Standby Power
Standby Power
Standby Power
603.6.2 Metal chimneys. Metal chimneys which 603.8.3 Restr ictions. Where the fire code official
are corroded or improperly supported shall be determines that burning in incinerators located
repaired or replaced. within 150 m of mountainous, brush or grass-
covered areas will create an undue fire hazard
603.6.3 Decorative shrouds. Decorative shrouds
because of atmospheric conditions, such burning
installed at the termination of factory-built
shall be prohibited.
chimneys shall be removed except where such
shrouds are listed and labeled for use with the 603.8.4 Time of bur ning. Burning shall take place
specific factory-built chimney system and are only during approved hours.
installed in accordance with the chimney
603.8.5 Discontinuance. The fire code official is
manufacturer’s instructions.
authorized to require incinerator use to be
603.6.4 Factor y-built chimneys. Existing factory- discontinued immediately if the fire code official
built chimneys that are damaged, corroded or determines that smoke emissions are offensive to
improperly supported shall be repaired or replaced. occupants of surrounding property or if the use of
incinerators is determined by the fire code official
603.6.5 Connectors. Existing chimney and vent
to constitute a hazardous condition.
connectors that are damaged, corroded or
improperly supported shall be repaired or replaced. 603.8.6 Flue-fed inciner ators in Gr oup I-2. In
Group I-2 occupancies, the continued use of
603.7 Discontinuing operation of unsafe
existing flue-fed incinerators is prohibited.
heating appliances. The fire code official is
authorized to order that measures be taken to 603.8.7 Inciner ator inspections in Gr oup I-2.
prevent the operation of any existing stove, oven, Incinerators in Group I-2 occupancies shall be
furnace, incinerator, boiler or any other heat- inspected not less than annually in accordance with
producing device or appliance found to be defective the manufacturer’s instructions. Inspection records
or in violation of code requirements for existing shall be maintained on the premises and made
appliances after giving notice to this effect to any available to the fire code official upon request
person, owner, firm or agent or operator in charge
603.9 Gas meters. Above-ground gas meters,
of the same. The fire code official is authorized to
regulators and piping subject to damage shall be
take measures to prevent the operation of any device
protected by a barrier complying with Section 312
or appliance without notice when inspection shows
or otherwise protected in an approved manner.
the existence of an immediate fire hazard or when
imperiling human life. The defective device shall SECTION 604 EMERGENCY AND
remain withdrawn from service until all necessary STANDBY POWER SYSTEMS
repairs or alterations have been made.
604.1 General. Emergency power systems and
603.7.1 Unauthorized oper ation. It shall be a standby power systems required by this code or the
violation of this code for any person, user, firm or other Saudi Building Code shall comply with
agent to continue the utilization of any device or Sections 604.1.1 through 604.1.8.
appliance (the operation of which has been
discontinued or ordered discontinued in accordance 604.1.1 Stationar y gener ator s. Stationary
with Section 603.7) unless written authority to emergency and standby power generators required
resume operation is given by the fire code official. by this code shall be listed in accordance with UL
Removing or breaking the means by which 2200.
operation of the device is prevented shall be a
violation of this code. 604.1.2 Installation. Emergency power systems
603.8 Incinerators. Commercial, industrial and and standby power systems shall be installed in
residential type incinerators and chimneys shall be accordance with the SBC 201, NFPA 70, NFPA 110
constructed in accordance with the SBC 201, SBC and NFPA 111.
501 and the SBC 1201. 604.1.3 Load tr ansfer. Emergency power systems
603.8.1 Residential inciner ator s. Residential shall automatically provide secondary power within
incinerators shall be of an approved type. 10 seconds after primary power is lost, unless
specified otherwise in this code. Standby power
603.8.2 Spar k ar r estor. Incinerators shall be
systems shall automatically provide secondary
equipped with an effective means for arresting
power within 60 seconds after primary power is lost 604.2.5 Exit signs. Emergency power shall be
unless specified otherwise in this code. provided for exit signs as required in Section
1013.6.3. The system shall be capable of powering
604.1.4 Load dur ation. Emergency power systems
the required load for a duration of not less than 90
and standby power systems shall be designed to
provide the required power for a minimum duration
of 2 hours without being refueled or recharged, 604.2.6 Gr oup I-2 occupancies. Essential
unless specified otherwise in this code. electrical systems for Group I-2 occupancies shall
be in accordance with SBC 201.
604.1.5 Uninter r uptable power source. An
uninterrupted source of power shall be provided for 604.2.7 Gr oup I-3 occupancies. Power-operated
equipment where required by the manufacturer’s sliding doors or power-operated locks for swinging
instructions, the listing, this code or applicable doors in Group I3 occupancies shall be operable by
referenced standards. a manual release mechanism at the door.
Emergency power shall be provided for the doors
604.1.6 Inter changeability. Emergency power
and locks in accordance with Section 604.
systems shall be an acceptable alternative for
installations that require standby power systems. Exceptions:
604.1.7 Gr oup I-2 occupancies. In Group I-2 1. Emergency power is not required in facilities
occupancies, where an essential electrical system is where provisions for remote locking and
located in flood hazard areas established in the unlocking of occupied rooms in Occupancy
Saudi Building Code and where new or replacement Condition 4 are not required as set forth in
essential electrical system generators are installed, the SBC 201.
the system shall be located and installed in
2. Emergency power is not required where
accordance with ASCE 24.
remote mechanical operating releases are
604.1.8 Maintenance. Existing installations shall provided.
be maintained in accordance with the original
604.2.8 Hazar dous materials. Emergency and
approval and Section 604.4.
standby power shall be provided in occupancies
604.2 Where required. Emergency and standby with hazardous materials as required in the
power systems shall be provided where required by following sections:
Sections 604.2.1 through 604.2.16.
