Entries or Edit New Entries (F5) and enter the codes for the created code
Field name Description User action and values Note
Code 01
Short Text Delivery problem
Code 02
Short Text Constructive design
Code 03
Short Text Vendor problem
Usage Indicator X
8. Choose Save
9. Repeat step 2 to 8 for the following entries:
Cata- Code Code Short Text Defect Usage Indicator
log Group Class
1 YB02-01 01 okay X
1 YB02-01 02 not okay X
1 YB03-01 01 okay X
1 YB03-01 02 not okay X
Quality test
3 YB02-01 01 complied X
Quality test failed
3 YB02-01 02 (to blocked stock) X
Quality test
3 YB03-01 01 complied X
3 YB03-01 02 Quality test failed X
9 YB02-01 1 Material defects 01
9 YB02-01 11 Wrong component 01
9 YB02-01 12 component 01 X
9 YB02-01 7 Visible defects 03
9 YB02-01 71 Dirtiness 04
9 YB02-01 72 Incorrect labeling 03
9 YB02-01 73 Mechanical damage 03
9 YB02-01 8 Incorrect packaging 03
Appearance not
9 YB03-01 020 acceptable 01 X
External processing
D YB03-01 01 problem X
D YB03-02 01 problem X
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SAP Best Practices Quality Management (125): Configuration Guide
Coding has been defined.
Codes and code groups for characteristic attributes have been created.
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code QS51
IMG menu Quality Management ® Quality Planning ® Basic Data ®
Catalog ® Edit Catalogs
2. On the Choose Activity screen, choose Edit Selected Sets.
3. On the Edit Selected Set: Initial Screen, select 1 (Characteristic attributes) for Catalog
field and 1000 for Plant field.
4. Choose Create/Change or Selected Sets Create/Change (F7).
5. Choose New Entries or Edit New Entries (F5).
6. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, make the following entries:
Field name Description User action and values Note
Selected set YB02-01
Short text 外观
Status 2 Released
7. Choose Save.
8. Repeat step 2 to 7 with the following entries:
Cata- Plant Selected Short text Status Usage Indicator
log set
1 1000 YB03-01 外观 2
3 1000 YB02-01 收货时使用决策 2
3 1000 YB03-01 收货时使用决策 2
Selected sets have been defined.
Selected sets for characteristic attributes have been created.
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code QS51
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SAP Best Practices Quality Management (125): Configuration Guide
Cata- Plant Sel. Set Code Code Val. Qual. Posting Stock
log Group Code Score Proposal UD Screen
3 1000 YB02-01 YB02-01 01 A 100 VMENGE01 X
3 1000 YB02-01 YB02-01 02 R 1 VMENGE04 0
3 1000 YB03-01 YB03-01 01 A 100 VMENGE01 X
3 1000 YB03-01 YB03-01 02 R 1 VMENGE04 0
Selected set codes have been defined.
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