1. Sections 5004.7 and 5005.1.5 for hazardous
604.2.1 Elevators and platfor m lifts. Standby materials.
power shall be provided for elevators and platform
2. Sections 6004.2.2.8 and 6004.3.4.2 for highly
lifts as required in Sections 607.2, 1009.4, and
toxic and toxic gases.
3. Section 6204.1.11 for organic peroxides.
604.2.2 Emer gency alar m systems. Emergency
power shall be provided for emergency alarm 604.2.9 High-r ise buildings. Standby power and
systems as required by Section 414 of the SBC 201. emergency power shall be provided for high-rise
buildings as required in Section 407 of the SBC 201,
604.2.3 Emer gency responder radio coverage
and shall be in accordance with Section 604.
systems. Standby power shall be provided for
emergency responder radio coverage systems as 604.2.10 Hor izontal sliding doors. Standby
required in Section 510.4.2.3. The standby power power shall be provided for horizontal sliding doors
supply shall be capable of operating the emergency as required in Section 1010.1.4.3. The standby
responder radio coverage system for a duration of power supply shall have a capacity to operate not
not less than 24 hours. fewer than 50 closing cycles of the door.
604.2.4 Emer gency voice/alar m communication 604.2.11 Hydr ogen fuel gas rooms.
systems. Emergency power shall be provided for Standby power shall be provided for hydrogen fuel
emergency voice/ alarm communication systems as gas rooms as required by Section 5808.7.
required in Section 907. The system shall be
604.2.12 Means of egress illumination.
capable of powering the required load for a duration
Emergency power shall be provided for means of
of not less than 24 hours, as required in NFPA 72.
egress illumination in accordance with Sections
1008.3 and 1104.5.1.
604.2.13 Membr ane str uctur es. Standby be replaced in accordance with the transfer switch
power shall be provided for auxiliary inflation manufacturer’s instructions.
systems in permanent membrane structures in
604.5 Operational inspection and testing.
accordance with Section 2702 of the SBC 201.
Emergency power systems, including all
Auxiliary inflation systems shall be provided in
appurtenant components, shall be inspected and
temporary air-supported and air-inflated membrane
tested under load in accordance with NFPA 110 and
structures in accordance with Section 3103.10.4.
NFPA 111.
604.2.14 Semiconductor fabr ication
Exception: Where the emergency power system is
facilities. Emergency power shall be provided for
used for standby power or peak load shaving, such
semiconductor fabrication facilities as required in
use shall be recorded and shall be allowed to be
Section 2703.15.
substituted for scheduled testing of the generator
604.2.15 Smoke contr ol systems. Standby set, provided that appropriate records are
power shall be provided for smoke control systems maintained.
as required in Section 909.11.
604.5.1 Tr ansfer switch test. The test of the
604.2.16 Under gr ound buildings. transfer switch shall consist of electrically operating
Emergency and standby power shall be provided in the transfer switch from the normal position to the
underground buildings as required in Section 405 of alternate position and then return to the normal
the SBC 201 and shall be in accordance with position.
Section 604.
604.6 Emergency lighting equipment.
604.3 Critical circuits. Cables used for Emergency lighting shall be inspected and tested
survivability of required critical circuits shall be in accordance with Sections 604.6.1 through
listed in accordance with UL 2196. Electrical circuit 604.6.2.1.
protective systems shall be installed in accordance
604.6.1 Activation test. An activation test of the
with their listing requirements.
emergency lighting equipment shall be completed
604.4 Maintenance. Emergency and standby monthly. The activation test shall ensure the
power systems shall be maintained in accordance emergency lighting activates automatically upon
with NFPA 110 and NFPA 111 such that the system normal electrical disconnect and stays sufficiently
is capable of supplying service within the time illuminated for not less than 30 seconds.
specified for the type and duration required.
604.6.1.1 Activation test record. Records of
604.4.1 Schedule. Inspection, testing and tests shall be maintained. The record shall include
maintenance of emergency and standby power the location of the emergency lighting tested,
systems shall be in accordance with an approved whether the unit passed or failed, the date of the test
schedule established upon completion and approval and the person completing the test.
of the system installation.
604.6.2 Power test. For battery-powered
604.4.2 Recor ds. Records of the inspection, testing emergency lighting, a power test of the emergency
and maintenance of emergency and standby power lighting equipment shall be completed annually.
systems shall include the date of service, name of The power test shall operate the emergency lighting
the servicing technician, a summary of conditions for not less than 90 minutes and shall remain
noted and a detailed description of any conditions sufficiently illuminated for the duration of the test.
requiring correction and what corrective action was
604.6.2.1 Power test record. Records of
taken. Such records shall be maintained.
tests shall be maintained. The record shall include
604.4.3 Switch maintenance. Emergency and the location of the emergency lighting tested,
standby power system transfer switches shall be whether the unit passed or failed, the date of the test
included in the inspection, testing and and the person completing the test.
maintenance schedule required by Section
604.7 Supervision of maintenance and testing.
604.4.1. Transfer switches shall be maintained free
Routine maintenance, inspection and operational
from accumulated dust and dirt. Inspection shall
testing shall be overseen by a properly instructed
include examination of the transfer switch contacts
for evidence of deterioration. When evidence of
contact deterioration is detected, the contacts shall